You can only watch one.

  • Avengers: Endgame

  • Game of Thrones Season 8

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Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Superhero merch ALWAYS sells more than the next 20 things combined. My 2 year old has a Captain Anerica toy figure which he loves btw. But no clue what the Avengers or the movies are naturally.
Of course, but I dunno how you can claim that Avengers hype is only from Era echo chambers, when again, trailers got more views, theater sites got destroyed when tickets went up, and so on.
I guess technically you're right. Although you forgot to count Bucky for the MCU and Coulson if TV counts. But, GoT has had more deaths.
Right, I did forget Bucky.
Not counting Coulson on this, cause Mr. Feige doesn't either.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
I'm always stunned at the sheer amount of people interested in these comicbook movies. It's barely a blip on the radar over here.


Nov 9, 2017
Not really. The hype levels has been through the roof since pretty much the whole last year and went into overdrive as soon as the first teaser for S8 hit. I mean - my wife's friends are trying to organize a trip to Ireland to go see one of the filming locations. This is extremely nutty behavior. Oh and let's not forget GoT sigil cookies, custom GoT mugs, etc.

I'm not saying that people aren't hyped for Game of Thrones Season 8 or that it isn't even disproportionately large amounts of hype, I'm just saying that you have to keep in mind that a large part of that is that right now it is the Next Big Thing. Two weeks from now, it will no longer be the Next Big Thing, and a vast quantity of that hype will transfer onto the next Next Big Thing, which is almost certainly going to be Endgame. That's how the media cycle works.

Like, my roommates had a Harry Potter themed party with House banners and costumes and all kinds of drek when Magical Beasts came out, then a week later no one even cared about that movie anymore. To the general public the status of something being the next major media event eclipses everything else, but also fades incredibly quickly. There will always be the hardcore fans who want to go to New Zealand to visit Hobbiton, but that doesn't mean Lord of the Rings is still attracting the same amount of public hype as it was a week before it came out, yeah?


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
I can easily give both a pass. But I'd rather watch GoT as I'm curious about the ending. Don't really care about Endgame, if I'm watching it, it would be only for the spectacles.


Oct 25, 2017
As someone who hasn't consumed anything released by either franchise in like 5-6 years, I'm much more curious to hear about what happens in Avengers. As a franchise that's been fairly predictable up until now, it's exciting to finally get a movie that'll have huge consequences for the series.

GoT on the other hand I feel has been moving in the opposite direction. It used to feel like a subversion of fantasy stories that played with expectations, but has now fallen in line with all the cliches and tropes. I haven't watched an episode since a certain rape scene in season 5, but I feel I could probably tell you the ending of the story and get almost all of it right.


Oct 25, 2017
No. No.

I abstain from this sick game. Just imagining a world where I can only have one or the other is giving me extreme anxiety.


Oct 28, 2017
As someone who hasn't consumed anything released by either franchise in like 5-6 years, I'm much more curious to hear about what happens in Avengers. As a franchise that's been fairly predictable up until now, it's exciting to finally get a movie that'll have huge consequences for the series.

GoT on the other hand I feel has been moving in the opposite direction. It used to feel like a subversion of fantasy stories that played with expectations, but has now fallen in line with all the cliches and tropes. I haven't watched an episode since a certain rape scene in season 5, but I feel I could probably tell you the ending of the story and get almost all of it right.

Do you mind saying how you think GoT will end? I'm curious as I read through the spoiler thread yesterday and it's not completely off base but I was pretty surprised at some of what has been confirmed and what seems to be likely.


Oct 25, 2017
In an ideal world GoT, but its trending to be a disappointing shit show. I want to see Endgame but I wouldnt say I'm excited in the hyperbolic sense. There's just so many of these samey marvel movies for me to have anything but surface level feelings. It's getting the nod by default for me.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
End Game because I've not seen any of GoT. I've always wanted to read the books first too...for like the past 5 years or more. Might be time to give up on those aspirations.

EDIT: Still very, very excited for end game. I don't think of the Marvel movies as anything other then fun entertaining romps; but Infinity War kept me more interested than any Marvel movie recently and while I went into Infinity War with no expectations and modest interest, I'm going into End Game with much greater interest and renewed excitement.


Oct 26, 2017
Have a feeling neither will be all the satisfying of a ending. But GoT I guess, don't plan on watching Endgame anytime soon anyway.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't care much about either, but I've seen all the MCU movies up until now so might as well see it through.


Oct 26, 2017
I only watched the first Avengers movie and the popularity of that stuff is basically the equivalent of Smash on gaming side to me: A myth.
Oct 27, 2017
End Game will be a predictable mess with your typical run of the mill cliche ending. GoT will be a lot of twist and turns. So GoT it is.

I've seen pretty much all MCU movies in theaters over these past 10 years and have always had a great time watching them.

GoT, I don't have HBO so I wouldn't really watch it live unless I went to someone's place to watch. I don't really have any loyalty to the series so missing out and just reading reactions is fine with me.


Dec 7, 2017

MCU make for decent disaster films with the odd genuinely entertaining one thrown in. I did not care for infinity war.


Oct 25, 2017
Fan of both, but it's Endgame and it's not even close. GoT hasn't been great for a few seasons now.


Oct 27, 2017
Eh, up until this point, Game of Thrones has had more resurrections.

But they've also killed some very major characters.

Marvel is basically going to resurrect every major character that was "killed" by the snap, lets face it.

I mean it would be cool if they could go even 2-3 years honoring that ending in Infinity War but really the only reason the Russo's were allowed to do it is because they know the issue is resolved a year later. And the comic book set the precedent for it as well.

To be honest the "snap" didn't even kill any of the original/main Avengers cast, which is awfully convenient, lol.


Nov 2, 2017
Endgame, GoT has been a disappointment since season 5, no reason to think this season won't disappoint.

Donald Draper

Feb 2, 2019
By far game of thrones because I genuinely have no idea how it is going to end.

Like most superhero films, I feel like I can already guess what's going to happen to end game.

Deleted member 48434

User requested account closure
Oct 8, 2018
Maybe one day I will get around to watching all of GoT in one sitting, but for now?
"Political drama and incest! And killing off all the characters you like!"
Blech. Political drama is wack.
You couldn't pay me to watch such trash.
Last edited:


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Even at its weakest, GoT all the way. Far more interesting, better written and better shot than the entirety of the MCU.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Game of Thrones. Because I know most people will survive the Endgame.

I have no idea if ANYONE will survive the Winds of Winter.