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Nov 21, 2017
1) How does she know Eric or did she start flirting with him out of nowhere?

2) Did Eric ever Express interest in her also? Or did he all of a sudden decide to go for her and totally blind side you?


Oct 25, 2017
She flirted with Eric. Is Eric supposed to say, "I like you, Hailey, and you like me, but OP liked you first and told me so I gotta be a bro and let you date him."

And then Hailey goes, "What about my feelings?"

Then Eric ends it with, "I can't do this to OP, just date him regardless of your feelings. Don't do anything you want, do what he wants."
this is about the OP still wanting to be friends with the dude


Visited by Knack
Oct 25, 2017
Unfortunate situation OP, but you can't really expect others to not pursue someone they're interested in just because they think you might be too. Even with some of my closest friends, I can't say they wouldn't do the same as your friend did. Having wanted someone for longer doesn't hold a lot of cache I don't think.

just try not to think about how they probably talk about how sorry they feel for you after fucking.

I hope I never say anything this fucking horrible in pursuit of internet cool-guy status. Jesus.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
this is about the OP still wanting to be friends with the dude
Yeah. It's not thinly vieled "woe is me" dating thread about a guy who didn't get the girl but the cooler, more confident, muscle man did. Like, there's a lot of nice guy language in the OP. People are ribbing on him because of that. He seems like a good sport about it all.
Oct 25, 2017
talking about other posters is shitty, especially ones who can't hear me, but bobo takes things... personally, in my experience. swell dude, i'm sure, and there's nothing wrong with posting passionately, but don't get scraped up by it or offended or anything
I'm just referencing another on-going thread and his trolling argument from earlier in the weekend. Just jokes.
That's all. No malice at all.

Op you're absolutely disgusting thinking you own this girl. People like you shouldn't be on Era.
I mean, he made it pretty clear it's not like that.

He's free to be upset with the friend and JUST the friend.


Oct 28, 2017
She's gonna date whoever she likes regardless don't see what the issue is ... you just found out she likes dudes like Eric so apparently you're not her type

Secret Fawful

Oct 25, 2017
I had kind of a similar situation as OP this winter, with my ex getting together with my roommate. The difference was that I was fine with that, but I couldn't get through the depression and pain of the breakup fast enough so I was dealing with that while they were together. However, it became shitty when my roommate pretended they weren't a thing and gaslighted me over it, even though I later found out they were anyway. Then they broke up and he took advantage of me while I was drunk and my ex was staying the night, giving them trauma, but you know. It was still in their rights to be together and I'd had my shot.

Honestly, OP, get over it as fast as possible. The best man stuff is douchey, but if he'd let you and her get together, he'd be in the same emotional position you are right now because he also had interest. And expect your ten year friendship to die too, because all friendships do. In fact, I'd get it overwith sooner rather than later.


Oct 25, 2017
I've never believed a friend should have the power to tell me who I can or cannot like. Feelings happen and are not for anyone to own. Thus I don't think your friend has done anything wrong. And as others have pointed out, you've never owned her, so nothing will be changing for you.


Oct 26, 2017
It's embarrassing how quick some of you are to jump to a completely wrong conclusion just to remind everyone how great of a social activist you are.

I don't see anywhere in this OP where the guy thought he was 'owed' a date or that this woman's desires didn't matter. Instead because some of you feel the absolute need to point out how righteous of a person you are it has to be taken there.

What I see is a thread about two friends trying to sort out amongst themselves who should make a move on a girl.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 25, 2017
Why is everyone calling the friend a dick? Maybe the friend and girl have a lot in common and didn't date her solely to piss OP off. Jesus Christ, you folks with that mentality.

I don't believe in "dibs" but what I will say in a situation like this this, if you are interested in someone who you know your friend is also, you should be straight up with them.


Oct 25, 2017
I haven't read all the replies but did anyone already post about "bailey" becoming "Hailey" in the OP? I didn't even finish reading the whole thing yet. Lol. Just got curious about others noticing it.

OP, auto correct issue?

Nick Nehidnyk

Oct 29, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
Having only read the OP.

Your friend was an asshole.

However, he's acknowledged he feels like an asshole, he should apologize.

It's up to you if you that's enough.

However, he shouldn't have to stop dating her, because that's ruining a perfectly good relationship and she has autonomy too.


Oct 26, 2017
That's a messy situation not helped by the lack of honesty. If the friend explained everything as it went it might have been a bitter pill to swallow but I'm sure OP would have taken it on the chin.

Some of you just like hearing yourselves talk.


Oct 30, 2017
California for now
Interesting you said she's a Friend, but the minute she's single... You get ready to swoop in, and your friend beats you.

You are being a baby in my view. If she's a friend, be a friend. Your spare best friend was already on the in.

You never were cheated from a journey you never left on.
Oct 25, 2017
I've never believed a friend should have the power to tell me who I can or cannot like. Feelings happen and are not for anyone to own. Thus I don't think your friend has done anything wrong. And as others have pointed out, you've never owned her, so nothing will be changing for you.
But how many of us can say with a straight face it wouldn't bother us if a friend, an actual close friend, got with someone they knew you were interested in.

As long as he doesn't take it out on the girl, he's fine, but I think he's allowed to be upset at the friend. Doesn't have to end a friendship, but there was a more delicate way to handle this.

Though this story is reminding me of two high school friends that stopped talking over a girl. Friend 1 asked her out, got rejected. Friend 2 asked her out, got rejected. Friend 1 refused to even be in the room with Friend 2 after that because "he knew I was in love with her". Lead to a lot of fun awkwardness because we were all in the same friend group and they got invited to the same parties and just stayed on opposite ends of the house.

Years later a third friend got with her, and Friend 1, though jealous, was cool with it because I guess this didn't feel as much like a stab in back to him.

That's a messy situation not helped by the lack of honesty. If the friend explained everything as it went it might have been a bitter pill to swallow but I'm sure OP would have taken it on the chin.

Some of you just like hearing yourselves talk.


Oct 25, 2017
You aren't going to care about this when you're a little more experienced.

If she wanted to date you she would have chosen your date over his. That "yes... well actually" or "yes, but" is a way of letting you down easy. You didn't get a date "taken" from you, it was never going to happen.
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