Finale Fireworker

Love each other or die trying.
Oct 25, 2017
United States
what if the last time you voted for a candidate that got three million more votes but donald trump became the president?

I read this sort of sentiment a lot. I understand it fully. It is hard to motivate yourself to fight what feels like a losing battle. It is hard to work for something when it feels like all your work is wasted.

But I try to think of all the people who came before me who fought much longer and much harder and a lot harder for privileges and benefits that I was fortunate enough to be born with. I think about what would have happened if all those people just gave up.

Regardless of the losses and setbacks, and despite what it rips out of you every time you lose, you have to keep going. You are here now enjoying the fruits of progress your forebears accomplished. It is your turn to fight for it so your children can have it too.

So, whatever happened last time and whatever happens tomorrow, I keep trying.

Carcosan Stag

Oct 25, 2017
what if the last time you voted for a candidate that got three million more votes but donald trump became the president?

I'd say the absence of an electoral college overshadowing individual votes in a Midterm election is quite relevant to the importance of midterm votes vs presidential votes. At least as far as I understand, the electoral college plays no role in state and local elections, and only in presidential ones.


Oct 25, 2017
Hi everyone,

I want to/going to vote tomorrow, and I want to be part of the blue wave, but I don't know who the hell to vote for!

Can someone help me on voting candidates that would most represent a progressive cause?

I live in NYC, in one of the five boroughs, if that helps. Thanks.
Put in your address here:

They give a pretty detailed breakdown of candidates, ballot measures, and other issues that might come up. I found it didn't cover court appointees for my area, I had to do separate research for those.


Oct 27, 2017
Damn the Democratic machine in NJ for making me vote for corrupt ass Menendez again.

Better him than Hugin, though


Oct 27, 2017
Oct 28, 2017
I'm disappointed that the polls are so close.

2 years ago, I was hoping this would be a repudiation of Trump and his values.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn the Democratic machine in NJ for making me vote for corrupt ass Menendez again.

Better him than Hugin, though

Hugin can claim to be all "independent" he wants, but at the end of the day, you can trust Menendez to vote no on McConnell's shenanigans. If this were any other election at another time, Hugin wins.


Nov 7, 2017
I'm disappointed that the polls are so close.

2 years ago, I was hoping this would be a repudiation of Trump and his values.
In 2016, polling generally* underreported Trump turnout because people were uncomfortable about admitting they liked him.

(*the relative accuracy of the final average GE popular vote turnout notwithstanding)

Now the reverse may be true; they don't want to admit they were wrong, but they will show it by staying at home tomorrow.^

(^ hopefully)

Everything hinges on turnout tomorrow. Polling can over- or understate general voter motivation in strange times. We'll see!


Oct 25, 2017
I'm disappointed that the polls are so close.

2 years ago, I was hoping this would be a repudiation of Trump and his values.
At this point, we can just wait out the extra 24 hours and point to the results.

The polls are certainly tough for the Senate, but this is an extremely tough map for the Democrats in the Senate and would be at a very high risk of creating a Republican supermajority in most other years. There is an outside chance some upsets occur both ways, but it should stay between R+1 and D+1, ranging from 52-48 to 50-50.

The polls look promising for the governors, Congress, and many state legislatures. That is where the real impact will be seen fighting back against Trump-ism.


Oct 27, 2017
Votes cast in Florida via vote-by-mail and early voting prior to election day, sorted by registration:
No Party Affiliation: 951,254

I'm one of these surprise Dem votes for Gillum. I'm seeing so many DeSantis signs around FTL. With "Nuñez" underneath, to trick low-info hispanics using his wife's running mate's last name so I'm a bit worried.

Oh how I hate that racist piece of shit. If he becomes my governor, I will leave Florida.

I have to change my party affiliation to Dem so i can vote in primaries though.
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Oct 25, 2017
I'm one of these surprise Dem votes for Gillum. I'm seeing so many DeSantis signs around FTL. With "Nuñez" underneath, to trick low-info hispanics using his wife's last name so I'm a bit worried.

Oh how I hate that racist piece of shit. If he becomes my governor, I will leave Florida.

I have to change my party affiliation to Dem so i can vote in primaries though.

Uh, Jeanette Nuñez is his running mate.

That's a low-info post.


