
Oct 28, 2017
I don't really buy the argument there's anyone who would run the same character frequently for years, and think that's normal. I could see someone who plays a few weeks then lets it sits until the expansion two years later and jumps back in and wants to continue their character (but why wouldn't you want to try the new character that comes with the expansion), and you can do that. But that's not what seasons are for.

The fun of the game is the experience of getting stronger, finding better gear and playing as different characters. That fresh game smell so to speak, and Seasons deliver that, for free, for years on end. You don't get that from playing the same character endlessly.


Nov 20, 2017
I don't really buy the argument there's anyone who would run the same character frequently for years, and think that's normal. I could see someone who plays a few weeks then lets it sits until the expansion two years later and jumps back in and wants to continue their character (but why wouldn't you want to try the new character that comes with the expansion), and you can do that. But that's not what seasons are for.

The fun of the game is the experience of getting stronger, finding better gear and playing as different characters. That fresh game smell so to speak, and Seasons deliver that, for free, for years on end. You don't get that from playing the same character endlessly.
I mean, I did seasons in d3 on occasion of the gimmick was fun, but like 80% of my playtime was on non-seasonal on my launch character trying to get kitted in ancients and primals.

On a Different topic:

I think blizz wasn't totally clear marketing this game when they put so much emphasis on stuff like world bosses giving people the impression this was an mmo. I was pleasantly surprised to see that it it's core this is an arpg. No forced group content, no endless ilvl/ light level gear grinds. Tons of build variety and combos to experiment with.
People should stop thinking of this as an endless progression mmo because it's not, it's more like a deck builder. The fun comes from experimentation and trying new things, and seeing how far you can push your build.

If you came into this expecting destiny, we'll it's not. It's that simple. If you don't like the games structure then don't play it, the people who are fans of this franchise expected it to work this way, and that's how blizzard designed it. Diablo 2-4 all work this way for 20 years. It's okay to not like that structure, but fans WANT it this way.
I will be extremely disappointed if blizzard pivots, but I don't think they well. This really feels like it was designed for Diablo fans first and foremost.
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Oct 28, 2017
I mean, I did seasons in d3 on occasion of the gimmick was fun, but like 80% of my playtime was on non-seasonal on my launch character trying to get kitted in ancients and primals.

I think blizz wasn't totally clear marketing this game when they put so much emphasis on stuff like world bosses giving people the impression this was an mmo. I was pleasantly surprised to see that it it's core this is an arpg. No forced group content, no endless ilvl/ light level gear grinds. Tons of build variety and combos to experiment with.
People should stop thinking of this as an endless progression mmo because it's not, it's more like a deck builder. The fun comes from experimentation and trying new things, and seeing how far you can push your build.

I just feel like wouldn't it be so boring putting in 3000+ hours (or maybe even 10,000+ hours) in to a single character just running dungeons endlessly with no change in the character ever except for the very rare drops the same skill and attacks the whole time?

I think most people would find way more fun in splitting those 3,000 hours in a wide variety of mechanics with all new experiences, challenges and gameplay over different realms, characters and seasons.

I just don't really understand how endlessly playing for an item with no room left for your character to grow for years on end is that appealing I guess, at that point it seems more like a personal challenge, and it's good the game lets you do that, but I think most people would prefer to be able to experience the level, other classes and feeling like they're playing a new game again, with the world reset and everyone at the same point, rather than jumping in to a world where they just bought the game and everyone else is level 100 with perfect gear and they can never catch up.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
It isn't silly because it will happen unless they get ahead of this in a formal way and ensure the information is in front of the eyes of their player base.. something they can only do by putting it within the game. There will be a lawyer who argues that Blizzard has obfuscated the fact the Battle Passes people were buying with the $90 and $100 versions of the game would not apply to the game the people started playing when they bought them by not including this information in the sales page.

There have been countless class-action lawsuits against game makers.. this will happen. It only takes a few disappointed people who have been bilked, in their eyes, out of $20. And potentially the more valuable part of the equation: time.
Yes but they would have no case. Not even a little bit. It would be dismissed instantly.

Why? Because they haven't obfuscated anything. Everything has been public. Everything has been put on their social media pages. You can't go to court and sue a company on the grounds of "well I didn't see it so it doesn't count!"

