
Oct 26, 2017


Quick update for the last 5 game.

New Super Lucky Tale & Minecraft Dungeons were servicable but overal a letdown.

CrossCode was an interesting game, there were parts that were phenominal but the game also got in the way of itself on multiple chapters. I still enjoyed the game but with a little editing it could of easily been a "Good" to "Fantastic"

Luna Nights was a fun short MetroidVaina. The game had a fun mechanic that had you regain HP & SP by glancing enemy attacks that led to this high risk high reward. The last three boss fights where also very fun.

Spelunky - FInally got around to playing this classic. Took me 252 runs but I finally found my way out of the temple with a mountain full of treasure. Perfect pick up for a few minutes here and there game and looked great on the Vita.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
70: Super Mario 64 (All-Stars Edition). End: 9/19/2020. 5 Hours. Liked-A-Lot

One of the most important and influential video games ever made. And it mostly holds up pretty well (camera problems being the exception).


Nov 16, 2017
main post

42. Darius Burst Second Prologue (iOS) | 19th September - 1 hours | 9/10

This game plays so amazingly well on a phone with touch controls. Beautiful with an interesting soundtrack and great boss fights. Went with route A-B-C-E-H.




Oct 26, 2017

Game #59 - Dark Souls Remastered (Switch)
Time: 35 hours
Rating: ★★★★★

It's Dark Souls, but portable. I mean, that's about all it needs to be said,it's still absolutely fantastic and one of my favorite games ever, and playing it portable was the right kind of different enough to warrant yet another run. Great port, apparently the sound is low quality but I never use headphones as it is so I couldnt tell, otherwise its pretty much Dark Souls on a small screen. Wish they would port 2 aswell at least since it ran on the same systems initially, oh well.


Game #60 - Dead Cells
Time: 35+ hours (ongoing)
Rating: ★★★★★

Amazing roguelike, one of the best I've ever played, and one of those titles where almost everything is perfectly crafted. Gorgeous 2d pixel art (especially gorgeous on the Switch's screen), fantastic fast paced gameplay with a ton of weapon and style variety, tons of locations, and a great meta system for the roguelike aspect that makes you want to do "one more run" over and over again. I didnt get the "true ending" yet which requires you to finish the game with 5 boss cells (I only have 2 yet and its already damn hard), but I've seen all there is to see and I'm taking a break from it atm so its a good time to add it. I might come back to it later, but if not, I more than got my moneys worth and I loved every second.

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One Winged Slayer
Slowly but surely I will close the gap and hit 52 games this year. All Switch games this update.


29. Jet Lancer (NSW) | September | 1/5
I had a lot of fun with this one, but it took me months to beat it. I bought the game at launch and ended up hitting a hard wall somewhat early on where a level requires you to hit a high score in a certain time limit. The score required was way too high and a patch was promised. By the time it came out I stopped giving a shit and lost all momentum. I picked it up again months later but the energy and excitement was gone and I was just playing through it to reach the end. Also the anime shit gets turned up to 11 which didn't do the game any favors either. And the lack of voice acting really sucks because the game has to pause mid mission constantly for you to read the next story beat that is supposed to be transmitted straight to the protagonists headset. There is the foundation of something great here, but then I have heard this is similar to another game called "Luftrausers" from 2014 (which I never played) which makes the shortcomings much less forgivable. Anyway, my personal experience was much more sour than it would have been if I had played it post patch but what can you do.

30. Super Punch Patrol (NSW) | September | 2/5
Hörberg Productions releases some really solid games. I really enjoyed my time with Gunman Clive and Mechstermination Force so of course I picked this up without any hesitation. It was incredibly disappointing. The visuals are hella stylish but the gameplay is bland as can be. Comparisons to Streets of Rage 4 are obviously going to end badly for this game but it also compares poorly to the original River City Ransom (which I also played this year). A unique visual style just isn't enough. The gameplay feels stiff, combat too basic, and worst of all the enemies deal way too much damage, although playing through in coop helped makes sure we could beat it on our second try. It is also short as hell, coming in at only 4 levels. It was only $5 but maybe my expectations were too high based on the developers previous work.

31. Pushy and Pully in Block Land (NSW) | September | 4/5
It looked like bomber man, had coop, and good reviews on Steam, so we figured why not? It is an incredibly well done game that doesn't overstay its welcome. Gameplay is super simple, either destroy all the blocks or destroy all the enemies in a level before time runs out. Creative enemies and level layouts make for a fun time, and we ended up burning through all 50 levels in one sitting. There are boss fights which are neat although RNG in where boxes spawn make some of them harder than they need to be. Overall the game perfectly delivers on what it promises.

32. The Unholy Society (NSW) | September | 5/5
Well this game is certainly something. A stylish as hell side scrolling adventure game that sees you exercising demons. It is full of stupid pop culture references but isn't obnoxious about it which I appreciated. The combat is a unique real time "find the matching symbols" system that works way better than it has any right to. The story really ties it all together. It is stupid and over the top goofy but makes no apologies as it takes you through the world. Anyway, everything about this game felt like it was speaking to me personally and I was gutted when it was over after only about 2 hours. I am eagerly awaiting the next game (games?) in this franchise and will be sad forever if it ends up being a one and done.

Main Post


Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
but they're in a completely different spot and stuff you put in storage is now out on shelves anyway. Why let me decorate at all, then?
i feel like this was meant to just show the passing of time and that the place felt lived in. like it's still the items you choose, but moving them makes sense because, like, you move stuff around when you live in a house

it was a small detail that i really liked


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
63. Cuphead - 21/09/2020

I used to hate-love this game for its brutal difficulty, but I replayed it and it suddenly felt super chill? Yeah the difficulty was still there but it was like it was what I wanted.


Oct 26, 2017

Game #61 - Borderlands 2 Mister Torgue's Campaign of Carnage (Switch)
Time: 6 hours
Rating: ★★★

A bit split on this one, I don't think it's bad but the bland environments and Torgue's annoying (but sometimes funny) character didn't do much for me. The story is actually ok, and appearances by Moxxi and Tina are apreciated, but overall it was a step down from Captain Scarlett in my opinion.


Game #62 - Borderlands 2 Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt (Switch)
Time: 4 hours
Rating: ★★

And the downward spiral of the Borderlands 2 DLC quality continues with what is in my opinion not only the worst DLC so far for the game, but one of the worst in the series so far, on par with the Arena DLC for Borderlands 1. A crap and short main story, some of the worst and most annoying sidequests in the series, a heavy focus on giant bosses with a ton of health which sucks for single player, bad weapons, boring locations, I just hated everything about it, I would rate it lower but to be fair, there is content here (unlike the Arena DLC in the first game), I just don't like any of it. Shame because I love Hammerlock as a character.

