
Oct 27, 2017
Decision has been made. Plus, why would anyone care to defend him? Let it go and move on. Don't say provocative shit if you're not prepared to face repercussions.


Oct 26, 2017
He already did it years ago when he wanted Pearlmutter gone from Marvel Studios.
That was a Marvel Studios internal struggle though and Disney also felt it was in the studio's best interest to have Feige report directly to them instead of through Perlmutter. This would be Feige strongarming Disney themselves and that would end very badly for him.

Deleted member 1635

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
What a bad precedent being promoted. If someone from the opposing ideology finds old crap on you it's inapplicable. BS

Seriously left folks have been so embarrassing in this. It's old and he apologized then which apparently no one was aware of because of reaction to when these tweets were made public again. Thing is it happened, he may have felt genuinely remorseful but words have consequences in present or future. Now that EVERYONE knows, his redemption begins

I keep seeing the narrative that everyone (especially Disney) knew about these tweets and he already apologized for them, but every article I have seen linked as evidence of this is referring to a completely different set of offensive posts, mostly from 2011. As you point out, the severe reaction to these tweets now indicates that they were not widely known previously.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
We live in a social media world. Everything "matters", and I think those that don't believe that Gunn might be re-hired are underplaying the power of the fact that most people actually stood by Gunn for noticing that Disney was played by an alt-right troll.

I believe that once the merger voting goes through, Disney higher ups will perceive the mistake they've made and reinstate him. There's a precedent to this, see Sam Seder's case and how the same alt-right asshole got him fired for similar false claims.
And if I lose I will never enter a MCU thread until Ant-Man 3.


Oct 25, 2017
We live in a social media world. Everything "matters", and I think those that don't believe that Gunn might be re-hired are underplaying the power of the fact that most people actually stood by Gunn for noticing that Disney was played by an alt-right troll.

I believe that once the merger voting goes through, Disney higher ups will perceive the mistake they've made and reinstate him. There's a precedent to this, see Sam Seder's case and how the same alt-right asshole got him fired for similar false claims.

These aren't false claims. He made those post and they were disgusting.

Now look at my post up there. If you want to actually do something stop buying marvel's shit

As of right now, your avatar is a literal advertisement for one of marvel's toys and characters.


Oct 26, 2017
If you guy's are truly angered by this, hit Disney where it hurts.

Skip the Marvel movies, star wars movies etc.

This petition will do nothing.

But you'll sleep easier at night knowing you haven't given money to the corporation who bent to the will of the alt-right.

who am I kidding. You'll all be there for the next guardians movie after the first trailer drops.


Nov 2, 2017
Signed. Don't like the Marvel movies but the guy deserves his job. Also, fuck Weird Mike and Jack 'Bumble' Probiscus.


Oct 28, 2017
Signed the petition.... I hope it works... usually after firings, big companies don't go back on it.

But Disney has ok'd unconventional decisions by Marvel.. like bringing back Ryan Reynolds for Deadpool after the Wolverine disaster... as well as bringing back Chris Evens and Michael B. Jordan for important Marvel roles.


Oct 25, 2017
We live in a social media world. Everything "matters", and I think those that don't believe that Gunn might be re-hired are underplaying the power of the fact that most people actually stood by Gunn for noticing that Disney was played by an alt-right troll.

I believe that once the merger voting goes through, Disney higher ups will perceive the mistake they've made and reinstate him. There's a precedent to this, see Sam Seder's case and how the same alt-right asshole got him fired for similar false claims.

Yes the alt right planted those tweets!! Yeah!!! You go man!!

Deleted member 31333

User requested account closure
Nov 6, 2017


Oct 26, 2017
I keep seeing the narrative that everyone (especially Disney) knew about these tweets and he already apologized for them, but every article I have seen linked as evidence of this is referring to a completely different set of offensive posts, mostly from 2011. As you point out, the severe reaction to these tweets now indicates that they were not widely known previously.

