
Oct 25, 2017
God, the handwringing over the very light barbs Jon Stewart took at Biden is insufferable. Is every week gonna be like this because Trump is the opposition? This show can't take any digs at democratic party blunders and leadership anymore because it will somehow enable a Trump win? It's practically guaranteed he will go harder on Trump in the weeks to come. Hell this episode didn't lack that.

Good monologue and it's crazy how he feels like he hasn't lost a step.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
I think that when Trump is re-elected in November and a Muslim ban is reenabled, private armies start being deployed to blue states, migrants in this country and being hunted down for deporting, and LGBTQ rights are stripped away and my family has to move very to another country to ensure my daughter will be safe-we can look back at an episode like this and say "Mayve focusing on Biden's age wasn't the top most important thing to focus on in the debut episode."

But hey that's me.

Everything you said is valid. That does not mean Biden is above criticism.

Trump is not more likely to win because Jon Stewart talked about one of the current news stories in the country, which was the special council report and Biden's response to it. And again, he also spoke about Trump's age and the fact that he is the worse option.


Oct 25, 2017
I WAS listening, but I believe his point is only half true. Voting for Biden over Trump doesn't magically save us. That part is entirely correct. There's tons of hard work to come after.

But his assumption is that even if Trump wins, the country will still be "ok". And I am calling that a faulty assumption. Trump represents an existential threat to not only the U.S., but the wider geopolitical world.
100% this and it's how I feel and was trying to convey. We all know it's a never ending fight. But this upcoming fight has dire consequences. Again.
Jun 12, 2021
If the consequences are so high (which I believe they are) isn't it absolutely vital that maybe the Democratic party pull their head out of their ass and run somebody who's not Joe Biden? I know it's probably too late but it feels so demoralizing watching this happen when it seems so obvious that he's not the best they could put up there. Most people know how big the consequences are of a Trump presidency is but it doesn't feel like the Democratic party cares if feels like it's just a game for them.

Its not like Jon Stewart was even saying anything that most people didn't already know anyways about Joe Biden. Obviously Trump is way worse and having to constantly emphasize that and make that clear is getting exhausting.


Oct 25, 2017
If the consequences are so high (which I believe they are) isn't it absolutely vital that maybe the Democratic party pull their head out of their ass and run somebody who's not Joe Biden? I know it's probably too late but it feels so demoralizing watching this happen when it seems so obvious that he's not the best they could put up there. Most people know how big the consequences are of a Trump presidency is but it doesn't feel like the Democratic party cares if feels like it's just a game for them.

Its not like Jon Stewart was even saying anything that most people didn't already know anyways about Joe Biden. Obviously Trump is way worse and having to constantly emphasize that and make that clear is getting exhausting.
Joe Biden has the most votes ever cast for a President. Why would they decide to run someone else? They wouldn't. It would be handing the election to Trump.
Jun 12, 2021
Joe Biden has the most votes ever cast for a President. Why would they decide to run someone else? They wouldn't. It would be handing the election to Trump.
Yeah that would be cool if the popular vote mattered at all. If the popular vote mattered at all I wouldn't be worried but unfortunately it doesn't matter. Biden could break the record again and still lose the electoral college.

I'm not the most tuned into every senator, governor or public figure in our country but somebody like Mark Kelly. I'm sure there's somebody out there that could put up a bigger fight against Trump. I might not have a better solution to offer but I'm 100% blaming the Democrats and Biden if they blow this election. I will be voting Biden just in case I haven't made that clear, I am just extremely worried this is not going to go well.

Sloth Guevara

Oct 27, 2017
I just find it a testament to the political landscape that someone saying "the hordes are at the gate" pointing to one side and saying the leadership of the other side is old af is bothsides stuff.


Oct 26, 2017
I just find it a testament to the political landscape that someone saying "the hordes are at the gate" pointing to one side and saying the leadership of the other side is old af is bothsides stuff.

Yup, it's the old trick.

