Dec 13, 2017
Can anyone re-quote Joe's response here or was it removed and scrubbed intentionally because lawyers got involved? I tried a bunch of Googling and tricks and couldn't find it anywhere, here or elsewhere.


Oct 12, 2018
One of my first encounters with his homophobia was when he made his Dragon Age II review, and he got mad that people of the same gender could try and initiate a romatic relationship with your character, and he made this skit.

It wasn't the last time he was like it either. It's been a recurring pattern that got ignored.

Jesus Christ. What a homophobe...this shit is disgusting.


Apr 13, 2020
Yeah I think the primary thing Joe seems to be concerned with his being accused of assault (which is pretty serious). But I'm disappointed he hasn't apologised properly for his predatory behaviour. Obviously he hasn't broken any laws so I'm sure he'll win his defamation lawsuit, that being's not OK to try and take advantage of your position and (minor?) celebrity status to coerce women into sexual relationships. That's plain shitty.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah I think the primary thing Joe seems to be concerned with his being accused of assault (which is pretty serious). But I'm disappointed he hasn't apologised properly for his predatory behaviour. Obviously he hasn't broken any laws so I'm sure he'll win his defamation lawsuit, that being's not OK to try and take advantage of your position and (minor?) celebrity status to coerce women into sexual relationships. That's plain shitty.
Good thing no one has accused him of assault.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Google has her post cached in text-only form.
My interaction with AngryJoe

I've been holding exactly who this was in for over two years now but after seeing other women come forward about other streamers. I decided to come forward about the day/night of April 7th in 2018 at PAX East.

PAX East was my first event I was able to go to as a Twitch partner and I was ecstatic, I have never been and was utterly overwhelmed. I was meeting so many cool streamers and people who watch my stream that I really felt so welcomed! I eventually went to the Twitch Partner party on the night of April 6th, 2018, and brought along a friend I will call Allen. It felt nice having a friend I knew at a huge party like that (where we eventually met Markiplier!) but then eventually I started reaching out and randomly introducing myself to streamers and YouTubers. I figured if that didn't want to talk to me, I'd know and leave them alone.

As the night went on, I met a large group of YouTubers, some with millions of subs. I was drinking but still very coherent during this time. This is when I met Joe. He asked if I was a guest and I said I was a smaller partner but I brought my friend. He said cool and asked to follow me and I followed him back and was in awe because he was a larger YouTuber. Allen and I eventually went back to our Airbnb that we split after I turned down an after-party from a friend because I had one too many long islands. I did however, DM everyone I met thanking them and saying I was glad to meet them. Joe ended up replying as seen below and inviting me to his panel. I said sure and was clearly oblivious to what the rest of his message meant but wanted to believe he had no ill intentions.

(prior image here)

The next day, After walking around, I get a message from him inviting me to a dinner with people from Youtube, again, I assumed nothing of it and thought it would just be people I met the night before. So, I agreed. I bring Allen with me and we sit through his panel even though we both didn't watch the AngryJoeShow. After the Q&A, Allen and I stick around and I wanted to ask if Allen could come. Instead, Joe grabs me and says "we have to go" and he took me away from Allen. I look back and just see Allen staring at what just happened as PAX East security is leading us backstage and through this corridor.

Joe looks at me and says "I can't believe you came" and just smiled and I said yea, of course, you asked me too. He then begins to brag that he can only really travel this way around PAX East or he'd get swarmed. I just laugh and say "yea I guess that's what happens when people like you!" Security eventually leads us to a back door and we end up outside, he attempts to flag a cab down but people recognize him and take pictures. He smiles and does it then we get in the cab. He complains the entire time how it smells and how he usually only travels with uber black or with cars YouTube sends for him. I just nod my head because again, i'm just a small streamer who barely had money to come in the first place and felt like I was about to blow my entire food budget on one meal to eat with these YouTubers. Joe begins to freak out and I ask him what was wrong, He started to say he lost his phone and was afraid a fan had it and couldn't believe it. He asked for my phone and called his phone, it ended up being in his pocket. He laughed and said "oh geez" then just plucked away at his phone. I didn't think anything of it but realized he now had my number.

