What will Phil announce next week?

  • Everything

    Votes: 264 30.7%
  • Most of it

    Votes: 218 25.4%
  • Something

    Votes: 199 23.2%
  • A sliver

    Votes: 94 10.9%
  • Nothing

    Votes: 73 8.5%
  • Halo 7: The Dark World

    Votes: 216 25.1%

  • Total voters
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tag reference no one gets
Oct 25, 2017
The best thing about this is now that Indy might come to PS5 we will see motion sickness the world over cured!

Agni Kai

Nov 2, 2017
As someone who hasn't have an Xbox console for 2 generations and had no plan to get one, I think this sucks.

I can't imagine how awful next gen will be with Sony having free reign over the entire high end gaming market. They can do whatever the fuck they want and that's never a good thing for any industry.

Sony right now:


The idea of a PS console without a competitor terrifies me. It's going to suck big time.


Feb 13, 2023
At this point the "Day 1 release on GamePass" isn't gonna continue, right?

If not, it would be strange if they keep that strategy but release their games on other platforms to get more money.


May 23, 2018
Damn. Only reason I'll have to keep my Xbox is to use party chat with my friends lol. They don't use discord but I'll probably jump on PlayStation next cycle. End of an era.


Sep 15, 2022
Maybe this is all some sort of controlled leak by Phil and co. to show just how much they'd be pissing off their customers by doing this vs. how little genuine excitement there is for people on other platforms to actually play MS's games, and therefor show to higher-ups and shareholders why this is a bad idea and they shouldn't do it.
It's doing the exact opposite of that though


May 12, 2022
Won't it just be business as usual for the other two?

Xbox hasn't been any kind of threat to them in years.
I mean, it was groing into a threat, now it's dead though.
It's ironic how this year would finally be the year they launch multiple games from their porfolio to start growing strong... guess the shareholders can't wait a second more.

Valve would only benefit from this with the rise of the steam deck bringing console like simplicity to pc gaming, they'd probably fill the void
PC is neutral ground, Sony might go into massive levels of anti-consummer bullshit though.


Oct 28, 2017
I'll be honest for just a 6 month delay, I'm happy to just own one console and not bother buying Xbox hardware. So it's a win for me.

I can't say I've been blown away by Xbox or ps5 software this gen so I'd already decided in scaling back hardware purchasing next generation to only one of the two. It would probably have been Xbox but happy to go ps6 and just wait for the games I want.


Nov 1, 2017
The industry can't sustain 3 console platforms. It just can't. Sony and Nintendo are great global platform holders and maybe they'll get complacent at some point but gaming will be fine. Microsoft games will do well on PS/switch and more people will get to enjoy these games. Microsoft will push into the cloud with gamepass.

PC and mobile are growing like wildfire while home console/portable is stagnant but still huge. Every gamer can get a ps5/switch2 and have access to all the great games out there (pc too). It's a win win win.

A sad day but also a happy one.
Oct 25, 2017
I'll just play them on PC gamepass like usual but it's good there may be PS options down the road if video card prices keep being nuts

If Sony and Nintendo increase hardware prices too then it'll suck.....


Oct 25, 2017
Hi-Fi I expected but Starfield??? Wow.

One thing I can say about MS, they aren't afraid to try new strategies. I am really curious how they view the future of Xbox hardware, because between GamePass on PC and now this, it seems like they really don't care if they sell any units.


Mar 9, 2022
How is competition in a market shrinking ever a good thing?
It's not and I agree that competition is vital for high quality games but Xbox seems to have given up. They're not interested anymore. At least one good aspect will be that we won't have as
Much console warring anymore.


Oct 27, 2017
On the one hand, people having access to games on their preferred platform is good, on the other, less competition in the console space will be bad. Glad that I've primarily gone PC + Nintendo at this point.


Oct 28, 2017
This is the dream and hopefully Sony would work with MS to get something implemented. No doub it would cost Xbox a chunk of change though.

What motivation would Sony have to do this, even if they were offered a big chunk of money? They want people on their system.

The same goes for Game Pass - much of it includes 3rd party content. Why would Sony/another platform holder want another company to offer a service like that on their console (for 30% of the revenue)?


Oct 27, 2017
having invested so much in the Xbox ecosystem already this won't move the needle for me in terms of which console I buy next gen . I vastly prefer the Xbox ecosystem to Sonys and its feature set (quick resume , cloud saves etc)

So long as they continue to invest in making hardware and the gamepass ecosystem I will be happy . Maybe they will do a 1 year exclusive on alot of their first party games who knows.

The more players that can enjoy hifi rush , sea of thieves and other amazing games the better .


Oct 25, 2017
I think this will happen regardless to be honest, like I don't think the PS5 will be close to being tapped out by the time we get a PS6. And AAA budgets are already at a breaking point, so is it even smart for anyone but like a handful of developers to even try and push beyond that? Like Rockstar can because their game will make a billion in a day, the pristine 1st party studio like a Naughty Dog probably can as you can't really put a price on a system seller, but anyone else? Not really.
Yeah I agree and honestly hope its the case. There has to be ceiling with the spending.


Mar 28, 2018
I honestly expected it'd take them longer to port games. Not gonna lie, with my current backlog, Im more likely to just wait for the games and play everything via PS5 instead of via Xbox. Not that Im complaining (far from it!) but this whole thing seems nuts IF TRUE. Kinda eliminates my need to ever get another Xbox.
I'm right there with ya, especially so with the likelyhood of Xbox going digital only in the future.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Just waking up, so apologies in advance.

At what point has anybody said no more Xbox hardware?
No one... yet...

But if Microsoft is putting everything on other platforms it seems unlikely that they would be able to justify the hefty investments required to make new hardware

Why would anyone stay on xbox? ~ year of exclusivity and gamepass???

I 100% would stay on Xbox. I might be some anomaly, but I'm not a fan of PS exclusives or their controllers. I really like the Xbox controller, especially the Elite (even with all it's issues).

I'm a very social gamer, most of the games I play are popular MP games like Rocket League, Diablo 4 and Warzone.

I did buy a PS4 to play through TloU but I gave the console away after. The console just wasn't for me.
Jun 8, 2018
The most heartbreaking thing about this is now Sony can have their way in ANY rules in the gaming industry. The reason why they reneged on their stances of cross play and subscription services was because Microsoft was there to challenge them.

Microsoft was the one thing that kept "Arrogant Sony" in check.


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
I can confirm that Kinect is also being revived for PlayStation and Switch.

Kinect Sports is the first title being ported


Oct 25, 2017
Man, I literally bought my first Xbox since 360 in 2023...I guess it's just a new age in the hardware game.


Oct 27, 2017
I hope there will be some kind of new Xbox Hardware in the future. Losing my digital library of digital backwards compatible Games would suck hard.


Oct 25, 2017
Gaming is so FOMO based that this "wait 6 months" exclusivity window seems like they'll be leaving money on the table. Imagine the hype for the PS games on PC releasing day and date with PS5. They'd sell way more than the modest numbers they do after the hype has worn off.

However, day and date releases really negates any reason for Xbox hardware to exist so they're kind of in a pickle.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
I'll be very, very surprised if we don't hear from Microsoft tomorrow. They don't even have to confirm which games are coming to PlayStation and which aren't, but they surely have to say something?


Feb 13, 2023
Phil Spencer should resign. Xbox hardware has been betrayed and the fans have been lied to about the exclusivity of the software they anticipate will justify their purchases.

Hyperbole aside, I'd say it's quite likely he is being overruled by his Microsoft overlords in this decision. He was against porting more games to Switch after Ori 2 iirc.
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