
Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Except that universe at the end should have been entirely different if Cap was never frozen in ice. The entire snap incident might never have happened, let alone Bucky being a good guy or The Falcon recalling his adventures with Cap. They probably even know Peggy once had another family.

Just because they spell it out in one scene doesn't mean much if they don't follow through.
And maybe it was different?
We don't know what happened there.


Oct 29, 2017
Wished they used the time stone to restore the present time stones

It would've been easier

Deleted member 3815

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
At what point do you rewind time to bring back Tony? Before or after he has all the stone, as remember, once he got all the stone. He was struggling to breath with the snap finishing off an already weakened Tony.

They would have to rewind time to the moment before he grabbed the stone and in doing that would also bring back Thanos. Also don't forget in Dr. Strange, Mordo warned Strange that messing with Time could cause unknown dangerous effects.

Finally, we don't know if Pepper overruled them and shot their attempt down in bringing back Tony.

While fat Thor is not as good in combat as fit Thor was, his additional mass should be beneficial for absorbing the stones power. I think he could take it.

No he couldn't, mentally Thor wasn't at the top of his game hence why the team didn't let him do the snap.

Wwwweeeellll, they do have a big green guy around that the movie establishes can survive using the gauntlet.

Wwwweeeellll said big green guy injured his arm and barely survived the first snap.

Deleted member 227

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Oct 25, 2017
He survived once and seems to have gotten pretty fucked up by it. Is it worth risking his life to do it a second time?
Wwwweeeellll said big green guy injured his arm and barely survived the first snap.

I'm pretty sure the energy emission of the gauntlet and stones are proportional with the task executed, seen with how freely Thanos used the stones in Inifinity War. Thanos and Hulk both suffered major damage because of the scale of an universal snap. 1 life should really not be a major toll for Hulk.
Oct 26, 2017
Captain Marvel: I'm so strong, I can beat up Thanos.

Audience: Here's this gauntlet, Thanos was nearly killed after using it twice so you should be fine after using it once.

Captain Marvel: Sorry, the rest of the universe needs help.
Or because she's empowered by one of the stones the gauntlet wouldn't work or it'd absolutely kill her.

Deleted member 227

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Oct 25, 2017
Thanos was limping at the end of Infinity War.
Yeah, after using them on an universal scale. Before that he used the stones to: cover up an an entire planet in an illusion, turned blasters in to bubbles, hurled a moon at Iron Man, reversed time. Local use of the gauntlet's powers is child's play.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
People saying Carol should've done it are weird, she doesn't even know him like that, nor is it wise to just assume she'd come out unscathed.

Better question why didn't they just go back in time using the quantum tunnel and grab Tony and Natasha right before the mission started. It worked for Gamora.
Of all the ways to bring Tony back, one of the more obvious ones would have been to pluck a Tony from the past and bring him to the future. Like how Gamora was handled.

Grabbing another Tony/Natasha is immoral, like that should go without saying. Gamora's situation was an accident.


Apr 27, 2018
The gauntlet they made disappears with Thanos and Tony's nanomachines that made a temp-Gaunlet on his hand get fried by the snap. If just the time stone was used the snap would be undone. If you used the soul stone you'd basically be dealing with a dead/zombie Tony instead. The reality stone would be an illusion Tony and a temporary one.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm going to give the same answer that James Cameron gave to myth busters when they asked him about jack being able to into the door float:

The script said he needs to stay dead.

Deleted member 11822

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Bring back Vision. Slap the glove on him, give Tony a battle rez, Vision is dead again, and nothing of value is lost.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, after using them on an universal scale. Before that he used the stones to: cover up an an entire planet in an illusion, turned blasters in to bubbles, hurled a moon at Iron Man, reversed time. Local use of the gauntlet's powers is child's play.
And humans have been able to handle the Time Stone, yes.
That doesn't necessarily mean anyone can just use the Soul Stone to bring someone back, the rules were never established for it.
Just like humans can't handle the Power Stone on their own, maybe nobody can do the Soul Stone.


Oct 25, 2017
My question is what kind of slight of hand technique did Tony do to get the stones back


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
Not sure what supports otherwise.

Hulk only came out the way he did because of his exposure to Gamma radiation, and he was still permanently scarred.

It's not just about physical strength, and her powers stemming from the Space Stone are inconsequential here.

I dunno, seems like a stretch to say that's why she can't handle it.
Oct 29, 2017
Better question why didn't they just go back in time using the quantum tunnel and grab Tony and Natasha right before the mission started. It worked for Gamora.

