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Oct 25, 2017
I didn't even recognize it was Red Skull at first, just thought it was some throwaway gatekeeper kinda character lol. Very cool to see him back though.


Nov 1, 2017
I feel like her moments have been pretty overlooked.

Even the couple times I've seen it, her joining everyone on the field to get the giant saws should have gotten cheers like other big moments but they don't.

I just think people aren't as invested in the character, but I definitely thought this is the best she's been. That fight in Scotland single-handedly fighting off both Proxima and Glave while carrying Vision away from the fight was a great use of her powers.
Exactly. She was MVP and most people didnt even notice. Maybe on repeat viewings they will see she was no joke.


Oct 25, 2017
Is Capt Marvel really gonna fuck shit up? I don't know anything about here. Doesn't she have a tv show? I thought her and Ms. marvel were the same people for awhile.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
That's just funny lines, too, there's a hell of a lot of good dramatic lines too, mainly from Thanos.
One of his lines from the trailer that really was a lot more chilling in the film was "I hope they remember you." It's just way more sinister/dark in the movie because we know the context. I loved those few lines he delivered to Tony at that moment.

Deleted member 9330

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Is Capt Marvel really gonna fuck shit up? I don't know anything about here. Doesn't she have a tv show? I thought her and Ms. marvel were the same people for awhile.

It does get confusing, because this Captain Marvel used to go by Ms. Marvel back when there was a different Captain Marvel. So there is (in the comics) a Captain Marvel who used to be Ms. Marvel, and a different Ms. Marvel.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
Is Capt Marvel really gonna fuck shit up? I don't know anything about here. Doesn't she have a tv show? I thought her and Ms. marvel were the same people for awhile.
She went by Ms. Marvel for a long time. It's only in the last several years that she took up the name Captain Marvel (in honor of the last guy who held that title). The current Ms. Marvel is a muslim teen with stretchy powers who idolizes Carol.


Oct 30, 2017
Exactly. She was MVP and most people didnt even notice. Maybe on repeat viewings they will see she was no joke.

Scarlet witch is a beast, she def is one of the most powerful characters if not the most when she gains more battle experience. She basically has her reality altering powers in the MCU. She made vision increase his density in avengers 2


Oct 25, 2017
wowie wow wow wow.

This is a film.

I don't know how to truly feel about it. I liked it but man does it leave a bad taste in your mouth. I feel like I just got bullied for 2 hours as some big (purple) kid just stomped on all of my toys..fuck.

Still really good movie yo. Here are some sporadic thoughts.

- Some great lines and the main draw of these movies are the interactions between the cast; twas top notch.
- Thanos was a G. After all of these years of building him up, I worried the'd Ultron him. He was a force while still being able to bleed. Warped as he may be, having actual emotions is neat and well done for once on a villain.
- I generally hate the Iron Spider Suit in most of its showings...not here. Shit was awesome, Spiderman had some good moments overall.
- Strange definitely can replace Stark when RJD hangs it up. The banter between the two was fun.
- Tony keeps adding cool ass shit to his suits lol. Still...was it explained why he has the chest thingy again? I suspect he either dies in the next one or truly retires at Pepper's request.
- The Hulk bitching out was pretty lame...even if I get it since he generally has been the problem solver but still. I also agree that Banner was a bit too wacky in this one but then again dude has had a rough time.
- Steve seems tired of this shit.But his first appearance was pretty bad ass....and yet it feel like he was definately a victim to the size of the cast as he didn't really do much...even his big moment against Thanos was immediately invalidated.
Thor was fantastic. Hemsworth brought his A game IMO, The scene with Rocket was well done. His appearance in Wakanda got a big ass cheer.
- BP did fuck all. But a lot of people were fucking pissed when he got ash'd.
- I may be a heartless loser but I didn't give a fuck about Wanda X Vision. She lowkey doomed everyone for RoboDIck.
- Speaking of dooming us all; I love Chris Pratt but holy shit was he a twat in this one.Like I get it thats the character but you'd think he'd grow up a bit by now ,no? Rocket himself has shown some growth in this regard...
- Gamora was pretty stupid that she didn't realize that Thanos loved fucked as it may be. Her sis even told her as much in the past two films, no?
- Bucky and Sam have to level up if they expect to be a draw in future Avenger films.
- The action was well done, the war scene was kinda lame tho...i never enjoy those anyway.

-Lets get into that ending tho; Like I know most of these characters will return by virtue of knowing they have films coming...but man I could only imagine seeing this as a kid w/ no knowledge of such things. I'd be devistated right now. (lowkey stiill feeling some type a way with Spidey). I was spoiled on it too and it still landed strong because part of me thought it was a troll...or hoped.

My guess is that the next film is the remaining avengers, going to get the stones and use the new gauntlet and probably Steve /and/or Tony sacrificing themselves in the process. But I imagine the next is the final adventure for the OG cast.

This may not be the best movie ever or my favorite marvel film...but it does something all media should do....keep you thinking about it.

I am for sure.

now to go lay dow

Soupman Prime

The Fallen
Nov 8, 2017
Boston, MA
Is everyone excited for Captain Marvel now? I can't wait to see the movie and how it ends. Like why the fuck does Fury have what he had, she wasn't worth getting with Loki or Ultron?

