
May 24, 2019
So op comes in and starts a thread based off a wild, uneducated, opinionated, stereotypical, incorrect ideas about millennials before abandoning the thread and leaving it for millennials to come in and fix the problem.
Yes this feels right.
😂😂😂😂😂, shut the thread down. This is perfect.
Jul 26, 2018
I'm a 90's kid, though technology adoption was kind of late in my case given economic constraints, and I definitely don't find anything of interest in sidescrollers, platformers, shootem ups, fighting games, arcade-like games.


Oct 27, 2017
Boomers are older and have a nickname. You just don't matter. That's something at least. So insignificant we can't be bothered to care about!
Well now I'm not sure how to feel.
Not only don't I get a cool nickname, I'm just insignificant and flat out don't matter.
Lol, keep the punches coming internet.

Any other insignificant crusties lurking in this thread.


Oct 25, 2017
Umeå, Sweden

Honestly, while I appreciate old games, their achievments and whatnot, I am -really- tired of most nostalgia talk of "It was better in my days!" stuff. It is so goddamn tiring... I am 31 now, my first console was a Sega Mega Drive, and while it was fun and all, I kinda feel more excited towards the future and development of games with new innovations rather than looking back to my childhood constantly.


Oct 25, 2017
I know the OP got the gens wrong but worth noting that millennials born in 1981 onwards would be experiencing Nes/SMS and the consoles/computers before them. People born in 1985 are about 10 years old when the PS1 drops and will have a Mega Drive or SNES, you don't just automatically get the latest shit. Plenty of Millennials will have grew up with and respect 8bit and 16bit.

My friend was still playing on Atari 2600 in the late 80s, plenty of those things were around. Toys R Us had a wall of games for them still.
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Oct 25, 2017
Now that the title got correctly changed I will say Zoomer grew with games with a lot of focus in the multiplayer scene. The difference between people of my age and peopke just six years younger than me is remarkable when in come with gaming habits.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I'm currently playing Rocket night Adventures and Ristar on my Genesis Mini. Amazing games, great controls, colorful graphics and catchy music. I'm 36yo though


Nov 1, 2017
I've noticed this for a while now and I just feel I have to rant: They don't appreciate older titles all the way back from the 2600. Intellivision and NES era. Maybe even further back. They don't know the struggle of not being able to save their game and having to write down a password on a scrap of paper. Nowadays, they get off lightly with having analogue sticks and d-pads. I'd even go as far as to say they don't play older games because the graphics are only in 2D and without any guidance are "hard to get used to" And whatever happened to wood panelling? And magazines with Type-in programs in? I miss those days. It was simpler times. Maybe it's just me though being old and reminiscing how times have changed (most likely)


Oct 30, 2019
Yeah, this pretty much says it.

QoL/User-experience is such a huge difference to Books/Movies too. A lot of people say "well, younger folks don't like older games because they were HARD", but the truth is playing some older games is like having to read a mid-19th century edition of Moby Dick with the pages all yellowed and falling apart, hard-to-read print and the binding just barely holding everything together.
Moby Dick is fucking hard to read anyway.

Deleted member 25448

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
I've noticed this for a while now and I just feel I have to rant: They don't appreciate older titles all the way back from the 2600. Intellivision and NES era. Maybe even further back. They don't know the struggle of not being able to save their game and having to write down a password on a scrap of paper. Nowadays, they get off lightly with having analogue sticks and d-pads. I'd even go as far as to say they don't play older games because the graphics are only in 2D and without any guidance are "hard to get used to" And whatever happened to wood panelling? And magazines with Type-in programs in? I miss those days. It was simpler times. Maybe it's just me though being old and reminiscing how times have changed (most likely)



Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
Now it's a double boomer thread, leave them kids alone.


Oct 25, 2017
I can understand why people might find it hard to get into the ps1, 2, and even some of the 3 era games if they weren't there. I think consoles before that are a bit easier as the style of 8-16bit is more timeless than earlier 3D, and the lower resolution and performance of some ps4 gen games could make it hard to get into.


Oct 29, 2017
i dont really blame them.

frankly, if it wasnt for the nostalgia factor, I wouldn't touch any old games either.

there's a couple of games that I'd still gladly play like SMW but majortiy of the games are far too frustrating or primitive by current standards. I mean it used to be that games were only like 1-2 hours long, so the developers made them ridiculously hard so you can't just rush through them. Fuck that.

