
One Winged Slayer
Well I had some free time yesterday so I decided to take the challenge I mentioned earlier. The random number I got was page 118, which ended up having...a lot. Enjoy!

Tommy's ClaimReality
"I agree that to get the casual Wii buyer... we will need more games like Wii Bowling. Which is a HUGE focus for us. We are doing Wii Bowling type games TIMES 100!"Currently they are "doing Wii Bowling type games" times zero. (Plus Cornhole. Minus good graphics.)
"Wii Sports was nothing more than a tech demo."Yes, he actually said that (and yes, right after fantasizing about "Wii Bowling times 100"). He also went on to claim that half of Wii Sports' games were "almost unplayable". Have to say: it's pretty impressive that an apparently half-finished tech demo managed to move some 82.9 million copies.
"We will be giving [Wii owners] a LOT of reasons to finally put away their 13 year old machine that they never bought a game for (because games weren't created and targeted for them)."
  1. So far, no one has any reason to shelve anything for an Amico.
  2. Wii owners did, in fact, buy Wii games.
  3. Wii games were actually created/targeted for their audience. Unlike the Amico, Nintendo actually had these things called "focus groups" (and "competent people") who let them know what was/wasn't a good idea.
"Honestly... that is the last crowd/audience we are worried about in regards to getting people on board. They are overly excited!""The one thing I don't like about Gears of War 2 the Intellivision Amico is that it's almost too good"
"To give an example... please find someone you know who is a non-gamer or casual gamer who purchased the Wii... then explain what Amico is and tell them what the games will be like (E for Everyone, under $10, no in-app purchases, all games are simple and anyone can pick up and play, every game has a family/couch co-op mode, etc.)... and then tell them the price range... and that they can hook up to 8 mobile devices (for free) and it comes with 2 controllers.

Trust me... not a hard sell at all."
My mother was uninterested.
"Yes! Everyone who has a RFID is in a special database of folks who will be receiving special e-mail instructions on our 40th anniversary (Dec. 3, 2019)."This was about Intellivision's "Golden Ticket" sweepstakes, which AFAIK never actually gave anything out to anyone. Of course, Tommy blamed Covid for the many delays in the giveaway until it could disappear from the public consciousness. As for the "RFID database" or "special email": take a wild guess on whether that happened. (Intellivision did publish a generic press release on that date, but that was it.)
"Speaking of the [Atari] VCS... anyone else notice how "silent" they've been over the past month or so as they are supposed to be delivering the hardware/system to the IndieGoGo backers in a few week? I guess those "scheduled" Facebook posts finally ran out. On Twitter they have just been retweeting things about other Atari products. You would think there would be a lot more hype and marketing going on a few weeks before release. But as we all sadly know... it's not going to happen."Oh man, lol. History's been especially harsh to this one, what with Intellivision going "silent" (mostly so they could lay nearly everyone off), and their own hype/marketing levels are currently below zero.
"If you read comments on the negative YouTube videos you'll find them everywhere."One will indeed find negative YouTube comments if one reads them.

Not Tommy at his finest, but certainly Tommy at his Ice Cream Koan-iest.
"I have literally been compared to Hitler by commenters... and they are 100% serious. Not joking."I mean, they both really like white supremacists a whole lot, so...
"Negativity begets negativity."True enough. However, I'd argue that telling mass quantities of ridiculous lies and exaggerations to put an unearned positive veneer on everything can be far worse. Nothing good comes out of constructing misleading realities, or burying your head in the sand at the first scent of criticism.
"So interesting to watch and so sad how quickly people want to fall in line to please the content creator."...he said, without so much as an ounce of self-awareness.
"When there is a positive or neutral video done on Amico the majority of the comments will be positive, uplifting and cautiously optimistic or inquisitive. On the flip side... when the YouTube liars, click-baiters and "scammers" themselves put out negative videos... their sheepish followers have no issue throwing gasoline onto the dumpster fire."Lots to unpack here. Setting aside the debate over whether a truly "neutral" video on the Amico exists (or even can exist), the majority of the "positive" Amico videos debuted in a time when it was natural for people to be "cautiously optimistic" about it, because they figured it would be a neat retro-remaster Intellivision console and that it would be handled realistically and punctually. That's how it works: most people will tend to give something a chance, before they realize what it really is. Crazy concept, I know.

