
Nov 25, 2018

Enjoy all these abilities and weapons (Also, you'll get the bad ending if you kill anyone.)


Three Witcher games I've tried. And three games I've bounced off because Geralt has a weird face and an annoying voice.
I had the same experience with Dishonoured. I also didn't like the feeling of playing a clunky, stealth bioshock.
Oct 31, 2017
I can't think of any "ridiculous" or "irrational" reason for deciding to quit a game. Stuff like hating the art style, character designs, controls, pacing, etc. are all rational. Yeah maybe some of it is "shallow" but we're all shallow. No one is going to play a game they find outright ugly and if there's something non-adjustable that keeps annoying the player.

As for a game turning me off before I decide to buy it, if a game already has enough minor infractions, if I watch a clip and there's ONE mention of "friendship" it's a no-buy for me. Like Xenoblade Chronicles 2


The Wise Ones
Oct 28, 2017
I thought Horizon: Zero Dawn was the most mediocre game I played. Open world, check. Enemy forts to liberate, check. Hunting animals to gather resources, check. Crafting system for everything, check. Subpar combat that makes you look like a badass while only pushing the counter button, check.


Meg Cherry

Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
I dropped off Horizon: Zero Dawn because it came out at the same time as BotW, and I couldn't get over the former's lack of wall climbing.

Eventually I came back to it, but the inability to just scale any mountain that stood in my path made me completely wash my hands of the game.


50¢ - "This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
I bounced off Fortnite because my coworkers play it and constantly bring up whatever stupid season event bullshit is happening and I'm forced to act like I care/know what they're talking about to promote office harmony.

also the shooting mechanics are fucking abysmal and I hate my coworkers


One Winged Slayer
Jan 1, 2018
I put down Xenoblade X after I unintentionally walked in the aggro range of a high-level giant enemy early on and died super quickly. Never picked it back up after that. I didn't really have a problem with it in Xenoblade 1 (I usually was able to avoid those enemies anyway) but when it happened in Xenoblade X, it really irked me for some reason.


Aug 4, 2018
I bounced off Guild Wars 2 twice because while the art direction wasn't totally my thing and the writing in the early game is meh, I just couldn't stand the typeface used in game. I really WANT to like Guild Wars 2. But something about the typeface I see every time I enter a new area makes it To me. Guess I'll stick w FFXIV


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I dropped off Horizon: Zero Dawn because it came out at the same time as BotW, and I couldn't get over the former's lack of wall climbing.

Eventually I came back to it, but the inability to just scale any mountain that stood in my path made me completely wash my hands of the game.

This totally happened to me too with comparing Zelda and Horizon. I only just now went back to Horizon to finally finish it. Though I'm feeling a bit of the same feeling now after playing a lot of AC: Odyssey where you can similarly climb everything. Puttering about at the bottom of a cliff is still fairly annoying.

I think I'll be okay this time because over the years I've gotten to where I can just mainline the story and ignore the open world stuff, but it still stings a bit.
Oct 31, 2017
I thought Horizon: Zero Dawn was the most mediocre game I played. Open world, check. Enemy forts to liberate, check. Hunting animals to gather resources, check. Crafting system for everything, check. Subpar combat that makes you look like a badass while only pushing the counter button, check.

I haven't played Horizon (and I never will), but I raise you a Shadow of Mordor. Generic as f u c k and the combat is all QTE and automation.


Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
I don't think that's a bug. If you ever start a fight with NPCs around, some of the NPCs (including chickens) will attack you. This includes fights that were started by the mission scripting too.
I know, I was saying that happened plus the game was bugging out on me a bit. Both happened at the same time. Usually you learn to live with a hint of Assassins Creed jank, which somehow is always present at least a bit..

In this games defense though.. AC origins and odyssey have felt more polished a bit than the ones beforehand. but you know, there is still a hint of usual jankyness or buggyness in instances.
Oct 20, 2018
I dropped Tomb Raider (2013) because of the creepy torture animations for Lara and also because I found the overall game to be really boring. Went back and played the previous trilogy and enjoyed those games way more.