Almost every early 3 d games as well, on the PS1/N64.. amazing back then sure, but now? Shit, they look and control fucking awful. Mario 64 holds a special place in my heart but I can't deny that it's been surpassed many times over in practically every way possible by later entries.

I remember when Goldeneye was all the rage. People couldn't get over how immersive it felt, like you were actually in the game, and how awesome the multiplayer was. Now, imagine not having any of those memories and playing it today.... come on. It feels like a joke game at best.


Oct 25, 2017
It's ok. I don't even tend to play stuff pre-SNES. It's too... archaic most of the time? I can appreciate these being the foundations of modern games, but I don't have a desire to return to them.

how will i explain this to my wife, Earthbound?

I'm glad/relieved you picked the Western title.


Oct 25, 2017
Zoomers started at the N64/PS1 era and most of us able to be on this forum grew up on Gamecube lol? Unless you're actually talking about literally children which.... is dumb?


Jan 10, 2018
You also have to keep in mind that for some (a lot?) "casual" players, generations are shifted a bit: they get the most recent console when it's 4 years old or so. And so people born in 2000 might have started playing on the PS2 at 5 years old (in 2005) and only got a PS3 in 2010 or so. This doesn't change your point much, but it's just that I think the generation that hasn't played a PS2 game in their childhood is maybe younger than you would think

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
Let younger folks enjoy games however the hell they want. I saw this same trend on Reddit like five years ago when people were forcing their kids to play the games they grew up with before they were "allowed" play the newest, fun titles. Stop gatekeeping and accept that the new generation is going to carve its place in this world without our input. Trying to gatekeep their path is extremely lame. The fact that you mentioned PS1, PS2, and PS3 leads me to believe you're probably in your 20s which makes you a youngster yourself. Hell, I'm in my 30s, grew up with an NES as my first console, and I still have people telling me that I'm young. And yet plenty of people on Era grew up with consoles older than that. Point is ... just let the current youngest generation do it's thing. Let them play what they want and drive their own trends just as everybody before them did.

On a side note, I'm actually extremely curious to see what Zoomers think about FF7R when it releases. I think it will be very good to get the opinions of people who didn't experience the original as kids and will judge that game as a stand-alone project and not a 2020 version of something they hold near & dear to their hearts. In a weird twist, I think their opinions will be far more valid than those clouded by nostalgia and an unwillingness to let the past go.


Oct 27, 2017
Ain't nobody got time for old games when you need to finish your fortnite battlepass before the next season starts!

Let them play what they want, I didn't care about atari games when I could play my brand new top notch PSX as well.

I still don't care much about atari games


Oct 25, 2017
I know the OP got the gens wrong but worth noting that millennials born in 1981 onwards would be experiencing Nes/SMS and the consoles/computers before them. People born in 1985 are about 10 years old when the PS1 drops and will have a Mega Drive or SNES, you don't just automatically get the latest shit. Plenty of Millennials will have grew up with and respect 8bit and 16bit.

My friend was still playing on Atari 2600 in the late 80s, plenty of those things were around. Toys R Us had a wall of games for them still.
Im from 87 and my first console was an Atari 2600 (instead of a Nes becuase the clerk at Toys R US tricked me, but thats another story lol)
They don't appreciate older titles all the way back from the PS1. PS2 and PS3 era.

I thought there were also older game companies that genz dont give a fuck either, but maybe sony created videogames, who knows.


Oct 27, 2017
Gen X are really becoming Boomers before our eyes huh?

Except they don't have the financial mobility to buy McMansions and Hummers so they have to complain about video games instead.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
anyone fancy doing a quick summary of ages and widths of "generations"? I've never really understood it.

I always though boomers were people born post WW2 as populations I'm like 20 years too young to be a boomer...but then I'm thankfully far too old to be a millenial.

Deleted member 13560

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Oct 27, 2017
Damn... I didn't know millenials can be as old as 39 and that Gen Z is already as old as 23. Hell, I didn't know that we are well into a new generation already with Gen Alpha. They're already as old as 8-10... seeping if you see the start of gen alpha as 2010 or 2012.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
In my erxperience, back until the NES people seem fine with playing classics. It's before those times that things get dodgy, as you'd have little reason to go back to even less complex games.