"On the flip side", we once again see Tommy lashing out at anything Amico-critical, automatically labeling them (especially as scammers, that's fucking rich) and in general berating them for not being a part of the unquestioning cult.
"It's interesting how many 'internet' folks constantly spew hatred at me because I'm talking about a system that isn't even coming out til 2020."You mean because you're lying, and making a thousand-page thread filled with delusions of grandeur, over a system that, even today, has no path even to manufacturing yet.
"They say I'm desperate, I don't know what I'm doing, I only show colors of the console because we don't have anything else to show and it's clearly going to be failure, etc., etc., etc..."
"Yeah... I'm sure it's nice to be established like Sony, Microsoft & Nintendo in the market and have every press person, YouTuber and fan waiting for your every bit of news. That isn't us. We need to create that from the ground up and because we are the 'new kid on the block' (even though we've been around longer than most)... because we are such a disruptor and so different from everyone else..."Setting aside the fact that the Amico is only a "disruptor" in the furthest reaches of Tommy's imagination, I like how he internalizes his bullshit even as he's spewing it. We're the new kids on the block, yeah! Err...well, not literally (or in any other meaningful way).
"For anyone to think we're just making this up as we go along... couldn't be more wrong and naive."
They were making it up as they went along.
"Keep in mind... Atari made their public announcement about their machine a few months before us (even though we had been working on it about 6 months before they made the announcement)... And... uh... how's that working out for them?"I released.

Meanwhile, the Amico is still floundering and in various engineering phases in 2022. Taking away a controller from the base model and raising its lowest SKU price to near-Xbox Series S's that going to work?
"Or what about Google? The biggest data collecting corporation on the planet. All of the financial and data/marketing resources in the universe! Clearly they have a huge advantage with launching the Stadia. Again... how's that working out for them?"Again: Stadia could be way better and more widespread than it is, but it's also a thing that exists and works.
"I love being the underdog."Stealthily one of Tommy's biggest lies on the page (and, arguably, from him in general). Tommy absolutely, utterly loathes being ANY kind of "underdog". He is constantly desperate to make himself appear like an industry rockstar, with a résumé more padded than a high school book report, and a litany of meaningless, purchased Guinness records which he flaunts at every opportunity.
"And although there are many disadvantages... there are also some great advantages as well. I'm ensuring that we use all of those to our advantage."What?
"Here's a great book I read over the summer. It's called 'Eating the Big Fish: How Challenger Brands Can Compete Against Brand Leaders'

I liked how they put Shark! Shark! on the cover. :)"
I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that book is actually full of helpful advice to startups, and that Tommy basically either ignored it or completely distorted what it was trying to say, because the alternative is that the book tells people to basically act like Tommy — poorly — when faced with any kind of hardship. Or setback. Or criticism. Or anything.

That is not Shark Shark on the cover.
"It's interesting how the hardcore gamers HATED the design of our controllers, the console itself, etc.
They compared it to things like a baby monitor and foot massager.
Um.... EXACTLY!!!
And who buys those products?

This is of course part of Tommy's biggest of delusions/cons: that there's a completely untapped audience of 3 billion people out there (apparently, the demographic who play mobile games but who don't own consoles), and that his $280+ box will be a near-effortless sell to said people. They actually led with that point on their StartEngine campaign [!!!!] and I'm still laughing about it.
"But there are also curvy Ferrari design elements in there as well. So although it's easy for hardcores to 'hate' the look of it (btw... for true gamers... who the hell cares what it looks like!"Again, Tommy can't help doing some accidental internalizing here. It looks cool and sleek, like my Ferrari! But who cares how it looks! Huh?
"I can't tell you how much market research we did when coming up with the outer design."I can.
"And the best part is... there is something major about the design and shape that we haven't even revealed yet! And we aren't going to until right before the console launches. A definite 'game changer' for the way consoles are looked at and thought of."A classic line in con artistry to keep the marks strung along: always promise them that something mysterious and wonderful still awaits, but if only they stay invested. Then when the time comes for said reveal, you either come up with some bullshit or improvise on the spot — or, of course, you've left town a while back. (And...hey, we haven't heard from Tommy in a while. Anyone seen him?)

