
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It's now been an hour since I hit credits in Death Stranding. The game is still going. At this rate I'll be able to turn off the ps4 by tomorrow morning


Is this tag ok?
Oct 25, 2017
I was getting pretty good vibes from Bae, but since I have only seen her as scum I have no idea what town her is like. XD
Honestly I'm getting good vibes from pretty much everyone because we've mostly just been joking around, it's kind of hard for me to nail down thoughts on most of the players here because of that I think.


The Fallen
Mar 27, 2019
Honestly I'm getting good vibes from pretty much everyone because we've mostly just been joking around, it's kind of hard for me to nail down thoughts on most of the players here because of that I think.
Yeah I agree there. :/ It's part of why I'm wanting to see more from the low posters as they haven't been around to be super chummy with everyone.
Oct 27, 2017
Stantastic Do you long flowly hair

is your phone filled with long flowly hair selfies

Do the toilets in New Zealand go counter clock wise

can you throw fireballs out of your hands?


Is this tag ok?
Oct 25, 2017
Wait a minute, why am I not Scum reading anything Stu is doing? Is he actually Scum this time?

Vote: Stu
urgh, fine

Scum list:


Neutral: Uhh... LP cause why the fuck not.

rest are town.

You're welcome

fixed it ^ and that's my final answer.

Hmm... I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on these players actually, and anyone else as well if we want to get some talk going.

Rac hasn't done anything to stick out to me yet other than being Rac.

Fran and Wee have both been more on the serious side of things than the joking side of things I guess, questioning people and stuff, especially Fran. That's not too out of the ordinary for either of them, as in NAI for sure, but I could reread them both.

Coolest, well, I wouldn't be shocked but I would need to see some more game related discussions from him.
Did you have a reason for these votes by the way?


Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
no one noticed when i changed avatars :<

But I do like the hair in your avatar Kits c:
Thanks! I couldn't get everything in the framing of the avatar, so here's a full(er) version:


If you have long flowly hair irl

how is your phone not filled with selfies??????
i wish lmao


Oct 25, 2017
Anyway seriously though, I'm off to bed. Maybe I'll try and get some serious thoughts down before EOD. Then again, maybe I'll just roll the dice for todays vote.

Depends on if anything sticks out to me I guess.

nn all


Is this tag ok?
Oct 25, 2017
I do remember this exchange about Stu's read list earlier sticking out to me, I read it at work but didn't grab it when I got home to comment.
3 and 1 neutral in a 20 players game? Seems low.
The number's are what you first care about here, not the reasoning? Not why he has you there?
He made a list less than 24 hs into the game and when most of the players are still in the joke phase.

I'm taking the list as shitpost. The amount of scum is what I find interesting.
Doesn't mean he can't have some level of reasoning behind them. Calling it a shitpost when you're also there and have made some semi-serious posts is a bit sketchy

What's off about the number of scum? There's likely 4-5 scum in a game of this size, and if he's shitposting or even if he's not why would he care to match that number? I'd be more worried if he did, as that would mean he's consciously thinking about needing to rather than just listing off people he got a feel for without concerns of meeting a set number.
But he gave no reasoning for any of the players. How can I talk about something when it's obvious that he just choose a couple of names at random?

What I found weird Is that he went for a low number regarding the size of the game. I'm not saying it's scummy or not. It just caught my attention as why to go for such a small scum team.
Stu gave the read list unprompted. Fran assumes he grabbed the names at random, but Stu never clarified whether he was serious about those reads or not. Fran instead starts asking about the numbers, and Soneji kind of homed in on that. I definitely agree that it's weird to just call it a shitpost, and Fran's explanation of saying he can't talk about the players because Stu gave no reasoning? I literally just talked about every player he had down as Scum, I gave my own thoughts and asked Stu and the room for theirs.


Vote: Fran


Oct 25, 2017
I do remember this exchange about Stu's read list earlier sticking out to me, I read it at work but didn't grab it when I got home to comment.

Stu gave the read list unprompted. Fran assumes he grabbed the names at random, but Stu never clarified whether he was serious about those reads or not. Fran instead starts asking about the numbers, and Soneji kind of homed in on that. I definitely agree that it's weird to just call it a shitpost, and Fran's explanation of saying he can't talk about the players because Stu gave no reasoning? I literally just talked about every player he had down as Scum, I gave my own thoughts and asked Stu and the room for theirs.


Vote: Fran

Stuart said this:

Neutral: Uhh... LP cause why the fuck not.

How can I take that list as no random when he is just putting LP as a Neutral because "why not"?

And I never said that I can't talk about the players. I said that I can't talk about why I'm on that list, mostly because there is no explanation about it so I can't refute what is not there.

And you asked Stu, but he never replied. So instead of voting Stuart because he never answered you you are voting me.



Oct 25, 2017
Wait a minute, why am I not Scum reading anything Stu is doing? Is he actually Scum this time?

Vote: Stu

Hmm... I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on these players actually, and anyone else as well if we want to get some talk going.

Rac hasn't done anything to stick out to me yet other than being Rac.

Fran and Wee have both been more on the serious side of things than the joking side of things I guess, questioning people and stuff, especially Fran. That's not too out of the ordinary for either of them, as in NAI for sure, but I could reread them both.

Coolest, well, I wouldn't be shocked but I would need to see some more game related discussions from him.

Did you have a reason for these votes by the way?
low activity, questioning me, in that order

Pirate Bae

Edelgard Feet Appreciator
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I honestly have no idea what's going on

Gut impressions:

Fanto is playing like Fanto and is being very analytic already, no alarm bells there.

Turmoil's claim fish reads more like he's fishing for responses as opposed to an actual claim. Kind of makes me sus of anyone who took it seriously. Reads like they're trying to jump on an easy point of contention.

I'd like to see more from Stu, I always really like his observations.

Loki seems okay? Not really sure here, seems like she's making some real easy reads.


Is this tag ok?
Oct 25, 2017
Stuart said this:

How can I take that list as no random when he is just putting LP as a Neutral because "why not"?

And I never said that I can't talk about the players. I said that I can't talk about why I'm on that list, mostly because there is no explanation about it so I can't refute what is not there.

And you asked Stu, but he never replied. So instead of voting Stuart because he never answered you you are voting me.

I did take the LP read as probably a joke, he had like one post at the time maybe.

Fair on the second part I guess, I took as you saying you couldn't comment on them because Stu gave no reasoning, but I probably read it wrong.

Stu just said he's going to sleep, it is pretty late over there, I honestly didn't even expect him to reply right now. I said I was going to reread you and Wee since both of you have been less on the jokey side of things, and then I remembered that exchange sticking out to me and that I agreed with Soneji while reading it, that it felt sketchy to dismiss it as a shitpost.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Okay the credits, post credits, post credit credits, and post credit post credits are done. I beat Death Stranding. Now I can move on to Pokemon at some point

I'll be in to post my thoughts shortly


Is this tag ok?
Oct 25, 2017
When I asked stu about why he made that, and his response was a joke so I guess it probably was a joke.
Where he said he was the reasoning? I guess I just find it hard to believe Stu would just make a completely random read list like that, he had to have a reason to put down those players as Scum, hence why I want to hear some thoughts on them.