He talked about his general attitude and specifically his Twitter Posts many times. This is a Buzzfeed article from 2017:

Here's what I said about this in the other thread which I figured is worth reiterating since you guys seem to make the same points again in this thread:

You know, I'm pretty much always one of the guys calling shit out, someone who has no patience for this kind of stuff. But realising in this thread that for some of you all this never really was about accountability or making people realise their mistakes or acknowledging their change and their apologies...but that it's instead just about coming down with the hammer and calling people out, no matter the context is kind of an eye-opener. The dude was his own biggest critic. He NEVER hid these tweets, these jokes, he never ran away from what he said. He often talked about it unprovoked and how uncomfortable he is with how he was back then, how much better he feels these days. His words and deeds have proven him to be an ally who fights for the rights of others, even when confronted by immense hate.

To see that none of this matter to some, very simply because the dude made offensive jokes almost a decade ago is...I honestly don't know what it is. It makes me question a few things because it makes me realize that you and I do not at all want the same thing when we normally call this behaviour out. For me, it's about weeding out the racists, the sexists, the people intending to harm others and change society in ways that will benefit them and hurt or repress others. It's about showing that even offensive jokes can have meaning and hurt people. If that person realises that and honestly apologizes for it, making it clear for years and years that he came around and is staunchly on the right side of history...what benefit, exactly, do you get by going "Nah, still, fuck you"? Because to me it very simply feels like a self-righteous, nonsensical version of mob justice that doesn't indent to actually make anything better, but simply to hurt and shun. And I am 100% sure that I would find some kind of offensive, bad taste joke or statement or angry posts in your history of forum posts and personal anecdotes. Same with me. I definitely made jokes just as bad as this at some points of my life. Do I deserve to lose my livelyhood because of that? No matter if that at all represents me and what I do and who I am now? Do you deserve that?


Oct 25, 2017

Why would they think they can take down just anyone as a result of this? And even if they thought that I don't see any basis for that in truth.

Gunn got fired for tweets hitting the mainstream that would have gotten him fired from the vast majority of jobs. This situation isn't applicable to just anyone the far-right would want to target.


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
Why would they think they can take down anyone as a result of this. And even if they thought that I don't see any basis for that in truth.

Gunn got fired for tweets hitting the mainstream that would have gotten him fired from the vast majority of jobs. This situation isn't applicable to anyone the far-right would want to target.

Because that's exactly what they are trying to do now. Reportedly by themselves.

Deleted member 1635

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
He talked about his general attitude and specifically his Twitter Posts many times. This is a Buzzfeed article from 2017:

Here's what I said about this in the other thread which I figured is worth reiterating since you guys seem to make the same points again in this thread:

You know, I'm pretty much always one of the guys calling shit out, someone who has no patience for this kind of stuff. But realising in this thread that for some of you all this never really was about accountability or making people realise their mistakes or acknowledging their change and their apologies...but that it's instead just about coming down with the hammer and calling people out, no matter the context is kind of an eye-opener. The dude was his own biggest critic. He NEVER hid these tweets, these jokes, he never ran away from what he said. He often talked about it unprovoked and how uncomfortable he is with how he was back then, how much better he feels these days. His words and deeds have proven him to be an ally who fights for the rights of others, even when confronted by immense hate.

To see that none of this matter to some, very simply because the dude made offensive jokes almost a decade ago is...I honestly don't know what it is. It makes me question a few things because it makes me realize that you and I do not at all want the same thing when we normally call this behaviour out. For me, it's about weeding out the racists, the sexists, the people intending to harm others and change society in ways that will benefit them and hurt or repress others. It's about showing that even offensive jokes can have meaning and hurt people. If that person realises that and honestly apologizes for it, making it clear for years and years that he came around and is staunchly on the right side of history...what benefit, exactly, do you get by going "Nah, still, fuck you"? Because to me it very simply feels like a self-righteous, nonsensical version of mob justice that doesn't indent to actually make anything better, but simply to hurt and shun. And I am 100% sure that I would find some kind of offensive, bad taste joke or statement or angry posts in your history of forum posts and personal anecdotes. Same with me. I definitely made jokes just as bad as this at some points of my life. Do I deserve to lose my livelyhood because of that? No matter if that at all represents me and what I do and who I am now? Do you deserve that?