To anyone else who takes the challenge: reroll if you get page ~150 or less, lol. That was way too much bullshit to go through. And it was just one page.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
Well I had some free time yesterday so I decided to take the challenge I mentioned earlier. The random number I got was page 118, which ended up having...a lot. Enjoy!

Tommy's ClaimReality
"I agree that to get the casual Wii buyer... we will need more games like Wii Bowling. Which is a HUGE focus for us. We are doing Wii Bowling type games TIMES 100!"Currently they are "doing Wii Bowling type games" times zero. (Plus Cornhole. Minus good graphics.)
"Wii Sports was nothing more than a tech demo."Yes, he actually said that (and yes, right after fantasizing about "Wii Bowling times 100"). He also went on to claim that half of Wii Sports' games were "almost unplayable". Have to say: it's pretty impressive that an apparently half-finished tech demo managed to move some 82.9 million copies.
"We will be giving [Wii owners] a LOT of reasons to finally put away their 13 year old machine that they never bought a game for (because games weren't created and targeted for them)."
  1. So far, no one has any reason to shelve anything for an Amico.
  2. Wii owners did, in fact, buy Wii games.
  3. Wii games were actually created/targeted for their audience. Unlike the Amico, Nintendo actually had these things called "focus groups" (and "competent people") who let them know what was/wasn't a good idea.
"Honestly... that is the last crowd/audience we are worried about in regards to getting people on board. They are overly excited!""The one thing I don't like about Gears of War 2 the Intellivision Amico is that it's almost too good"
"To give an example... please find someone you know who is a non-gamer or casual gamer who purchased the Wii... then explain what Amico is and tell them what the games will be like (E for Everyone, under $10, no in-app purchases, all games are simple and anyone can pick up and play, every game has a family/couch co-op mode, etc.)... and then tell them the price range... and that they can hook up to 8 mobile devices (for free) and it comes with 2 controllers.

Trust me... not a hard sell at all."
My mother was uninterested.
"Yes! Everyone who has a RFID is in a special database of folks who will be receiving special e-mail instructions on our 40th anniversary (Dec. 3, 2019)."This was about Intellivision's "Golden Ticket" sweepstakes, which AFAIK never actually gave anything out to anyone. Of course, Tommy blamed Covid for the many delays in the giveaway until it could disappear from the public consciousness. As for the "RFID database" or "special email": take a wild guess on whether that happened. (Intellivision did publish a generic press release on that date, but that was it.)
"Speaking of the [Atari] VCS... anyone else notice how "silent" they've been over the past month or so as they are supposed to be delivering the hardware/system to the IndieGoGo backers in a few week? I guess those "scheduled" Facebook posts finally ran out. On Twitter they have just been retweeting things about other Atari products. You would think there would be a lot more hype and marketing going on a few weeks before release. But as we all sadly know... it's not going to happen."Oh man, lol. History's been especially harsh to this one, what with Intellivision going "silent" (mostly so they could lay nearly everyone off), and their own hype/marketing levels are currently below zero.
"If you read comments on the negative YouTube videos you'll find them everywhere."One will indeed find negative YouTube comments if one reads them.

Not Tommy at his finest, but certainly Tommy at his Ice Cream Koan-iest.
"I have literally been compared to Hitler by commenters... and they are 100% serious. Not joking."I mean, they both really like white supremacists a whole lot, so...
"Negativity begets negativity."True enough. However, I'd argue that telling mass quantities of ridiculous lies and exaggerations to put an unearned positive veneer on everything can be far worse. Nothing good comes out of constructing misleading realities, or burying your head in the sand at the first scent of criticism.
"So interesting to watch and so sad how quickly people want to fall in line to please the content creator."...he said, without so much as an ounce of self-awareness.
"When there is a positive or neutral video done on Amico the majority of the comments will be positive, uplifting and cautiously optimistic or inquisitive. On the flip side... when the YouTube liars, click-baiters and "scammers" themselves put out negative videos... their sheepish followers have no issue throwing gasoline onto the dumpster fire."Lots to unpack here. Setting aside the debate over whether a truly "neutral" video on the Amico exists (or even can exist), the majority of the "positive" Amico videos debuted in a time when it was natural for people to be "cautiously optimistic" about it, because they figured it would be a neat retro-remaster Intellivision console and that it would be handled realistically and punctually. That's how it works: most people will tend to give something a chance, before they realize what it really is. Crazy concept, I know.

