
Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
I think I'm going to call my year here, it's pretty unlikely I'm going to finish another game before the year is through. The final monthly update:

19. Forza Motorsport (PC, 2023) - 33:50 - December 6*
20. Mirror's Edge Catalyst (PC, 2016) - 10:26 - December 10
21. The Crew (PC, 2014) - 11:50 + 5:06 in 2020 - December 23

Forza has an asterisk next to it because I didn't actually finish the career mode. But really, what's going to change? Every event is exactly the same: buy car, race practice lap(s), race against shit AI that doesn't know you're there half the time and hits you a whole bunch, upgrade car, race practice lap(s), race against shit AI, upgrade car, race practice lap(s), race against shit AI, upgrade car, race practice lap(s), race against shit AI, upgrade car, race practice lap(s), race against shit AI, upgrade car, race practice lap(s), race against shit AI, finish the race series and do all of the above again with the next one. What's the point?

The rest of the month was spent clearing some very old games from my backlog. Mirror's Edge Catalyst ends up being a more entertaining game than I gave it credit for in my first two attempts at a playthrough. The trick is to set aside all of the delivery missions, diversions, etc. until after the story is over; you don't get much benefit from them anyways, and until the story is done they're just momentum-killers. AFTER the story is done, they suddenly become way more fun because you don't have anything pressing to do, something I realized as I tried to unlock the remaining achievements I was owed in the game because I unlocked them after the online servers went down (long story short: all Steam and EA achievements are broken now and can only be unlocked in a bizarre and mostly random method).

The Crew is... okay. The story is pure trash, and frankly the game would've been better without it. It also could stand to lose some of the race modes; the takedown events are all uniformly terrible and I hated every single one I did. Actually driving the cars feels okay but never great, a major problem when Forza Horizon is your main competition, and in other ways it feels very much like a game from a decade ago in terms of UX. That said, there are some cool things here; having a shrunken-down map of the United States is kind of neat, and the various activities you do while driving from one city to another are mostly fun and novel.


This has been a bit of a year for me for a lot of reasons that have nothing to do with games, but just focusing on video games I also didn't get to finish as many of my long backlog games as I'd hoped. I looked back at what I said at the end of last year, and the games I'd mentioned as wanting to tackle for 2023--Personal 5 Royal, Xenoblade 1 and 3, maybe Skyrim--are still unfinished. I've made some progress on Persona 5 Royal but even that ended pretty early in the year and it's only recently that I've picked it up again. On the other hand, I did manage to finish a second playthrough of Fire Emblem: Three Houses, something I'd feel better about if I didn't feel like I needed two more playthroughs to finally move on to Three Hopes. That's another 200 hours easy, and I'm not looking forward to it.

Total time played: 1073:15 hours, which is about 75 hours less than last year
Top 10 games by playtime:
  1. Project Sekai: Colorful Stage (Android) - 244:12
  2. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (Switch) - 94:37
  3. Starfield (PC) - 92:43
  4. Satisfactory (PC) - 85:02
  5. Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Switch) - 82:28
  6. Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End and the Secret Key (PS5) - 65:10
  7. Fire Emblem Engage (Switch) - 59:12
  8. Brotato (PC) - 44:19
  9. Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name (PC) - 34:10
  10. Forza Motorsport (2023) (PC) - 33:50
I GUESS I played less Colorful Stage than last year, especially when you take into account that I played 240 hours over 12 months versus 300 hours over 6-7 months in 2022. Still seems like a lot.

I think my goal for next year is roughly similar to my goal for this year: try to clear some of those longer games out of my backlog. There's also a secondary goal of finally playing (not even finishing) the games I've bought from previous Steam sales, and it'd be nice to play a few of the games I bought in the 3DS/Wii U eshop shutdown hoarding. But as always, I'm not going to stress too much about any of it. If I can make it to 52, then great; if not, it is what it is. After the shit 2023 has thrown at me, like getting laid off, I'm trying not to have any expectations about what I'll be able to do.

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
Finished up December and the year. Main post is here.

December (52/52)
51. Alan Wake 2 - PC - 16 hours, 41 minutes
52. WarioWare: Move It! - Switch - 2 hours

Well, just squeaked by with the 52 at the end. Probably the last time I do this lmao, at least for the foreseeable future. Definitely won't have time for it next year. Maybe have to just be a 3 time gold medalist and leave it at that.


Oct 25, 2017
Probably my last update of the year, most of what Im playing now wont be stuff I can finish before the new year, doubt I'll be equalling my completion total next year since I'll have a number of RPGs to play which will equal several hundred hours of gameplay on their own, but I do want to make dents in my indie, retro and Evercade backlogs so I reckon I'll still be nicely north of 52 next year.

207. Super Double Dragon (Evercade) - DD is a series that took me a while to really get into. Despite Final Fight and SOR being huge favourites of mine, for some reason DD never quite clicked until this past year. Super does a great job of modernising the format, and really just misses the mark a bit by being 30FPS and having copious slowdown.

The game plays like your standard brawler, but now with a counter/parry button! I do love me a parry button, and it definitely influences my appreciation for this game. It feels great to grab an enemy attack and then throw or combo them. There's some catches to the move - you cant parry everything (some you just block) so knowing when to parry and when to evade is important. You also get a super meter you can charge which gives you several moves, and this is hugely important as well as the moves bolster your moves list and help out immensely against those unparriable enemies.

The rest is business as usual - fight waves of enemies through several stages, fight bosses, move on. Rinse and repeat! The game does a pretty cool thing in the last three stages where you hit a streets area with the classic DD music, then a forest, then the enemy base - something that feels VERY familiar to anyone who played the original DD game (it basically mirrors those stages real close, which is a great touch. 0 Abbobbo though, so boo)
The games length is just about perfect, difficulty is nicely paced with enemies/bosses not feeling cheap due to your moves list, and the parry feeling oh so good to use. In terms of console brawlers, this should definitely be up there with SOR2 or FF3/Tough since its brawling mechanics are sublime.

208. Double Dragons (Evercade) - The port of the NES game, played via Evercade. As mentioned above I ended up liking DD way later than the average fan, so my opinion of the NES game is probably kinder compared to those who played it back in the day and lamented the lack of 2 player co op play. Honestly... I like the port. Not sure Im a fan of the way you earn moves (I just use the exploit in level 2 to get all moves quick), but the game plays fine, especially compared to other ports at the time. The elbow of course is king, but I do love the variety of moves you got, from combos into grabs, into beating up floored enemies... Abbobo IS in this one at least, so +10 points there lol, and aside the platforming added (WHY?), I think the port holds up nice. Its smooth, fast paced, and generally pretty well done difficulty wise (aside the lack of continues). Its no Super Double Dragon, but its no Atari 2600 DD either!