Lol now that's a good question.

Ultimately, the stones are magic. They "could" do anything the writers decide they're capable of doing. They choose what works for the story they want to tell.

Error 52

Nov 1, 2017
If I was in their shoes I would probably not tempt fate

That's how you get a "Hero gone mad with power" arc is what it is


Oct 25, 2017
I dunno, seems like a stretch to say that's why she can't handle it.

No it doesn't.

Better question why didn't they just go back in time using the quantum tunnel and grab Tony and Natasha right before the mission started. It worked for Gamora.

Because that Tony and Nat would be screwing over their own timeline by leaving. And that Tony would be leaving behind his family, which is why these "Why didn't they just grab a past Tony?" theories are bullshit too.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
Couldn't strange have knocked Tony's conscious out of his body right before the snap so he could have technically lived?

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
Because it'e a story with time travel. There's no reason why they couldn't. They just wanted to kill RDJ off and so that's what we got. It's a major plot hole but oh well it's Marvel. You weren't expecting quality logic were you?


Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if Steve asked Wanda if she wanted to go back in time to talk to Quicksilver and live with Vision, or if he just kept that idea to himself.
Oct 25, 2017
Hawkeye could have done it and at most he'd have got a stubbed toe but he also knows that Tony is too annoying to be brought back.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
Like, they could have had Tony's AI assistant do it while in a robot. The rules with the stones are really strange. What's to stop them from remotely controlling the glove and doing the snap? It's still a user doing the snap and it's their thoughts. There's nothing in there that says a sentient life needs to be touching the stone for it to activate as a celestial puts the power stone in a hammer, the mind stone in a staff, tesseract in a cube, etc.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, after using them on an universal scale. Before that he used the stones to: cover up an an entire planet in an illusion, turned blasters in to bubbles, hurled a moon at Iron Man, reversed time. Local use of the gauntlet's powers is child's play.

For Thanos, it is.

Hulk couldn't even wear the thing without being put through immense pain. Ordinary people can't just rock the gauntlet like that.

I'm more weirded out that Cap basically redid the timeline erasing Peggy Carter's entire original family.

No, he didn't.

He went back and lived with a different Peggy, from another timeline. There's nothing immoral about that. Whatever husband and kids she lived life with in the prime timeline is unaffected there. Nothing gets erased.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
No it doesn't.

Because that Tony and Nat would be screwing over their own timeline by leaving. And that Tony would be leaving behind his family, which is why these "Why didn't they just grab a past Tony?" theories are bullshit too.

Can't say I agree, literally feels like "Yeah, we don't wanna answer that question". Out of everything we know from the MCU interpretation of these characters, there really shouldn't be any reason Captain Marvel couldn't handle at least one snap much like Hulk did. Not saying she should be able to snap with no damage tho.


Oct 25, 2017
Can't say I agree, literally feels like "Yeah, we don't wanna answer that question". Out of everything we know from the MCU interpretation of these characters, there really shouldn't be any reason Captain Marvel couldn't handle at least one snap much like Hulk did. Not saying she should be able to snap with no damage tho.

At the very least, she'd be maiming herself. They explain why that'd be in the movie.

You not accepting that is a you problem, not a "they're ignoring this" thing.


Oct 25, 2017
My whole argument was just that Captain Marvel SHOULD be able to do it without dying with everything we know.

Eh, "y'all saying Carol can't handle the stones is BS" is pretty vague, bruh.

And expecting her to snap and just...maim herself permanently (at best) like that when more than just Earth depends on her is pretty silly.

There's no writing inconsistency here.
Oct 31, 2017
The Soul Stone. Outside of MCU that's its basic property and function:

From Marvel wikia.

The Russos have confirmed this goes for the MCU Soul Stone too:


Again, Vormir sacrifices are off limit because the sacrifice is required to let the user possess the gem in the first place, but a regular death like Tony's is no big deal.

So Hulk brought back people from the snap and deaths because of the snap?

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
because it's a work of fiction and the story dictated that stark had to sacrifice himself to save his universe


Oct 25, 2017
We don't really know that it worked for Gamora. She likely went back to her timeline after the battle.

Lol no she didn't. How would she?

She's still in the present, which will be explored in Guardians 3. But that has no bearing on using the same method to bring back Tony as there's absolutely no reason for a past Tony to up and abandon his timeline.

Y'all get some tension and some stakes and then whine about it.

As we knew they would.


Oct 26, 2017
This was explained in the movie and numerous times by the directors and writers in various interviews already.