
Oct 30, 2017
Is it me or does Ojamaless Chazz spawn really often? I want his 4 star dragon, but I'm getting everything except that card lol.
For what I've noticed he only does it if you play ranked matches, he wasn't spawning for me at all yesterday so i played 3 ranked games and sure enough he spawned four times back to back.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I'm tinkering with a Dakini/BLS deck, but without Senjus I have to be creative with the requirements and workarounds. The concept is to use Gateway to Chaos to search for BLS/Swift Gaia and the Ritual Spells, and using BLS' materials to summon Dakini.

Gaia+A/D Changer and Jain+Dark Blade are my Tributes for BLS through Super Soldier Synthesis, and then the same combinations from the GY can be used to summon Dakini using Machine Angel Absolute Ritual. My main problem right now is that I don't have a way of searching for Dakini. I'm testing Cyber Petit Angel right (although I only have one for now) but for it to have synergy with the Deck, I need a Level 6 DARK Warrior monster to go with it and... I can't find anything worthwhile.

I'm also testing a self milling version with That Grass looks Greener and Monster reincarnation, which helps dump anything I don't want in my hand to the GY and also puts an additional counter on Gateway. This one runs better and I'm actually thinking about replacing Dark Blade with 2 Diamond Dude and 1 Decisionguy (and maybe 1 Fear Monger) for a chance to hit Monster Reincarnation and Magical Stone Excavation, plus That Grass too.

What do you guys think? Any cards I should consider?


Oct 27, 2017
Man I can't seem to get a single 4 star dragon from chazz, my winning rate is quite high against him and I get 8k+ assessment whenever I win but I have gotten 0 piercing dragons :( while I got lv10 x4, XYZ fusion x7, despair x5, lv5 x3, lv7 x22, lv3 x21 ....

I just want the 4 star dragon qq

Edit: Just now 1 dropped but man.. how can it be so hard, just 2 to go

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Oct 30, 2017
I'm tinkering with a Dakini/BLS deck, but without Senjus I have to be creative with the requirements and workarounds. The concept is to use Gateway to Chaos to search for BLS/Swift Gaia and the Ritual Spells, and using BLS' materials to summon Dakini.

Gaia+A/D Changer and Jain+Dark Blade are my Tributes for BLS through Super Soldier Synthesis, and then the same combinations from the GY can be used to summon Dakini using Machine Angel Absolute Ritual. My main problem right now is that I don't have a way of searching for Dakini. I'm testing Cyber Petit Angel right (although I only have one for now) but for it to have synergy with the Deck, I need a Level 6 DARK Warrior monster to go with it and... I can't find anything worthwhile.

I'm also testing a self milling version with That Grass looks Greener and Monster reincarnation, which helps dump anything I don't want in my hand to the GY and also puts an additional counter on Gateway. This one runs better and I'm actually thinking about replacing Dark Blade with 2 Diamond Dude and 1 Decisionguy (and maybe 1 Fear Monger) for a chance to hit Monster Reincarnation and Magical Stone Excavation, plus That Grass too.

What do you guys think? Any cards I should consider?

Have you considered Dasher?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Have you considered Dasher?

I actually tried Dasher, but now that I think about it, I didn't give him a fair chance. I'm going to try again when I get a second Cyber Petit Angel, but in my test duels, I found his effect to not be that useful in this deck.

I think the best use for it would be to use it to SS Cyber Petit Angel, searching for Dakini and then using Absolute Ritual using both Dasher and the CPA to summon her, but that requires both having Dasher in the GY and drawing CPA. But now that I think about it, I might replace Dark Blade Captain (which I have just because is the strongest LV4 DARK Warrior I have) with D-Heroes and try to make something out of it...
Fear Monger can revive Dasher to have a beatstick, Decisionguy to retrieve either Dasher or Fear Monger for rituals, protection from LV6+ and from burn in a pinch, and maybe Diamond Dude to hit a lucky Monster Reincarnation, Grass or Magical Stone Excavation, plus Fear Monger and Decisionguy ties the theme together, in one way or another.

Thanks a lot!


Oct 25, 2017


If you want to do good with duel links auto battles make a beater deck with 1800+ monsters, 2-3 Wall of D/Mirror Walls,1 metal morph,2 Super Rush Head Long and a Econ or 2.

So im done with the Chazz event it was nice going from rng shit hole lottery to an easy event.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017


I hate setting the game to auto when I use Gladiator Beasts, as the AI always goes for Essedarii no matter the circumstance, and in my Fusion decks it goes out of its way to summon the strongest when other options are better at the time.


