
Oct 25, 2017
Lmao. Oh wow this is hilarious, sort of disturbing (like the original), an incredible all at once.


Oct 27, 2017
Lol this guy will never stop being nothing but shit.

He might be already blacklisted in the industry, I wonder what he's expecting with this...


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
This dude was insufferable since fucking forever. I feel for the poor souls that had to work under him


Oct 27, 2017
It would be hilarious if he would get another lawsuit against him for defamation. That's some very bold claims if he doesn't have any concrete evidence.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
"They forged evidence against me!" - man who sloppied erased people from photos if he didn't like them

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Reminder that the narrative that Yuji Naka was trying to push was that everyone he worked with hated him and was plotting against him

Like that's how he tried to make himself look favourable, by saying nobody he worked with liked him.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
For those unfamiliar, here's a good video that goes into what a dick Yuji Naka is. He goes into it in the section entitled "tell him to fuck off"

View: https://youtu.be/lixTJBSJTzY?t=824

(When this was posted a lot of Sonic fans were wary because of the title, but it's actually positive on Sonic Adventure.)
Oct 25, 2017
He lost the lawsuit against SE because literally nobody at SE and Arzest wanted to work with him. He was demanding people to work for free after delaying the game, to work on weekends, tried to walk back marketing contracts, etc.

He pissed off every department including the fucking sound team.

How offensive of a man do you have to be to piss off the audio department?


Oct 26, 2017
For those unfamiliar, here's a good video that goes into what a dick Yuji Naka is. He goes into it in the section entitled "tell him to fuck off"

View: https://youtu.be/lixTJBSJTzY?t=824

(When this was posted a lot of Sonic fans were wary because of the title, but it's actually positive on Sonic Adventure.)

It's weird how he avoids mentioning that the "coworker" that Naka trashed was the lead game designer of Sonic 1, 2, and 3K who has as much if not more claim to Sonic fatherhood as Naka.


Oct 27, 2017
I didn't see the previous thread/heard about this person before.
now I am not allowed to participate in this discussion?

You totally are. But not every thread needs to come with a complete back history of every detail. Especially when it's someone as notable as Yuji Naka. He's not some random programmer and this was one of the biggest stories in gaming last year. People were kind enough to fill you in. Let it rest.


Oct 26, 2017
I didn't see the previous thread/heard about this person before.
now I am not allowed to participate in this discussion?
He's one of the most famous people in the industry. If someone made a thread on off topic about Ridley Scott tweeting something would you expect the OP to have to explain who Ridley Scott is?


Oct 27, 2017
He's one of the most famous people in the industry. If someone made a thread on off topic about Ridley Scott tweeting something would you expect the OP to have to explain who Ridley Scott is?

Who's Ridley Scott and what has he done? Jeez! You can't just make a joke without providing total context. How am I supposed to understand anything I read on the internet without a complete breakdown?

(Sorry…Just being a smart ass).


Jul 25, 2021
Speaking of Yuji Naka, played some of that Wii game Rodea the Sky Soldier the other day for the first time in ages. Man that's a super cool game. Shame about the guy. Would have hoped he'd just move on.


Oct 27, 2017
I didn't see the previous thread/heard about this person before.
now I am not allowed to participate in this discussion?

Like most things these days, if you see a headline that you're like "this sounds interesting, who is this person" you just... google their name to get the cliff notes


Oct 27, 2017
I didn't see the previous thread/heard about this person before.
now I am not allowed to participate in this discussion?
Not everyone knows everything about every person/subject of a thread. It's okay.
Yuji Naka is, I'd say, pretty close to being a "public figure" in the gaming industry, though. His legal issues were discussed here at least a few times, I'm sure. I think it's fine.


Fallen One-Winged Chicken Chaser Employee Are Sick
Nov 24, 2019
Alberta, Canada
Look at that, Mr. Lahey! Yuji's back!

Not for long, Ran, cuz d'you know what I—hic—see? I see a recidivist loser, Randy. 🍸 Do you know what that is? It's someone teetering on the edge of the shit barrel.
It's an asshole that's been screwing with Trailer Park Zone for too long, Ran, and—hic—now that he 🍹 doesn't have his sexy little cronies anymore—the Oshimas and Julians of the world—I think it's about time he get gets a little trip back to con college.
He's taken a flying dive all the way down the shit barrel. We don't even have to do anything! Don't you see?

Looks like he's coming towards us, Mr. Lahey.
Just tell him to fuck off, Ran.
Last edited:


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 29, 2017
How the mighty fall. If Balan Wonderbra wasn't bad enough he's scrapping the bottom of a barrel now. Sad
Oct 25, 2017
Was Naka every really good? Guy was a programmer with aspirations of being a designer/director really right? How much of the success of the games he worked on is due to him and not despite him? how much did he to do cause pso? ps4?

Always though guys like Yu Suzuki were miles ahead of him.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Was Naka every really good? Guy was a programmer with aspirations of being a designer/director really right? How much of the success of the games he worked on is due to him and not despite him? how much did he to do cause pso? ps4?

Always though guys like Yu Suzuki were miles ahead of him.
He was a very good programmer, as I understand it. Sega definitely wanted him there if they were giving him cars to stay.

That said, being a programmer is a very specific function. A lot of Sonic's popularity comes from things like the look and sound of the series, which he didn't do and wasn't the person to envision.

He also had a lot of sway in Sega's direction over the years, although being that so much of Sega's history has been fighting with itself walking into walls, you'd probably have to have a more knowledgeable person than I to say whether or not that's a good thing.