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Oct 25, 2017
Neither were flying or driving a vehicle at the moment it happened. While you could make a case that several people did die for returning at the exact same point, I think people are underplaying that the snapping basically make its user an omnipotent "God" for a brief moment. Guardians, Spidey and Strange still being in Titan - and not reappear trapped in the ruins of that place that certainly have changed somewhat over the course of 5 years also sort of tells me that Hulk succeeded on "bringing everyone home" - his words, not mine - at least in the sense of a "safe" state five years after being snapped.
You're honestly thinking about this way too hard. It's goofy to assume Bruce went through all the trillions of possible scenarios to get all the trillions of people back alive.

I mean, you even say:

"Actually, Ragnorok is correct. Also, notice what he is mentalizing BEFORE putting the glove: "Everyone goes back home" is precisely what he says before his snap. Not "go back to where they were exactly"."

You specifically try to frame "everyone goes back home" to imply he sent them HOME, literally, but now you're saying it's more a figurative "home"? Your first post and now the second one are arguing against each other.

Bruce snapped his fingers to bring people back to life, they're now back, and it somehow works because it's a superhero movie. There's no 4trillionD chess at play here.


Nov 6, 2017
So, not "everyone goes back home?"
I don't know that everyone has to get unsnapped back to thier literal home address, but it's clear he intended to save people, which would mean not bringing them back in mid-air if they were on a plane or the vacuum of space if they were in a space ship.

Remember they wouldn't let Thor do it because he was in no state right now to perform a snap. It's clear they wanted someone with full clarity performing the snap. And again, we already know that Banner was thinking multiple layers deep from what he himself said about also trying to bring back Natasha. So unless we get shown otherwise in an upcoming movie, there's no reason to believe he just brought people back 20,000 feet in the air, or traveling at FTL speeds through the vacuum of space, or with thier chest cavity open.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Then why do the Avengers come out from where they died? Guardians, Strange and Peter aren't from Titan.

You can't take it literally, people didn't reappear where they died because no matter where you choose as your frame of reference, Every single planet would have moved relative to everything else. Respawning everyone literally where they disappeared would have dropped he vast majority of people in the middle of space , immediately killing everyone again.

The actual wish banner made on the stones has to be something like "bring back everyone who died as a result of the snap (not just turned to dust) and do so in such a way that they reappear in a safe place near where they passed".


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know that everyone has to get unsnapped back to thier literal home address, but it's clear he intended to save people, which would mean not bringing them back in mid-air if they were on a plane or the vacuum of space if they were in a space ship.

Remember they wouldn't let Thor do it because he was in no state right now to perform a snap. It's clear they wanted someone with full clarity performing the snap. And again, we already know that Banner was thinking multiple layers deep from what he himself said about also trying to bring back Natasha. So unless we get shown otherwise in an upcoming movie, there's no reason to believe he just brought people back 20,000 feet in the air, or traveling at FTL speeds through the vacuum of space, or with thier chest cavity open.
My point is that none of this is really a thing in the movie, it's just handwaived away because there's no real point is wasting screen time to show us how Bruce brought people flying in a plane to the ground or something like that. It adds nothing to the story for that be explored so it's ignored.


Oct 27, 2017
It was nice to see Wakandans bring their airships to the battle this time. Did any normal military arrive as well?


Oct 26, 2017
Not sure if already posted, but the Russos told EW that Cap traveled to the past of an alternate reality, not the main MCU one, and imply that exactly how he got back to the "real" MCU (and how Bucky seemingly knew about it) will be explained elsewhere. Not sure exactly how they'd do that without Evans, though.
Sounds like Bucky will show up in a future film and explain what happened, maybe while talking to Sam and T'Challa or something. And I think it is better to move a conversation like this to a future movie. It's not good to have too much exposition at the end of a movie with these emotional scenes.


May 14, 2018
Don't get me (or us) wrong...Black Widow is an absolutely fantastic character in the MCU...which is why we are lamenting the fact we feel she got short shifted. Like you said she's a huge part of Winter Soldier...she was the voice of reason in Civil War..etc. If Iron Man is the brains, Cap the soul, she's the heart of the group; the one character that consistently helps the other chars through stuff on the emotional AND on the mission side. She's Banner/Hulk's therapist, she's Hawkeye's only connection to the group, and she's Captain America's most trusted confident, and probably the most pragmatic member because she's got less baggage (not as idealistic as Cap, not as cocksure as Tony).

It's why it's lame her sendoff was getting thrown off a cliff. That wouldn't happen to Thor or Hulk, and she's as much a core member as they are.