"On the flip side", we once again see Tommy lashing out at anything Amico-critical, automatically labeling them (especially as scammers, that's fucking rich) and in general berating them for not being a part of the unquestioning cult.
"It's interesting how many 'internet' folks constantly spew hatred at me because I'm talking about a system that isn't even coming out til 2020."You mean because you're lying, and making a thousand-page thread filled with delusions of grandeur, over a system that, even today, has no path even to manufacturing yet.
"They say I'm desperate, I don't know what I'm doing, I only show colors of the console because we don't have anything else to show and it's clearly going to be failure, etc., etc., etc..."
"Yeah... I'm sure it's nice to be established like Sony, Microsoft & Nintendo in the market and have every press person, YouTuber and fan waiting for your every bit of news. That isn't us. We need to create that from the ground up and because we are the 'new kid on the block' (even though we've been around longer than most)... because we are such a disruptor and so different from everyone else..."Setting aside the fact that the Amico is only a "disruptor" in the furthest reaches of Tommy's imagination, I like how he internalizes his bullshit even as he's spewing it. We're the new kids on the block, yeah! Err...well, not literally (or in any other meaningful way).
"For anyone to think we're just making this up as we go along... couldn't be more wrong and naive."
They were making it up as they went along.
"Keep in mind... Atari made their public announcement about their machine a few months before us (even though we had been working on it about 6 months before they made the announcement)... And... uh... how's that working out for them?"I released.

Meanwhile, the Amico still floundering and still in various engineering phases in 2022. Taking away a controller from the base model and raising its lowest SKU price to near-Xbox Series S's that going to work?
"Or what about Google? The biggest data collecting corporation on the planet. All of the financial and data/marketing resources in the universe! Clearly they have a huge advantage with launching the Stadia. Again... how's that working out for them?"Again: Stadia could be way better and more widespread than it is, but it's also a thing that exists and works.
"I love being the underdog."Stealthily one of Tommy's biggest lies on the page (and, arguably, from him in general). Tommy absolutely, utterly loathes being ANY kind of "underdog". He is constantly desperate to make himself appear like an industry rockstar, with a résumé more padded than a high school book report, and a litany of meaningless, purchased Guinness records which he flaunts at every opportunity.
"And although there are many disadvantages... there are also some great advantages as well. I'm ensuring that we use all of those to our advantage."What?
"Here's a great book I read over the summer. It's called 'Eating the Big Fish: How Challenger Brands Can Compete Against Brand Leaders'

I liked how they put Shark! Shark! on the cover. :)"
I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that book is actually full of helpful advice to startups, and that Tommy basically either ignored it or completely distorted what it was trying to say, because the alternative is that the book tells people to basically act like Tommy — poorly — when faced with any kind of hardship. Or setback. Or criticism. Or anything.

That is not Shark Shark on the cover.
"It's interesting how the hardcore gamers HATED the design of our controllers, the console itself, etc.
They compared it to things like a baby monitor and foot massager.
Um.... EXACTLY!!!
And who buys those products?

This is of course part of Tommy's biggest of delusions/cons: that there's a completely untapped audience of 3 billion people out there (apparently, the demographic who play mobile games but who don't own consoles), and that his $280+ box will be a near-effortless sell to said people. They actually led with that point on their StartEngine campaign [!!!!] and I'm still laughing about it.
"But there are also curvy Ferrari design elements in there as well. So although it's easy for hardcores to 'hate' the look of it (btw... for true gamers... who the hell cares what it looks like!"Again, Tommy can't help doing some accidental internalizing here. It looks cool and sleek, like my Ferrari! But who cares how it looks! Huh?
"I can't tell you how much market research we did when coming up with the outer design."I can.
"And the best part is... there is something major about the design and shape that we haven't even revealed yet! And we aren't going to until right before the console launches. A definite 'game changer' for the way consoles are looked at and thought of."A classic line in con artistry to keep the marks strung along: always promise them that something mysterious and wonderful still awaits, but if only they stay invested. Then when the time comes for said reveal, you either come up with some bullshit or improvise on the spot — or, of course, you've left town a while back. (And...hey, we haven't heard from Tommy in a while. Anyone seen him?)