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Memory Pak

Aug 29, 2018

53. Trine 2: Director's Cut (2012, Wii U) ★★★☆☆
Bought both of the Trine games years ago on sale, and rather regretted the purchase after bouncing off the first one mid-way through. The sequel fixes almost none of the original's problems, either: levels are still way too long, the overall sense of jank continues to permeate in every physics puzzle, the story continues being milquetoast robed wizard storybook fantasy drivel, and the protagonists never exceed boilerplate D&D podcast levels of characterisation.
What Trine 2 does fix though is the drab bloomy aesthetic of the original. While I'm not a fan of the Cinderella-meets-Blingee look, there's an undeniable prettiness to its high fidelity environments. There's also some minor enjoyment found in stitching together several unwieldly semi-solutions to scrape past obstacles. The game does have a real problem with rewarding you though: its only solution is to unlock 7 more levels after finishing the main campaign, which felt more like a threat than a prize. As a solo experience I don't really recommend this to anyone, but it's fairly decent and might be more fun in co-op.


54. Teslagrad (2014, Wii U) ★★★☆☆
Somewhat charming steampunk platformer with an emphasis on magnetism and a hand-drawn art style. There are some Metroid-esque allusions with its interconnected world, but backtracking is mostly optional. While the game succeeds at storytelling without dialogue, I was unfortunately never emotionally engaged. The game is also marred by an excessively steep difficulty curve. It's not unfair or cheap, and there are several good bossfights, but the game requires a lot of precision and even the slightest mistakes instantly kill you.

i feel like this was meant to just show the passing of time and that the place felt lived in. like it's still the items you choose, but moving them makes sense because, like, you move stuff around when you live in a house

it was a small detail that i really liked

That's a good point I had not considered! Are you sure it's the same items though? I specifically set the family photos next to each other and made space for some of the cultural artifacts, and could swear one of the photos and statues was gone next time. Could be misremembering though. Florence does some neat things with the medium so I was a bit bummed about not connecting with the story better (had the same experience with Monument Valley II).


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
71: Super Mario Sunshine (All-Stars Edition). End: 9/23/2020. No idea. Between a Meh and a Liked.

This game is kind of a mess. There are a lot of interesting ideas that don't feel like they were executed effectively. The game could sometimes feel unintuitive. And the game's difficulty was all over the place.


Oct 26, 2017

Game #63 - Borderlands 2 Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep (Switch)
Time: 7 hours
Rating: ★★★★★

And we thankfully end the show with the showstopper, as Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep is by far the best DLC for the series thus far (only counting 1 and 2 mind you). Fantastic main story in the guise of tina and the gang playing a sort of D&D game with Tina as the Dungeon Master, both funny (well, I guess that depends on how you feel about Tina as a character, I happen to like her quite a bit) and shockingly emotional (?), good sidequets, lots of fantasy references (a lot of Game of Thrones, guess it was the hotness when the dlc launched), great location, actual original weapons for once, just overall super well made and a great way to cap off Borderlands 2.

Main Post


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
72: Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest. End: 9/23/2020. 2 Hours. Loved.

One of the definitive 2D platformers. One of the best SNES games. And it absolutely holds up. (I think it's a better game than the first DKC.)


Dec 18, 2019
Main Post

43. CrossCode - PS4
I have very mixed feelings about this game. The pixel art is gorgeous. The game play is very fun. The puzzles are thoroughly enjoyable. The enemy design is great. The difficulty is unwarranted. The story is not good. The MMO aspect is tiring. The characters are fun and engaging. Overall, I enjoyed my time with this game, but by the end I was ready for it to be over. The timing required for some of the puzzles and the ability required for some of the later bosses is kind of ridiculous. There are difficulty sliders that intend to ease this, but I wasn't about to touch those things. I still recommend this game despite my qualms with how ridiculous it gets, as the mixture of RPG, bullet-hell, and puzzle elements are perfectly mixed. Just like my feelings.

44. Slain! Back From Hell - PS4
It was 2 bucks. Valfaris was pretty great, and this is the same team's previous game that is very much in the same vein. It's a fun game, but there's not much to it. It was definitely easier than Valfaris, which I was somewhat thankful for. I truly enjoyed windmill headbanging after each boss. Every game should have that!

45. Resident Evil HD Remaster - PS4
I played the original Resident Evil for PlayStation when it was released for about 15 minutes. The dog jumping through the window made me nope out so fast, and I never gave the series a chance after that. I've finally decided to give the entire series that I've been sleeping on for 20+ years a shot within this challenge, and I am thankful that I did. My feelings at the beginning of the game were very much in line with my original reaction in the 90s. This game, however, won me over. It is absolutely fantastic. I cannot wait to move on to Resident Evil 2, and look forward to finally experiencing what I've been missing out on all of these years.

I am also streaming my blind play through of the entire series on my Twitch channel if anyone is interested in seeing an old dude shriek like Janet Leigh at jump scares. Here's the entire first game play through.


Oct 27, 2017
Annnnd it's done! Got my 52nd game done on Monday: the campaign of Star Wars: The Old Republic. Absolute record timing due to pandemic and whatnot but that marks the third year in a row for me. It has been fun for me with a nice mix of new games and replays. Will still update for the rest of the year to see how far I go, will probably be mostly new releases though so I don't see it jumping too much by the end of December.

Main Post


One Winged Slayer
Jul 14, 2018
STATUS: 74/52 Games

★ - Trash, or Shovelware; no redeeming factors
★★ - Bad; but has some redeeming factors
★★★ - Good; not bad, but not great
★★★★ - Great; has minor flaws, but is a clear recommendation
★★★★★ - Excellent; a definite recommendation, minor flaws are little enough to look past

Note: An Xbox icon denotes Xbox Game Pass PC.



Oct 25, 2017
124. Detective Grimoire- Secret of the Swamp

Decided to replay this light adventure game, and I still enjoyed it despite its simplicity. It did feature some callforwards to Tangle Tower too interestingly enough.
I wasn't able to find all information about clues in the game for an achievement, but I wasn't too bother with that.


Oct 27, 2017
61. Tell Me Why - Chapter 3: Inheritance - Ended up enjoying it as a whole. Although I do wish Tyler and Alyson each got individual episodes to expand on their past and current issues as it did feel a bit rushed by the end. This episode more then others I was surprised how different my choices were compared to the rest. Some good highs as a whole, but not quite at LiS2 levels or even LiS. Would recommend to fans of the genre.

62. A Short Hike - Nice little charming game. Struggled a bit at the end because I only had 7 feathers, but figured it out and had a nice little payoff at the end.

63. The Outer Worlds: Peril on Gorgon - If you liked the base game you'll like this as it's more of the same. Nothing really new added as far as mechanics either which was a letdown for me. Despite that looking forward to playing the next dlc/expansion when it releases.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
64. Super Mario 64 - 25/09/2020

That SM64 holds up as well as it does despite the fact that it's the blueprint for 3D gaming as a whole is nice, but actually playing it without that context is such a slog even for just the bare essentials to beating the game. Give me Banjo-Kazooie any day.


Dec 30, 2019
65 | Torchlight 2

PC Steam | Sept 21 | 20.5 hrs | 3/5

Fairly average ARPG. I like the cartoony graphics; the pets are the highest positive mechanic in the game. They help fight, they can share buffs, but most of all they sell your crap to the town without you going any where. The story is whatever; you're not going to play for that. The action is alright, fun to bash my hammer into the ground to create earthquakes. However, the classes felt very limited. I was lucky with my class that I only needed a really good 2H weapon. Lobotomaxx was using shotguns. If you had an outdated one, it really hurt. There was some issues with lagging. Not sure if that's a server problem or what.