209: Renegade (Evercade) - Again, its the NES port of the arcade game (which runs far better, even if it looks nowhere near as good) and this one is short. Even with the multiple difficulties that amp up that final level. Its only 4 stages long, and most of those stages only have a handful of enemies to fight. The standard punch is hilariously crap in this game - if you go into a stage and plan to give the enemies a swift right hook you'll be on your ass in seconds, but thankfully there's a nice range of moves to utilise that really shows that proto Double Dragon enegery! You've got jump kicks (excellent to stun enemies for follow up grabs), grabs which let you either smack or throw enemies, and you can climb on downed enemies for more follow up punches. Basically my strategy was to single out and down enemies, then wail on them until they flicker out of existence. It works well for your average goons, you only need to watch out for enemies around you - that's why the throw is so useful, as you can damage then throw enemies into another, defeating one, then downing the other for follow up. Its (as far as Im aware) the first brawler of its type - not quite side scrolling yet (that's DD) but it shows a nice level of depth to the combat for a genre that's basically brand new.
The bosses are more dangerous as your usual grabs dont work. You gotta whittle their health down to 2 bars and THEN down them and grapple them for the win.
The final stage is one of my pet hates - a maze that requires you to pick the right room, I pick StrategyWiki to tell me where to go lol. This level changes based on difficulty, its fairly easy going on the first difficulty but the subsequent ones throw multiple bosses at you (at once!) and it gets really tricky. Also Sabo has a gun, one hit KO... which makes that final encounter really tense!

Overall, its woefully primitive by todays standards but I still enjoy revisiting it. I might prefer it to the arcade version thanks to the smooth 60FPS performance (vs the 30? the arcade one runs at) but this series would really come into its own when it splits off into both the Double Dragon series (see above) and the greater Kunio series (River City Ransom and the like)

Eventually gonna get to:
Every Console/Handheld (unique) Spidey game... seriously
Super Mario RPG
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
Rez Infinite (trophies)
Lost more VR stuff
MGS Rising
Splatterhouse (PS3)
Bayonetta 3
And a game generation worth of SFVI play!

Original post:

52 Games. 1 Year. 2023

A thread for people that are trying to play 52 games in a year. Tell us how you're doing and what you are going to play next - claim a post and update us on your progress! How do I take part? Claim a 'main post' where you will list all your completions for the year. You can use fancy images...


Jun 13, 2019
December and final update. Finished 1 more game than last year, which is pretty incredible to me since how chaotic my 2023 was (moved from home two times this year). So, here it is:

Main Post


64. Tetris DX (Game Boy Color - 1998) | Dec/05 - 11hrs | 9
The Good:
The tiny delay before the piece locking at the ground makes a lot of difference
The Bad: It's missing the og soundtrack

An excellent version of the classic GB Tetris. The controls are more fluid and more akin to the modern versions, but still without stuff like Hold. Easily one of my favorites iterations of Tetris.

These are my records until now:



65. Gran Turismo Sport (PlayStation 4 - 2017) | Dec/10 - 25hrs | 8.5
The Good:
Lots of content to enjoy
The Bad: It's missing a full campaign that presents all this content in a better way

While the servers are still active (till January), I played a lot of GT Sport and, even as someone who prefers Arcade Racers, I enjoyed a lot of it. Now I wanna buy GT 7, but Sony's bullshit with their online games is honestly pretty tiring.


66. Marvel's Avengers (PlayStation 4 - 2020) | Dec/12 - 40hrs | 7
The Good:
Some high production values, and Kate Bishop, of course
The Bad: Even it's stronger points are hampered by it's GAAS "loot & level" design

Honestly, I enjoyed Marvel's Avengers. Especially when I started the first DLC and unlocked Kate Bishop as a character, easily the game's best (and probably the closer we will get of playing as Nightcrawler until Insomniac's X-Men). But is truly baffling how much they fumbled on this one, especially how little enemy variety there is, even the other campaigns besides the main one don't offer much in this aspect. Still, had way more fun than I expected (and it was also pretty cheap).



67. Suika Game (Nintendo Switch - 2021) | Dec/29 - 2hrs | 7
The Good:
Getting the watermelon it's actually pretty satisfying
The Bad: When there's a grape blocking two apples that could solve your entire game...

This mix of Tetris with 2048 somehow became really popular this year. It's funny how the physics makes almost everything pretty unpredictable, but after getting the "Suika" two times, I don't see myself playing this again soon.

Memory Pak

Aug 29, 2018
Slight scare when catching up on write-ups and realising I was one game short, so powered through Yoshi's Story over the weekend. But there's me done for the 5th time. Thanks for another fun year everyone, wishing y'all a good 2024!

47. M.U.S.H.A. a.k.a. Musha Aleste: Fullmetal Fighter Ellinor (1990/1991, Switch - Genesis NSO) ★★★★★
This got a stupid backcronym for the American release, and does a good job at masking behind an Edo/Tokugawa era aesthetic, but it's unmistakenly an Aleste game with the serial numbers filed off. MUSHA feels on the easier side for the franchise, especially if you get good at cycling through phases for your Options. The metal soundtrack isn't my jam, but it's a good fit on Genesis, and meshes well with the bombast the storytelling attempts. Great game, feels like a top-tier release on the system.


48. GyroBlade (2020/2023, Switch) ★★☆☆☆
Helicopter-themed vertical shooter trying emulate an 80s arcade aesthetic. Having never played Tiger Heli or Twin Cobra, I imagine those were fairly similar, although mercifully GyroBlade at least has autofire, and an ending. It's a pretty competent, albeit repetitive game, with good music, and a bit more challenge than I expected. Unfortunately, not all said challenge derives from the stage and encounter designs. Rather, it uses tanky enemies and the Gradius punishment of losing power-ups upon death. The latter I understand in a retro throwback, but it feels severe since it takes almost two full stages to get fully powered up again. While I think GyroBlade achieves the goals it sets for itself, it lacks some identity to set itself apart.