Jesus this thread man lol


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
Yes but they would have no case. Not even a little bit. It would be dismissed instantly.

Why? Because they haven't obfuscated anything. Everything has been public. Everything has been put on their social media pages. You can't go to court and sue a company on the grounds of "well I didn't see it so it doesn't count!"

Jesus this thread man lol

i want to be on the court when the first resetera user sues a company because their game didnt respect their time


Oct 26, 2017
Yes but they would have no case. Not even a little bit. It would be dismissed instantly.

Why? Because they haven't obfuscated anything. Everything has been public. Everything has been put on their social media pages. You can't go to court and sue a company on the grounds of "well I didn't see it so it doesn't count!"

Jesus this thread man lol
"I made a poor purchase decision and refuse any form of self responsibility. I'mma sue."

This is up there with that thread where someone wanted the government to force Nintendo to put their games on steam.

Diablo threads are always wild, meanwhile me and my bear man are zapping demons with lightning having a grand old time while I think about whether I want to do a daggers or bow rogue in season 1


Oct 26, 2017
Most of these complaints come down to "I didn't look into what I was buying, now I'm upset and you must accommodate me."

lol. No.


May 19, 2020
I just feel like wouldn't it be so boring putting in 3000+ hours (or maybe even 10,000+ hours) in to a single character just running dungeons endlessly with no change in the character ever except for the very rare drops the same skill and attacks the whole time?

I think most people would find way more fun in splitting those 3,000 hours in a wide variety of mechanics with all new experiences, challenges and gameplay over different realms, characters and seasons.

I just don't really understand how endlessly playing for an item with no room left for your character to grow for years on end is that appealing I guess, at that point it seems more like a personal challenge, and it's good the game lets you do that, but I think most people would prefer to be able to experience the level, other classes and feeling like they're playing a new game again, with the world reset and everyone at the same point, rather than jumping in to a world where they just bought the game and everyone else is level 100 with perfect gear and they can never catch up.

The people running single characters are probably those not dumping 1000's of hours into the game. The people running single characters are probably more like consistent players who play a few hours a week, still engaged in the game, but can't play the game every day, hours on hours. The players who might take 3 months to max the season pass and are still monetizable. They still want to power up their main character and not have to redo it every 3 months. There probably can be a happy medium.
Oct 25, 2017
It's like buying a DLC pass at launch before they make the content, and later claiming the content didn't meet your expectations for what the content should be. I get being disappointed but I don't think you'd have a cause of action in court.

Not sure how to phrase this better since I rarely buy those lol... I like to know what I am getting ahead of time. I almost didn't buy the deluxe because I could just waited to see the battle pass. This is a rare occasion for me to buy content before it comes out. And I don't think it would be right for me to say they haven't delivered if I don't find the cosmetics appealing. That's the risk I took when I bought content sight unseen.
Oct 25, 2017
It isn't silly because it will happen unless they get ahead of this in a formal way and ensure the information is in front of the eyes of their player base.. something they can only do by putting it within the game. There will be a lawyer who argues that Blizzard has obfuscated the fact the Battle Passes people were buying with the $90 and $100 versions of the game would not apply to the game the people started playing when they bought them by not including this information in the sales page.

There have been countless class-action lawsuits against game makers.. this will happen. It only takes a few disappointed people who have been bilked, in their eyes, out of $20. And potentially the more valuable part of the equation: time.
Ya'll are wild. You can sue anything but you aren't getting anywhere.

Ya'll want to start a class action against LG for burn in because it doesn't say it on the best buy sales page? Even though they clearly discuss it on their webpage. Sometimes as a consumer you need to just do a little bit of due diligence before you plop down your hard earned buckaroos.

I still don't give a crap though, if Blizzard gives ya'll the battle pass on the eternal realm w/e. I don't think that is really the issue though and I think people are being a bit disingenuous about it. Ya'll want the seasonal mechanics, new items, etc. too just admit it.
It's like buying a DLC pass at launch before they make the content, and later claiming the content didn't meet your expectations for what the content should be. I get being disappointed but I don't think you'd have a cause of action in court.