"Okay this guy is a murderous prick who killed thousands of people, that's bad. But on the other hand the other guy once ignored a baby. Imagine how many other babies he ignored we don't know of! They are both bad."
Dec 25, 2020
First, Jon gets the Zadroga act extended

Next, Jon gets the Honoring our PACT Act passed


Jon Stewart’s ‘Daily Show’ Return Earns Highest Ratings In Nearly Six Years

Stewart reportedly brought in the largest audience since 2018 and the best rating share since 2015 during his first night back.

Now Jon has returned to Comedy Central to save our little comedy program for the second time (the first time was in 1999).

Regardless of what happens the rest of the year, Jon Stewart is the most epic comedian of all time.


Oct 25, 2017
Trevor was great and did well for them. He would still be hosting if he didn't choose to leave.

I missed Jon too but let's not pretend that Trevor didn't provide a fresh and much needed voice.
I liked Trevor more than most people, especially in comparison to those on this site. I don't think he made much headway into the collective zeitgeist and I think that is a challenge for anyone not named Jon Stewart.

Comedy Central isn't really on the road map any longer (unless you just put on The Office repeats) and this being one of less than an handful recognizable brands they have left, they are being protective with how they handle this experiment.


Jun 9, 2022
It just felt sort of defeatist despite trying to sound "optimistic" at the end. We are basically doomed and Jon knows it.
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
This was actually a very smart way to start off his new run on the show.

A lot of attention was going to be on his return debut so he took the opportunity to flex that he's still got it while hammering a topic just about every sane person agrees on. Hopefully in entertaining as many as possible that'll increase the number of people who tune in when he dives into meatier topics.

That is if he does do that….. I didn't watch his Apple show regularly but I saw clips and interviews that suggest he's moved farther left than I expected. I hope that's the guy that shows up this year. No need for more of these softball episodes


Oct 25, 2017
"There is too much on the line this election for us to criticize the President" is such backwards neoliberal thinking. You do realize that a lot of the republicans you are in fear of have the exact same view of the other guy right? Do you hear yourselves?


Oct 25, 2017
If you have a couple brain-cells and aren't brainwashed into the cult, criticizing Biden isn't suddenly going to make you vote for trump instead.

The issue is when you DON'T/CAN'T criticize "your guy" (like most trump supporters).
Oct 26, 2017
"There is too much on the line this election for us to criticize the President" is such backwards neoliberal thinking. You do realize that a lot of the republicans you are in fear of have the exact same view of the other guy right? Do you hear yourselves?

Get out of here with the "both sides" bs. Republicans' fears are not based in reality. Meanwhile, minorities are faced with legitimate threats from Republican governments.


Oct 28, 2017
"There is too much on the line this election for us to criticize the President" is such backwards neoliberal thinking. You do realize that a lot of the republicans you are in fear of have the exact same view of the other guy right? Do you hear yourselves?

When they go low we go high sure worked in 2016.


Oct 25, 2017
If you have a couple brain-cells and aren't brainwashed into the cult, criticizing Biden isn't suddenly going to make you vote for trump instead.

The issue is when you DON'T/CAN'T criticize "your guy" (like most trump supporters).

I don't think anyone's seriously thinking Biden voters, at least outside of a small subset, are going to suddenly switch to Trump - maybe ones really pissed about inflation or broken promises about student loans or w/e.

But if they think ' yeah, Biden's old, I don't think he's got the chops, I'll stay home', and there's enough of them..then that's it.

But it's moreso the framing I take umbrage with - I don't, outside of creating more apathy, care that Jon criticizes Biden's age - obviously the Biden team ABSOLUTELY needs to find a solution to this perception problem - be it putting Joe out there more, having him do more events, whatever - to fix, at least somewhat, the perception he has currently.