Instead of a restaurant, we end up in front of his hotel. He says it's fine and it would only be a moment. So, I get out and walk with him inside. We walk to the hallway and I stay there but little Joe and Joe himself invites me inside to sit down so I'm not standing in a hallway myself, so I do. Again, I'm assuming he doesn't have bad intentions and didn't want to be that person that says "Hey are you trying to sleep with me? I have a boyfriend you know!" when he was just being nice, so I just stay quiet and say sure. I'm just standing around and he ends up taking a shower and asking me to join him, I laugh and say "You're funny" and he replied along the lines of saying he knew and the offer was on the table if I decided he wasn't joking. I stay standing and keep pacing, He eventually comes out dressed but invited me to sit next to him and I'm like okay, so I sit at the foot of the bed and he keeps asking if I'm nervous and I said yes, I thought we were going to leave and it is a bit weird. He says "there's nothing weird, I'm just waiting until they get the table!" to put me at ease. He starts asking me about how I started streaming and just small talk then starts showing me pictures of his car and other things, but he does so in a way where I have to get close enough that I'm pretty much next to him on the bed. He then said "Say cheese" and snapped a picture of me next to him on the bed and i laughed nervously but asked if we could go. He said yep, got up, called little joe to tell him we are leaving and we went downstairs and got in a cab.

I'm in this cab and he's telling me how I'll like this place. At this point, I don't care how much it costs or where it is, I'm just glad someone else will be there. I bring out my phone and Joe tells me to put it away and to enjoy the time with him, so I do, assuming that he finds it rude so I try to respect that. we finally get to this restaurant and joe starts telling me how expensive it is and how hard it is to get a table. I'm a bit nervous again because I didn't have much money, but I keep that to myself because I agreed to come and I'm not going to expect anyone to pay for my food. As we are walking inside, Joe turns to me and says "I have to tell them you're my girl" and I look at him like I didn't understand because I assumed we were just meeting YouTubers. He repeats it and just said "go along with it" then dragged me in.

Once inside, he starts shaking people's hands and I don't recognize ANYONE. He introduces me as his girl and doesn't mention my name once. I sit down and try to see if maybe I can remember who they were but can't. Joe starts talking about YouTube and his account. I quickly realize he's talking to someone who manages his account and everyone else at the table are executives or people who specifically deal with AngryJoe. I had absolutely no business being at this lunch. I stare at my plate the whole time and only look up when Joe feels the need to include me in a conversation or to nudge me. I attempt to contact Allen or my boyfriend but Joe pushed my phone away and said "It's rude to do that" so I put it away so he wouldn't get mad. Eventually one of the execs asks me what my YouTube channel was and asked for my business card. I told him I don't have a business card and don't really do YouTube, he said I should start and when I do, to let him know. He hands me his business card. Eventually, Joe gets up and says he has a party he has to go to. He motions for me to get up and the executives all stand up and tell joe bye and wave goodbye to me. Joe then turned to me and said "Wasn't that nice?" then we get into a cab that little Joe is sitting in too.

When in the cab, Joe is talking about us going to Whiskeys for a party and I finally think "thank god" because I remember Allen saying there was a huge party there. By this time, 5 hours have passed and I haven't been able to use my phone once to tell Allen or my boyfriend I was okay. We finally get to Whiskeys and I realize it's much smaller than what Allen had described. I said "This is whiskeys?" and Joe replied, "Yep, there's two of them!". My heart immediately sank knowing that we weren't at the one where I could finally meet up with people I knew. Joe whisked me inside and everyone inside greats him and little joe. Joe then grabs my purse and phone and hands it to someone where I can't see and eventually I'm unable to find for several hours.