49. GyroGunner (2023, Switch) ★★★☆☆
The sequel to GyroBlade maintains the helicopter theme, but this time it's an omni-directional shooter. You're given more tools to work with, both offensively (lock-on missiles) and defensively (flares), and this time the game places limits on both (jammers can disrupt your lock-on system, flares are finite). This results in more layered gameplay, where you need to weigh which targets to pursue first (do you take out the jammer first, or sources of incoming fire?), and being too cautious risks your fuel running out. The addition of a world map, and a more climactic final level also help in giving the game a more perceptable arc, which GyroBlade lacked. Granted, GyroGunner is still a retro throwback from a single developer working on a tiny budget, but it's cool to see their progress.


50. Zero Gunner 2- (2001/2018, Switch) ★★★☆☆
Another helicopter shooting game, this one being a rebuilt port of a Sega Naomi/DreamCast game. Production values seem quite high, and the polygonal models mostly clean up nicely (except for the grainy texture on your helicopters, amusingly). It's a short, fast-paced 7-stager with less jokes than Psikyo's Gunbird series, and offers nicely scaled difficulty levels. The central idea revolves around letting players angle their chopper 360 degrees, but since this predates the twin-stick era the turning is a little convoluted. Not a bad game, but not especially memorable either.


51. Steredenn: Binary Stars (2018, Switch) ★★★☆☆
Very mixed on this run-based, procedurally generated horizontal shooter. It frontloads a lot of immediate annoyances which you'll just need to accept if you want to get anywhere. These include basic things like many weapons not autofiring, or how switching weapons interrupts your fire, both of which require separate, semi-randomly dropped upgrades to solve. Initially the enemy designs blend together too; you'll just need to learn to recognise them. Most annoying is how you can't practice boss fights in the practice mode until after you've beaten those bosses. So if you're stuck on the level 6 boss your only way to practice is to repeatedly replay a 20 minute run before getting another go at him
In those moments the procedurally generated structure really works against the player - as every run the stages are different, so focusing squarely on learning a boss cannot be separated from adjusting to a set of newly rearranged levels and upgrades (unless you replay a fixed Seed, but that often requires entering a 6+ digit number and the game doesn't use the on-device software keyboard). I understand doing repeated runs is the point, but this game is brutally difficult at first, to the point where I think it goes overboard. Especially since you can do multiple loops of all stages, I don't see why the first one had to be this difficult already.
Last complaint: I know music is highly subjective, and I've certainly seen people online praise Steredenn's soundtrack. But personally the butt-rock got on my nerves very fast, and since turning it down still left the crunchy sound effects, this quickly became Mute & Podcast Game to me.

For a while this game was headed straight to the two-star pile, but i will say its "one more go" draw hooked me. And 45 hours later a lot of my initial reservations had been solved by time. I had all the bosses down pat, knew how to reliably trigger secret bosses, and was shooting for a third complete loop. It's not a game I would recommend to many people: it's way too hard, visually on the uninteresting side, and has music I dislike. The procedurally generated levels will be an immediate turn off to shooting game fans who want to study levels by heart, but the game also doesn't draw enough on the persistent upgrades found in rogue-lites to appeal to that crowd. If you're somewhere in between both groups, this offers a functionally endless experience which stays interesting long beyond your first cleared loop. But I don't know how much the Venn diagram truly overlaps.


52. Yoshi's Story (1998, Switch - N64 NSO) ★☆☆☆☆
Cute, but very dull platformer, with grating music, and level design that seems to go nowhere since stages end whenever you've collected enough fruit. The visuals are nice, and I didn't realise how much the Smash Bros. series lifted from this release, but this feels like an enormous drop in quality after Yoshi's Island. When you make a platforming game and the best level is the water level where you do no jumping at all, something went wrong. The way you can choose levels might make for a good speedrunning game perhaps, or as a first game for very young children?


Oct 27, 2017
This might give me motivation to get through some of my backlog.
I think I average about 50 games a year so I think it's entirely possible and like I said I already review/blurb about everything I have ever played already. Might as well post and follow along with the others here. Hope to get one or two games in Januaary before the super intimidating length of Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth.


Oct 1, 2019
Main Post

December update: 60/52


But before I can really step into 2024, time for a very, very short update (oh no, still got a lot longer than I'd planned)!


54. December 2nd | The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition | Playstation 3 | 2h 55m | Replay | ☆☆☆☆(/5)
The Special Edition graphics look awful, but at least you can switch over to the (very charming) original look of the game. No matter how it looks, though, definitely one of my favorite point & click games of all time, and despite being over 30 years old, the humor still hits just as well now as I'm sure it did back then. Also a lot of fun to experience the game for the first time in many years since I did not exactly remember every puzzle solution so there was still a lot of fun discoveries and having to actually think about what I was supposed to do at times, but with the added bonus of at least remembering the broad strokes of most things so I never really got stuck. Not that tSoMI is a particularly cruel game anyway, usually being pretty logical and even when the solution can feel a bit obtuse, the game is really good at giving pretty clear nudges along the way for most of the game. Probably not my favorite in the franchise, but there's something special about it that was just never replicated, and I'm not really sure what. Maybe the high energy enthusiasm it exudes? Not sure, but whatever the case may be, still an absolutely fantastic little adventure that somehow never seems to age, and with a fantastic soundtrack as well!

Soundtrack highlight:
Intro Theme


55. December 9th | Persona 5 Tactica | Playstation 5 | 30h | ☆☆
A niche within a niche (a Persona 5 spin-off that's also an SRPG) that seems to have sold about two copies, and a game that, sadly, feels somewhat like the older Persona spin-offs in which character were sort of boiled down to one characteristic, making them all a bit boring and, at times, seemingly absolutely insane. Especially Makoto who just wants to punch everything constantly. The sort of chibi look works surprisingly well in motion, though, and while the soundtrack as a whole is a bit on the weaker side, there are some standout tracks that would fit in with the best of Persona 5's music, like the bafflingly good battle theme for the second chapter.

The SRPG aspect of the game is good! It's maybe a bit too easy and unlike Persona 5 Strikers doesn't feel all that Persona-y (but fusing new personas is still as fun as ever!), though it's still fun, manages to switch things up often enough with some clever gimmicks, and the bonus missions on every stage mixes in some light puzzle game elements into the strategizing which I appreciated greatly, and made the game stand out a bit from the standard SRPG fare. The plot's pretty good as well, though it takes a while to get going and the cutscenes have a bad habit of going on way too long without really having much to say a lot of the time, which I guess might be connected to the whole "one character trait" thing. Do have to give the game that the ending was surprisingly touching, though.

It's probably time to leave these characters behind at this point because I just don't think they have another adventure in them without going extremely stale, but for what it's worth, if this is the end, it was a decent way to go out.

