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Oct 25, 2017
I even kickstarted the Escaflowne BDs and new dub but have yet to listen to it.

The only thing I remember of the old dub is that a long jump of about 5 meters or something early on somehow got translated as 5 feet. Biiiiit of a difference there.


Oct 25, 2017
Man late 90's and early 2000's english dubs were fucking wild.

And by wild I mean they're all mostly awful.
Wind, rain, shadow, wood,
Sword, thunder, power, sleep
Cardcaptors of the clow,
Expect the unexpected now
The secrets of the clow
Were all a mystery
But when this mighty book was opened
The powers were set free

A mystic adventure
A quest for all time
Each card possesses a power all its own
We've got to find them to bring the power home

Wind, rain, shadow, wood,
Sword, thunder, power, sleep
Cardcaptors of the clow,
Expect the unexpected now

A mystic adventure
A quest for all time




was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018
Wind, rain, shadow, wood,
Sword, thunder, power, sleep
Cardcaptors of the clow,
Expect the unexpected now
The secrets of the clow
Were all a mystery
But when this mighty book was opened
The powers were set free

A mystic adventure
A quest for all time
Each card possesses a power all its own
We've got to find them to bring the power home

Wind, rain, shadow, wood,
Sword, thunder, power, sleep
Cardcaptors of the clow,
Expect the unexpected now

A mystic adventure
A quest for all time




Oct 25, 2017
Shield Hero - 00.5

Forgot this was a double episode... didn't end up watching more than half because, to very little surprise, it's the pure kind of isekai trash I can't stand, and that's aside from discussed issues.




Painfully bad "I'm an Otaku just like you!" exposition and constant MC inner monologue like he's some LN character (oh... right).

Just like many of the usual (modern trashy-) isekai protagonists he hardly gives a shit that, y'know, he disappeared from the world and people he knew. None of the other 'heroes' care either. I mean, at least one asked if they can return but that didn't come up again.

It's impossible to relate to these "human beings". If I were to be sucked away into some other world my reaction would be less "oh that's neat" and more "existential crisis, here I come!"

The world is bland, featuring a very generic cataclism threat, and has the usual baked-in videogame mechanics because isekai worlds aren't generic enough yet. Character stat sheets and all, now that's interesting! On top of that the entire world/premise is inherently set up against the MC. There are 4 legendary heroes and his type is basically known as a joke already. What the shit. That's so dumb. The other heroes are all unlikeable, smug bastards and the one person who treats him nice is going to make false rape claims... okay. Oh and his 'weapon', the shield, seems inherently crappy, too, though it goes without saying that it'll ackshually prove to be really powerful in the hand of a real hard working hero!

He's the underest of underdogs, please care for him!

Just like Goblin Slayer, this seems precisely like the juvenile, first draft story some teen came up with that probably describes its actual creation quite closely. The direction and production values were fine but hardly more than that. Certainly nothing that manages to make this trashy writing remotely palpable.


Oct 25, 2017
Here's a good isekai idea. How about an isekai romance story that's pretty much a metaphor for long distance online relationships?

Like you have a guy in the real world and a girl in the fantasy world and they're able to cross over and they try and maintain a decent love live but are constantly cockblocked by their overall lives and feel alone by the fact that they can't really express their relationship to anyone due to them literally living in different worlds, etc.


Oct 25, 2017
Here's a good isekai idea. How about an isekai romance story that's pretty much a metaphor for long distance online relationships?

Like you have a guy in the real world and a girl in the fantasy world and they're able to cross over and they try and maintain a decent love live but are constantly cockblocked by their overall lives and feel alone by the fact that they can't really express their relationship to anyone due to them literally living in different worlds, etc.
Your name but as an isekai?


Oct 25, 2017
Here's a good isekai idea. How about an isekai romance story that's pretty much a metaphor for long distance online relationships?