It was hard to play this one and not compare it to Grim Dawn or Path of Exile. We had more fun with both of those titles. This felt more dull and pushed you to gamble for equipment rather than playing the game and getting drops. The drops were really disappointing after boss fights.

66 | Yooka-Laylee

PC Steam | Sept 25 | 24 hrs |

This game....yikes. Before the final boss, I was going to be liberal and say this title is average with much needed polishing.

Through the majority of my time, I generally enjoyed the game. It has problems but I was trying to get passed that with the game's charm. The graphics are fun. I love the bright colors. I love the character designs for Yooka and Laylee. I like that you can eat berries and get powers. Some (lol) of the puzzles were enjoyable. The level designs were fun to explore and the DNA ray was hilarious in each level.

But $%^&*@!&, the controls are abominable. The boss fights are not fun. The minigames were...okay at most. Awful other times. The arcade games...just why. You have to play them twice. They're so long and dull.

The final fight is what absolutely killed the game for me. I do NOT recommend this game even without chasing every achievement BECAUSE of the final boss fight required to beat the game. I really, really wanted to like this game. I was trying to enjoy myself past its shortcomings. It just did not hold up.

The fight was incredibly unfair with terrible game controls. (In 2017 how in TF do you have a game with no healing, no checkpoint between boss phases, or even a boss health bar?) Play something like Dark Souls, Bloodborne, or hell even a turn based RPG for a rewarding boss fight. Not this garbage. You want to play a game with collectibles? They exist. You want a game with 90s feel? Play the Spyro or Crash Bandicoot trilogies. But FFS not this title. I was letdown with this one. Please, just pick something else up.

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Oct 25, 2017
125. The Last Remnant

How fitting that my 125th completed game would be my very first ever Steam game :P
TBH I don't know how I feel about the game currently. Much of its system is a mystery to me and its primary gameplay loop being centered around battles tends to get dull after some time.

I may replay it again in the future to get a better understanding of it, but as is, it is a game whose visual design is a sign of its times; empty exploration areas with dozens of enemies scattered about the field and simple linear progression through them.


Oct 26, 2017

Game #64 - Pokemon Shield
Time: 42 hours
Rating: ★★★★

Was torn on what to rate this, 4 or 3, but ultimately the good outweights the bad and more importantly the fun I had outweights how hard I fell off the game. This was my first Pokemon game and I had a absolute blast at first, and for a long while really, I got super into just collecting Pokemon (the 40+ hours could have easily just been 20 or so if I just mainlined the game), the gameplay is simple but fun, the graphics are good and colorful and the music is fantastic. It's a great "time waster" that unfortunately I kinda just dropped near the end, and every time I tried to go back months later to finish it I truggled to get through the last chapter, I'm not sure but like I said, I fell off the game hard. But I finally did it tonight and I actually enjoyed it again (even if the ending is super rushed), but I feel like I got what I was going to get out of the game so stuff like the post game and especially the DLC isnt for me. Still, I had a great time for the most part, and will most likely get future titles now.

Main Post
Oct 27, 2017
No. 52 - Paradise Killer - 5/5

The setting, world building, character, music, and art direction really come together in Paradise Killer. While the game doesn't provide a sense of urgency, it's still arresting. It's also a fun ride, with most dialogue and item descriptions providing unfolding details. Those details are rarely boring, unless you're the kind of person who isn't fascinated by cosmic beings, eternal demigods, and overlapping conspiracies. All that and it plays like the best voyeuristic parts of an immersive sim, allowing the player to dig into every last locked corner of its map. Sure, there are flaws - once I had narrowed down most of the case files, doing laps around the island to close up loose ends and max out each character let a bit of boredom creep in. But that was all purely optional - it would have easily been possible to settle the trial in the way that I chose even without going for completion. Altogether, even with some minor issues, Paradise Killer is one of the best games of 2020.

And that's number 52. Can't say that I expected to finish this challenge, and I definitely didn't see doing it by September. What a game to go out on, too!

Main List
Oct 27, 2017
Optional Objectives Congrats!

I'm going to have to play Paradise Killer before too long - hopefully a sale won't be *too* far away.

Thanks! I'd recommend it - I'll probably have my full review up on the OT in a few days, with more detailed impressions. Part of why I jumped on it so quickly was because it was on discount when it released. Good thing, too, since it's been the perfect way to switch it up from the roguelike extravaganza that has hit in the last couple of weeks.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
73: Super Mario Galaxy (All-Stars Edition). End: 9/27/2020. No Idea. Mind-Blowing!

This game is a masterpiece (except for some of those motion control portions, lol). Galaxy still holds up as one of the most incredible experiences in gaming.


Dec 30, 2019
67 | Late Shift

PC Steam | Sept 26 | 6 hrs | 4/5

A crime thriller FMV, you play an unlucky chap trying to survive through a heist. This played like a movie with the occasional choice. It ran solid; I had no issues with stuttering. The acting was great.

I'm guessing the studio had a healthy budget. There were expensive cars, homes, sets, costumes, etc. They give much credit to the services that helped made this possible. I was really impressed. I don't normally play FMV.

My one negative would be to add a fastfoward/skip mechanic, chapters system, or a manual save. Trying to hunt the achievements and the seven different endings was a bit of a drag. You have to watch the ENTIRE run each time. It would have been greatly appreciated. Otherwise great FMV.

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User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
65. Double Cross - 28/09/2020

Double Cross isn't exactly a sterling game, but it's pretty solid. There's a clean Saturday morning cartoon vibe going through the game that I love, and the setting of being a dimensional protector means that every world can have a unique flair to it. Double Cross' main issue is that it doesn't rely on its best original idea, a fancy grappling hook that you use for platforming challenges but not combat, and there's enough stale, almost NES-tier beat em' up action in this game that it gets old and is only saved by the fact that fights are over in a minute tops. If they made a more unique combat system with the grappling hook then I think Double Cross would have been a game that fired on all cylinders.


Oct 26, 2017

Game #65 - Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin
Time: 32 hours
Rating: ★★★★★

The ugly duckling of the Souls series, and probably my favorite (not the best mind you), which is weird but yet another replay of it didnt change my mind, I still love it. It has a bunch of quality of life improvements over DS1 (4 rings yay), its a huge game with a ton of bosses and zones, has great armor and weapons, and some fantastic looking locales (I know the lighting system isnt what they promised but I still think the one in the game looks great also). A lot of the bosses aren't very good and technically its not one connected world anymore, but I love it nonetheless. Wasn't sure if I was going to count the DLC seperate or not since they are included in Scholar, but they were seperate initially so I might aswell, I've already completed the challenge anyway.