But I don't know that the sentiment (even if he does go back to Trump being worse) of 'Trump may suck for democracy, but we'll be okay if he wins, the office doesn't matter as long as we keep striving to be more lowercase-d democratic - and hey, isn't Biden old' is really a salient/pertinent message at this point - especially when Trump is LITERALLY showing his fascist playbook for 2024, and putting it out into the open....and a lot of people are just...ignoring it.

Maybe Trump, if he does win, will be similarly hamstrung like a lot of his first term....but maybe he won't.
Last edited:


Jul 6, 2023
People getting this bent out of shape about Stewart pointing out Biden's age are really not ready to handle the smoke if/when Stewart starts to hammer Biden on enabling the genocide in Gaza.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
User warned: sniping at other members
People getting this bent out of shape about Stewart pointing out Biden's age are really not ready to handle the smoke if/when Stewart starts to hammer Biden on enabling the genocide in Gaza.
They already fucking can't, so they either ignore the thread or stop short of just saying "you fucking better line back up. We won't do anything to dissuade your fears, but you better line up."


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Oct 26, 2017
People getting this bent out of shape about Stewart pointing out Biden's age are really not ready to handle the smoke if/when Stewart starts to hammer Biden on enabling the genocide in Gaza.

It's true though.

This is a monumental election and emotions are high, but people can't treat every criticism as an endorsement for the other side. I know it's easy for me to say, and there are people more affected by me over a Trump presidency, but we still have to be able to check our leaders even if they are the only shield we have against a monster.


Oct 31, 2017
I think that when Trump is re-elected in November and a Muslim ban is reenabled, private armies start being deployed to blue states, migrants in this country are being hunted down for deportation, and LGBTQ rights are stripped away and my family has to move very to another country to ensure my daughter will be safe-we can look back at an episode like this and say "Maybe focusing on Biden's age wasn't the top most important thing to focus on in the debut episode."

But hey that's me.

idk man, maybe if Americans get to experience what the Palestine and others US created warzones are experiencing daily, then they will finally decided to do something about it ?


Oct 25, 2017
idk man, maybe if Americans get to experience what the Palestine and others US created warzones are experiencing daily, then they will finally decided to do something about it ?
If Trump wins in November, the age of voting for any change in America is over. Period. That's the entire point.
Oct 29, 2017
idk man, maybe if Americans get to experience what the Palestine and others US created warzones are experiencing daily, then they will finally decided to do something about it ?

This is not something you should wish for. If he wins in November then minorities, LGBTQ+ folks, anyone not in their cult, will have their lives seriously threatened. We should not be playing around with this, and we should be getting ready to do everything we can to ensure he doesn't win.


Oct 27, 2017
I enjoyed the episode that I watched on Youtube. It was funny and he acknowledged issues with Biden while I don't think anything about that minimized the threat of Trump or how ridiculous and unfit he is as a person.


Oct 26, 2017
Are there not new episodes on Fridays? Just seeing 4 episodes on Paramount+.

Just went to cancel my free trial and got another month for free… so I guess I get some more Stewart Daily Show for now.


The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
I don't understand the criticsm that Stewart went too hard or focused too long on Biden. Like - the whole point was to show that these should not be the two best candidates both parties put up, no one is above criticism and that it is up to them to prove to the voting public that they are the candiate for the job and not get us to be non-critical about them. They both have similar issues and yet Stewart made absolutely sure that while Biden has issues, Trump is by far the worst candidate.


Oct 25, 2017
Are there not new episodes on Fridays? Just seeing 4 episodes on Paramount+.

Just went to cancel my free trial and got another month for free… so I guess I get some more Stewart Daily Show for now.
Not sure if this was changed in the years since Stewart, but back then they also only did Monday through Thursday

Loud Wrong

Feb 24, 2020
I don't understand the criticsm that Stewart went too hard or focused too long on Biden. Like - the whole point was to show that these should not be the two best candidates both parties put up, no one is above criticism and that it is up to them to prove to the voting public that they are the candiate for the job and not get us to be non-critical about them. They both have similar issues and yet Stewart made absolutely sure that while Biden has issues, Trump is by far the worst candidate.
Yeah it's absurd. For every criticism leveled at Biden, he unleashed an all out attack on Trump.