Just for the record, I think he totally has reformed and it sucks that he got fired for this, although it's not terribly surprising. I'm just trying to get the facts straight. People are claiming that Disney and everyone else absolutely knew about these very tweets, but I'm not seeing any evidence of that being presented. If people can prove that Disney knew about these exact tweets and blog posts and yet still hired him and were cool with it up until now, then that is a pretty strong thing to rally around, but right now it just looks like a bunch of "it must be so" to me.


Oct 25, 2017
Gunn got fired because unlike when he first wrote and then apologized, his tweets went mainstream NOW unlike before. People keep missing the point. Look at era's own thread when the tweets were made public, probably 5% of folks knew about the tweets and apology already. Gunn didn't get a lesson then because he became big. He got his lesson NOW. It's not that hard to understand

It's cringeworthy to see people only wanting him back because they like a movie. Words don't matter when you like things or someone apparently
Oct 27, 2017
Fan petitions rarely work, but I hope this does.
I think the only way Gunn is rehired if the cast pushes for it, Dave Bautista sounds like he wants Gunn back. But really this effort would need the likes of Chris Pratt to really push this through.


Oct 25, 2017
Was this guy not fired because of his old tweets about rape and pedophilia? What's with the 180?


Oct 26, 2017
Why would they think they can take down just anyone as a result of this? And even if they thought that I don't see any basis for that in truth.

Gunn got fired for tweets hitting the mainstream that would have gotten him fired from the vast majority of jobs. This situation isn't applicable to just anyone the far-right would want to target.

Maybe start the hand wringing when someone actually does get taken down for criticizing Trump? That is not what happened here.

I have some bad news for you guys. Theracist, rape-apologist, Pizzagate instigators of the campaign to get Gunn fired, Mike Cernovich and his Alt-Right followers are already very busy on Twitter, right now, to apply EXACTLY this tactic to Patton Oswalt, Sarah Silverman and others. This is their schtick. And you are falling for it.


Oct 26, 2017

She's not entirely wrong. But at the same time, this isn't a new thing and Gunn isn't the first person attacked. If it worked with everyone, Rian Johnson wouldn't have his Star Wars trilogy lined up. Reason it stuck with Gunn is the wealth of Tweets, severity, and that he was working on a family-friendly property for Disney.

At the same same time, happening so close to the ArenaNet firings, which come off worse to ArenaNet than this does to Disney, I can understand why there's some concern.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm quite confident that this situation will be sorted out in less than two weeks. I disagree with your assessment because the way I see it, the alt-right targets Disney because they know they have progressive stories and artists involved. Doing that is actually what the alt-right wants. I'm confident that the public opinion is very much on Gunn's favor and things will be sorted out soon.
It's insane how you're twisting this into effectively having your cake and eating it too.


Oct 30, 2017
The only way to hurt Disney would be a mass boycott of future Marvel movies.

And I don't see that happening.

This disingenuous image is never going to die.

It also ignores the fact that they brought Dedicated Servers back.

If you guy's are truly angered by this, hit Disney where it hurts.

Skip the Marvel movies, star wars movies etc.

This petition will do nothing.

But you'll sleep easier at night knowing you haven't given money to the corporation who bent to the will of the alt-right.

who am I kidding. You'll all be there for the next guardians movie after the first trailer drops.
A boycott for boycott's sake is meaningless. So, what, you boycott Ant-Man and the Wasp now? They only lesson they'll learn is people don't want to see Ant-Man and the Wasp. You boycott Black Panther 2 and their only takeaway will be that nobody wants a Black Panther sequel.

Unless there is a very clear, unified voice telling them why millions upon millions of people skipped a film, they won't even know why their properties would be suffering.

Even if Marvel as a property became toxic today, they'd still be more than okay in their billions from their other dozens of movies, TV channels, theme parks, hotels and resorts, etc. One movie, one director, is a drop in the bucket.

This isn't about that. "Winning" isn't the goal here, and getting James Gunn rehired, while nice, isn't really the end-goal either. It's at the very least taking the time to tell Disney WHY you are upset with them. If they listen or don't listen doesn't matter, because sounding off at the very least takes away their ability to deny they were ignorant of the backlash or fan response. It's putting yourself on the record, so to speak, and them at the very least knowing precisely why you feel they screwed up.