Not sure how to phrase this better since I rarely buy those lol... I like to know what I am getting ahead of time. I almost didn't buy the deluxe because I could just waited to see the battle pass. This is a rare occasion for me to buy content before it comes out. And I don't think it would be right for me to say they haven't delivered if I don't find the cosmetics appealing. That's the risk I took when I bought content sight unseen.
Perfect example is the recent game Dead Island 2, all of the DLC like skins etc. weren't out till the summer. People were pretty pissed off when they learned, but if you did a bit of research before buying it you would have been made aware.



Oct 27, 2017
Stop buying games that try to sell you shit after you pony up 60-70 dollars. Come on man you knew damn well the kind of horse shit you were getting into when you buy this.


Oct 28, 2017
The people running single characters are probably those not dumping 1000's of hours into the game. The people running single characters are probably more like consistent players who play a few hours a week, still engaged in the game, but can't play the game every day, hours on hours. The players who might take 3 months to max the season pass and are still monetizable. They still want to power up their main character and not have to redo it every 3 months. There probably can be a happy medium.

But they can still play their main, I think they just don't realize at some point it gets boring - especially compared to what a new season would offer them - the excitement of a fresh game, and that's why Seasons exist. If there was no incentive to make a new character and only the Eternal realm, people would drop off the game hard and fast and never return outside expansions - which is how I think these people complaining are.

Plus what about people who don't buy the game at release? How is it fair to someone who buys the game 2 years later with the expansion, to be stuck in a realm where all the players that have been their for 2 years and have everything already and are max level? A fresh realm with a level (more or less) starting ground is going to make a much better experience, so they can be in line (or at least have the same odds of being in line) with most of the others in the realm.


Nov 20, 2017
I just feel like wouldn't it be so boring putting in 3000+ hours (or maybe even 10,000+ hours) in to a single character just running dungeons endlessly with no change in the character ever except for the very rare drops the same skill and attacks the whole time?

I think most people would find way more fun in splitting those 3,000 hours in a wide variety of mechanics with all new experiences, challenges and gameplay over different realms, characters and seasons.

I just don't really understand how endlessly playing for an item with no room left for your character to grow for years on end is that appealing I guess, at that point it seems more like a personal challenge, and it's good the game lets you do that, but I think most people would prefer to be able to experience the level, other classes and feeling like they're playing a new game again, with the world reset and everyone at the same point, rather than jumping in to a world where they just bought the game and everyone else is level 100 with perfect gear and they can never catch up.
Oh yeah you aren't wrong at all. For me it's a personal challenge. But yeah I love that the game lets you do that if you want. It's why I really like how these games are structured. My point was that you have freedom to play how you like. If that means you want to skip a season to min max your non seasonal character you can!
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May 3, 2021
I have no dog in this fight because I'm not playing D4 and won't for a long time, but having to roll a new character every season just sounds tedious and boring so I get why people are upset.


Oct 28, 2017
I have no dog in this fight because I'm not playing D4 and won't for a long time, but having to roll a new character every season just sounds tedious and boring so I get why people are upset.

You don't have to make a new character every season? You can just keep playing your existing ones, new seasons aren't required to play and your characters from older seasons don't stop working.


May 19, 2020
But they can still play their main, I think they just don't realize at some point it gets boring - especially compared to what a new season would offer them - the excitement of a fresh game, and that's why Seasons exist. If there was no incentive to make a new character and only the Eternal realm, people would drop off the game hard and fast and never return outside expansions - which is how I think these people complaining are.

Plus what about people who don't buy the game at release? How is it fair to someone who buys the game 2 years later with the expansion, to be stuck in a realm where all the players that have been their for 2 years and have everything already and are max level? A fresh realm with a level (more or less) starting ground is going to make a much better experience, so they can be in line (or at least have the same odds of being in line) with most of the others in the realm.

Basically, what I'm saying is what if there was an option to be able to do any seasonal content with any character. So a person can create a new character and run through it, or maybe even a bunch, or a person can just take their 1 and run through it. Options depending on how that person plays.


Oct 25, 2017
I have no dog in this fight because I'm not playing D4 and won't for a long time, but having to roll a new character every season just sounds tedious and boring so I get why people are upset.

It is the game and it was the same in Diablo 2, Diablo 3 and all other ARPGS in the past decade. You dont have to if you really dont want to, you can still play your old characters and you would even save money as you wouldnt buy the battle pass! Its really a non-issue. I cant even fathom how its an issue, if D4 didnt have seasons it would be dead on arrival. Now D4 has lots of problems with loot and content right now but having seasons is not one of them.