To anyone else who takes the challenge: reroll if you get page ~150 or less, lol. That was way too much bullshit to go through. And it was just one page.
LMAO this is incredible. Thank you.


Jul 7, 2021
Bravo, SirNinja that was magnificent.

But you all are forgetting (checks notes) that COVID, supply chain and chocolate chips happened last—this year and prevented their resounding success.


Jul 15, 2018
Cincinnati, OH
I got page 1140 which has what may be the only picture of Amico manufacturing



Jul 7, 2021
In AtariAge threads, he and Hans said they assembled 200 of "devkits"

I have a hard time believing there would 200 interested devs.


Jul 15, 2018
Those hand built ones they've had lying around and taken around Europe by Hans are probably the "test production run" Phil referred to in the email.


Jul 7, 2021
So stuff they did years ago that they are still trying to take credit for. Again, what the hell have they been doing for the last 2 years?


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
on reddit someone swung by the headquarters and it was locked and empty

Turd Ferguson

Jan 13, 2020
I got page 1140 which has what may be the only picture of Amico manufacturing

It's funny how they lined up all the samples they had thus far - including a 1979 original, and earlier versions of the Amico controllers. Once again, it appears to be just for show.

It can be hard to look these things up, but I think there was an annotated version of that image. I'll dig thru the archive at and try to line up the dates for something posted around the same time.

I found this CurlyQ photoshop which is funnier than most
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Turd Ferguson

Jan 13, 2020
SirNinja very awesome! I laughed heartily

finaljedi this is the snarky annotated version I was thinking of

A closer look at the latest staged Tommy Amico photo

The table on the right is like the island of misfit toys. Old model controllers (buttons in the middle) and just controller shells without guts, and overhead, totally worthless hipster lights. They're...

On the top of that tumblr blog, there are some new old photos of the juice bar office that held the space immediately before Intellivision moved in, and you can see the origin of some of the unusual furnishings.


Oct 27, 2017
Let's do this nonsense.

Page 204.

SubjectTommy's ClaimReality
Reports of Sony not being at E3 2020"Yes. This is FANTASTIC news for us. More focus on us and our playable consoles!"This was January 2020 so Tallarico couldn't have known then that E3 would be cancelled. In they end they did an Amico "special event" in August 2020 that, with 83K views, is one of the more-watched videos on their channel, but is still dismally low by the standards of anything claiming to be a major games console.
Some random Atari VCS fan reportedly making disparaging remarks about the Amico (not an Atari employee or anything, just someone that a poster on Atari Age is mentioning in passing)"Probably just jealous that we've shown more new (and awesome!) Atari gameplay then Atari themselves... and we're coming out a year after them.

Oh wait... 11 months after them...

hold on... 10 months after them...

nope... 9 months after them...

still not out? Okay... maybe 8 months after them (and counting down)."
The Atari VCS - itself not exactly a trouble-free console - released in June 2021. So they're back up to 12 months after Atari.

And counting again, except counting up this time.
Criticism of the Amico controller for traditional games"Thinking that a joystick has better controls for Centipede and Missile Command rather than a touch screen is pretty hilarious."Those games did release on trackballs in the arcades so it's certainly true that joysticks aren't the originally intended control method, and that any adaptation of those games that uses a joystick, however good, is going to feel a bit different than the original.

That doesn't mean that a touchscreen is a good substitute though. Touchscreens are different enough to trackballs that it's totally reasonable that someone might feel a joystick is better than a touchscreen for those games.
Same as above"Those games are almost unplayable with a joystick."I guess if someone did a lazy adaptation and just directly mapped trackball controls onto a joystick or something, maybe, but and Missile Command is tricky even with thought, but Centipede plays okay with a joystick. Not a great experience or anything, but it's just incorrect to say it's "almost unplayable".
Same as above"Even PONG feels amazing with the touch screen... again WAY better than a joystick or analog stick as the touch screen is much more precise."Tallarico has made a common mistake here in presuming that the relatively smooth experience a lot of people have day-to-day with modern touchscreens is a result of them being "precise".

Touchscreens are relatively inaccurate and a lot of their perceived precision comes from that inaccuracy being smoothed out by software. Conversely, analogue sticks are pretty precise, but mostly uselessly so since humans can't usefully aim for a specific position within the stick's range (or even reliably hold the stick in a specific position once it's there) so for sticks the software has to ignore the inhuman precision within the data.