Oct 27, 2017
Uh, Jeanette Nuñez is his running mate. That's a low-info post.

I deserved that. going to edit my post and keep the original mistake.

Still, Gillum doesn't have his running mate's name underneath his. The intention was the same. To mislead low info voters into thinking Desantis isn't a racist piece of shit. Which he is. As is any politician who supports the Trump agenda and wants to build a wall.


Oct 25, 2017
It'll be interesting to see if Dems over-perform. Especially considering that voting has been near Presidential levels this go-around. All that post-Kavanaugh enthusiasm seems like it waned and Dems are on the ascendancy. We'll see tomorrow.

At the very least I hope voter participation is bigger than expected considering how much more covered it has been compared to 2010/2014.


Oct 27, 2017


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Mars University
Early voted in Florida, brought my mom, helped my fiance and her sister vote, my father is going door to door to help remind people to go out and vote. We in this. Let's go Gillum and Nelson.


Oct 25, 2017
i took a peek at t_d (i know, i know) and they were bragging about people crying when trump was elected.

i'm not even american but for the love of god, vote.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm disappointed that the polls are so close.

2 years ago, I was hoping this would be a repudiation of Trump and his values.

It is though. You see it in the House because the map isn't as biased towards Republicans as the Senate. Democrats are probably getting 35+ seats.

For the Senate, you're seeing tossups or only slightly lean right in states like TN and TX which are deep red states. Alabama is redder, but has a Democrat senator because of Trump and because the GOP candidate was so bad in Alabama.

Next election is more favorable to dems well probably see a super majority in 2021.


Oct 25, 2017
It is though. You see it in the House because the map isn't as biased towards Republicans as the Senate. Democrats are probably getting 35+ seats.

For the Senate, you're seeing tossups or only slightly lean right in states like TN and TX which are deep red states. Alabama is redder, but has a Democrat senator because of Trump and because the GOP candidate was so bad in Alabama.

Next election is more favorable to dems well probably see a super majority in 2021.

I mean, when you think of how Trump behaves, to even get just a "regular" midterm swing in the House points to how low this country has come...


Oct 27, 2017
Voted for every PoC on my ballot, regardless of party affiliation. Need to get white people out of government.


Oct 27, 2017
Seriously, regardless of party affiliation the right thing needs to be done. I casted my vote and will drop off my ballot tomorrow in CA.
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Oct 25, 2017
Canvassed for Katie Hill in CA-25 yesterday - it's the most I can do to participate in the political process, since I'm just a permanent resident. Feels good to do something, even though I felt super invasive knocking on everyone's doors.


Oct 25, 2017
I just want Cruz to get blasted, although I am not sure it will happen.
Oct 25, 2017
^^^ I thought this was about getting PoC into leadership roles, not party politics. White people are far too privileged to get my vote.

What did I do wrong?
It's a nice sentiment but I think you should vote for people you agree with over their other traits. I'd prefer we had fewer white people in power but voting against your own interests just because the representative is white doesn't fix anything. Anyone, regardless of race, can fall victim to the mentality and lies that got us where we are today.

Lil Peanut Brotha

Motion Graphics Artist at Riot Games
Oct 25, 2017
I canvassed for just an hour last weekend at a few south asian blocks in LA Koreatown, but it was a pretty cool experience. I think ill try to do more in the next general election! Or make some dope animated positive propoganda that informs people of things..


Oct 27, 2017
Sent in my vote last week...for Andrew Gillum of course. Hopefully Voldemort doesn't get in the senate.

Tomorrow I'll be going to Air Force Basic Training so I'm going to miss pretty much all the fallout after it. Honestly a good thing imo, the last election was such a terrible experience that I'm glad I'll have something else to focus on.

I just hope that everything works out. I know the polls seem to be looking good but I can't get myself to believe in them not to mention other people. But after not voting in the last election all of my immediate family are voting this time which makes me very happy.

Good luck at BMT!


Dec 7, 2017
It's a nice sentiment but I think you should vote for people you agree with over their other traits. I'd prefer we had fewer white people in power but voting against your own interests just because the representative is white doesn't fix anything. Anyone, regardless of race, can fall victim to the mentality and lies that got us where we are today.
Yeah, that's how we get President West in 2024