Oct 27, 2017
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Basically, what I'm saying is what if there was an option to be able to do any seasonal content with any character. So a person can create a new character and run through it, or maybe even a bunch, or a person can just take their 1 and run through it. Options depending on how that person plays.

They would need to functionally make two distinct battle passes instead of one or at least rework it entirely.
Oct 25, 2017
I have no dog in this fight because I'm not playing D4 and won't for a long time, but having to roll a new character every season just sounds tedious and boring so I get why people are upset.
But it isn't boring and tedious. It is what has kept the game fresh for the playerbase, it is what they have continually came back to the game for. I know ya'll don't understand the game and the model, but ya need to trust the people who play it and the developers. We know what we want, they know what we want. Blizzard stated this back in August of last year:

Many of you enjoy the Seasons in Diablo II: Resurrected and Diablo III and have asked for more extensive season support. We agree one of the most fun ways to play Diablo is through Seasons, so we're making the first one available soon after launch and building a dedicated team to bring you up to four Seasons a year, each with major new features, questlines, enemies, legendary items, and more.

Anyone who did a little bit of digging about Seasons and Battle Pass in Diablo 4 would have found the information they were looking for. It wasn't hidden, there is nothing deceptive going on. People are upset because they bought into a new genre without understanding it, now they want the genre to change.

Basically, what I'm saying is what if there was an option to be able to do any seasonal content with any character. So a person can create a new character and run through it, or maybe even a bunch, or a person can just take their 1 and run through it. Options depending on how that person plays.
Yep, least you are being straight forward. You want to change the game to suit you, you want seasonal content on your eternal character. That isn't the way it works and I cannot get behind this idea. If Blizzard gives into this demand I will bounce and I'm betting the majority of ARPG veterans would do the same.


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
Basically, what I'm saying is what if there was an option to be able to do any seasonal content with any character. So a person can create a new character and run through it, or maybe even a bunch, or a person can just take their 1 and run through it. Options depending on how that person plays.

that doesnt work. the balancing you need to make for a content to work with a new season and fresh characters and lvl100 characters with minmaxed stats is completely different. new leagues in path of exile have you interacting with the new content as soon as you leave the first town, and they gradatively scale up the content and players build the currency-gimmick of the league during leveling so they can jump in for good at maps. in your scenario standard mode would need a portal straight to the league mechanic boss, which people would take 10 minutes to kill and then... see you in three months i guess.

and as i said new leagues bring skill-equipment rebalancing and meta shifts that may or may not be embraced by the community at large. making a season balance patch affect every character every new league is a recipe for disaster.


Oct 28, 2017
If you want to participate and earn BP rewards it sounds like you do?

If you participated in the prior season and finished the battle pass, that is going to mean you've made it to the end game with that character though. If you want to do personal challenges and try even harder stuff you can.

But seasons are designed to give players new experiences and be a fresh start. Putting max'd characters in to a new season wouldn't work for obvious reasons... unless you want to explain how it might? I feel like you're just asking for something that doesn't make much sense?


Oct 28, 2017
Yep, least you are being straight forward. You want to change the game to suit you, you want seasonal content on your eternal character. That isn't the way it works and I cannot get behind this idea. If Blizzard gives into this demand I will bounce and I'm betting the majority of ARPG veterans would do the same.

How could they even design a battle pass for a 5,000 hour played character and a new character that would appeal to both? Just make each tier "play for 60 minutes?" Anything you put on the BP for the 5,000 hour player (because you don't need to make a new character now to do seasonal content - so why would you put yourself at a disadvantage) would be super trivial (just instantly respec to exactly what is best), I think. And for obvious reasons it can't be tied to leveling up.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Yep, least you are being straight forward. You want to change the game to suit you, you want seasonal content on your eternal character. That isn't the way it works and I cannot get behind this idea. If Blizzard gives into this demand I will bounce and I'm betting the majority of ARPG veterans would do the same.
I'm not really worried, Blizzard knows that pissing off people that are actually going to play for more than a season would be a terrible move.