(prior image here)

Joe starts to introduce me to game developers and some of his close friends. I nod my head and say hi, hand out what cards I had and do what I need too. This entire time, I am unable to buy my own drinks and Joe has his hands around me or on me as much as he can. If I'm not glued to him, he had to find me and make it known to whatever male I spoke too that he didn't want them thinking anything other than I was going home with him. I drink some but eventually hand my drinks off whenever Joe wasn't looking and would try to find my stuff when Joe would go to the bathroom. I eventually grabbed my phone and went outside, sent a text to Allen asking him to help then called my boyfriend. My boyfriend was clearly upset because I hadn't talked to him for 7–8+ hours. I tell him what was happening and he couldn't believe I was talking about THE AngryJoe. I tell him how weird he is being but all of a sudden, Joe spun me around and started interrogating me about who I was talking too. I lie and say Allen, he starts getting angry and said "your boyfriend?" and I lie and say no, Allen is drunk so I called him because I can tell Joe is drunk and PISSED. Joe then asks me what Allens twitter handle is to prove he is not only real, but is at Pax east. I tell him, he looks it up, then says whatever and tells me to come inside while he turns away and walks in too. My boyfriend tells me to leave and I tell him my purse is still inside and need money to get a cab. I go to walk inside and had two people I met before stop me along with Joe.

(prior image here)

Joe starts telling me it's not safe to go back to the AirBnB with Allen because Allen is drunk and he might rape me. I say, no way, he's my friend and I just want to make sure he gets inside okay. Joe starts to say "What kind of man needs help? if he can't handle his alcohol, he doesn't deserve to drink any" the two people agree and repeat I would be much better off staying with Joe. I repeat again I need to get back and that friends check on other friends, just like he is doing for me now (a lie but I can tell he's furious). Eventually, the two people went inside and Joe pulled me off to the side out of sight from the bouncer, everyone at the bar, pushed me against a wall and asked me what my idea was. I replied I had no idea what he meant and he replied: "You're no better than every other girl, I thought you were better than that" I look at him in shock and he says "You're no better than every other girl who uses me to get contacts and to grow their platform" I immediately deny all of this and tell him I'll give every business card back and say exactly what I thought we were SUPPOSED to do. He shakes his head during my explanation and says "nope, you're just like them all" as if he's trying to make me feel bad for something I didn't do. He then said "After I do ALLLL this for you, You meet my friends, I take you to dinner (that Youtube paid for), I pay for everything and you leave me hanging, the least you could do is come back with me" I immediately say I can't and have to go. He then reminds me not to tell anyone because it would ruin his reputation and mine as well. Some people came outside and asked if we were okay and I say yes and run inside to grab my purse.

(prior image here)

Joe then offers to pay for my cab, to which I say no thanks because I didn't want him knowing where I was staying AT ALL. He then replied "That's surprising" and walked back in the bar. I walk 4–5 blocks away and order my own cab so he can't see me and start to cry. I eventually get back to my AirBnB where Allen was and just cry and tell him everything I told you. Allen was pissed but I told him not to say or do anything because I literally had no proof that he said or did any of that. I then tweet about what happened without naming him and I ended up leaving PAX East a day early because I was afraid to see him again. I end up getting an Instagram message from a developer I met at whiskeys and he tells me that he now realizes what happened but that, at the time, he didn't see it for what it was, and that I was right, no one would believe me because I had no proof. I kept this person anonymous as well as I did Allen unless they come forward but I know I will most likely be attacked for even posting this. The screenshots of the Instagram conversation are below.

(prior image here)

I was working with an Esports org before and notified the owner (to which I also won't name). They offered to back me and support me as much as they could and I told them how long ago it happened and the proof I had. They, too agreed that I would end up getting dragged and nothing but negativity would come if I came forward but that they would support me. I then informed them my best route was to inform the company that is representing him and try to handle this as professionally as possible since I have no way to prove he said or did anything. I did and the company apologized and said they would handle it.