Like you have a guy in the real world and a girl in the fantasy world and they're able to cross over and they try and maintain a decent love live but are constantly cockblocked by their overall lives and feel alone by the fact that they can't really express their relationship to anyone due to them literally living in different worlds, etc.

this sounds dangerously close to Fushigi Yuugi OVA nonsense


was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018
I've got an Isekai idea.

It's about a middle-aged house wife who's suffering from empty nest syndrome after her youngest child leaves the house to go off to University. Despite loving her children and doing her best to raise them, she's grown distant with her children and the siblings themselves have grown apart as well. She desperately wants for her children to grow closer her and each other again; perhaps knowing through the grapevine about various troubles they're all going through.

She finds out that her children all play a massively successful MMO and she decides to try to learn how to play in a gambit to connect with her kids again. Magical McGuffin isekai's her into the game world as her level 1 character and she comes across the avatars of all of her children. From there the series plays out as her fighting through the world, growing stronger and assisting her children from inside the game, in both their quests as well as their problems in real life.

Insert an arc wherein she finds out her oldest is being extorted/cyberbullied by his co-workers, she finds him, manages to encourage him and then opens up a can of whoopass with him on the dick-head co-workers, and giving him a renewed sense of self-respect so that he can stand up to them IRL the next day at work.

Insert an arc wherein she discovers her middle child is secretly having an affair through the game and she brings some righteous indignation down on him, forcing him to see the error of his ways.

Insert an arc wherein she figures out that her youngest is in the closet and is having a hard time coming to terms with her sexuality while she's at college. She'd been raised in a typical conservative japanese household and is terrified that if her mother/father/brothers find out she'll be disowned. The mother struggles with the revelation at first; perhaps not wanting to accept it, until she sees pain and uncertainty that her daughter is going through because of her own bigoted beliefs. She agonizes over her suffering and comes to see the error of her ways, encouraging the girl to pursue the object of her romantic affection regardless of gender whilst also managing to reassure her that her mother will always love her regardless of who she is.

Insert an arc where her children all discover that she's missing IRL and she has to try to comfort them from the game world (effectively communicating from beyond the grave) as they finally get together for the first time in ages to mourn the loss of their mother.

I dunno, when I initially thought of it, it seemed like a fun idea to turn the genre on it's head.
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▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Funimation is tweaking their streaming membership tiers. Nothing super drastic just the "offline viewing" will now be on the $8 tier. The annual membership has shot up, but it seems like they're going to start doing "rentals" for the stuff they haven't been streaming. I'm thinking stuff like Your Name, the actual good DBZ movies, etc.



Oct 25, 2017
I'm currently writing a isekai where the protagonist dies and wakes up in a world where isekai Japanimations are good.


Oct 25, 2017
It's very explicit in the manga, though they toned it down in the anime. It's still there, but IMO the series is still worth a watch. It would be much better if they were to remove it completely of course but unfortunately they didn't.
I understand why some people find it hard to recommend it.

Uhh what? Has there been a change in policy or something B-Dubs


Oct 25, 2017
Golden Wind Episode 21

This is where
Fugo just leaves the plot forever?

That's honestly kinda funny.

King Crimson is dope.


Oct 25, 2017
In light of this, the shadow council has agreed to retroactively replace all votes in the AotY 2017 thread for MiA with vote for Idol Incidents. Thank you for your understanding.


The Jackrabbit Always Wins
Oct 25, 2017
New York
Should it not be? I dunno, I'm not watching it.
You're probably going to want to clarify this as I could think of a swarm of shows, many of which are extremely mainstream, that have problematic elements in them. I could quickly name five major franchises right off the top of my head.

Fate Franchise (even excluding Prisma)
Gurren Lagann and really any Imaishi work as a whole

That's not even touching the swarm of ecchi shows that exist.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
You're probably going to want to clarify this as I could think of a swarm of shows, many of which are extremely mainstream, that have problematic elements in them. I could quickly name five major franchises right off the top of my head.