Joysticks are inherently more precise but it turns out you really don't want digital precision for Pong.
Amico controller reactions"I find it interesting that so many hardcore gamers look at the Amico controllers and think it's a fail just because it's not like what they know and use on a daily basis."There's been widespread reaction to the Amico controller, and much of it was criticism, and I assume that at least some of that was indeed knee-jerk "it's not the same" negativity.

However, there's also been tons of valid criticism of the controller, all of which Tallarico is trying to just handwave away here.

Additionally, it's worth pointing out that "it's not the same" is still a somewhat valid criticism, because we're at the point where we know traditional controllers work, and work well, for the majority of games, and having them makes things easier for developers looking to port games. Controller innovation isn't a bad thing, of course, but anyone ditching a traditional controller should have some deeply compelling reason for doing so (e.g. VR). If someone launching a new console is about to spend the next year or more talking about games that would play totally fine or better with a traditional controller, maybe that's what should have been in the box.
Amico controller again"Everyone focuses so hard on the "disc" and can't fathom moving with that.... yet they all grew up with only an 8 positional d-pad as opposed to our 64 position "d-pad"."This is exceptionally disingenuous - I don't think it was ever true to say that there was any substantial number of people who "can't fathom" using a disc. It's unusual as a control mechanism because of its utter pointlessness, but it's also just a disc.
How to sell Amico to normal people"The majority of folks will want to play it before purchasing."This seems like a pretty fair claim with a big problem behind it, which is that there's only been an extremely tiny set of opportunities for anyone to play before release, none of which were at major events. I don't think there's any estimate of how many people outside of Intellivision have played the Amico. I suspect it's a three-digit number. If I'm wrong, then it's surely a low-four-digit number.
How to sell Amico again"I don't assume that most folks are like me. Especially the audience we're going for... mom's who may be critical when it comes to game consoles. But we have our ways and ideas to get to them. One presentation on Ellen, The Tonight Show with Fallon or the Today show will make a HUGE difference in raising awareness. "How's that going Tommy?

Maybe worth noting that even these "ideas" (can we really call "we'll go on Ellen" an idea?) are extremely US-centric notions that, even if Tallarico's dreamworld came true, would have very little impact outside the USA.
Card games - will Amico have them?"Yes. For sure."Will there though?

Spades has been announced for the Amico and is like a weekend programming project so we can maybe assume it's done.

But that's just one game and despite "Beloved Card Games" being listed as a whole genre on the Intellivision web site, there's no other card games announced. There's a few dice games and board games, but for anyone looking for card games those don't actually count. It's not clear Tallarico can really guarantee that more than one card game is coming, and since that's what he's trying to do, this is false.
Frogger"Did someone say Frogger? I can neither confirm nor deny."At this point Tallarico knows full well that there's no plans for Frogger on Amico and no discussions taking place about it. If he did this once or twice for games he was just hoping would show up then maybe this would be excusable but he did it constantly and in each case he knew there was no basis in fact for what he was saying, so this is a lie.

The only times Tallarico says something that isn't false (or really dubious), anywhere I've checked in this topic, seem to be when he's just making comments that are the rough equivalent of emoji faces, or when he's just arguing with people and throwing substance-less shade at them.


Jul 7, 2021
Tommy's mouth lying constantly with every increasing stakes seems unending.

I would cut him some slack if every "one more new and innovative Secret feature" wasn't always a blatant lie.

His system, his games and his team not to mention himself—nowhere was there a single unique Innovation.


One Winged Slayer
SubjectTommy's Claim
Reports of Sony not being at E3 2020"Yes. This is FANTASTIC news for us. More focus on us and our playable consoles!"

lmao, that's great. Hadn't seen that gem before. He really thought Sony's absence would cause a rush of people to the Amico booth, didn't he?

Some part of me wishes E3 2020 hadn't been canned just so there'd be footage of them all waving down passerby trying to get attention.


Jul 15, 2018
Cincinnati, OH
SirNinja very awesome! I laughed heartily

finaljedi this is the snarky annotated version I was thinking of

A closer look at the latest staged Tommy Amico photo

The table on the right is like the island of misfit toys. Old model controllers (buttons in the middle) and just controller shells without guts, and overhead, totally worthless hipster lights. They're...