Game #66 - Dark Souls 2 Crown of the Old Iron King
Time: 6 hours
Rating: ★★★★

This is actually the second DLC for DS2 but I wanted to try out the Fume Ultra Greatsword, which needs a boss soul from this DLC, so I started with it (and good thing I did). A fantastic location with great level design, cool new enemies and some tough as nails bosses (a little too tough maybe?) make this a must play for anyone playing DS2. Unfortunately the weapon I wanted ended up dissapointing me, oh well.


Game #67 - Dark Souls 2 Crown of the Sunken King
Time: 5 hours
Rating: ★★

Maybe it's a good thing I didn't start with the first DLC as it would have soured me on the entire game. The complete opposite of the second dlc in my opinion, with an awful and confusing zone, terrible enemies to fight, cramped spaced, bunch of traps and pits to fall, and only 2 major boses, both of which pretty dissapointing. It's up there with Shrine of amara and Blighttown as one of my least favorite zones in the series.


Game #68 - Dark Souls 2 Crown of the Ivory King
Time: 5 hours
Rating: ★★★★

Last but certainly not least, this is probably my favorite of the DLC trilogy, with an awesome snowy/icy castle zone with constant blizzard, some actual narrative for once, cool bosses (snow tiger!) and just overall a fitting end for the game. That being said, I'm pretty Souls'ed out after all that, so I guess my DS3 replay won't happen anytime soon.

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Oct 25, 2017
126. The Division

Coming off of Destiny 2, I don't know how to feel about this game. For one thing, my friend who I am co-oping this with, ended up having us play with a bunch of other high level players in order to level up quickly. Thing is this resulted in me skipping a huge chunk of side missions and once I hit lvl. 30, the game started giving higher power equipment and much like destiny 2, the higher your loot's power, the stronger you are. This was fun for a while but eventually I stopped getting wortwhile loot and the game got dull. At the least I managed to clear the main missions.
The overall shooting was OK, though it being a cover shooter, I ended up realying mainly on assault rifle weapons. Although the game does let you customize your character later on so they can be whatever build you want, I sadly didn't feel compled to test them.

Overall I enjoyed it mainly to goof about with my friend, but it has a good gameplay foundation.


Oct 26, 2017

Game #69 - Street Fighter 5 Champion Edition
Time: 30+ hours
Rating: ★★★★

Finally picked this up this year after not playing the game since vanilla, and I have to say I had a lot of fun. Abigail is mah boy, and I got into ranked for the first time which was...interesting. Story mode, even revamped, is still trash, but the game is gorgeous and I love the gameplay, and it finally has the roster it deserves so it's something i'll come back to now and then as they keep updating it.

Main Post


Oct 27, 2017
Original post


70. Double Kick Heroes
71. Tell Me Why
72. Mafia Remake
73. Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
74. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
75. 2064: ROM
76. Vanquish
77. Motorstorm: Apocalypse
78. Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time
79. Starhawk
80. Binary Domain
81. Heavenly Sword
82. Puppeteer
83. Orange Box
84. Killzone 2
85. Resistance 2
86. CoD: Black Ops
87. Singularity
88. Dead Space 2
89. Kane & Lynch 2


Jan 2, 2018
September update

Main post here


43- Shin Megami Tensei SJ: REDUX -66h- 4/5

Played it on HARD. New True Neutral route, amazing game but stupidly hard, duh

The most unfair maps and bosses you can think of, they make it even more difficult. Maps that are intended to make feel despair in many ways. And I mean, real despair.

As you can expect from a SMT, great story, art and OST. This time with six routes.

Despite the combat being fun and good, it's a massive downgrade from the press-turns we have at SMTIV-SMTIV:APOC

Just a pic, every number it's a teleport to another island with 4-5 teleports to another teleport


All in all, great turn based jrpg, but it's not for everyone because of the difficulty, although you have 3 to choose from.

44- Hades -15h- 4/5

Interesting roguelike with a lot of options, great design and soundtrack.

Addicting runs, almost every run feels different.

Now playing:

-13 sentinels


Oct 25, 2017
Well, damn, I completely left this thread behind whoops. This year being just dominated by FFXIV for me is a big reason why. I'm going to post the list of beaten games so far and go from there.

Original Post (still need to edit it lol)

1) Tiny Dangerous Dungeons - January 1st
2) Squidlit - January 8th
3) Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation - January 12th
4) Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels - January 18th
5) Vice: Project Doom - January 18th
6) Snakeybus - January 25th
7) Yoshi's Crafted World - January 26th
8) Thumper - February 2nd
9) Mega Man X - February 3rd
10) Super Mario Land DX - February 8th
11) Castlevania Legends - February 8th
12) Dark Souls: Remastered - February 20th
13) Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - March 5th
14) Final Fantasy VII - March 22nd
15) Resident Evil 3 - April 9th
16) Final Fantasy VII Remake - April 20th
17) Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward - May 3rd
18) Uncharted: Drake's Fortune - May 4th
19) Crash Bandicoot - May 8th
20) Resident Evil 4 - May 12th
21) Gato Roboto - May 16th
22) Higurashi When They Cry Hou - Ch.8 Matsuribayashi - May 18th
23) Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back - May 23rd
24) Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood - June 8th
25) Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin - June 23rd
26) Pretty Girls Panic! (I played it for the Qix, I swear) - June 27th
27) Persona 4 Golden - July 12th
28) Persona 4 Arena - July 27th
29) Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers - July 27th
30) Time Clickers - September 1st
31) Super Mario 64 - September 25th
32) Super Mario Sunshine - September 26th

and that's it so far. I'm gonna pretty things up a little in the original post, add platforms and stuff. I still intend to get to 52 this year, so I gotta pick up the pace and play short games. I'm taking it slow in XIV for a while, so I got that going for me. 20 games in 3 months here we go!


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017

Congratulations to me for finally finishing The Last of Us Part II! It was worth pushing through to get to the end, and weirdly I found my second wind (really my first if I'm being honest) around a critical point halfway through the game.

I also finally managed to mix in a bunch of shorter games this month, with mixed results. PaRappa the Rapper is kind of bad and terrible and one part of it is extremely broken. I can't decide whether PaRappa should've killed the nascent genre of rhythm games dead, or if it just encouraged people to make better ones because hey, PaRappa got released and it barely works as a rhythm game, no way we could do worse. Erica is an interesting idea and decently acted, but feels like it suffers from TV Puzzle Box syndrome where the game throws plot points at you so fast that you barely have time to put your thoughts together or get to know any of the characters before you have to start making critical decisions. A Short Hike is an absolutely lovely game and everyone should play it if you want to feel warm and cozy inside, and who doesn't want that?

Finally, I finished Animal Crossing. It's the first one I managed to see credits for, and if I'm honest I'm not sad to see the back end of that game. It's not bad at all; it's in fact quite cheerful. But it really does feel like housework a lot of the time, and while that can be fun for a while, eventually it loses its charm. I'm just not going to be one of those people who spends 800 hours in Animal Crossing, sadly.

Up next: it's October, so I guess some spooky-adjacent games. Also playing 13 Sentinels, and I've bought a bunch of random indie games lately so maybe some of those as well. Oh, and I started playing Forza 7 on and off again. It's like I'm trying to clean up loose ends before the next generation hits, which is silly because a) that's impossible, there's not enough time, and b) it's not like the next-gen launch has a ton of games to occupy me anyways, so really the PS5 will just be a second PS4 I can use to play two PS4 games at once (not literally, I'm just lazy about saving and removing discs just so I can swap games).