Soundtrack highlight:
Truth or Dare


56. December 10th | A Highland Song | Nintendo Switch | 7h | ☆☆
Now, I do want to stress that I had pretty high fever while playing A Highland Song so I was probably a bit off my trolley, but while it is an absolute beauty of a game, I really didn't enjoy this as much as I had hoped. I played through it twice, once sort of learning the ropes and getting to the uncle late, and then a replay where I understood the game better and got there on time. I hated the game on my first playthrough, probably because I wasn't entirely up to speed on how I should play the game, but also because it's pretty glitchy on Switch so I had to reload my save several times because I would die and not respawn or the ground would just disappear under protagonist Moira's feet and she'd just fall in perpetuity. But I was probably also a bit annoyed by the constant rain, everything looking the same, and having to replay the fairly long (though charming if only ran through once) rhythm sections when I realized I needed to backtrack. Switching between different layers also felt sort of bad, and Moira having the grip strength of Nathan Drake but the stamina of Alan Wake while climbing cliffs certainly didn't help matters much either.

I certainly learned to enjoy the game more on my second playthrough when I met more people on my journey, understood the map mechanics better (you actually have to get to the peaks and point out paths to be able to progress in the game, which I somehow beat the entire game without realizing previously. I blame the fever.), and learned to better appreciate getting lost in the beautiful setting and the struggles of traversing across the mountains, which required a bit of planning and getting to know the landscape. Still didn't love the constant rain, every collectible being yet another scrap of a map, or not really being given time to appreciate the world since I was going against the clock (and I usually don't dislike timers, but this one just felt a bit antithetical to the gameplay of exploring and discovering the highlands to me), not being able to interact with things while Moria or her uncle were narrating, and the ending when you get to him on time is just terrible. Actually reaching the lighthouse is one of the most beautiful moments of my gaming year, however.

Soundtrack highlight:
This doesn't seem to have had any of its songs uploaded to Youtube, but I can assure you the soundtrack as a whole is very good!


57. December 16th | Dead Space (2023) | Playstation 5 | 13h 12m | ☆☆☆☆
Played the original game almost exactly eight years before I began playing this remake, and while this seems to be very faithful to the original from what I can recall, I had a much greater time on the Nostromo in 2023 than 2015. Dead Space is not really a scary game whatsoever to me, but it does have an extremely strong, oppressive atmosphere, looks proper next (or is it current now?) gen and has some of the best sound mixing of the year that did make me a bit paranoid at times and look for enemies that may or may not be near, or even exist. Whoever in-universe thought it was a good idea to have every video transmission open with a jump scare sound must have been a bit evil, though.

Gameplay wise, very good third person shooter with a fun gimmick of having to slice off body parts to do decent damage to enemies, and doing the very satisfying stomp to make items pop out of them post mortem. The Nostromo is also a fun, labyrinthian setting to explore, and the new side quests flesh out some of the murkier parts of the original game a bit, while the redesign of the ship to make it more open gives the game a bit of a classic Resident Evil feel where you have to find key(cards), backtrack to certain doors to make progress or sometimes get to read some of that juicy lore and collect valuable resources, which will always be a satisfying gameplay loop. The weird space hopping while in zero G from the original has also been exchanged with a kind of hovering which feels so much better.

The plot is simple, but still a fun one about simply trying to escape this hellish place, but always failing at the last second and having to find yet another way, which always leads protagonist Isaac down even more messed up halls than he visited previously, and facing off against an insane space cult. It does have some fun twists, some surprising moments, and while maybe not the most original thing in the world even when the game first released in 2008, it knows not to get in the way of the great gameplay too much, and the fact that the entire game plays out as one sequential shot (which is honestly a bit of a nebulous term in video games, because does it count as a cut if I die and respawn?) is really cool and seems to have gone a bit under the radar, even now that the new God of War games have popularized it a bit more. If I remember the original correctly, there're also some plot changes in remake that are absolutely for the better.

All in all, one of those rare remakes that really improves on the original in almost every single way, and a real joy to play through. The final boss is still boring and way too easy, though.

Soundtrack highlight:
Make Us Whole


58. December 17th | Gravity Circuit | Playstation 5 | 3h 30m | ☆☆☆½
Gravity Circuit has a pretty boring story and a grappling hook that feels really bad to use for anything other than attacking enemies with, but it sure is a good time running through its pseudo 16-bit stages, punching enemies, throwing enemies at other enemies, and platforming at high speeds to reach one of eight bosses at the end while great chiptune music plays. Almost like Capcom should try and develop something similar...

Yeah, this is very much a Mega Man-like, but with melee combat instead of shooting (think maybe the combat and hub area of Mega Man Zero crossed with the stages of Mega Man X), and it is so nice to be able to play a new game in this style that I've missed for so long. I don't think it's quite at the level of Capcom's best (though I'd certainly put it over at least five or six of the X games), and I honestly prefer shooting over punching, but I can't complain too much since Gravity Circuity still delivers on a high quality game that seems to sadly have gone under a lot of people's radars. I really don't have much else to say about it since it is so much like a Mega Man, but you punch instead and buy chips in between stages that give you new moves, be it (the very good) double jump or exciting new ways of attacking (SUPLEX!!!), to equip rather than get abilities from bosses. It doesn't reinvent the wheel whatsoever, but for what it is, it's a lot of fun and except for the grappling hook controls like an absolute dream, and while some levels can feel a bit long they're at least really well designed for you to really be able to tear through and look extremely cool while doing so on replays. Definitely one of my favorite indies of the year, and would certainly not say no to a sequel in a few years.

Soundtrack highlight:
Theme of Hash (Cipher Circuit)


59. December 23rd | The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood | Nintendo Switch | 6h | ☆☆☆½
After predicting the fall of her coven, the tarot card reading witch Fortuna has her cards taken away from her and is banished to live on an asteroid for a thousand years. Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood picks up 200 years after said banishment, when Fortuna calls forth a bargaining Behemoth to regain her powers and ability to create new cards, and at the same time gets permission to have visitors in her home.