Nothing else has come of it and while I tweet every once in awhile warning people, I have been way too scared to come forward. I understand my proof relies on a few DMs between Joe Vargas and I, as well as Instagram messages from someone I don't have the heart to name unless the come forward but this is all I have.

He has done this before. I have no doubt in my mind he has done this to other women in the industry. Everything he did, he had a reason behind it. I'm sure he'll deny it all, but he didn't "lose" his phone for nothing, he didn't have us take pictures for nothing, he planned it so if I ever did come forward, I would look like I was 100% willing and he had the "proof" while all I had was the word of a small streamer compared to his millions of followers. I honestly have nothing to lose by coming forward and finally saying who did this to me, I'm still a small partner/streamer who streams for fun, goes to school full-time and has a career as a programmer ahead of me. Regardless of all the hate I may or may not receive, I hope that anyone else that he has hurt or coerced into sex/sexual acts because of what he has "done" for you, just know you're not alone, it has bothered me every day since it has happened and that you can talk to me and not worry about me saying anything or feeling like no one will understand you, I am here for you. To everyone else, please take what you will from this and know predators come in every form, regardless of how much you like them or think you may know them. While this may kill whatever streaming career I may have had, I don't regret speaking up now, I only wish I had done so sooner and apologize to anyone he may have assaulted since April 7th, 2018.


Alt Account
May 28, 2019
I hope she is okay.
This kind of stuff are so fucked up, poor girl will have her inboxes (all social accounts) filled with hate speech

Seafoam Gaming

One Winged Slayer
Nov 3, 2017
She posted a tweet noting that Joe's lawyers indeed were the ones to reach out to Medium and issue the takedown of the images (and likely the article). So yeah, she got silenced by him. For fucks sake... Quite bluntly, it's still beyond vile and disgusting how so many people are just giving her insane hate and harassment on Twitter because they think their angry youtuber personality can do absolutely no wrong whatsoever. A lot of that harassment could have been avoided if Joe didn't tweet out a fucking picture of her twitter account to his followers and lead them to attack her.

He knew what he was doing by posting that tweet. Still sickened by all of this and I wish her the best.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I agree, but he seems to think otherwise because of this sentence:
It's probably a good place to try to avoid assigning a motive; we see that he's claiming that she's accusing him of assault, and we see that she's not actually doing that. It could be a sincere mistake and he's legitimately under that impression, or it could be an attempt to muddy the waters considering his male victimhood narrative.

Between the two, I do feel like one makes more sense than the other, but that's more of a reading in and I wouldn't want to conflate it with a statement of the facts as we know them.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
She posted a tweet noting that Joe's lawyers indeed were the ones to reach out to Medium and issue the takedown of the images (and likely the article). So yeah, she got silenced by him. For fucks sake... Quite bluntly, it's still beyond vile and disgusting how so many people are just giving her insane hate and harassment on Twitter because they think their angry youtuber personality can do absolutely no wrong whatsoever. A lot of that harassment could have been avoided if Joe didn't tweet out a fucking picture of her twitter account to his followers and lead them to attack her.

He knew what he was doing by posting that tweet. Still sickened by all of this and I wish her the best.
Isn't that still referencing the photos? She's responding to someone referring to the DM's in her post.

edit: Misread your post, see you mention it. We still don't know whether Medium took down the post or whether she did after being asked to.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
I just said I don't believe she's accusing of him assault, what are you talking about?
Your original post?
Yeah I think the primary thing Joe seems to be concerned with his being accused of assault (which is pretty serious). But I'm disappointed he hasn't apologised properly for his predatory behaviour. Obviously he hasn't broken any laws so I'm sure he'll win his defamation lawsuit, that being's not OK to try and take advantage of your position and (minor?) celebrity status to coerce women into sexual relationships. That's plain shitty.
It reads as though he has been accused of assault. It's not the first post and I doubt it'll be the last. I was talking about Joe being content with people picking up what he's putting down and leaving it at that.