Nov 16, 2017
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43. Maniac Mansion Deluxe (PC) | 3rd October -1 hours | 8/10

I've had the strangest urge the last couple of days to replay Maniac Mansion? I played the game a lot about 3 decades ago on my C64. Me and a friend had a sleepover we coined the Maniac Mansion weekend where we were determined to finally beat the game. The game has multiple endings but we only ever found one and all these years later I still remember how to do this.

Maniac Mansion Deluxe is a fanmade remake of the original game with updated graphics to make the sprites more pleasing to the eye, has some QoL things and a little aestethics inspired by Day of the Tentacle. They even included a soundtrack which is really nice.

It's free to download too.



Oct 26, 2017
2020: 85 Games


Quick update

Gato Roboto - Honestly I really loved this game. It was a great homage to Metroid and involved one of the most charming characters I have played this year.

Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D - This game really challenges you. Sometimes its a huge furstration what the game throws off screen at you, but when you pull it all off it feels like a crazy action movie.

Super Mario 64 , all 120 stars - First time playing it. Its still an enjoyable game to play today but the camera is really bad and by no means is this a top platformer anymore. If the camera was fixed I would revisit this game.

Yakuza 5 - Not my favorite in the serires but still one of the best games I have played this year. Its the most ambitious game in the series which is a positive and negative. The individual story and characters are well done and there is a ton of content.


Oct 25, 2017
24. Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition - Finished on 02/10/2020 Time: about 70 hours

Great world with great lore, it sucked me in during the first few hours. All those different clans with their beliefs really convinced. The state of the world was mysterious so it felt rewarding exploring the world. Combat took a long time until it clicked for me which was linked to the weapons I used. I just needed some time to find the right arsenal for me but when it clicked it was awesome. I got the platinum tropy and all the dlc ones so I did basically everything.

Coming up: Playing FFXV Royal Edition right now because I wanted to dive in into another extensive world. So far I am really enjoying it. Especially the music is great.


Oct 26, 2017

Game #70 - Hades
Time: 50+ hours
Rating: ★★★★★

And I have found my game of the year. Absolutely masterpiece of a roguelike, managing to finally mix a compelling narrative with the repetition based game that all roguelikes have, Supergiant really outdid themselves with this one. It's by far their best game and one of the best games I have played in years, I absolutely love the gameplay, the artstyle, the music, its damn near as perfect of a game as I can remember. If there is one nitpick is that it only has 4 zones, so it might get old to keep doing runs faster than it would otherwise, but even after seeing the credits roll, Im already eager to do more runs and upgrade my weapons and all the other stuff you can do post game. Highly recommended.

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Oct 25, 2017
Phew, it's been a while.

23. Death Stranding | August 23rd

My girlfriend started this one, but she quickly found herself struggling with controls and battles so I decided to give it another walkthrough. Great weird ass game. Enjoyed it even more with QoL updates.

24. Control | August 26th

Actually same as previous, my girlfriend straight up said I wanna go through the story please do it for me. She's terrible with anything where you need to AIM and since AWE was around I was happy to replay the game. It's an amazing game and experience, but boy fuck that end fight. I didn't notice it before or got lucky or something, but this time I spent good 30 minutes trying for that battle.

25. Control: AWE | August 30th

AWE was okay, but pretty much barebones. Biggest thing was addition of "kill with 1 shot" cheats so I decided to relax and get through it with ease, specially after that shit finale of original game. Hoping for Control 2... or... you know, something else.

26. Cuphead | September 9th

Cuphead has been on radar since forever. Since I don't really play on other platforms even though I have a few, I waited and waited for it to release on PS4 and it did. It looks great, it sounds great, it breaks your controllers very fucking good. It was everything I expected it to be. Currently in my top games list for this year. Can't wait for the expansion.

27. Fall Guys | September 23rd

Yet to achieve lvl 40 on Season, but I'm pretty much done with the game at this point. I still love shoving people off with Porg in a morgue but they desperately need new content. They are in a good spot though with randomness on maps, but I'm not sure if it's gonna be enough for now and if people will be back for Season 2.

28. WWE 2K Battlegrounds | September 29th

I'm a sucker for wrestling games but I don't touch them anymore. Wouldn't touch this one also, but free wrestling game is a free wrestling game. Quite enjoyed it actually, even though I can see it being barebones for a lot of players. Story is fun, loved few puns at Vince. Overall is a good experience, but now it's time to wait for that AEW game.

29. Deadpool | October 3rd

Saw my Platinum count is 80 at the moment so I decided to try and make it 100 before the end of the year. Double challenge for me now I guess. Completed this one some time back, but since it's pretty fun game decided to replay it for clean up. Good game, they should make more games like this. It's actually been a while since there was a release similar to this. Time to bring back Wolverine!

Playing now: Death Stranding? Time to get that platinum I guess.
Oct 27, 2017
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Forgot to update here since end of June

39. Pattern (PC - 1 hour) July 3rd : I barely remember this, just forgettable.
40. Yakuza 5 (PS4 - 35 hours) July 16th : Not as good as Yakuza 4, but I think I just spent way too much time on the hunting parts, which left me disinterested in the other parts for the other characters
41. Ghost of Tsushima (PS4 - 45 hours) July 24th : Great game, contender for GOTY for me. The visuals were amazing and the wind guide was next level
42. The Vanishing of Ethan Carter (PC - 4.5 hours) July 26th : Hard to get into right away, but it picked up once things got...weird
43. What Remains of Edith Finch (PS4 - 2 hours) July 26th : I think it was my fourth time playing it, just a nice chill short game to go through with a good story

44. Persona 5 Royal (PS4 - 100 hours) August 9th : Improved alot of aspects of the original, it is definitely the best way to experience it, especially with the added end game content
45. Destroy All Humans Remake (PC - 7 hours) August 16th : This would've been more fun if they updated the gameplay to be more modern. As it is, it's good, but not super engaging
46. Spiritfarer (Switch - 30 hours) August 24th : This game touched me, like really touched me. Despite having a bunch of crashes on the Switch, it's still one of my top games of the year.
47. Rainy Season (PC - 40 minutes) August 28th : Oddly calming, and made me miss a nice rainy day

48. Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition (Switch - 90 hours) September 7th : The side quests...they never stop I swear to god. I prefer the characters of this game, but I prefer mostly everything else of 2 more
49. Super Mario Sunshine (Switch - 14 hours) September 20th : Not as good as I remembered, maybe it's due to the emulation. It's still fun, and it's my favorite Mario setting


Oct 25, 2017
Manchester, UK
Updating for September, this takes me up to 70 games complete - and I think that I've found the Game of the Year!


63. CrossCode (Switch) | 5 September 2020
100% exploration, enemy records and quest completion; all in-game trophies earned except one (flawless victories against Apollo). CrossCode is very clearly *the* hidden gem of 2020 (or 2019, considering its PC release) and, with no hyperbole whatsoever, is a very legitimate contender for the best game of the year. The game presents itself as an overhead-perspective pixel-art action-RPG in the style of classics such as Secret of Mana or The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, but offers so, so much more than that simple description.

