
Community Resettler - Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
==== DAY 1 VOTES ====
Day Start

Pirate Bae (2 votes)
weemadarthur - #177
Turmoil7 - #308

Turmoil7 (1 votes)
Stuart444 - #339

nin (1 votes)
Fantomas - #126 #202
Stuart444 - #128 #339
Turmoil7 - #145 #256
nin - #342

Stuart444 (1 votes)
Stantastic - #189

Kalor (1 votes)
Z-Beat - #224
Turmoil7 - #280 #308

Funky Dude Sparks (1 votes)
lokiduck - #125

Fran (1 votes)
Kitsunelaine - #259

CoolestSpot (1 votes)
Fantomas - #226

Stantastic (0 votes)
Turmoil7 - #256 #280

Kitsunelaine (0 votes)
Kitsunelaine - #127 #259

Lone_Prodigy (0 votes)
Fantomas - #202 #226

Not voting: EzekelRAGE, rac, Kopite, absolutebro, CoolestSpot, Funky Dude Sparks, Fran, Soneji, Pirate Bae, Lone_Prodigy, Kalor

Post Counts:
Kitsunelaine: 22 Fantomas: 22 CoolestSpot: 19 lokiduck: 19 Turmoil7: 16 weemadarthur: 16 Fran: 15 Stuart444: 15 Pirate Bae: 13 Stantastic: 11 Funky Dude Sparks: 10 nin: 9 rac: 9 EzekelRAGE: 8 Z-Beat: 6 Soneji: 5 Kopite: 3 Lone_Prodigy: 2 Kalor: 2

Current Countdown:

Click here to go to the Vote Tool!


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Kitsunelaine: 22 Fantomas: 22 CoolestSpot: 19 lokiduck: 19 Turmoil7: 16 weemadarthur: 16 Fran: 15 Stuart444: 15 Pirate Bae: 13 Stantastic: 11 Funky Dude Sparks: 10 nin: 9 rac: 9 EzekelRAGE: 8 Z-Beat: 6 Soneji: 5 Kopite: 3 Lone_Prodigy: 2 Kalor: 2
So uh, you still have my username spelled wrong in the player list, and I'm not showing up here. I'm wondering if it would even read my vote:

Vote: Absolutbro


Oct 25, 2017
In my book it is still early in the game, sometimes the game moves faster than others. no need to panic....or is that a fake panik....a hidden player that tries to forces into paniking, thinking that they should...you take the backseat and let everyone else eat itself alive ?

Not a good look in my book Fran. You can do better and saying such things will get you on my list.
Sorry i mean saying such things GOT you on my list.
Hermano. You ARE on the list.

I can do better when there Is something to work with. The only thing we had at that time was that Fanto's post. I don't understand what you want: you say that is still early but the complain that I can do better than this. I can't work with something that Is not there.

He made a list. (thats something)
He did not include everyone, only those that he felt are right to be mentioned ( thats something )

yet here we are.
you complained that we are still in the joke phase
Stu creates a list in order to open up and put his thoughts out in the open and then you complain about that aswell ?
Not sure what you want. But whatever it is, decide on it.

What are you talking about?? I never complained about Stu's list. The only thing that I said Is that the scum team was too small.


Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Ok so I like Fran despite the lack of shitposting with the rest of us. On the other hand, could be seen as an early gambit to look townish, born out of nervousness. I'm considering it, but I don't buy it as of this moment. I don't buy Fran as that kind of nervous.

Nin and wee I also like. I respect players making noise D1 despite the fact that noisy game playing can paint people as targets for D1 lynching, which is usually based on very little.


Community Resettler - Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
Have you got a list people you won't vote for?
why you keep jumping on the joke votes? Is there a reason?
I like last minute surprise lunches so I wont make guarantees but I won't vote for sparks or coolest
Jumping on "joke votes" is kind of what we do? I never thought about that

I am staying on bae anyways


The Fallen
Mar 27, 2019
12 hours and we still are in the joke phase? That's not good.

Hard to make any link of read that way.

