
Aug 1, 2019
It's fine.
Yep, because every designer gets to just kick back and do what they want without every c*nt and their dog putting their two cents in, leading to constant rework. I don't like the design but I can guarantee you some designer worked their ass off based on other people's directions.
This. Designing can be frustrating at times for this reason.


Oct 27, 2017
This is a basic-ass first-round comp at best. No way it's the final logo. I literally whipped up something similar earlier in 10sec while brainstorming logo ideas for a client.

-Le Monde-

Dec 8, 2017
Looks fine.
Not sure what more do some people want from a logo. Same thing with the ps5 logo thrashing. :P


"This guy are sick"
Dec 16, 2017
I don't mind it. Though it does remind me of the Army Exchange Logo

Wait, when the hell did they change the AAFES logo? It no longer looks like a military base service. :(


May 31, 2018
I don't mind the X but why such a generic font for Series.

There's two main reasons for this. The first is because the 'Series' aspect of the name is not the part of the brand's identity that Microsoft wants you to internalise. They want you to, before anything else, associate the 'Xbox' brand with both the main Xbox logo (the circular X) and the primary console signified (the 'X' in 'Series X'). Doing so helps them create more associations with other elements of the brand, including the 'Series' name.

For an example of another brand doing similar look at the Nintendo Switch logo:


Nintendo chose to make the actual name of the console relatively 'generic' in their logo because it wants people to associate other elements of its brand design (the Joy-Con logo and the white-on-red colour scheme) first and then the name instead of the other way around. It's very commonly seen in consumer-facing companies, with stuff like the 'McDonald's M' and the 'Nike Tick'I think part of the reason the Wii U failed is that they didn't do this as the Wii U logo places more emphasis on the 'Wii' instead of the 'U' (though I doubt even the best logo design out there could have fixed that particular brand fuck-up)

The second reason is because Microsoft wishes to present a particular brand identity, and in this I'd hazard a guess that making the 'Series' so much more 'unique' would have harmed what they were going for. To me I'd hazard a guess that they want to present Xbox as a 'premium' brand, one that knows what it's doing and offers well-designed and well-intentioned hardware and services, but also a 'neutral' brand that excludes as few people as possible. There's a ton of psychological stuff that I haven't mentioned here which would take an age to fully explain but it's safe to say that any brand identifiers, especially those from such massive companies as Microsoft, have a lot of thought put into them.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I don't really care but it is a little bland. It doesn't exactly tell you that this is a super powerful next gen console.


Oct 28, 2017
My first thought was it looks like something for a tracksuit clothing line. Surprised they decided to not highlight Xbox for the logo.
I swear, something about the Xbox brand and this forum causes some serious short circuiting.

Its still the Xbox Series X.
The Nexus is still the actual logo for the family of devices and services, it appears on the damn box and on the console itself.
This is just a logotype just like we had logotype for the Xbox One, Xbox Live, Xbox One S, Xbox One X and Xbox 360.

The application on S and X does look a lot better
But the logo on its own is quite ugly.


Its literally just text and a letter...where are you even extrapulating enough information to get to its Ugly.
The font is a non offensive sanserif font....if you said boring id be fully on board.

But Ugly?

Im guessing you think the QLED logo is also ugly?
Or are logotypes only ugly if they are from Microsoft?


Would have been better with literally any of their other logos.

This is the same as the Xbox One X this is worse than the better option?

And the Nexus isnt going anywhere, its still the Xbox family logo.
So what? It's a great design, one they've been iterating on since the PS2. Not reinventing the wheel doesn't make it bad.

Case in point, this logo does reinvent the wheel, but should it have? Should Mercedes or Ferrari change their branding with every new model? Sticking with a great, iconic design just makes sense. Unfortunately, MS has been reinventing the branding wheel every generation , so the only thing people really recognise is the family logo(the classic slanted chubby X).

Its the letter X....they reinvented the wheel?
The letter X is also on the Xbox One X....reinvented the wheel!?!?!
The Nexus logo is still the Xbox family Logo that hasnt gone away.
And the Xbox font is still there for the family of products.
But the letter X is reinventing the wheel?

Lets see MS and all their reinventing of the wheel:
OG Xbox - Super edgy first foray still learning their way.

Xbox 360 - Still remembers its from the Xbox OG but soften things up

Xbox 360 spec II - Flatten the logo as flat designs were on trend.....but again reinventing the wheel.

Xbox One - Reinvent the wheel again by flattening the logo more.