Driven forward by an engrossing sci-fi plot with multiple levels (I'll avoid detail here so as not to spoil anything), the core combat is fast and fluid, with a huge range of play styles available across an expansive, rewarding ability/upgrade system. There's an impressive range of enemy types that you'll find yourself facing off against, each of which has its own set of abilities, strengths and weaknesses that keep the gameplay fresh. Progression comes from both level advancement and, perhaps moreso, equipment upgrades - with a diverse range of options available through its trading system. Granted, trading can be a little daunting for a newcomer, relying on collection of 'ingredients' from quite a large selection - but I found this to offer a satisfying 'scavenger hunt' dynamic.

The game world comprises towns and overworld locations - which are the focus of most NPC interactions and optional quests - and a series of expansive 'dungeons'. Many of these are highly puzzle-focused, often relying on a 'disc' throwing mechanic that I've not seen used elsewhere, and become genuinely challenging - though never excessively so. I can sympathise with the comment that I've seen from a couple of others that the early dungeons are a little overlong, though personally I loved these, with puzzle deign that for the most part surpasses even that of The Legend of Zelda series (which coming from me, is saying a lot!). Back on the overworld, a secondary form of puzzle design comes from the intricate design that rewards 'parkour' around elevated paths woven throughout the environment, ultimately leading to equipment rewards, new quests or even entire new areas.

CrossCode sees Lea, the protagonist, being joined by a variety of other party-members, and the game excels in character interactions - pretty much all of those who join Lea in her adventure are very memorable, with well-developed personalities, and dialogue that is at times meaningful, endearing or comedic. Topping things off are a series of small touches that litter the game - I really don't want to spoil these, but as one example, you might notice that a certain set of rock formations are specifically designed in the shape of the Tetris tetrominoes, evoking a knowing satisfaction as you realise why one of your companions has remarked upon them.

In closing, I'd just urge anyone with even the slightest attraction towards the genre to give CrossCode a try, it's absolutely at the top-tier of 'indie' game releases - and even available on Xbox Game Pass for ease of accessibility!


64. Tell Me Why - Chapter 1: Homecoming (Xbox One) | 5 September 2020
100% of achievements unlocked (500G). See comments included below for Chapter 3.


65. Tell Me Why - Chapter 2: Family Secrets (Xbox One) | 6 September 2020
100% of achievements unlocked (500G). See comments included below for Chapter 3.


66. Kentucky Route Zero (Steam) | 9 September 2020
100% of achievements unlocked. A well-written but very slow narrative experience, I've heard many good things about Kentucky Route Zero and I'm glad to have played it, but ultimately I didn't get as much from the game as I was hoping for.

Starting off strongly, as we meet Conway, a truck driver, pulling up to a service station in the hope of finding directions to a mysterious "Dogwood Drive", there's a heavy dose of mystery and melancholy infused throughout the game; despite the substance of the interactivity here being in dialogue choices, it's easy to become invested in the journey of the characters in the early acts (of which there are five in total). The game peaks around the third act, as we see the realisation of one of the early mysteries, but following that, the band of characters who we follow multiples somewhat too far, to the extent that it becomes hard to keep track of them all and to care for each. The 'intermission' scenes between each act make a valiant effort to flesh out various backstories and are somewhat successful in that aim, benefiting particularly from the variety of perspectives that we see here - including scenes from a play and backstage at a TV broadcast - but I found the final act to be a disappointment, without a properly satisfying sense of closure to the story.


67. Florence (Switch) | 11 September 2020
Complete playthrough. Florence is a short (approximately one hour) visual novel, following a young woman through the making and breaking of a romantic relationship. The game plays out through a series of simple comic-like scenes and, while the interactivity is only limited, it's expertly judged to allow the player to become engaged with the story without the complexity becoming distracting. Alongside a dynamic musical score, the game creates a highly emotional reaction and we really feel for Florence throughout, sharing in her joy and despair While the short length could be counted against the game, it allows for completion in a single sitting and as such, maximises the player's investment in the story.


68. Tell Me Why - Chapter 3: Inheritance (Xbox One) | 12 September 2020
100% of achievements unlocked (500G), comments here covering the three chapters taken together. A well-told, very personal narrative story, presented across three chapters, Tell Me Why follows a pair of twins reunited after being separated for many years, since the death of their mother (in circumstances that I won't elaborate on to avoid spoilers). The narrative feels somewhat 'smaller' in scope than the Life Is Strange games that preceded it from developer Dontnod, with the consequences of the story strongly focused on the two protagonists, but not particularly to the game's detriment.

The Life Is Strange games are known for the supernatural element that features as an important narrative and gameplay mechanic and this is seen again in Tell Me Why, but in a much more low-key manner, via a telepathic bond between the twins and their ability visibly to recall certain memories. Notably, one of the twins here is a transsexual man, a fact that takes on a certain degree of importance in the historic life events that the twins find themselves exploring, and this is sensitively handled, without becoming excessively focused upon.

While the are occasional puzzles, mainly based around observation and reading from extracts of a fondly-remembered children's book, there's little here by way of challenge or longevity - though for those who find themselves particularly invested in the events, there are contrasting outcomes for a number of key sequences and a pair of endings to experience.


69. Alan Wake (Xbox 360) | 22 September 2020
Completed with 100% of achievements unlocked (1,000G), including obtaining all collectibles obtained and a full playthrough on Nightmare difficulty.

70. Alan Wake: The Signal and The Writer (Xbox 360) | 26 September 2020
Completed with 15/17 achievements unlocked (all except Run-on Sentence and No Punctuation) and all collectibles obtained.

The horror genre isn't typically appealing to me, but the tie-in with Control's DLC was enough to push me into digging Alan Wake out from the backlog, together with its two DLC episodes. All things considered, I enjoyed this - while certainly taking place in creepy settings, the game is more focused on mystery and themes of insanity (particularly with the DLC) than jump-scares, for example.

The gameplay, with light sources as a key combat mechanic, probably justifies a description as 'unique', though Alan's frequent lack of manoeuvrability means that combat can't really be a highlight. The game also has a definite excess of collectibles, which don't really suit its style! The story is the star of the show here, and is well-realised – Alan, as a writer, frequently provides a narrative voiceover to events, helping to put things in perspective and explore the direction of his thoughts and motivations as the game progresses, which is typically an effective approach.


One Winged Slayer
Just got to push a little bit more to be back on track at one game per week. Still only counting 2020 releases, and finally used my Xbox One X for more than just streaming since Resident Evil 3 went on sale. Also did the three years of Game Pass Ultimate for the price of Gold thing so I'll be able to catch up on other stuff I've been wanting to play like Tell Me Why and Battletoads soon.