I see you're point on Gamora and Nebula…hell actually going back to Winter Soldier and Civil War you can make the argument that the Russo's actually did more with Widow up then the other directors. But the way they treated her in the IW saga, ugh.

Yes I get what you mean and I agree with all the stuff you said about her. And that's why all those people you mentioned were gathered in the lake honouring her. It was intimate and personal, all the people she cared about were there. They could have given it a bit more time but we were almost in the climax and I'm not sure it would have worked. They go back to her and Vision at the end of the movie too.

And, let me insist in this, "getting thrown off a cliff" is not how I would describe her death at all. There was a sacrifice to be made, and she chose and fought to be able to do it. I think her death adds to her character, even more than dying in battle in some random way (Tony was going to get the "big" death so any other would always be less important, if anything that it happened before allowed the movie to take some more time with it). And if she wasn't the one to die to get the soul stone, who would do it? It had to be one of the original 6 for it to have any weight I think (so realistically it could only be Hawkeye or her) and in my eyes she was the right choice, it fits her.

Edit: I will add that even though I think it all makes sense, it does rub me the wrong way that she couln't be there in the all woman Avengers shot, when she is the first and more important one. So sad and unfair :(
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Oct 25, 2017
How did Cap get back to main universe?
Do we think he ported back to the Avengers facility one when everyone on time heist and went and hid in the forest?
Or to the forest platform before that scene when noone looking?
Or do you not need a platform to get back to main timeline, can just jump there like they jumped to 1970?

If that last one, why they need a platform?
Oct 28, 2017
it was a very perfect depiction of depression.

some would even say TOO perfect for people going to the theatres to watch comic book movies in order to escape from said depression


Some people in my family thought Thor's character was DISGUSTING, that they ruined a great character and it sent a "bad message " to children. I really hate my family sometimes lol


Oct 25, 2017
Did anyone else think it was odd Lupita Nyong'o didn't show up at the end? I wonder if her schedule didn't allow it.

Normally it wouldn't have seemed weird but they got everyone back so her not being there with T'Challa at the end stood out more.

Deleted member 19218

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Watched it but I had a hard time enjoying the movie when I saw Iron Man's death coming from back in 2018 when it was announced his contract with Marvel won't be getting renewed.

I kind of wish business news like that wasn't revealed. It's got nothing to do with the movie promotion like a trailer or interview and only serves to warn the viewer that a send of for the character is incoming. It was clear as day that this was going to be capitalised in some way for dramatic effect.

As a result I felt more shock for Tony's near death in Infinity War because that I didn't see coming.


Oct 25, 2017
Some people in my family thought Thor's character was DISGUSTING, that they ruined a great character and it sent a "bad message " to children. I really hate my family sometimes lol

it's very easy for people to conflate being a lazy stoner bum and being depressed, it seems. even though thor was clearly triggered HARD by just the mention of his source of trauma.

Deleted member 3815

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Sure, but I don't think Tony's snap really needed to happen though. I think they could have won the fight on their own, assuming they kept the gauntlet away from Thanos.

Thanos destroyed the van so that ruled that option out and every Avengers were struggling against him, even Thor.

Stark's snap was the only way to end the fight with a minimal loss of life.


Jul 17, 2018
Watched it but I had a hard time enjoying the movie when I saw Iron Man's death coming from back in 2018 when it was announced his contract with Marvel won't be getting renewed.

I kind of wish business news like that wasn't revealed. It's got nothing to do with the movie promotion like a trailer or interview and only serves to warn the viewer that a send of for the character is incoming. It was clear as day that this was going to be capitalised in some way for dramatic effect.

As a result I felt more shock for Tony's near death in Infinity War because that I didn't see coming.

That's when you have to take a step back. When you are searching for every bit of news concerning a movie studio you are bound to see things like that. I had no clue that was the case until I read your post.

Deleted member 19218

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
That's when you have to take a step back. When you are searching for every bit of news concerning a movie studio you are bound to see things like that. I had no clue that was the case until I read your post.

The thing is I didn't read that online. Some co-worker blurted it out "Well his contract ain't getting renewed so...".

Sometimes no matter hard you try to avoid spoilers, all it takes is a random comment from a friend, relative, someone on the net etc


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
You're honestly thinking about this way too hard. It's goofy to assume Bruce went through all the trillions of possible scenarios to get all the trillions of people back alive.

I mean, you even say:

"Actually, Ragnorok is correct. Also, notice what he is mentalizing BEFORE putting the glove: "Everyone goes back home" is precisely what he says before his snap. Not "go back to where they were exactly"."