I don't want to say too much since The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood is all about that story (and making your own tarot cards, which is surprisingly fun), but what I can say is that this is probably my favorite narrative of the year, and definitely the one the feels the most mature. Not only in its language and very sex-positive attitude, but also in how it tackles themes such as transhumanism, severe depression, gender dysphoria and found families, and it does so extremely well with nothing feeling forced whatsoever, and it's all depicted in a thoughtful way. I'm also pretty sure there are even more really cool things I missed since the plot itself is super malleable by the player and Fortuna's different cards (at least on the one playthrough I've done it seemed to be about as reactive to player choices as Slay the Princess, which is about as good as it gets on that front). It's also, strangely enough, an election simulator and is maybe not the best at that since it's so simple I'm not sure it's even possible to lose no matter which side you choose to work with, but it still adds a bit more gameplay to what is otherwise mostly a... Not really visual novel, but certainly mostly just reading lots of text. Some cringy writing about real life video games with things like "Elden Ring 2 is so cool", and "Have you ever experienced the wonders of™?", but I've always had weird issues with that kind of thing in games, so maybe it's a me problem more than the game. Goddamn what an impressive game, though, and the ending I got just wrecked me emotionally. Video games can be really good sometimes.

Soundtrack highlight:
The Cosmic Poet


60. December 29th | Jusant | Playstation 5 | 4h 30m | ☆☆
Final game of the year! I don't really have strong opinions on climbing in various games, but I can now say that it's actually pretty fun when an entire game revolves around it! Jusant is a nice, relaxing climb up a very, very tall mountain that looks a bit Journey-like and tries to have the tone and sparse storytelling of a Team ICO game. Of course, it doesn't look as good as Journey (though it's very beautifully lit), and doesn't even come close to anything Ueda would have made, but the ambition is there and appreciated.

Some would probably say Jusant is a bit too easy, lacking any real challenge or peril during the entire adventure despite being about a boy climbing an extremely tall mountain where people have seemingly died trying to do the same, but I'm fine with there not being much friction, and the challenge moreso coming from how to get to the next handhold and keep climbing, or finding where to start climbing when running around on foot. It's a chill game, and I respect that a lot, and despite having much challenge, it is fun to climb, using the shoulder buttons for each hand and using the climbing rope to wallrun, descend, and jump to progress. Don't Nod were even smart enough to gradually throw in some fun gimmicks along the way, like plants you need to sort of "activate" to make them grow and create new handholds, or critters that you can hold on to and get up a bit that way. There's something new introduced for basically each chapter so even though most of the game really is just climbing, Jusant does find new ways to surprise throughout the climbing experience.

Overall, though, as much as I'm impressed by how much Jusant gets out of its climbing mechanic, it's really not a super interesting game to me. It's a nice few hours, but even if I wasn't bored by the constant climbing, I also wasn't really loving it either, and the writing is so incredibly stiff and boring that I just stopped picking up the letters after a while, and every type of collectible is equally as boring, like walls you light up to... Get a poorly written poem? I don't know, Jusant is a decent game, beautiful at times even, but very much a 3/5 experience that I can look back on and appreciate, but not really be interested in enough to probably ever revisit.

Soundtrack highlight:

Currently Playing (in 2024!!!)
Super Mario Bros. Wonder (NSW)
Octopath Traveler II (PS5)
Yakuza: Like a Dragon (PS5)

And that's it! See you all in 2024, and thanks to Wozzer as always for making these threads every year!
Last edited:

panama chief

"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
i didnt get anywhere. Beat a few Mario Kaizo games and thats it. already started FF7r to complete soon.


Dec 27, 2021
American in Costa Rica
Closing out with 26
Not bad got my big 2 Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty 159 hours and Alan Wake 2
Fell in Love with Arcade Paradise as my unexpected gem
Closed with The Last Campfire which I did not expect to hit me emotionally
2023 was massive change moving to a new country leaving my career of over 18 years to pursue my passion
2024 year of the backlog
Got my first 16 games of 2024 lined up to enjoy
Good luck to all
May 15, 2019
End of the year, got one more game in!

Main Post

8. Starfield (PC/ROG Ally) | 31st Dec - 31hrs | 8/10

What an absolute blast to play! I absolutely enjoyed the main storyline and had so much fun playing the Crimson Fleet faction quest line! The only gripes I have are with the ending/NG+. I highly recommend any RPG fan should play it and I can't wait to see what the mods are like! Hopefully they expand more quest lines.

I wish NG+ had more differences in the multiverse aspect. It didn't change as much as I wanted and I wanted crazier things to happen, like a version of me being the leader of the Crimson Fleet. I felt the ending of the Crimson Fleet should of had more to destroy more of the UC but I had fun for what it was. Also didn't feel like my actions had as many consequences as they should of - like when I got arrested by the Vigilance for killing people, I wiped out the lieutenant and the crew. How did they seem unaffected in Legacy's End seems really confusing.


Nov 21, 2021
Wozzer Are you able to include me in the image of users hitting the 52? Was meant to ask when I put my final update in the other day.

Well done to everyone whether they hit the mark or not. With so many big releases through 2023, it was always going to be a big task so regardless of how many you've cleared, well done.


Oct 27, 2017

'Tis the season for playing Sega games (and just barely making it to 52 for the year)


#45 - Labyrinth of Galleria: The Moon Society (PC) - ★★★★★
I "finished" this dungeon crawler earlier in the year but there's so much more waiting after the credits that I thought I'd put it on here after completing everything. Unfortunately, it turned out that I didn't have the hundred or so extra hours needed to reach the absolute true ending. Labyrinth of Galleria is fantastic, but it's the kind of game where it's difficult to explain exactly why without spoilers. Perhaps that's why I haven't seen much discussion about it, even around GOTY time, but it's definitely up there as a contender for me. Like with Labyrinth of Refrain before it, there's a lot more going on in the story than it initially appears and the dungeon crawling is incredibly deep, with a huge party of puppets at your disposal, each customisable with a wide range of roles and equipment.

#46 - Chained Echoes (Xbox Series) - ★★★★☆
I initially passed this off as one of the countless indie RPGs that are a pale imitation of Chrono Trigger, but the similarities to Square's 16-bit classic really only extend to the visuals and lack of random encounters. It feels like the layout of the world and the game mechanics have more in common with Final Fantasy XII and Xenoblade, both the good (a huge board full of rewards to uncover) and the bad (I got the hang of crafting gems eventually, at least). And then there's the turn-based battle system, which is quite unique in the way it encourages swapping out characters and using different skills to keep the party in a powerful "overdrive" state.

The main battle system was enjoyable throughout the whole game, which isn't something I can say for the battles that have your party fighting in giant robots. While the mech combat has some design flaws that ultimately led to me turning the difficulty down for the final mech fight, the robots did do a nice job of mixing things up and making it easier to traverse the world. Though I was rushing to finish Chained Echoes before it left Game Pass, I enjoyed revisiting old areas to find new discoveries. It's a game with an impressive scope; there's a lot of hidden quests and treasures to seek out, including a whole job system that's pretty much optional! Though the story has an unfortunate tendency to pile on cheap twists and take some sudden dark turns, I thought this was a very impressive RPG, especially considering it was pretty much entirely made by one guy.