Oct 25, 2017
Yup, it's the old trick.

"Okay this guy is a murderous prick who killed thousands of people, that's bad. But on the other hand the other guy once ignored a baby. Imagine how many other babies he ignored we don't know of! They are both bad."
The problem is that our guy is doing worse than ignoring babies. He's actively assisted in the deaths of 30,000 and has had extremist stances on this subject for his entire life.

And like it or not, kids these days are overwhelmingly against genocide, while also being children who don't fully realize the importance of voting to minimize damage lol. Consider that 2016 was now 8 years ago and a lot of newly eligible voters may not understand the impact of losing an election.

I don't know what the winning solution is here, since he's a True Believer, but pushing and pressuring Dems to stop sending arms to Israel would definitely be a positive step. We gotta sound off here.


Oct 31, 2017
If Trump wins in November, the age of voting for any change in America is over. Period. That's the entire point.

So minorities and other vulnerable groups should suffer and die because they committed the unforgivable sin of living in the US? Disgusting.

This is not something you should wish for. If he wins in November then minorities, LGBTQ+ folks, anyone not in their cult, will have their lives seriously threatened. We should not be playing around with this, and we should be getting ready to do everything we can to ensure he doesn't win.

No, this is absolutely not the take to have.

Some absolutely insane, dangerous sounding people calling Era home right about now.

What in the world…..

that's comes out pretty harsh I admit

but as somebody from a country that have suffered due to direct USA meddling for decades (which CIA admit btw, not just some crazy conspiracy theory) and now seeing the same thing happens (and been happening) again and again in the middle east

all I can say is

maybe you guys need to take your own advice that you've been giving us all these times and start making a change for real and not just elect the same group of people that have been destroying our (not USA) countries for decades ?

I mean, you've been bringing 'Democracy' to Asian, South American and African countries for a while now, why don't you guys try and bring it to your own for a change
Oct 26, 2017
that's comes out pretty harsh I admit

but as somebody from a country that have suffered due to direct USA meddling for decades (which CIA admit btw, not just some crazy conspiracy theory) and now seeing the same thing happens (and been happening) again and again in the middle east

all I can say is

maybe you guys need to take your own advice that you've been giving us all these times and start making a change for real and not just elect the same group of people that have been destroying our (not USA) countries for decades ?

I mean, you've been bringing 'Democracy' to Asian, South American and African countries for a while now, why don't you guys try and bring it to your own for a change

There is a long history of minority communities in the US being oppressed by the government for speaking out against injustice here and abroad.

You don't want justice or liberation- you just want revenge.


Oct 26, 2017
There is a long history of minority communities in the US being oppressed by the government for speaking out against injustice here and abroad.

You don't want justice or liberation- you just want revenge.

You think people in Palestine don't want the U.S. to stop arming Israel? They're just driven by revenge?

Loud Wrong

Feb 24, 2020
There is a long history of minority communities in the US being oppressed by the government for speaking out against injustice here and abroad.

You don't want justice or liberation- you just want revenge.
My interpretation was that he wants Americans to feel actual empathy for the victims of genocide.


Oct 25, 2017
Biden is the eat shit candidate
Trump is the eat shit and die candidate.
Both are bad, but one is way worse than the other.
"What are you going to do, vote for the other guy?" is a really great way to piss off people who already feel ignored and marginalized. Especially if you keep asking them to do it and the result is exactly the same.


Jan 17, 2018
This is what makes my American Muslim friends irritated, people pretending to care about them and urging them to vote for Biden as if it's somehow in their best interest to do so, at least be honest and admit that you care about your own ass first and foremost and Muslims should suck it up and fall in line because of it.

I get that Trump is fucking awful, but writing "boo hoo, cut your own nose" on Twitter to people who lost dozens of their relatives to Biden send bombs isn't going to convince them to choose your candidate.