You specifically try to frame "everyone goes back home" to imply he sent them HOME, literally, but now you're saying it's more a figurative "home"?
No, I did not. Saw the film nine times already, last round 12 hours ago. Of course I did notice that the Avengers Titan crew was brought back from there.

I'm just asking you and others to consider two things:

1. We know that five years have passed. We know that all the snapped were brought back, while others killed by Thanos before the snapping did not, although Hulk claims that he did try it, "real hard" bring Nat back. Once again, direct quotes. Nevermind the fact that Titan was an abandoned planet, it still was a planet, so we can't assume that things like weather didn't slightly changed the location of its ruins in the span of 5 years. Somehow, all of them are back still, due to Hulk's snapping.

2. Thanos isn't a god. He isn't a celestial either. It's still not clear if he is an eternal or a deviant, but like Loki tells him in Infinity War, he isn't and never will be a god. He is a Titan that was nearly killed by snapping the infinity stones two times in a course of 20 days. And yet, in Endgame his new plan for the infinity stones isn't simply bring balance to the universe in his own twisted view, his new plan is to kill the whole universe and become God, reshaping the whole universe on his image, "a greateful universe". It's heavily implied that the stones together basically grant the bearer of the gauntlet omnipotent power, so I don't see it as a stretch that Hulk managed to make "everyone goes back home" safely. Once again, you are the one implying I meant literally.


Jan 28, 2019
At the end of Infinity War, wasn't Thanos perfectly healthy after snapping? Was his destruction of the stones what destroyed the gauntlet? Was the gauntlet the only thing that could use the stones with no damage to the user?


Oct 25, 2017
Well, I'm ready to admit I was wrong. The Russos have answered enough questions now that the cosmology and mechanisms of the time travel are clear. Alternate realities behind everything. I can actually that.


Oct 25, 2017
Once again, you are the one implying I meant literally.
Then your post makes no sense. How am I supposed to know that you saying this:

"Actually, Ragnorok is correct. Also, notice what he is mentalizing BEFORE putting the glove: "Everyone goes back home" is precisely what he says before his snap. Not "go back to where they were exactly "

Is you expressing that Hulk, when saying "home", does not actually mean "home" but actually means, "I'm going to bring back people, but also put them in the safest possible location, and if they were in a relatively safe location, I'm going to live them there. And I'm also going through trillions of possible scenarios to make it so everyone makes it out alive.".

That reads as you saying that he literally meant home, and more so if we read Ragnarok's post you're replying to. Which is why I and JB1981 both took it as you being 100% literal.


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
You've seen the movie more than once a day since its release?
Midnight screening with a group of six friends in a RealD movie theater in a different town, Thursday screening with a group of three friends in the crappy Dolby movie theater at my hometown, first screening in IMAX by myself in the same town I went for the RealD, another two screenings of IMAX in the Saturday afternoon, a third Saturday screening in IMAX with a different group eight friends before going to an open bar Avengers themed party, another two rounds in the Sunday afternoon with one of the friends of Saturday, in a pretty great Dolby Vision movie theater, and another one yesterday in a 2D RealD cinema before going back to my hometown.

No regrets.


Nov 15, 2017
Sure, but I don't think Tony's snap really needed to happen though. I think they could have won the fight on their own, assuming they kept the gauntlet away from Thanos.
Well, since we don't any of the Avenger's use Tony's gauntlet for a single stone and only for using all of them at once to "snap" I just kept thinking why not use just use the stone individually against Thanos.


Oct 31, 2017
Ok now you have to watch it. Not just whenever you have a chance.

I remembered that I did watch it!

I checked if it was up on any of the services I sub to and watching the cover made me remember, it's the one with BDSM-Diana coming to Earth and breaking Bat's rib, and well - SPOILERS, but I remember it. Pretty dark, iirc. The Owl guy lets himself die even if he had time to stop the bomb saying something like "it doesn't matter", Bats persuade the evil Flash gone good that he's the only one who can run fast enough to save the world knowing it will kill him (and thus saving Barry, who was volounteering).

Yes, I remember it. I wouldn't go as far as the Owlman does, but I understand his spleen.


Oct 31, 2017
Midnight screening with a group of six friends in a RealD movie theater in a different town, Thursday screening with a group of three friends in the crappy Dolby movie theater at my hometown, first screening in IMAX by myself in the same town I went for the RealD, another two screenings of IMAX in the Saturday afternoon, a third Saturday screening in IMAX with a different group eight friends before going to an open bar Avengers themed party, another two rounds in the Sunday afternoon with one of the friends of Saturday, in a pretty great Dolby Vision movie theater, and another one yesterday in a 2D RealD cinema before going back to my hometown.

No regrets.

That's dedication. I don't envy you, but you have my respect.
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