#47 - Sega Racing Classic 2/Daytona USA 2 (Arcade) - ★★★★☆
I never saw a Daytona 2 cabinet back in the day so I wasn't too impressed with this sequel to Sega's classic racing game at first. The tracks are basically the same as the original with a new coat of paint and I prefer the cheesy karaoke tracks of the first game to all the dad rock here. That said, I was able to experience playing the real deal in an arcade later in the month and playing it with the music and encouraging commentary behind me and the loud "kachunk" of the gear stick was a transcendent experience.

#48 - Sonic Dream Team (Mobile) - ★★★★☆
It never hits the highs of games like Sonic Unleashed or Sonic Generations, but it's rare to see a 3D Sonic game that's this consistently enjoyable, maintaining a great sense of speed while still being easy to control. While the game is kind of padded out by making players complete extra objectives to unlock new levels, these missions never stray from the core platforming, requiring players to switch characters to speed through levels or hunt down crystal shards. The surreal dreamscapes look nice, but it's a shame that the one aspect of the Sonic games that's usually excellent (the music) is rather forgettable here.

#49 - Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name (Xbox Series) - ★★★☆☆
It's just some game that came bundled with a port of Daytona USA 2.

#50 - Air Twister (Mobile) - ★★☆☆☆
I don't know what I expected from Air Twister, but I definitely wasn't expecting to be greeted by an off-brand version of Bohemian Rhapsody upon booting up the game. I'm glad Yu Suzuki got to make a bizarre Space Harrier rock opera, even if it's often more frustrating than fun. Since it started out on Apple Arcade, it seems designed to be played with a touch screen, but the touch controls make it hard to quickly evade bullets - not that I could even see them with my finger covering half the screen!

#51 - Slay the Spire (Mobile) - ★★★★☆
I can see how Slay the Spire kickstarted the whole deckbuilding roguelite craze. It's a brilliantly strategic take on roguelikes that other games would expand on, often with a much prettier presentation. While I got tired of some of the enemy encounters across the countless attempts it took me to actually reach the credits, I was impressed by how much variation there was in cards, relics and random events that lead to a lot of different character builds. This is the kind of game where I sit down to play it and hours pass without realising it.

#52 - Space Channel 5: Part 2 (Steam Deck) - ★★★★★
A short game to finish off the year, but a classic one. The swingin' sixties futuristic stylings, great soundtrack and cheesy story make this a joyous experience from beginning to end. Though the gameplay is little more than a rhythmic take on Simon Says, it's a game that I can replay whenever I need a quick pick me up.

And that's it for 2023! I have no clue if anyone actually reads these posts, but I've enjoyed getting some brief thoughts down about everything I play. I doubt I'll be playing 52 games in 2024, but that's what I said in the last two years so we'll see!


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Well done to everyone in here whether you managed to hit 52 or not! Only managed to finish 19 this year which was unfortunately a bit less than the past two years for me, but I had a big year at work with multiple promotions so I didn't have as much time to play games as I'd like. Also live service games eat into my free time a lot too lol. Although honestly I do this more so because I enjoy writing down my thoughts on games I beat to look back on later rather than the challenge of actually trying to beat 52 in a year.

That being said, I definitely want to try again this year. I got an Analogue Pocket in October and there are a lot of GBC / GBA games that I want to play through in addition to my whole backlog which includes a bunch of 2023 games I wasn't able to get to yet like Armored Core 6, AC Mirage, Octopath II, and a bunch more.


Oct 27, 2017
Game 1-Marvels Guardians of the Galaxy(2021)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on January 18
-First game beaten and it was a good one. Good gameplay, funny dialogue, and great music! 8/10

Game 2-Dead Space(2023)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on February 25
-I am way behind this year wit the games I have beaten but I finally beat the new Dead Space and it was awesome!! 10/10

Game 3-Ys Seven(2017)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on March 21
-I have come to realize that I love Falcom games. They are so good and charming. Can't wait to play Ys 8. 9/10

Game 4-The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog(2023)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on April 9
-For a free game, it was a lot of fun. A murder mystery visual novel with some auto running sections that were good as well. 8/10

Game 5-Ys Memories of Celceta(2015)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on May 22
-I love Falcom games. They are just so much fun and charming. I can't wait to play Ys VIII. 8/10

Game 6-3 out or 10 Episode 1 Welcome to Shovelworks(2020)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on May 23
-So I got this game free on Epic Games and I thought the first episode was well made and decent. I look forward to the second episode. 7/10

Game 7-3 out of 10 Episode 2 Foundation 101(2020)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on May 23
-This episode was ok. I'll keep playing. 6/10

Game 8-3 out of 10 Episode 3 Pivot like a Champion(2020)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on May 24
-This series is starting to lose my interest. It's ok at best. 6/10

Game 9-3 out of 10 Episode 4 Thank You for being an Asset(2020)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on May 24
-I enjoyed this episode a bit more. I look forward to seeing how season one ends soon. 7/10

Game 10-3 out of 10 Episode 5 The Rig is up(2020)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on May 25
-Again, an ok finale episode for an ok series. I will play the sequel next. 7/10

Game 11-3 out of 10 Season Two Episode One The Kevin Effect(2021)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on May 25
-This was a decent start to season two. Better than any of the season one episodes. 7/10

Game 12-3 out of Ten Season Two Episode 2 Green Screen and Hammers(2021)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on May 26
-After a pretty good opening episode, I found this one to be just ok. 6/10

Game 13-3 out of 10 Season Two Episode 3 Welcome to the Club(2021)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on May 26
-This episode was ok at best. 6/10

Game 14-3 out of 10 Season Two Episode 4 Catapults and Conspiracies(2021)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on May 26
-This was my favorite episode of this series. 8/10

Game 15-3 out of 10 Season Two Episode 5 It's Fun-o'clock Somewhere(2021)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on May 26
-This was the finale of season two and it left on a cliffhanger. Will we ever see the final conclusion? 7/10

Game 16-Godfall(2020)-PS5-Beaten on June 12
-I played this multiplayer and had a blast with the game. Great back and slash action. Not much of a story though. 8/10

Game 17-Dordogne(2023)-PC Via GamePass on ROG Ally-Beaten on June 14
-This was just a beautiful and emotional game while it lasted. It's quite short, about three hours or so but it pulls the heart strings. 9/10