33. Kirby Fighters (Switch) | September | 4/5
Hadn't played any of the previous ones of these, but still decided to pick it up anyway. Played through the story with my brother and found it really really fun. It starts off too easy but by the time you reach the last two towers the game starts to feel a lot more challenging. You get one upgrade every time you win a match in a tower, and the towers are anywhere from 10-50 matches long, with bosses scattered throughout them. Feels like a much less intense Smash Bros which is great. Also Lucha Kirby is officially one of my favorite video game characters ever.

34. Tonight We Riot (Switch) | September | 2/5
An in your face leftest game. The story is excellently told and the gameplay is perfect, with it being a side scrolling beatem up that is also partially Pikmin, with you liberating new businesses and gaining new comrades as you continue down the street. You can identify the player character because they have a flag, and if you lose all your health a new character gets the flag and you play as them. When playing coop items that are picked up such as molotov's and bricks are shared between both players which is a really nice touch. The details in this game are really really well done, but unfortunately the game itself is a lot more rough around the edges. Vehicle segments see the frame rate drop to a crawl and many of the upgrades and items are hidden behind doing well in levels, which is a bummer. Really looking forward to seeing what comes next from this team though, because this game gets pretty dang close to greatness.

35. Little Orpheus (iOS) | September | 4/5
Super stylish game with a hilarious story. The graphics are the real standout with the best eye candy I have seen in a game so far this year. The story of a cosmonaut explaining what happened to the nuclear bomb he was sent to the center of the earth with provides an incredibly entertaining story with some damn great banter between the interrogator and interrogated. The gameplay itself is the only thing holding this back. This game is clearly focused on being a vehicle for storytelling/visuals but rather than create a traditional "walking simulator" they made it a simple platformer with the occasional stealth section but it feels so incredibly unpolished compared to everything else it is disappointing. That said, it isn't offensively bad, and the game moves at a solid pace so it is over before it overstays its welcome.

36. Resident Evil 3 (Xbox) | October | 4/5
A lot more action heavy than the Resident Evil 2 remake but that was totally OK by me. None of the locations are as memorable as the ones in the last game but I appreciated the bigger emphasis on combat and the plentiful nature of ammo. That said, zombies still take way too many headshots to kill. I'm here unloading 10 shots to the head at point blank range before they go down. I had never played the original and throughly enjoyed my time with this one. Plus those graphics look damn pretty.

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Nov 16, 2017
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44. Marvel vs Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes (Dreamcast) | 5th October - 3 hours | 9/10

I love this game but I'm so crap at it. Took me like 10 attempts to finally get the 1 credit clear. Also bumped my personal best highscore from 943,274,400 to 1,025,772,100



Dec 18, 2019
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46. Resident Evil 2 (Remake) - PS4
Wow. A masterpiece of horror. There's really not much else to say. This is my first experience with RE2, as I'm playing through the series blind and playing the remake as the 2nd entry into the series may have been a mistake. This is a very high bar to compare the rest of the series to. I played through as Claire, since I played as Chris in the first game. I cannot wait to return to play through with Leon. Just wow.

47. Resident Evil 3 (Remake) - PS4
Another homerun. Literally the only complaint I have is that it is a few hours shorter than RE2. RE2 took me about 10.5 hours, and RE3 took me 7.5. This game is a lot more action-oriented and has fewer puzzles and exploration, but it is just as immersive and amazing as its predecessor. The general unease and terror of being chased by N was not unlike being chased by the Terminator. It's so, so good. I haven't played RE4 yet, but I'm looking forward to it, and I'm definitely looking forward to the remake of it in 2022. Incredible.

5 games left for the challenge, and 5 Resident Evil games to play through blind. I am so stoked. RE0 next, and then on to RE4!


Oct 27, 2017
64. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 - Fun trip down memory lane and the devs did a great job recreating that nostalgia from my teenage years. Great soundtrack as well. Some of the songs from the originals were missing unless I'm misremembering what was actually in the game, but the new additions were great as well.


Dec 30, 2019

Game #65 - Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin
Time: 32 hours
Rating: ★★★★★

The ugly duckling of the Souls series, and probably my favorite (not the best mind you), which is weird but yet another replay of it didnt change my mind, I still love it. It has a bunch of quality of life improvements over DS1 (4 rings yay), its a huge game with a ton of bosses and zones, has great armor and weapons, and some fantastic looking locales (I know the lighting system isnt what they promised but I still think the one in the game looks great also). A lot of the bosses aren't very good and technically its not one connected world anymore, but I love it nonetheless. Wasn't sure if I was going to count the DLC seperate or not since they are included in Scholar, but they were seperate initially so I might aswell, I've already completed the challenge anyway.


Game #66 - Dark Souls 2 Crown of the Old Iron King
Time: 6 hours
Rating: ★★★★

This is actually the second DLC for DS2 but I wanted to try out the Fume Ultra Greatsword, which needs a boss soul from this DLC, so I started with it (and good thing I did). A fantastic location with great level design, cool new enemies and some tough as nails bosses (a little too tough maybe?) make this a must play for anyone playing DS2. Unfortunately the weapon I wanted ended up dissapointing me, oh well.


Game #67 - Dark Souls 2 Crown of the Sunken King
Time: 5 hours
Rating: ★★

Maybe it's a good thing I didn't start with the first DLC as it would have soured me on the entire game. The complete opposite of the second dlc in my opinion, with an awful and confusing zone, terrible enemies to fight, cramped spaced, bunch of traps and pits to fall, and only 2 major boses, both of which pretty dissapointing. It's up there with Shrine of amara and Blighttown as one of my least favorite zones in the series.


Game #68 - Dark Souls 2 Crown of the Ivory King
Time: 5 hours
Rating: ★★★★

Last but certainly not least, this is probably my favorite of the DLC trilogy, with an awesome snowy/icy castle zone with constant blizzard, some actual narrative for once, cool bosses (snow tiger!) and just overall a fitting end for the game. That being said, I'm pretty Souls'ed out after all that, so I guess my DS3 replay won't happen anytime soon.

Main Post
I have been thinking about replaying this because I never beat it on my console. I have it on PC now but have been scared LOL. Thanks for sharing your post! Really makes me want to try and jump back in.


Dec 30, 2019
68 | Mask of the Plague Doctor

PC Steam | Sept 17 | 21 hrs | 4.5/5

Forgot to add this one to my list. My second Choice of Games title. Personally I enjoyed this one slightly more than Choice of Robots. I'm more into medieval/magic fantasy than sci-fi.

Entirely text based, you are a doctor sent to a town to stop a new plague. You have stats and relationships (business and romantic) throughout your story. There's options to pick different paths but towards the end you do go through the same area. Afterwards, more options open up again to end the game.

There's tons of replay value. I only wish there was an option to manually save but I don't believe the devs do that for any of their games.

69 | Forager

PC Steam | Oct 3 | 61 hrs | 4/5

I had so much fun playing through the feats (achievements) and expanding my digital world. Once you expand and upgrade tools, there's a HUGE jump for grinding. There's no ending, you can keep playing and jump into a never-ending procedural dungeon. I loved playing through the game: building my factories, upgrading tools, solving puzzles, and buying new land. The art style is adorable. The rewards for completing feats were customization of your character and I loved that. There are some bugs still in the game you may have to work around.