Xbox One family - Ohh man its time to really reinvent the wheel this time G_Zero will throw a fit at how much we have redesigned the logo

And for our final trick to really fuck with them.
Lets type the word Series with a modified version of the X we used on the One X.
That will really throw everyone into a fit of rage at how much we are reinventing the wheel.


How am I supposed to take you seriously!?!

The difference is that it's an iconic logo which is instantly recognisable.


Sony has one more home console than MS.
The Sony font isnt as Iconic as the PS logo.
So thats bullshit.

The X nexus id argue is also damn iconic at this stage.


May 31, 2018
I don't really care but it is a little bland. It doesn't exactly tell you that this is a super powerful next gen console.

It doesn't need to because logos are not meant to tell you exactly what that product does but create a primary indication of the brand/product's identity.

Not to compare them in quality (because, no I don't think this logo is as good as them) but things like the 'McDonalds M' and the 'Nike Swoosh' give no indication of what those brands literally are but instead give an indication of the personality and identity of those brands. In the Series X's case I think what Microsoft is going for here is to create a brand identity that exudes maturity, power, technical-prowess, etc; all the specifics about what their consoles can do come afterwards.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
Like any other logo, I'll notice it every once in a blue moon and that's it. It does remind me more of something I'd see on a cable machine as I'm doing a routine, though.


Prophet of Truth
Dec 8, 2017
There's two main reasons for this.

Thank you for your time, no I understand the reasoning...maybe generic is not the right word; I am ok with a nice boxy sans without much personality, Nintendo Switch is perfect, and i also don't mind Helvetica but tweak kerning and body at least, this looks like system default font.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Not a fan of that logo, but I'm not a fan of the name ever since it was revealed either so... I don't know. Bad combo imo.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 16, 2018
XBOX 360
XBOX 360 S
XBOX 360 E


XBOX SERIES X, and the logo can be read as XBOX IX, as in 9.


Oct 25, 2017
Nice, flip it on the side and it makes sense visually. I can see them using this to demonstrate that.


Was posted earlier in the day too.

Crazy how going 90° can really change how you feel about a design. I like this version more because the solid line is going upwards rather than down. Visually going up is better in the mind


Oct 27, 2017
I swear, something about the Xbox brand and this forum causes some serious short circuiting.

Its still the Xbox Series X.
The Nexus is still the actual logo for the family of devices and services, it appears on the damn box and on the console itself.
This is just a logotype just like we had logotype for the Xbox One, Xbox Live, Xbox One S, Xbox One X and Xbox 360.

Its literally just text and a letter...where are you even extrapulating enough information to get to its Ugly.
The font is a non offensive sanserif font....if you said boring id be fully on board.

But Ugly?

Im guessing you think the QLED logo is also ugly?
Or are logotypes only ugly if they are from Microsoft?


This is the same as the Xbox One X this is worse than the better option?

And the Nexus isnt going anywhere, its still the Xbox family logo.

Its the letter X....they reinvented the wheel?
The letter X is also on the Xbox One X....reinvented the wheel!?!?!
The Nexus logo is still the Xbox family Logo that hasnt gone away.
And the Xbox font is still there for the family of products.
But the letter X is reinventing the wheel?

Lets see MS and all their reinventing of the wheel:
OG Xbox - Super edgy first foray still learning their way.

Xbox 360 - Still remembers its from the Xbox OG but soften things up

Xbox 360 spec II - Flatten the logo as flat designs were on trend.....but again reinventing the wheel.

Xbox One - Reinvent the wheel again by flattening the logo more.

Xbox One family - Ohh man its time to really reinvent the wheel this time G_Zero will throw a fit at how much we have redesigned the logo

And for our final trick to really fuck with them.
Lets type the word Series with a modified version of the X we used on the One X.
That will really throw everyone into a fit of rage at how much we are reinventing the wheel.


How am I supposed to take you seriously!?!


Sony has one more home console than MS.
The Sony font isnt as Iconic as the PS logo.
So thats bullshit.

The X nexus id argue is also damn iconic at this stage.
This I can agree on.


May 31, 2018
Thank you for your time, no I understand the reasoning...maybe generic is not the right word; I am ok with a nice boxy sans without much personality, Nintendo Switch is perfect, and i also don't mind Helvetica but tweak kerning and body at least, this looks like system default font.

I can see what you mean, yeah. Even the Switch is more 'unique' than the Series font. But I don't think it'll hurt the brand in any meaningful way.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Seems fine, reminds me of a multiplayer emblem.

I guess it's meant to be very distinctive and obvious so you know Series X and Series S or whatever are different and not just a normal X or S, a standout logo is needed.