Game 18-Alien Rage(2013)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on June 16
-This game did not get good ratings when it came out. It is an old school FPS that sends you down a path and pushes enemies and bosses at you. Back in 2013, everyone wanted an open word. Well, I prefer these types of games. So much fun and hard too. 8/10

Game 19-Far Cry 6(2021)-PC via ROG Ally-Beaten on June 20
-I really liked this game. It followed the Far Cry formula which I hope changes a bit going forward as they are becoming quite similar. I look forward to the DLC. 8/10

Game 20-The Chant(2022)-PC Vis ROG Ally-Beaten on June 30
-The most janky game I have ever played but I still I enjoyed this horror game. It was a setting in a cult that I haven't really experienced before. 5/10

Game 21-That Which Gave Chase(2023)-PC via ROG Ally-Beaten on July 1
-This was an indie horror game with PS1 style graphics. I loved the music and graphics but overall it was boring and confusing. 4/10

Game 22-Trepang 2(2023)-PC via ROG Ally-Beaten on July 26
-I loved this fps! It was in the vein of the FEAR games. It had horror, it had bummer time and it was a blast. 9/10

Game 23-Oxenfree II Lost Signals(2023)-PC via ROG Ally-Beaten on July 27
-What a mysterious little adventure game. It had very cool vibes. I didn't like it as much as the first game overall but did really like the ending. 8/10

Game 24-The Expanse A Telltale Series Episode One Archers Paradox(2023)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on July 27
-I have really missed Telltale games and their episodic games. As with all episodic games, I think the first episode is the weakest as you have to get to know the characters. This was a pretty good first episode. 8/10

Game 25-Last Stop(2021)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on July 28
-What a great adventure game this was. Highly recommended for anyone that likes Telltale type games. 9/10

Game 26-Varney Lake(2023)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten in July 29
-This is a sequel to Mothmen 1966 that I played a year ago. It's an interesting game and I really like the old 1980 computer graphics they used. As far as story, it's ok at best. 7/10

Game 27-The Expanse A Telltale Series Episode One Archers Paradox(2023)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on August 19
-I replayed this episode as my save was lost for some reason. 8/10

Game 28-The Expanse A Telltale Series Episode Two Hunting Grounds(2023)-PC via ROG Ally-Beaten on August 27
-This was a decent episode but really short. 7/10

Game 29-The Legend of Heroes Trails from Reverie(2023)-PC via ROG Ally-Beaten on September 2
-I've played every game in this series and just love it. It was cool to see every character get time in this game. They will be missed. With that said, I'm excited to see where the is series takes us next. 9/10

Game 30-The Expanse A Telltale Series Episode 3 First Ones(2023)-PC via ROG Ally-Beaten on September 10
-This was my favorite episode by far so far. Can't wait for Episode 4. 9/10

Game 31-The Expanse A Telltale Series Episode 4 Impossible Objects(2023)-PC via ROG Ally-Beaten on September 10
-Another great episode! I look forward to the finale soon! 9/10

Game 32-The Expanse A Telltale Series Episode 5 Europe's Folly(2023)-PC via ROG Ally-Beaten on September 21
-I found the final episode to be disappointing. It was very short and just seemed end. 6/10

Game 33-The Callisto Protocol(2022)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on September 28
-This game did not get great reviews but I loved it. Thought it was a great horror game as I move into my horror game playing season. I look forward to the DLC. 9/10

Game 34-The Callisto Protocol DLC The Final Transmission(2023)-PC Via Steam Deck-Beaten on September 29
-Loved the game and loved the dlc. Great game that will likely never see a sequel. 8/10

Game 35-Home Sweet Home(2017)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on October 1
-I really enjoyed this horror game. I played the flat version but wiki look to play the VR version in the future. 7/10

Game 36-Silver Chains(2019)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten in October 3
-This was an in horror game that was short but also felt longer than it should have been. 7/10

Game 37-Scarlet Hallow Episode One(2020)-PC via ROG Ally-Beaten on October 8
-I played the first episode back when it first came out and decided to start playing it again. Love this visual novel. The atmosphere just is perfect for the Fall/Halloween season. 10/10

Game 38-Scarlet Hallow Episode Two(2021)-PC via ROG Ally-Beaten on October 8
-This wasn't as good as episode one as it wasn't as spooky. Still looking forward to the next episode. 8/10

Game 39-Scarlett Hallow Episode 3(2022)-PC via ROG Ally-Beaten October 11
-This episode was pretty good. I do wish it was a bit creepier for dealing with ghosts but that's ok. 8/10

Game 40-Scarlet Hallow Episode 4(2022)-PC via ROG Ally-Beaten on October 15
-I really like this episode and can't wait for episode 5 to be released. 9/10

Game 41-Madison(2022)-PC via ROG Ally-Beaten on October 16
-Loved this horror game overall but the puzzles were ridiculously hard. 8/10

Game 42-Gylt(2023)-PC via ROG Ally-Beaten on October 20
-I really liked this light hearted horror game. I started playing it on Stadia several years ago and never finished it. I was thrilled to hear it was releasing on PC. Great Halloween season game! 9/10

Game 43-The Land of Pain(2017)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on October 21
-So I was looking to play a relatively short horror game and decided to play The Alien Cube. As I was reading up on that game, I found out it had a prequel. So that's why I played this game first. And I'm glad I did as it was a great short experience. I do wish it had a map though. 8/10

Game 44-The Alien Cube(2021)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on October 23
-I loved The Land of Pain and I loved this game. Such a great, foreboding experience. 9/10

Game 45-Creeping Terror(2017)-3DS-Beaten on October 28
I loved this four hour 3DS horror game. It had great tension kind of like the original Clocktower. Great little horror game. 9/10

Game 46-Resident Evil 4(2023)-PC via ROG Ally-Beaten on October 29
-What an awesome horror action game. Absolutely no complaints. 10/10

Game 47-Resident Evil 4 Separate Way DLC(2023)-PC via ROG Ally-Beaten on October 30
-Great dlc for a great game! 10/10

Game 48-Returnal(2023)-PC via ROG Ally-Beaten on November 4
-I loved this game so nice I started using cheats. I would have never played it or beaten it with your them. Now I only got to the credits and apparently there is another chapter to play. Wish games told us that. I don't understand why they don't. 8/10

Game 49-Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3(2023)-PS5-Beaten on November 5
-Loved the campaign but it was short and the ending was terrible. 8/10

Game 50-Lake(2021)-PC via ROG Ally-Beaten on November 18
-This was a really chill game and quite enjoyable. I'm sure some would think it's boring perhaps but it was relaxing. 8/10