But the grinding really killed it for me. The money feats were too much. I have read players that have put hours into this game just to AFK for the banks or set weight on their mouse to auto click. That is not gameplay. Minimizing the game to let it play itself isn't rewarding. You don't have to complete these feats, but if you're an achievement hunter, godspeed to you.

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Nov 16, 2017
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45. Xeno Crisis (XOne) | 7th October - 10 hours | 9/10

Bitmap Bureau hit it out of the park with this one. Think Smash TV x Aliens.

Great pixel art, awesome bosses, slapping soundtrack and tight controls and this game is quite challenging. Can't praise it enough. It's out on everything including Megadrive/Genesis & Dreamcast and Neo Geo AES and MVS versions are planned too.

"free" right now on Xbox Game Pass




Memory Pak

Aug 29, 2018

55. Star Soldier (1986, Switch - NES vc) ★★★☆☆
You can really tell the difference in intended audience when comparing arcade coin-op shooter conversions on NES like TwinBee or Gradius, versus MSX games like Star Soldier, which were always intended for a home audience. Star Soldier feels a lot more forgiving; movement is fast and smooth, you can tank a hit or two, lives accumulate based on score, and while the bosses will still wreck you with ease, at least you have a fighting chance.
It's not a perfect first outing: by stretching the game to 16 stages, recycling bosses, and teleporting you back if you don't finish a boss off quick enough the overall playtime feels padded and poorly paced. Lastly, the Big Brain bossfights are maybe a tad too difficult compared to the rest of the game. But it's still a cut above its NES rivals.


56. Blazing Lazers a.k.a. Gunhed (1989, TG16 Mini) ★★★☆☆
Spin-off intended to tie in with the Japanese movie Gunhed. This is Star Soldier through-and-through, though. Fast-paced, loads of upgrades, secondary weapon combinations, and a few too many levels to not become exhausting. I don't like how the game makes you actively avoid certain power-ups because they'll reset your weapon level. Dying can also easily be run-ending, since you'll be sent back to the start of a level with just your puny peashooter. There's a late stage with bubbles which is particularly frustrating. Cool game, but if it were easier I would've enjoyed it more.


57. Super Star Soldier (1990/1991, TG16 Mini) ★★★☆☆
This one suffers from Mario 2 syndrome. Rather than resetting the difficulty curve, this picks up at the end of Blazing Lazers and continues getting harder from there. As a result, the second mainline Star Soldier game is by far the hardest in the franchise that I've played. It's faster, more frenetic, and all but eliminates moments of rest. Curiously, the last two stages feel a tad easier, and overall this game is better paced thanks to less and shorter levels. The upgrade system is bit less punishing too, but the removal of bombs (which now auto-trigger if you max out your weapon upgrade) gives you less screen-clearing options.


58. Final Soldier (1991, Wii U - TG16 vc) ★★★☆☆
While Final Soldier continues to offer hallmark features of the Star Soldier franchise (smooth, fast controls, catchy music, and varied power-ups) I can't help but feel this one's a bit lacking in personality. Bosses, while fun, are all over the place (marine ships, robots, owls, the usual floating brains) and the regular enemies are similarly undecided in where they sit on the organic-robotic spectrum. The variety is welcome, but the result feels unfocused.
The selectable shot patterns are great, but unfortunately you're locked into your choice upon the start of your run. There's a risk-reward wager there, but I would've preferred tactically changing them on the fly to adjust to situations. You wind up defaulting to the 3 patterns which work best at far and close range. I do like how screen-clearing bombs are achieved by blowing up your Options; thus you can strategically clear entire screens every time a third Option power-up comes into view.


59. Soldier Blade (1992, TG-6 Mini) ★★★★★
Hell yeah, it all came together for the fourth one! Difficulty is balanced well, you're no longer punished for switching between weapon types mid-run, and while there's fewer weapon types, for once they all feel actually viable. Music is excellent, pacing is great, there's some early bullet hell moments here, the ending is hype as hell, and it even attempts some storytelling. This one's the total package, loved it.


60. Star Parodier a.k.a. Fantasy Star Soldier (1992, TG-16 Mini) ★★★★☆
Hudson saw Konami spinning their Gradius off into Parodius, so obviously Star Soldier had to follow suit. Think of this as Super Smash Bros. but as a cute, colourful space shooter instead: with references to Bomberman, TwinBee, Momotarō Dentetsu, and even a cheeky nod to Namco's Dragon Spirit.
A bummer about Star Parodier is how it's obviously built by the Super Star Soldier team, meaning this title effectively sidesteps the gameplay innovations introduced in both Final Soldier (bombs are back to regular ol' bombs here) and Soldier Blade (upgrades don't stack so we're back to dodging unwanted upgrades). On the bright side, the difficulty here is much more forgiving, and while some bosses are re-skins from Super, the art style is so charming they don't feel like tired rehashes.


61. Star Soldier (2005, PSP) ★★★★☆
A very significant remake of the first game, built for GameCube in 2003, and then optimised for vertical play on the PSP. While inheriting some of the original's problems, chiefly the repeating (mini)bosses, Star Soldier 2005 offers considerable improvements, too. Cutting down the stages from 16 to 10 improves the game's pacing, and new bosses aid in creating more memorable milestones within a single playthrough.
Star Soldier's other core problem, which leaves you functionally helpless after losing a life, is also addressed here. By dropping an upgrade near your respawn point, you have a fighting chance with smart maneuvers. It's not a perfect solution, but the attempt is appreciated. This remake never left Japan, but it's worth tracking down for genre fans.


Oct 25, 2017
127. The Secret of Monkey Island

In honour of its 30th anniversary, I decided to go through it again. I enjoyed the early parts on Melee Island(tm) a lot more than the later parts but overall it was a nice comfy game. Though some pixel hunting is necessary at a few points which required me to utilize a guide xp

128. Kid Dracula (NES)

Decided to play this as my halloween game and was quite impressed with it for the most part, but it's controls were pretty stiff which made some sections harder to deal with. This is a 2D action sidescroller, you attack with a ranged projectile that can be charged up to fire a stronger shot or utilize a certain ability in order to progress through stages. The music is quite good and the overall level design is OK although the stiff controls and some nasty sections were a major hassle for me.

129. Sonic the Hedgehog SMS fan remake

Sonic 1

Sonic - Master System: Fan games for Android

I recently discovered this fan remake project and decided to play through it as I really like Sonic 1 8-bit. The game overall is based on the SMS ver., which means Jungle Zone 2 is annoying to progress through the higher you get since it removes the lower areas and falling down results in your death =_=.
One nice inclusion to the game is that if you clear an act with 50 rings, you can do a bonus stage and if you find the Emerald in under 1 minute you clear it, and with 7 emeralds you can turn into super sonic. It helps that bonus stages in this fan remake offer lots of rings so you can stock up on an additional 1-up even if you fail to get the emerald.

The fan remake has android and Windows port and is def. worth checking out if you're curious about the 8 bit games or fans of them. Also if anyone figures out how to activate the cheats, please let me know, I need that camera cheat for the sake of my sanity.
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