Oct 26, 2017
For those wondering why you can just do the BP on an eternal character - here are the "season journey" objectives from the last d3 season, which is pretty much what the BP will look like with some changes to better fit d4


Diablo 3 Season Journey Guide Season 31 - Maxroll.gg

Diablo 3 Season Journey walk through, easily get Haedrig's Gift, Cosmetics, an extra stash tab and the Toothsome Trooper!


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
I played a lot of Diablo seasons. I have always enjoyed them. But there are structures in the Diablo 4 gameplay loop that need to be reexamined to get the more casual crowd on board with seasonal play.

-I know they have mentioned xp boosts, but I think 1-50 in particular needs to be boosted exponentially. It is so much slower and grindier than 3, I don't know how you capture that feel with the leveling as slow as it is. Right now the leveling speed feels more like an mmo. If it's roughly the same in seasons that is gonna turn a lot of people off.

-Renown has got to go entirely. It is the most painful grind I have ever encountered in an arpg, largely because it doesn't feel rewarding at all. I have been chomping at the bit for D4 seasonal play since before the game came out and I am considering sitting them out until it's gone. At the very least, we need more mechanics to earn it organically through endgame activity - like do a seasonal helltide in a region, get rep for that region. Something like that. I have done more than half of the sidequests in the game, the rewards are almost always a joke and even the best ones are not worth doing twice. I have poured hours and hours into renown grinding on my Eternal character and I am still not close to finished. If they're not able to change course on this for the first season or two, then I am among those who would prefer to have the battle pass content on the Eternal realm. I'm just not going to do it again - at best I'll run the seasonal content and try to ignore the points, but those points are huge and that's gonna grate.

-No open world travel to nightmare dungeons. Sounds like this fix will be in before the first season, which is great.

I think if they want to get people excited, they should get a preview out describing some of the perks of seasonal play. Talk about the leveling speed, the mechanics, show off some new items...anything to get people eager to hop in. They have been hyping up how meaty it's gonna be for ages, time to dangle the carrot.
Oct 25, 2017
How could they even design a battle pass for a 5,000 hour played character and a new character that would appeal to both? Just make each tier "play for 60 minutes?" Anything you put on the BP for the 5,000 hour player (because you don't need to make a new character now to do seasonal content - so why would you put yourself at a disadvantage) would be super trivial, I think. And for obvious reasons it can't be tied to leveling up.
Oh I fully agree, I don't even remotely know how it would be designed. I'm just saying at this point, fine have your battle pass.

The broader point is I don't really think the battle pass is what this is about. Those players want the seasonal content: Mechanics, gear, cosmetics, quests, etc. on the eternal realm. They want to completely change what makes seasonal ARPG's what they are. They are using the battle pass as a start of that discussion. Least we could be honest about it.


Shinra Employee
Sep 15, 2022
Colorado, USA
This thread just hurts my brain, for real.

I don't think people in here realize that Seasons are what keeps these kinds of games fun. People playing Diablo 3 and Path of Exile for years do so BECAUSE the seasons are fun new content that they get to try a new class with. No one plays Diablo 3 for ten years because they want to play their same Crusader the entire time....

You are all literally getting upset that the game is going to offer you free unlimited content that lets you experience all aspects of the game for years. I do not understand how people can't comprehend this. The game has been out for a week or two, trust me, in six months you won't want to STILL be playing your Barbarian that has max level gear and can one shot world bosses.


Oct 26, 2017
-Renown has got to go entirely. It is the most painful grind I have ever encountered in an arpg, largely because it doesn't feel rewarding at all. I have been chomping at the bit for D4 seasonal play since before the game came out and I am considering sitting them out until it's gone. At the very least, we need more mechanics to earn it organically through endgame activity - like do a seasonal helltide in a region, get rep for that region. Something like that. I have done more than half of the sidequests in the game, the rewards are almost always a joke and even the best ones are not worth doing twice. I have poured hours and hours into renown grinding on my Eternal character and I am still not close to finished. If they're not able to change course on this for the first season or two, then I am among those who would prefer to have the battle pass content on the Eternal realm. I'm just not going to do it again - at best I'll run the seasonal content and try to ignore the points, but those points are huge and that's gonna grate.

I can absolutely see this get changed as we roll on. Its a secondary grind to leveling that isn't really needed. Either an xp buff to renown rewards or just let us unlock it once and keep it are two options I could see in a future change.

