
▲ Legend ▲
Oct 30, 2017
I'm hoping for the batcycle in this one. Better turning circle and hopefully completely optional!


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
Sometimes i fell like one of the few people online that "liked" the batmobile parts in Knight.

Not that i would say they're fantastic but i had... fun.


Oct 28, 2017
Sometimes i fell like one of the few people online that "liked" the batmobile parts in Knight.

Not that i would say they're fantastic but i had... fun.
I'm with ya bud. Super overblown criticisms of Arkham Knight. Game was overall absurdly high quality across the board, with a fabulous ending.


Oct 25, 2017
Am I the only one that liked electrical gauntlets?
I liked them as well. I had some issues with Origins' combat in the beginning areas but as soon as I got them I suddenly had a much better time with the game.
I'm in the camp that wish it got a remaster with bug fixes, instead I'll just play the Xbox 360 version via BC as this news has gotten me hyped to replay the Arkham games again!


Oct 25, 2017
Sometimes i fell like one of the few people online that "liked" the batmobile parts in Knight.

Not that i would say they're fantastic but i had... fun.

I feel like this always happens to me too. Like, an entry in a series will have a new thing and do that a lot, and people get upset.

Like when LEGO star wars III had those huge like battle levels. For whatever reason people just got really annoyed that there were so many, and like, Idk I didn't get it. The normal stages were all top notch, but the new battle type levels were really unique and cool, and I've not really ever played a game like that before, so having to do a lot of them to get the 100% seemed...pretty reasonable to me?

I remember another game recently doing this too and I'm having a hard time thinking of it.


Jan 25, 2018
Batman Arkham Arkham

(please no Arkham in the title again)
its only a name, i think that WB will stick with it purely for marketing reasons. Im one of the view who really liked origins, but im keeping my expectations in check. Not bc of WB montreal, but bc of WB, im so afraid they will f*ck it up and put some kind of lootbox machanics in there or make it a "live service" game that is actually complete a year later than its release(or worse a moba batman game).


Oct 28, 2017
Sometimes i fell like one of the few people online that "liked" the batmobile parts in Knight.

Not that i would say they're fantastic but i had... fun.

I really like the Batmobile, even if the tank sections were kinda annoying in the end and that I feel it replaced some proper boss battles. Deathstroke in Origins is amazing, in Knight, huh... It's dull. It has to be more balanced.


May 31, 2018
Am I the only one that liked electrical gauntlets?

They were fun in the same way getting the Gravity Gun upgrade in Half Life 2 was fun. (which Valve rightfully timed to the very end of the game) It made you into an unstoppable force of destruction and made you feel über-powerful, but the combat balance pretty much went out the window. Before the upgrade, you had to pay close attention to mooks with shields, stun rods, armor, venom packs or big guys since normal attacks were ineffective and broke your combo. Powered up gauntlets were unblockable, so you just kept pressing the attack button and mowed down everything in your path. So yeah, fun, but leaves a bitter aftertaste.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It's the court of owls symbol morphing into the League of Assassins one, implying they are more connected than they appear to be.


Oct 25, 2017
It's the court of owls symbol morphing into the League of Assassins one, implying they are more connected than they appear to be.

I think that's what they're going for. That the League of Assassin's is some descendant organization of 'Illuminati' organization.

It would be efficient tying two secret organizations together. I also think the first interactions with Ra's and Talia Al Ghul would be a gap in the Arkham timeline WB Montreal would want to visit, especially if their prior project featured Damian Wayne which is a character the series hasn't really hinted at existing.


Oct 25, 2017
Everytime I read about Deathstroke in AK I wanna cry... So much disrespect to the terminator from Rocksteady.

I wouldn't be surprised if his inclusion was the result of a late-development Warner Bros. Interactive request. None of the Arkham Origins references are an organic part of the game - it's clumsy 'The last time we fought was [inexplicably a decade ago]'.

The fact that Deathstroke in Arkham Knight lifts his design from Arkham Origins wholesale I don't think he was planned as part of the game in early stages. I have the impression that he was shoehorned in to liven up a side-quest that wasn't designed with him in mind.


Oct 25, 2017
Czech republic
I wouldn't be surprised if his inclusion was the result of a late-development Warner Bros. Interactive request. None of the Arkham Origins references are an organic part of the game - it's clumsy 'The last time we fought was [inexplicably a decade ago]'.

The fact that Deathstroke in Arkham Knight lifts his design from Arkham Origins wholesale I don't think he was planned as part of the game in early stages. I have the impression that he was shoehorned in to liven up a side-quest that wasn't designed with him in mind.
That's very much possible. On top of that I always had a feeling Rocksteady wasn't happy Origins even happened.