The only thing that caught my attention is that Fanto avoided talking about Sparks and Coolest:

He explained his meta for Soneji, Bae, Turmoil and Kopite but just made jokes for Sparks and Coolest.

Considering some of the past games have had the joke phase end very quickly, it might be okay to let us go on for a bit longer as long as we still get shit done in the end.

Anyway I have a question:

Who is your second choice for a lynch today and why?

LOL I'm still trying to figure out who to even move my vote onto from my joke vote. CS and Sparks originally seemed like a reasonable choice to aim for today as I agree with what others have said, but at the same time I don't don't think we should especially if someone is coming off as more suspicious.

While I'm one of those people who has a hard time reading sparks, Fran is right that he has some tells when he is scum so I'm willing to give him a pass for at least now if i can find a better voting target.

As for CS, I appreciate what he said about changing his behavior from his past games, so if he can prove that he has in fact changed I'll give him a pass for now as well.

wait kalor has a vote on

is this the game where we lunch him d1?


Kalor got lunched out day 1 in Loveboat 3 with Kits I believe.

urgh, fine

Scum list:


Neutral: Uhh... LP cause why the fuck not.

rest are town.

You're welcome

fixed it ^ and that's my final answer.


Hey Stu, mind explaining your reasoning here?

nothing. as far as I can see the only vote on your is a joke vote:

While it is true that I am the only one currently voting for him, a lot of people have been talking about voting him out because he's hard to read, so naturally he might be a bit concerned about it. However, Exodus fullclaimed as town with only one vote on him in SU mafia, so being worried about a possible train growing on yourself is pretty NAI.


The Fallen
Mar 27, 2019
Just for fun I'll point out that in that case with Exodus I was the one vote on him again. XD I forgot to mention it in my post.


The Fallen
Mar 27, 2019
Ok so I like Fran despite the lack of shitposting with the rest of us. On the other hand, could be seen as an early gambit to look townish, born out of nervousness. I'm considering it, but I don't buy it as of this moment. I don't buy Fran as that kind of nervous.

Nin and wee I also like. I respect players making noise D1 despite the fact that noisy game playing can paint people as targets for D1 lynching, which is usually based on very little.

I agree with this post mostly because I was thinking that Fran wanting us to focus on the game and not shitpost is a very Fran thin to do. XD Right now he's giving me good vibes.

I've liked Wee's posts as well and she seems very much like how she usually plays so I won't be voting for her at least any time soon.

Nin I'm not as confident on, but I'll give him a pass for now. I want to see how this day phase goes like with everyone else.


Oct 25, 2017
What is your opinion of z beat rn?
None whatsoever. Not a lot to go on, and my ability to make meta votes ("so and so acted _____ way in ______ game") is basically nonexistent.

While it is true that I am the only one currently voting for him, a lot of people have been talking about voting him out because he's hard to read, so naturally he might be a bit concerned about it. However, Exodus fullclaimed as town with only one vote on him in SU mafia, so being worried about a possible train growing on yourself is pretty NAI.
That's fair. In that case, I would guess "sparks plays weird and is hard to read" is the general sentiment? Could easily apply to a couple other people as well.

Should be fixed in the next couple hours :)
Weirdly it's fixed in the player list, but it still isn't showing up in the vote tool :( Maybe I need to revote?

Vote: absolutbro


The Fallen
Mar 27, 2019
While I'm having a hard time to vote for based on what has been posted so far, I will say that so far I am unwilling to vote for:


Because they seem very much like how they normally are and they haven't done anything suspicious for me at this point.

I also still stand by my unwilliness to vote Zeke for now as he again is acting like he usually does.

I'll also say that Turmoil is acting like his usual townie self but I'm always wary of Turmoil so what can you do really. XD


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Weirdly it's fixed in the player list, but it still isn't showing up in the vote tool :( Maybe I need to revote?

Vote: absolutbro
Looks like it's still borked...

I believe Fireblend was going to fix it on the back end but he's still a little busy. We'll let you all know when it's fixed. For now AB is unlunchable.



Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
I presume it's not serious but if it isn't, you aren't getting a claim 24 hours into day 1.