Criticism and protest is meaningless if it is internalized.


Oct 26, 2017
We live in a social media world. Everything "matters", and I think those that don't believe that Gunn might be re-hired are underplaying the power of the fact that most people actually stood by Gunn for noticing that Disney was played by an alt-right troll.

I believe that once the merger voting goes through, Disney higher ups will perceive the mistake they've made and reinstate him. There's a precedent to this, see Sam Seder's case and how the same alt-right asshole got him fired for similar false claims.
Sam Seder's case was different though. He made a post that was clearly mocking Roman Polanski apologists that got falsely reported on by Cernovich as being in favor of Polanski. In Gunn's case though, he really did make those tweets and the content was exactly what it said on the tin. Do I agree with his firing? Hell no, I fully believe Gunn has grown past it and as far as we know it were just some stupid jokes and he hasn't actually done anything, but this is still very different than the Seder case.

And I think there's nowhere near enough social media backing for Gunn to be reinstated for the shareholders to care. See, the shareholders aren't stupid, they know fully well that however hard these people moan about Gunn having to be brought back on, they're still going to see Captain Marvel, they're still going to see Avengers 4 and they're still going to see Guardians of the Galaxy 3. For them to care they have to believe that Gunn's firing will actually harm the brand and it won't, unless the actors all decide to break contract and walk.


Oct 25, 2017
I have some bad news for you guys. Theracist, rape-apologist, Pizzagate instigators of the campaign to get Gunn fired, Mike Cernovich and his Alt-Right followers are already very busy on Twitter, right now, to apply EXACTLY this tactic to Patton Oswalt, Sarah Silverman and others. This is their schtick. And you are falling for it.

So content doesn't matter it's who finds it matters if outrage is needed. Got it


Oct 25, 2017
Fan petitions rarely work, but I hope this does.
I think the only way Gunn is rehired if the cast pushes for it, Dave Bautista sounds like he wants Gunn back. But really this effort would need the likes of Chris Pratt to really push this through.

Pratt is a deeply religious right winger that follows a couple of alt-right peeps on twitter. He will more than likely not say shit
Oct 25, 2017
Just for the record, I think he totally has reformed and it sucks that he got fired for this, although it's not terribly surprising. I'm just trying to get the facts straight. People are claiming that Disney and everyone else absolutely knew about these very tweets, but I'm not seeing any evidence of that being presented. If people can prove that Disney knew about these exact tweets and blog posts and yet still hired him and were cool with it up until now, then that is a pretty strong thing to rally around, but right now it just looks like a bunch of "it must be so" to me.
Disney and Marvel were asked to comment about the blog back then, but never put out statements as far as I can see. Unless internal corporate documents are released, you're never going to get any "definitive proof" they knew. (and as a side note, the blog that caused the initial uproar had similar offensive material as the tweets, so while the tweets themselves were never mentioned, the content was similar at the time).


Oct 26, 2017
So content doesn't matter it's who finds it matters if outrage is needed. Got it

I even looked for and inserted a lengthy, older post of mine to make my position clear. If you cant even be bothered to read that and actually take part in the discussion, instead just coming up with bullshit to attack others, then leave nd stop inserting yourself into the discussion.
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly they should just replace him with a woman or person of color just to complete this alt-right monkey paw wish.


Oct 27, 2017
In the weak and the wounded
So THAT'S how it is.


It doesn't matter how many signatures we get on this signature, Disney isn't walking this one back.

They don't k ow or care what is really going on... or more specifically they don't have the people with the working social knowledge on staff in appropriate positions to handle these kinds of situations.

For right now, fans would have better luck appealing to the actors, and see if they can get enough of them to make a move, which might get Disney to pull it's head out of its protective shell and listen.

Then, these companies REALLY need to hire people who know how to navigate the cyber social landscapes, people who knows who's who and what's what, and can put together a presentation explaining it along with proposed courses of action and possible outcomes.