Apr 20, 2018
People on Twitter acting likes everyone's all "he's guilty!!!!!!!" when in reality besides here everyone's dogpiling on the woman.

Joe could be innocent, or he could be guilty. But it's been days, and he has not made any effort to tell his incel fanboys to back off from harassing her. I understand he may not be a fan of hers, but as of now the only absolute truth is this:


Idk about anyone else, but to me that proves Joe is a piece of shit. Too bad his fanboys can't get that through their thick skulls.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Yeah but I thought I cleared it up in the next post when I said I agree with you she didnt???
You said Joe seems to think otherwise (that he has been accused of sexual assault) citing his line in the statement. It seems to me that Joe is content with people believing and posting as though he's been accused of sexual assault, in that he's aware that he wasn't and used it as a springboard to be able to say she's walked back her accusation. Hope that makes more sense since it was more using your post as an example of the narrative Joe is happy to let spread than taking an issue with it specifically.


Oct 30, 2019
We have no idea what happened here, her accusations are pretty serious of course, but the way he responded is awful. Joe´s lawyer successfully silenced her almost as soon as this began and commenters on other sites that cover all the MeToo moments in gaming this week (sooo many!) in the form of bullet-point lists have it out for Ashley Marku specifically. A common theme is to say that he did nothing wrong even if she is telling the truth. Vomit. I don´t follow him so I ain´t losing anything but I am 100% done with him due to how he mishandled all of this.


Oct 27, 2017
People on Twitter acting likes everyone's all "he's guilty!!!!!!!" when in reality besides here everyone's dogpiling on the woman.

Joe could be innocent, or he could be guilty. But it's been days, and he has not made any effort to tell his incel fanboys to back off from harassing her. I understand he may not be a fan of hers, but as of now the only absolute truth is this:


Idk about anyone else, but to me that proves Joe is a piece of shit. Too bad his fanboys can't get that through their thick skulls.

Pretty much this. Speaks so much on his character.


Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
Yeah, I'm not buying this refutation. His whole three sentences about what happened in his hotel room don't contradict what she said.

"We all traveled together to the hotel where she chose to wait while I showered and got ready for the dinner." Why is he so vague about whether she was waiting in his room or not? That's a pretty critical part of her story. If that wasn't true, you'd think he clarify that. But he knows that even that is crossing the line, so he brushed over that detail.

"At no point did anything improper happen. I never offered or suggested sex." That doesn't contradict her claim, which is that he asked if she wanted to take a shower with him, and she refused.

I also dislike the whole attitude of, "She is an adult. She could have left at any time."
I'm still trying to figure out (but no one has answered) what happened with them taking pictures while "laying on the bed" or whatever. That is the one part I am confused about. How the heck did it turn into a situation where they were both laying back and they took pictures together. That is the weirdest part of the whole story.
They got on the bed and took pictures, or no?



Oct 25, 2017
Laurel, MD
Finally read the full account, and the excerpts in the OP did not do the story justuce. It reads like she believes she narrowly avoided a real and escalating danger to her well-being, along with the implication that she knows others were not so fortunate. Everything she describes points to a pattern of practiced manipulation and staging defense for the possibility of accusations--and the implications of that are seriously heinous.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I'm still trying to figure out (but no one has answered) what happened with them taking pictures while "laying on the bed" or whatever. That is the one part I am confused about. How the heck did it turn into a situation where they were both laying back and they took pictures together. That is the weirdest part of the whole story.
They got on the bed and took pictures, or no?

Nobody mentioned them lying down on the bed together. Most likely sitting on the bed. He asked her to look at stuff on his phone so she'd have to come sit next to him to see.