Fate Franchise (even excluding Prisma)
Gurren Lagann and really any Imaishi work as a whole

That's not even touching the swarm of ecchi shows that exist.
MiA is crazy pedophilic, I'm not sure that's up for debate. It's pretty far beyond everything you brought up. It had freaking tentacles groping underaged characters.

And honestly, I'm not going to argue this. The show's not getting unbanned and it's literally the only show with this treatment. Literally the only one.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
The bits I've seen of Prisma Illya are much worse than anything in the MiA anime. Surprised that series wasn't already banned.


Oct 25, 2017
You can have problematic elements or characters in your story, its how you deal with them. A lot of the stuff being criticized in this thread doesn't handle these elements well at all or worse is using them to outright pander or titillate to the lowest common denominator.

Edit: Shinji jerking off on Asuka isn't played as anything erotic and is the result of a series of catastrophically traumatizing events. This is kind of my point. This event is not some isolated incident or played off in some manner. Its meant to be ugly and fucked up and been lead up to quite extensively.
Oct 25, 2017
MiA is a special case as it's literally the only anime we've had to ban, due to the content therein. That said, the ban is in review so it'll get a second look.

I understand why Made in Abyss has attracted special attention. I will say there's a fair amount of anime which is worse than that show when it comes to the sexualization of minors - the Prisma Illya example brought up by TUSR and the popular Monogatari series are two infamous examples. Especially if "minors" refers to all characters under 18, there's a wide range of examples to choose from - I think of the trashy sexual provocation in the ED to the currently airing Pastel Memories, or the heated sexualized atmosphere of Kakegurui, or heck, you can just look at a famous work such an Evangelion with its full nudity and masturbation scene. Not to mention out-and-out porn like Umetsu's OVAs or Cream Lemon.

Not that I intend to argue against whatever moderation policies this site decides upon, and I certainly think discouraging the sexualization of minors is a worthy goal. I just think it's worth being aware that Made in Abyss is far from being a crazy outlier when it comes to sexual content in anime.


Oct 25, 2017
Rei nudity and Shinji jerking off onto Asuka come to mind.

And how does that even come close to comparing to Made in Abyss? You're perfectly well aware of framing and what meaning a scene is going for. If you're telling me Shinji jerking off to Asuka is framed as some titillating moment then you're out of your damned mind.


was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018
(Can we get Shield Hero banned too? :) )
I understand peoples criticism's of Shield Hero and have supported criticism of the series for it's problems; but I have to protest if you're earnestly trying to get discussion of the show outright banned.

There's nothing in Shield Hero that's so inherently vile that it can't be discussed here.


Oct 25, 2017
I think we should talk more about Legend of the Overfiend. A very wholesome anime about demons and people learning to love one another...
Oct 25, 2017
If Jarmel is trying to get Monogatari banned can we ban Ruroni Kenshin, the author of that is an actual convicted pedophile.

Also can we ban Wonder Woman, Black Panther and Captain Marvel because those are all pretty fascist and receive funding from the American Military and we can all agree that's pretty bad. Other then that there's a good chance any Hollywood movie is produced by a rapist including Academy Award winner Bohemian Rhapsody (which made 700,000,000 dollars)

Furthermore Football is a giant propaganda machine for the US Military largely owned by old racist people. That should also go


The Jackrabbit Always Wins
Oct 25, 2017
New York
And how does that even come close to comparing to Made in Abyss? You're perfectly well aware of framing and what meaning a scene is going for. If you're telling me Shinji jerking off to Asuka is framed as some titillating moment then you're out of your damned mind.
Even if you ignore Asuka's scene, Rei has multiple scenes with nudity. Let's be real here, Gainax had a reputation when it came to ecchi for a reason hence aspects like the Gainax Bounce. Gunbuster is littered with this stuff. So again, that's why I'm asking for clarification as to whether it's the raw content itself as you could easily go down a huge list of shows with minor nudity in them or whether it's something specific in MiA's case.


Oct 25, 2017
I say we ban any and all Dragon Ball discussion... because really how many times do we need to argue about power levels or what Saiyan dicks look like?
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