This thread just hurts my brain, for real.

I don't think people in here realize that Seasons are what keeps these kinds of games fun. People playing Diablo 3 and Path of Exile for years do so BECAUSE the seasons are fun new content that they get to try a new class with. No one plays Diablo 3 for ten years because they want to play their same Crusader the entire time....

You are all literally getting upset that the game is going to offer you free unlimited content that lets you experience all aspects of the game for years. I do not understand how people can't comprehend this. The game has been out for a week or two, trust me, in six months you won't want to STILL be playing your Barbarian that has max level gear and can one shot world bosses.
This thread should be titled "Players that don't play diablo want to kill diablo 4"

Deleted member 5876

Big Seller
Oct 25, 2017
You know. Depending on how the battle pass is integrated with the seasonal content, and depending on how deep that seasonal content is, it could actually be impossible for them to "push button to make it work on non-season". They would have to water down the experience so much that it just wouldn't be worth it to do on the eternal realm at all. And at worst also effect the season in doing so.

The people in this whole thread claiming they could "just make it so" are dilusional.


Oct 27, 2017
Buenos Aires, Argentina
I played a lot of Diablo seasons. I have always enjoyed them. But there are structures in the Diablo 4 gameplay loop that need to be reexamined to get the more casual crowd on board with seasonal play.

-I know they have mentioned xp boosts, but I think 1-50 in particular needs to be boosted exponentially. It is so much slower and grindier than 3, I don't know how you capture that feel with the leveling as slow as it is. Right now the leveling speed feels more like an mmo. If it's roughly the same in seasons that is gonna turn a lot of people off.

No way. People were already finishing Act 1 at level 40+ because they were engaging with side content as they found it.
Oct 25, 2017
-Renown has got to go entirely. It is the most painful grind I have ever encountered in an arpg, largely because it doesn't feel rewarding at all. I have been chomping at the bit for D4 seasonal play since before the game came out and I am considering sitting them out until it's gone. At the very least, we need more mechanics to earn it organically through endgame activity - like do a seasonal helltide in a region, get rep for that region. Something like that. I have done more than half of the sidequests in the game, the rewards are almost always a joke and even the best ones are not worth doing twice. I have poured hours and hours into renown grinding on my Eternal character and I am still not close to finished. If they're not able to change course on this for the first season or two, then I am among those who would prefer to have the battle pass content on the Eternal realm. I'm just not going to do it again - at best I'll run the seasonal content and try to ignore the points, but those points are huge and that's gonna grate.
The renown grind is honestly one of the most painful things that I'm not looking forward to on reset. This is without a doubt going to get changed as we progress through Diablo 4's life. A simple fix that people have been saying from the jump is just flip the Tier 4 and Tier 5 unlocks.
Jun 1, 2021
I find most of these arguments about being misinformed funny, as the seasons are free anyway. Your the ones who bought the battle pass version. You could have easily waited.


Oct 28, 2017
For those wondering why you can just do the BP on an eternal character - here are the "season journey" objectives from the last d3 season, which is pretty much what the BP will look like with some changes to better fit d4


Diablo 3 Season Journey Guide Season 31 - Maxroll.gg

Diablo 3 Season Journey walk through, easily get Haedrig's Gift, Cosmetics, an extra stash tab and the Toothsome Trooper!

Quite a lot of the items in this "battle pass" list wouldn't even be possible for an existing character, they'd have done it all long ago.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I played a lot of Diablo seasons. I have always enjoyed them. But there are structures in the Diablo 4 gameplay loop that need to be reexamined to get the more casual crowd on board with seasonal play.

-I know they have mentioned xp boosts, but I think 1-50 in particular needs to be boosted exponentially. It is so much slower and grindier than 3, I don't know how you capture that feel with the leveling as slow as it is. Right now the leveling speed feels more like an mmo. If it's roughly the same in seasons that is gonna turn a lot of people off.