On the top of that tumblr blog, there are some new old photos of the juice bar office that held the space immediately before Intellivision moved in, and you can see the origin of some of the unusual furnishings.

He's had this need to show people his Potemkin Village offices which always seemed to be filled with desks with two monitor mounts that were going unused. Which during COVID you could probably get pretty cheap. I'm pretty sure the last office I worked in before I got sent home had those same mounts, except there were monitors attached to them and a dock on the desk for a laptop. None of the offices in their videos or SmashJT's looked really lived in, except his and a couple other's.


Jul 7, 2021
The 600 years of experience turned out to be cheap grads they paid low salaries plus Guido.

That and the Alvarado Family with the QAnom buddy of Tommy's named CTO.


One Winged Slayer


Jul 7, 2021
Has this breakdown been shared before?

Intellivision Amico: The Grift that Keeps on Giving

So there's nothing I love in the video game industry more than a shitshow, and the ongoing saga of the Intellivision Amico is by far the best one we've had in a long time. So here's the Timeline (as well as I can piece it together anyway): May 29, 2018: Noted shithead and Color a Dinosaur...


Oct 27, 2017
Has this breakdown been shared before?

Intellivision Amico: The Grift that Keeps on Giving

So there's nothing I love in the video game industry more than a shitshow, and the ongoing saga of the Intellivision Amico is by far the best one we've had in a long time. So here's the Timeline (as well as I can piece it together anyway): May 29, 2018: Noted shithead and Color a Dinosaur...
Damn, that's a good breakdown I think.

This has been going on for so long, I'd either completely forgotten about some stuff, or maybe there were times when I couldn't care less about anything to do with the Amico.

This post from later in the thread is hilarious to me, though.


Like, that second picture... I can't see that and not think we're talking about some Indiana Jones villain or something, lol.


Jul 15, 2018
The fact he has those rooms is even more ridiculous when one of the things he used to make fun of Pat and Ian multiples times with, was that they did a podcast in a room full of toys.


Jul 7, 2021
The last item in the timeline is "GameStop removes from preorder at Intellivision's request " is outright wrong and just parroting their PR.

Everyone saw the multiple car crashes of non communication between the customers, especially those demanding refunds and silence was now extended to their so called retail vendors. It was GameStop's fault for charging credit cards but it was entirely preventable if Tommy and Phil weren't busy plugging their ears for their made up "quiet time"

People got more confused with more chaos as the retailers didn't even get any update from INTV for months. It's as if they had no intention of manufacturing or shipping but instead running a Ponzi scheme where the hassle of actual physical products was too much.

They sat it out some more and then issued a worthless PR release with the gall to blame the stores for any gaffes and offer to "transfer over the preorders" as well as hiking the price on their imaginary unassembled unfinished unmanufactured consoles. The only true loose "partnerships" were sabotaged by Tommy and Phil throwing them under the bus.

They have the audacity to try to keep their grift going instead of trying to fulfill refunds.


Jul 7, 2021
Is John Alvarado lying through his moustache again when he says the NFC "physica product" can only be read by Amico consoles? I mean it's just wireless radio waves and as people have demonstrated, it can be physically detected by a wand scanner or anything that can read the wireless NFC/RFID.

The download servers don't exist nor do the software packages yet and I imagine they could make the download server only respond to only their custom download browser agent string or some identifier but I am certain that could be packet sniffed and impersonated within hours.

I'm not an expert so if someone else with NFT, NFC, RFID experience comment if this is more made up bullshit and they are once again in way over their incompetent heads or if there's a way to "limit download only to Amico."

I say "lie again" because he and Tommy clearly lied when hey stated that their finished (haha) games are "NFTs that are on THE blockchain" on camera in one of their last videos designed to fend off bankruptcy.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not an expert so if someone else with NFT, NFC, RFID experience comment if this is more made up bullshit and they are once again in way over their incompetent heads or if there's a way to "limit download only to Amico."
The way to limit downloads only to Amico would be to have a private key on each Amico that the server used to authorise downloads on a device level.

I suspect the Amico will do that, although I wouldn't be surprised if it got hacked pretty quickly.