Also, can we consider what-if scenarios? Because if so, had I not known that you only get the green tunic in BotW after doing every shrine and bought a OoT Link amiibo before playing the game, I would've likely dropped it as soon as I realized that I wouldn't be able to get it normally during the game. I like that tunic way too much for me to want to play a Zelda game with anything else. Voice acting also made me consider dropping it various times during my playthrough, really hope they make it optional somehow for the next game.

Emerald Hawk

Dec 12, 2017
New Jersey
In Ocarina of time and Skyward sword I dropped the game after losing to the final boss a couple of times.
I don't think it's irrational to bounce off a game because it's too hard or repetitive, and you already experienced 95% of it.

Here's why I bounced off of Skyward Sword:
One of the first simple puzzles in the starting village is a flying store, that you can't get to because it is too high up. There's a bell I guess you are supposed to ring with a slingshot I didn't have yet. However, the first ability you get is the ability to summon a Giant Bird (Loftwing) that can fly you anywhere. You can even fly above the village, re-enter it from above, and float down close to but not quite on top of the flying store. WHY? Why can't I just land on the freaking store?!? I went down to the surface and fought a few enemies but it just didn't hold my interest after that.


God help us the mods are making weekend threads
Jul 30, 2018
United States
What I mean is that style of game is just done far too much nowadays. Far Cry, Shadow of Mordor, Watch Dogs, etc. Of course I've liked some of those games quite a bit, but I felt H:ZD didn't expand on any of it.

Edit: Realized you bolded the sentence about combat. I still didn't think it was that good, too similar to Shadow of Mordor or the Arkham games.


Oct 27, 2017
I quit the new Spider-Man after the first act because I was enjoying the game a great deal and didn't want the open world bloat to tarnish the experience, which I knew it would.


Oct 25, 2017
I bounced off Fortnite when I found out it had building mechanics. Shooting at an enemy and them building a starcase or a wall in their face was too much for me.

Nioh when I learned about the loot mechanics of the game and found out that it didn't have an interconnected world.

The Division for having normal non-superhuman/non-power armored enemies as damage sponges. Shooting at someones naked face for 35k a pop was just jarring.

Lukemia SL

Jan 30, 2018
Lol someone told me earlier in the thread and I'm super excited about it. Not that it was killing my enjoyment of the game but I avoided it unless I had an hour minimum to play.

I didn't get to that part of the thread then lol.
I think you should get back on it, the game isn't too long and is really well done and has its moments.
I don't blame you with the save system though, even though I know it has a background saving system I still use the cassette machine to save.


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't get to that part of the thread then lol.
I think you should get back on it, the game isn't too long and is really well done and has its moments.
I don't blame you with the save system though, even though I know it has a background saving system I still use the cassette machine to save.

Thanks, I definitely plan to!
Nov 1, 2017
La-Mulana 2

I'm too stupid to make more progress and accidentally activated hard mode, screwing myself further. 53 hours in and I may need to restart, paying more attention this time.

Admiral Woofington

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
LMAO at the dude who couldnt handle a game of fucking Gwent in Witcher 3 you can literally skip to end so he stopped playing entirely AHAHAHAHA


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
Took me a long time to finish Phoenix Wright 2 because I didn't want to win the trials against Franziska, she's the best char.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 26, 2017
My interest in fantasy RPGs drops drastically if they don't have orcs as a playable race.

I feel like with this post there is very little chance you haven't played Of Orcs and Men, but just checking.

It's been a while since I was there, but I'm pretty sure you have to play a game against Gaunter O'Dimm in the tavern at the beginning. It's a tutorial, more or less, but it is required to advance, as he provides information pertaining to the main quest line.

Ya I do remember that. I had my instantly win gwent console command ready to paste through the entirety of the game.


The Wise Ones
Oct 28, 2017
What I mean is that style of game is just done far too much nowadays. Far Cry, Shadow of Mordor, Watch Dogs, etc. Of course I've liked some of those games quite a bit, but I felt H:ZD didn't expand on any of it.

Edit: Realized you bolded the sentence about combat. I still didn't think it was that good, too similar to Shadow of Mordor or the Arkham games.
Horizon doesn't have a counter mechanic. Thats what I'm confused about


Nov 15, 2017
No i will not play your game if i have to play in a specific fashion to get the best ending

Good thing (for me personally) Deltarune doesnt appear to do the same thing


Oct 25, 2017
I can't play Binding of Issac because I can't stand its art style. It feels like somebody trying to make something based on what a 14 year old would make, only trying entirely too hard. Can't really get into any other Team Meat games for the same reason.
Nov 4, 2017
I gave up on FFXIII because of the god awful unnatural dialog and boring ass plot.