-Renown has got to go entirely. It is the most painful grind I have ever encountered in an arpg, largely because it doesn't feel rewarding at all. I have been chomping at the bit for D4 seasonal play since before the game came out and I am considering sitting them out until it's gone. At the very least, we need more mechanics to earn it organically through endgame activity - like do a seasonal helltide in a region, get rep for that region. Something like that. I have done more than half of the sidequests in the game, the rewards are almost always a joke and even the best ones are not worth doing twice. I have poured hours and hours into renown grinding on my Eternal character and I am still not close to finished. If they're not able to change course on this for the first season or two, then I am among those who would prefer to have the battle pass content on the Eternal realm. I'm just not going to do it again - at best I'll run the seasonal content and try to ignore the points, but those points are huge and that's gonna grate.

-No open world travel to nightmare dungeons. Sounds like this fix will be in before the first season, which is great.

I think if they want to get people excited, they should get a preview out describing some of the perks of seasonal play. Talk about the leveling speed, the mechanics, show off some new items...anything to get people eager to hop in. They have been hyping up how meaty it's gonna be for ages, time to dangle the carrot.
Hey, great post !

- On the XP boosts, i think it's the 50-70 that should be boosted exponentially. I feel like 1-50 is pretty fast, but if they could make it fast to go from T3 to T4, i think it would be better ! And yeah obviously a 70-100 boost wouldn't be too much ahah.

- Absolutely agree on the Renown. They need to find solutions for that. And great idea ArrogantBastard, switching the T4 and T5 rewards would be ideal, so you can do the T5 later when bored pretty much.

- Yeah, we need less downtime for end-game activities. Just put me straight up into NM !
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Oct 26, 2017
I find most of these arguments about being misinformed funny, as the seasons are free anyway. Your the ones who bought the battle pass version. You could have easily waited.
Whoa whoa whoa. You expect me to take ownership and responsibility over my actions? How dare you. I've been swindled by blizzard, and I will be suing shortly.


Oct 27, 2017
Feel like this entire convo kinda highlights the problem.

"ARPGs don't work like that so it makes sense"
"I don't want to keep making new characters for the Battle Pass".

It's a Blizzard problem though if they want their BPs to appeal to more casual players who might just want to keep their one one character. Or if they wanna forego that and just stick with those willing to start over every time. Just the nature of the beast when you have a more mass-product like this that is drawing in people who aren't as invested as others into the genre.

Exactly, this is what I was saying and people are latching onto all these crazy arguments to make fun of people. If the shop/bp makes enough money to keep blizzard happy, things will continue as planned. If the people who play seasonal content don't spend enough money they'll change it to appeal to a larger audience. That's it.


Oct 26, 2017
Quite a lot of the items in this "battle pass" list wouldn't even be possible for an existing character, they'd have done it all long ago.
exactly. You'd log in and half your bp would pop as complete. the rest would take you an hour or less. People that are saying why not both, this just isn't the game for them.


Oct 28, 2017
I find most of these arguments about being misinformed funny, as the seasons are free anyway. Your the ones who bought the battle pass version. You could have easily waited.

Even if you bought the paid battle pass you can still wait to cash it in. Just wait 2 years to use it when you finally think maybe it'd be fun to try one of the four other classes or experience the expansion, etc.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
exactly. You'd log in and half your bp would pop as complete. the rest would take you an hour or less. People that are saying why not both, this just isn't the game for them.
The insane thing to me is that people are going nuclear without even trying the Seasonal stuff. Like, at least try, see how it goes, and then complain.
Oct 25, 2017
Exactly, this is what I was saying and people are latching onto all these crazy arguments to make fun of people. If the shop/bp makes enough money to keep blizzard happy, things will continue as planned. If the people who play seasonal content don't spend enough money they'll change it to appeal to a larger audience. That's it.
Blizzard very well might change the battle pass stuff, that is completely possible. What they aren't going to do is get rid of the fresh start on seasonal content, it isn't happening.


Oct 25, 2017
No way. People were already finishing Act 1 at level 40+ because they were engaging with side content as they found it.

People were engaging with all the side content, and were at a decently high playtime, then had to essentially speed-run the rest of the story because the game wasn't clear about xp decreasing (due to enemies not leveling) at level 50.

I don't know exactly exactly 'where' in the leveling process, but I completely agree that leveling speed, with repeated seasonal resets, needs to be more like later Diablo 3 season, and not the current speed.

(Also an issue of long-term engagement if the leveling aspect and re-gearing takes too long, but...that's more personal/anecdotal, and can/will be addressed by Blizz if need be, though they'll likely wait a few seasons to adjust unless things are looking dire)