He starts asking me about how I started streaming and just small talk then starts showing me pictures of his car and other things, but he does so in a way where I have to get close enough that I'm pretty much next to him on the bed. He then said "Say cheese" and snapped a picture of me next to him on the bed and i laughed nervously but asked if we could go.

Just read her story. It was reposted just a little ways back.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Google has her post cached in text-only form.
Thank you for that. That was horrible to read. I'm not super shocked about Joe since he always seemed scummy but man that's still awful. I'm glad she got away but I'm wondering if other women weren't as lucky. So many YouTube personalities are awful it seems.


Oct 28, 2017
At this point only time will tell the truth.
It doesn't look good for Joe though... she claims he must have done this to other women too, like there was a plan behind this all.
If that is truly the case it's only a matter of time until other victims will go public with this.


attempted ban circumvention by using an alt
Oct 27, 2017
Could anyone provide some updates from this case?
Other than Joe's lawyers at the moment successfully silencing her, and Joe be thinking "phew! my dumb fans would now think the whole story was a lie!!" updates so far.

The victim did try to explain recently on Twitter, including Joe silencing her but nothing really significant since the silence.
Jan 11, 2018
User Banned (Permanent): Dismissing Homophobia and Concerns of Representation Over Multiple Threads; Account in Junior Phase
Jesus Christ. What a homophobe...this shit is disgusting.

Just watched the video, didn't find it homophobic AT ALL?!
As a straight man, He asked for more females in the game? Why is that an issue lol
I fail to understand why that's homophobic?

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Just watched the video, didn't find it homophobic AT ALL?!
As a straight man, He asked for more females in the game? Why is that an issue lol
I fail to understand why that's homophobic?
I presume they're referring to the "there are too many whiny emo preachy dudes that want to have sex with me" line, which was followed by the skit where Joe is sexually harassed by his gay friend.

Taking a peek at the video now, I feel like that poster was also being fairly light on Joe, since he also goes on to whine about a "barbarian he-man woman" and a "pirate slut who I'm afraid to romance because I don't want my character to get STDs".


Prophet of Truth
Nov 10, 2017
Mallorca, Spain
Since I don't have twitter installed or a handle afaik, if any of you sends her support, you can add my name in the list.
Believe the victim unless proven otherwise!


Oct 25, 2017
Laurel, MD
I think Joe's lawyers are wise to aggressively squelch this story from being read. I never want to see that motherfucker's face or hear his voice ever again.


Oct 26, 2017
I think Joe's lawyers are wise to aggressively squelch this story from being read. I never want to see that motherfucker's face or hear his voice ever again.

The fact that Joes lawyers went hard from the start, tells me theyre trying to set an example here and don't want other stories to come out. Which I'm sure they will.

This sure as heck doesn't feel like a once off thing.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
So a woman shares her experience of an encounter with Joe where his behavior was creepy and manipulative.
Instead of taking a moment to reflect on why she perceived his behavior this way and working to change this clearly bad aspect of himself, Joe silences her, accuses her of lying, while himself lying about her accusing him of sexual assault, and while being fully aware of what the reaction of his larger reach and following will be, and thus sics his followers on her to harass, intimidate and attack her.

Doesn't necessarily prove that her story is entirely true, but certainly makes one inclined to believe it.
The behavior Joe has demonstrated directly to our faces, is that of a lying asshole. His character is pretty much shot regardless of the veracity of her story.
His behavior is an example of why women are afraid to step forward.

But his fans will continue blindly adoring him, the shitty section of it might even get a boost from the alt-right crowd, and she will be miserable.
So he wins, I guess. Congratulations Joe, you fucking asshole.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
And this is why women are afraid of speaking up. Looking at the Dota scene right now it is the same. Stories that are years old finally come to light. Women who are strong enough to tell their story are getting harsh backlash on twitter. Luckily a lot of other community members believe them so the predators are called out and lose their footing and job. I sincerely hope that Joe gets caught with another accusation and can't silence her just as he did now.