I uninstalled Rise of the Tomb Raider after several hours when i realised the whole fucking thing would take place in snow. I got real tired of looking at white terrain.

I'm enjoy elements of RE4 but any kind of combat with Zombies just makes me groan and feels like a chore as they're bullet sponges, soak up ammo reserves because there's no way to one shot kill them.

Dropped Uncharted: Lost Legacy because of that fricking open world fetch quest in the Western Ghats, wtf. Sometimes i just want streamlined linearity. I hate it when large maps are shoehorned into games when it's just not fun.


Oct 28, 2017
I stopped playing botw when i got tp the town with that girl that was ageing backwards. The "squealing" they used for her voice. Immediately made me shut the game off. In fact i dont think ive even played my switch since then.

Honestly how are people able to deal with that garbage?


User requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
It's been a while since I was there, but I'm pretty sure you have to play a game against Gaunter O'Dimm in the tavern at the beginning. It's a tutorial, more or less, but it is required to advance, as he provides information pertaining to the main quest line.
Nah, there's an optional scholar in first inn when you're trying to interrogate npcs for yennefer location. But I don't think they force you to speak with that npcs and even then when he asks you to play gwent at the end of convo and you can refuse immediately


Oct 25, 2017
I stopped playing Golf Story because of the awful, AWFUL Music.

It's an Awsome GB mario golf clone with good story and missions. But the music is HORRIBLE.
Oct 27, 2017
It almost happened with Resi 5.

I don't like huge insects in mah vidya games (EDF looks like a fun unapologetically video gamey series that i would probably like but i can't get passed the building sized insects)

Resi 5 was my first resi game so i already had reservations about it being scary and all that considering that's what the series is known for.

Got through about 80% of the game with no scares and i was thoroughly enjoying my time with it. Then there's a level where you're in a factory and you get introduced to this big ass cockroach looking enemy. I was immediately startled as this thing saunters towards you. It getting a little too close for comfort so i do a quick turn and book it to get some space. Well, anyone who's played resident evil knows that the enemies are programmed to run towards to you to close the space and keep tensions high. So when i turn back around, the fucking bug is scurrying on the floor like a literal got damn cockroach. My anxiety is at the ceiling.

So i stand my ground and try to fight the thing and i can't kill it before it gets to me and i'm think it's just going to do a regular swipe/grab like the other enemies do but oh no. This fucking thing grabs you and the camera cuts to a first person view of this big ass cockroach staring you down as it stabs you with it's limbs. I'm surprised i didn't completely shit myself but i died like 2 more times to that one bug and everytime i did i had to look away from the screen.

Ok i killed it, I can go on with the rest of the level right? No big deal? Well no, because to advance through the rest of the level, there are a ton of sacks that are hanging from the ceiling that these things burst out from and in perfect horror fashion, not every sack you approach is gonna have a bug that pops out. If you're paying attention you can tell which sacks have bugs in them because they will twitch as you approach it. I died a few more times to these things and combined but the jump scares of them popping out of the sacks, i put the game down for like 3 days.

Ironically enough this is pretty much right at the end of the game and once you beat this level, they only show up once more towards the very end. I'm so happy they show up as late as they do because if they showed up earlier in the game, i'd just be paranoid the whole time that they'd be in every subsequent encounter


Oct 27, 2017
Dead Rising 1 & 2 - I don't like timers. I know I shouldn't be playing them in the first place, but it's zombies. ;)


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
All the Ocarina of Time talk reminded me of why I bounced off that game: I got to a point where you're supposed to collect a bunch of chickens as a side quest. I got pretty wrapped up in that side quest but could not figure out how to get half the chickens, and stopped playing.


Oct 30, 2017
Stopped playing Hollow Knight because at some point I couldn't stand not knowing where to go, or which area to revisit in order to put a new ability to use. I realize I didn't even play a lot of it.

Loved Bloodborne, but here I just lost patience for some reason.