So, update on the Ritual deck I'm working on. I tried Dasher and the D-Heroes, that seemed nice in theory, but in practice, they were really lackluster. I returned to the drawing board and re-checked my collection. I found Dawn Knight, which is a Level 4 LIGHT Warrior that seems interesting, as it can dump Dakini if sent from the field and return her to the top if send from the Deck, which happens a lot with Grass and triple Jain. It seems interesting, in theory and has better synergy with the deck than the D-Heroes, and running more Warriors means that I can use non-Warrior Level 4 DARK Monsters, especially Card Guard of which I have two and I've wanted to use for a while, other than Doom Shaman decks.

I still need another Dawn Knight, though.


Oct 30, 2017
Damn! those new aroma cards are legit! especially their field spell
I try mixing them up with my old plants deck and it worked way better than what I was expecting
I think I'm gonna replace all botanical girls with Rosemary's once I get all 3.
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Oct 27, 2017
Man the new box can't come soon enough. I'm debating whether to open galactic packs for starting a saffira CA deck (I got 1 saffira already but got no senju so would need that as well) or wait for new box and see if there's something op there. Also I'm tempted to go for generation next for a floodgate (I got 0) and other Staples but I really got big urges to play CA deck (no idea if it's fun to play even but is op).

I know u can make saffira work with 1 senju so it shouldn't be too expensive to get that at least but getting 2 more saffiras might be real expensive.

So far I got no archetype deck, I just play ranked with a beatdown deck with 1 BEWD and lot of backrow, I do good in gold but when I move to platinum I really start struggling lol, I want a CA deck but that new box should come soon and that makes me hesitant to try and go for it :/. I don't think I could wait more than 2 weeks tho, I want to start building.other deck soon, decisions decisions..

I could.make a gb deck while searching for saffira but I find gb so boring :/, just missing the 2100 effect beater and 1 protection trap (forgot name) and it's.done but meh (although missing floodgates)

Only got 5k gems so I can't spend blindly, being poor sucks :(
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Nov 3, 2017
I finished Odion's stage missions and unlocked his Chain Reaction skill and now I'm focusing on upgrading Mako's deck. Also, I need to find more counter trap cards to finally unlock Pegasus.


Nov 1, 2017
the Bay Area
I really need to get back into this game. I finally switched my account from my old Android to my current iPhone and was really putting a lot of idle time into the game again. After a while, though, I get bored and would rather play real YGO or on YGOPro or something lol.


Oct 30, 2017
Go with what you want for the first few levels, people aren't really prepared. I used a makeshift Warrior deck and cruised to Level 6.

EDIT: I may try and snag Restart on a character and go with Legendary Ocean and see how far that can get me.
Yugi Muto Bandit Keith and Bonz learn restart at level 20 in case you don't know.

Professor Beef

Official ResetEra™ Chao Puncher
Oct 25, 2017
The Digital World


Oct 25, 2017
Man, I was on pretty good win streak up until level 10 in the KC Cup, then 4 losses in a row.
Guess I'll take a break for a while.

Also, kinda wondering when the next box comes out?
Someone on reddit datamined the next Duel Quiz challenges and looks like the next box is Water and Archfiends.


Oct 29, 2017
Radiant Mirror is so situational I would hesitate to use it. Also it really pays to be defensive in this game. Threw a match after attacking into Wall of Disruption when he could have attacked into my wall of Disruption lol.

Probably just gonna get prizes and not bother with KC cup.


Nov 3, 2017
If you've missed out the roaming events involving Bonz and Arkana, are there any other ways to gain access to these characters?


Oct 26, 2017
If you've missed out the roaming events involving Bonz and Arkana, are there any other ways to gain access to these characters?
I don't know about Arkana but I believe Konami scheduled events said Bonz is coming back to the gates soon sometimes the middle of February. You should be able to unlock him as a character as well as duel him at the gate when it comes.


Oct 27, 2017
Man I've faced 3 Saffira CA decks in the KC cup so far and I've beaten 2 of those with having a good backrow (e control, mirror wall, WoD), they run too many ritual spells and no defensive backrow (besides GY ritual), I wonder if just having backrow is what's needed to beat them or they just weren't optimized/lucky :thinking:. They should add storm to that deck or AMA to prevent backrow shenanigans lol. If they get a buffed dakini out is pretty much gg tho unless I get a god backrow in place.

Every time I see one saffira deck I get scared shitless lol, I been lucky so far I guess I reached dlv10 with just my beatdown deck. Im really missing some floodgates though so I might go for generation next after all but will still wait a bit. Also this past matches I've really taken in appreciation how good mirror wall is, the ability to keep it up for 1 more turn paying 2k extra has really saved a lot of my recent games, until now I thought WoD was superior but now I realize they both really useful and mirror wall might be more useful in most cases mm
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