Game 51-Lake Seasons Greeting(2023)-PC via ROG Ally-Beaten on November 19
-I played and beat the main game because I wanted to play this. Great, festive dlc. Wish they played Christmas music in the radio instead of the same songs from the original game. 8/10

Game 52-The Grinch Christmas Adventures(2023)-PC via ROG Ally-Beaten on November 19
I'm playing Christmas games when I can over the next month. This game was ok. Lots of repeating enemies and environments. Made it to 52 with over a month to go! 6/10

Game 53-The Invincible(2023)-PC via ROG Ally-Beaten on November 26
-This game was based in a book that was written in 1964. It's an adventure game that has a sci fi story. I can see how some would think this game is boring but I really enjoyed the game. 8/10

Game 54-Fears to Fathom Home Alone(2021)-PC via ROG Ally-Beaten on November 28
-I wasn't really a fan of this game. No controller support which I find ridiculous. It wasn't scary at all except for the jump scare. 3/10

Game 55-Saw II Flesh and Blood(2010)-PS3-Beaten on December 8
-I really liked this game at times but also hated this game at times. It was a puzzle horror game in the saw universe which was interesting. I would like to see a modern Saw game with a bigger budget. 6/10

Game 56-Shadows of the Damned(2011)-PS3-Beaten on December 17
-I really liked this game. Great atmosphere and action. I miss these types of games. 9/10

Game 57-Incident at Grave Lake(2023)-PC via ROG Ally-Beaten on December 21
-This was a 20 minute walking simulator done in the PS1 graphic style. It was about alien abduction. It was interesting but so short. It was free so can't argue with anything really. 6/10

Game 58-Snowman Story(2023)-PC via ROG Ally-Beaten in December 22
-A heartwarming story of a snowman who doesn't want to melt so tries to survive eventually realizing what the true meaning of life is all about. 8/10

Game 59-Final Fantasy 16 Echoes of the Fallen DLC(2023)-PS5-Beaten on December 29
-This dlc was more FF16 which means it was pretty good. It was pretty challenging as well. 8/10

Game 60-Final Fantasy 16(2023)-PS5-Beaten on December 29
-I was kind of bored at first with the story, characters, side quests and world but it eventually grew on me quite a bit. I ended up really liking this game. 8/10

Game 61-Paradise Lost(2021)-PC via ROG Ally-Beaten on December 30
-This alternative WWII history walking simulator was definitely interesting. 7/10

Game 62-Draugen(2019)-PC via ROG Ally-Beaten on December 31
-This will be the last game I beat this year and it was a very good one. This was a mystery walking simulator that had great atmosphere. If you like walking simulators, definitely check it out. 8/10

55 games beaten out on PC
4 Games beaten on PS5
2 Games beaten on PS3
1 game beaten on 3DS

With a Steam Deck and ROG Ally, PC gaming has taken over my gaming life.

2023 Game of the Year that came out in 2023 that I finished: The Legend of Heroes Trails into Reverie

Runner up-Final Fantasy XVI

Cheat Code

Oct 30, 2017
Final update in lazy mode because I forgot to make notes.

Part 1 - Part 2

100) Super Mario Bros Wonder - 100%
101) Spider-Man 2 - Platinum
102) The Case of the Golden Idol: The Lemurian Vampire
103) Storyteller
104) Portal
105) Pokémon Violet - Complete Dex
106) Pokémon Violet: The Teal Mask - Complete Dex
107) Pokémon Violet: The Indigo Disc - Complete Dex
108) Elden Ring - Platinum
109) Lies of P - Platinum
110) Lethal Company
111) Rock Band 4


Apr 28, 2020
Lazy update but I've made in the last moments of December for the second year…. ( never thought I could do this)!!

1 Jedi fallen order replay (series X) - 8/10
2 FFVII Remake Integrade replay (PS5) - 8/10
3 HIFi Rush (series X) - 7/10
4 Deat Soace Remake (series X) - 8/10
5 Hogwarts Legacy (PS5) - 8/10
6 Atomic Heart (series X) - 7/10
7 Woo Long Fallen dinasty (series X) - 7/10
8 Olli olli world (PS5) - 7/10
9 Gottan Knights (series X) - 7/10
10 RE4 Remake (series X) - 9/10
11 Ghostbusters Remastered (series X) - 5/10
12 FFVII Episode Intermission (PS5) - 7/10
13 Rush a Disney Pixar adventure (series X) - 5/10
14 Uncharted lost legacy replay (PS5) - 9/10
15 Ghost Wire Tokyo (PS5) - 6/10
16 HFW Burning shores dlc ( PS5) - 9/10
17 killzone liberation (Vita) - 6/10
18 metal slug 3 (Vita) - 7/10
19 Disney Hercules (Vita) - 7/10
20 Judy survivor (PS5) - 9/10
21 resistance burning skies (Vita) - 6/10
22 Sound shapes (Vita) - 6/10
23 altered beast genesis collection (vita) - 5/10
24 uncharted 4 replay (PS5) - 10/10
25 Ristar genesis collection (vita) - 7/10
26 planet of Lana (series X) - 7/10
27 Joe danger (vita) - 6/10
28 kid chameleon genesis collection (vita) - 5/10
29 comix zone genesis collection (vita) - 6/10
30 tchia (PS5) - 6/10
31super thunder blade genesis collection (vita) - 3/10
32 limbo (vita) - 7/10
33 hotline Miami (vita) - 6/10
34 flicks genesis collection (vita) - 6/10
35 shadow dancer genesis collection (vita) - 7/10
36 golden axe 1 genesis collection (vita) - 5/10
37 7wonders of ancient world (vita) - 6/10
38 golden axe 2 genesis collection (vita) - 5/10
39 resogun (vita) - 7/10
40 final fantasy XVI (PS5) - 8/10
41 COD Black ops Cold War (PS5) - 6/10
42 Bramble (series X) - 7/10
43 Starfield (series X) - 7/10
44 Lies of P (series X) - 8/10
45 Alan wake 2 (series X) - 10/10
46 spider man 2 (PS5) - 9/10
47 jusant (series X) - 7/10
48 Diablo IV (series X) - 6/10
49 cocoon (series X) - 8/10
50 RE4 Separate ways dlc (series X) - 7/10
51 AC Mirage (series X) - 5/10
52 GoW Ragnarok Valhala (PS5) - 8/10

now let's go. To the 2024 challenge!!

with all the reviews if anyone is interested