That's not something that's inherent to NFCs though. It's just basic security. The cards themselves are transparent and fully readable at this point.

Turd Ferguson

Jan 13, 2020
I think it's more likely that encryption keys for Amico will be worked around or leaked rather than cracked, simply because there's no value to stealing anything on this dumb system.

Turd Ferguson

Jan 13, 2020
They've already been read, they have plaintext URLs on them.

Tallarico said something like, "you don't know if there's other information hidden there that's only readable by Amico," but as you'd expect, offered no proof.

It might have been in that Slopes interview where someone asked him how the info was encrypted and his brain rebooted and, sputtering, he got upset.

Amico Games For You

everyone's favourite cosplay CEO caught up by a simple technical question


Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
There's absolutely no way to prevent reading of the cards though?
Strong private key encryption is a basic part of NFC. If it weren't, credit cards wouldn't be relying on them.
In a proper implementation, you have multiple pages, some public and readable, and some private, and all of it is read-only.
So the idea is a computer would scan the public area, get some confirmation that it needs, and then use the private key on the other device to unlock the other previously inaccessible parts.
But I've seen bad/lazy implementations before. Oddly enough, all the tables at Universal Studios Hollywood have NFC tags taped underneath. Not sure why. But not only are they open, they're all writeable... So it's something a lot of people do wrong. But a game company should be able to get it right, RIGHT?

I haven't seen a scan of the cards to see what kind of data they put on it.

Found it.
Well, yeah... it's about as stupid as you guys assumed.
Reading a scan of one, it's a plaintext URL that adds a short serial number parameter. That's it.
Obviously, they lied and said there's more data, but here's the thing about NFC... even if you can't access the data, you can always see IF there's data you can't access. It's like a locked door. You can see there's a locked door, just not what's behind it. These cards have zero locked doors. Just 1 page that's a URL with the game serial number in it. So Tommy's lying.
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Jul 7, 2021
Found it.
Well, yeah... it's about as stupid as you guys assumed.
Reading a scan of one, it's a plaintext URL that adds a short serial number parameter. That's it.
Obviously, they lied and said there's more data, but here's the thing about NFC... even if you can't access the data, you can always see IF there's data you can't access. It's like a locked door. You can see there's a locked door, just not what's behind it. These cards have zero locked doors. Just 1 page that's a URL with the game serial number in it. So Tommy's lying.

This is how I understood it based on the incrementing simple text URLs revealed previously from scanning the cards. They are morons bumbling along and they are too small fry for any activist investor or groups to call them out for their fraud and criminality. samred know anyone in these scoops you don't mind sharing a mini Pulitzer with? Hah

"so Tommy's lying" can be used for 1000s of claims
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Oct 27, 2017


Oct 30, 2017
I really wonder how much money they actually owe in terms of pre-orders. It can't be that much, can it? They didn't have many to begin with. How many schmucks could there be left with pre-orders, this late in the game?

Turd Ferguson

Jan 13, 2020
There are still more than 2000 people in their good-vibes-only Facebook fan club. They can't all be there to point and laugh, can they?


Oct 25, 2017

Yet another thing Intellivision could've/should've done with their own properties, rather than trying to get a near-$300 Android box off the runway.

EDIT: why the heck does URL unfurl="true" never ever work for me :-/
Funny thing about that Atari Mania idea is - its instantly sold me on it. Collection of games is one thing, but a NES remix/Wario Ware style is actually really good for these older games. If its handled with even a small portion of love that the Nintendo stuff was, it should be well worth the price.

Turd Ferguson

Jan 13, 2020
And probably on normal hardware, no weirdo proprietary dead-end console needed. Atari VCS optional for those who are really into that.


Jul 7, 2021

Turd Ferguson

Jan 13, 2020
How did you arrive at that 1000 number?

Do we even know how many preorders they actually had? Their reports don't seem trustworthy.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn, that's a good breakdown I think.

This has been going on for so long, I'd either completely forgotten about some stuff, or maybe there were times when I couldn't care less about anything to do with the Amico.

This post from later in the thread is hilarious to me, though.


Like, that second picture... I can't see that and not think we're talking about some Indiana Jones villain or something, lol.
Hilarious. I hadn't seen these before. That second picture is like Ted Faro's living room.