Punished Goku

Oct 25, 2017
He was right it did not discrimnate. It took the Rich(Black Panther), and the poor( Spiderman)
Perfectly Balanced as all things should be.
I think Banner is just in the trajectory of some arc that isn't clear yet. Hulk is increasingly a unique sentience instead of just an aspect of Banner's personality, like they are two people.

Maybe as Hulk gets smarter, Bruce gets dumber? Banner got to be the brute beating ass in this one, so maybe a smart Hulk shows up in the next one?
Planet of the apes style.
They aint killing Thanos in A4.
Better not. I hope they use Him in the future
Im actually more heated they did Ebony Maw like that. Did yall hear all that shit talking he did ?

Maw's bars are what your favorite rapper wishes they can achieve.
Thanos better bring him back somehow. I hope he brings back all of the black order.
Nov 4, 2017
Exactly. She was MVP and most people didnt even notice. Maybe on repeat viewings they will see she was no joke.
I just think they never developed the character.

Jean Grey using telekinesis feels emotional, and like it causes her strain. Scarlet just has pink energy that suddenly is stronger than anything out there and no one knows why. Is it magic? Telekinesis?


Oct 28, 2017
I also love how the movie ended with "Thanos will return". Usually it's one of the Avenger's names or Guardians.


Oct 25, 2017
Is everyone excited for Captain Marvel now? I can't wait to see the movie and how it ends. Like why the fuck does Fury have what he had, she wasn't worth getting with Loki or Ultron?

As a Larson fan and a fan of female superheroes (it's just a thing forgive me) I've been more interested in that one than most of the others.

I also don't know jack shit about Captain Marvel, so there's an air of mystery to it for me.


Oct 25, 2017
Captain Marvel used to be Miss Marvel.
It does get confusing, because this Captain Marvel used to go by Ms. Marvel back when there was a different Captain Marvel. So there is (in the comics) a Captain Marvel who used to be Ms. Marvel, and a different Ms. Marvel.
She went by Ms. Marvel for a long time. It's only in the last several years that she took up the name Captain Marvel (in honor of the last guy who held that title). The current Ms. Marvel is a muslim teen with stretchy powers who idolizes Carol.

I see.
So I guess she'll be the savior for MCU come next year lol.


Oct 26, 2017
What if Thanos joins the Avengers like Jason Statham in the Fast and the Furious movies

The 4,000,068th timeline

Deleted member 1190

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, there were parts of this movie that could have been avoided if the writers didn't conveniently forget about them, like how the wizards can create a mirror dimension to keep people safe, or using the time stone earlier; effectively they nerfed Dr. Strange to allow the plot to happen. Same thing that happened with Vision in CW.

Conversely, I think they did a good job in neutralizing Vision's overpowered nature in this movie in a simple and effective way.

Reality + Space stones make the dimensional stuff Strange could have done useless. Hell, Thanos seemingly folded space time just to bring Strange closer to him to grab him.

Xaero Gravity

Oct 25, 2017
My entire theater gasped at the Red Skull reveal.

That was probably the best part of the movie for me, right next to Thor's appearance on Wakanda and his last stand against Thanos.
That was my favorite as well. He's always been one of my favorite characters in comics. Hopefully he's back for good and not just that one scene.
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Keyser S

The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I would like to see some of the newer characters appear in the MCU at some point. Both Kamala Khan and Riri Williams are great - but both are feel like a decade away from getting a place on screen... there is too much other stuff to work though.


Oct 29, 2017
Liked it quite a bit. Wish they had actually been a bit bolder and killed off one of the big three - Cap, Thor or Iron Man. Honestly, how people were hyping up the end, I was surprised one of them didn't go.


Oct 26, 2017
What if Thanos joins the Avengers like Jason Statham in the Fast and the Furious movies

The 4,000,068th timeline

been done



"This guy are sick" and Aggressively Mediocre
Oct 25, 2017
Just got back from seeing it. I liked it. The pacing was kind of weird, but I guess it kind of had to be considering the amount of characters involved. Josh Brolin killed it as Thanos, that's for sure. Felt like him and The Guardians carried most of the movie.

I sincerely doubt that most of the characters will stay dead though. After all, nobody's dead in comics. I guarantee some resurrection shenanigans will be in abundance for Part 2.



Oct 25, 2017
I'm really curious to see how MCU would handle their version of Supes with the upcoming Capt Marvel movie.


Oct 25, 2017
These movies definitely didn't make me care enough about Vision or Wanda, though I still liked their scenes alright enough.

But when it was going for all that drama, it just didn't work. Not a big deal for me at all, but kind of a victim of certain aspects not being developed enough.


Oct 30, 2017

This list is absurd. Says Captain Marvel is several times faster than the speed of sound. Heals faster than Wolverine. Super strength. Survives falling from space. Absorbs a nuclear bomb. The list goes on.

Basically Superman.

"Casual planet buster."

As I stated earlier, she isn't as strong as Thor and hulk in the comics. We already have superman characters, not sure why we need another.


Nov 14, 2017
I wonder if the destruction of Xandar will be an origin story for this universe's Nova, similar to Annihilation.

Even with all of the super help, and even if Captain Marvel is Sentry-tier here, I don't see how they go about just trying to punch out Thanos. I think Dr Strange has a plan that's a tad more complicated.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
I wonder if the destruction of Xandar will be an origin story for this universe's Nova, similar to Annihilation.

Even with all of the super help, and even if Captain Marvel is Sentry-tier here, I don't see how they go about just trying to punch out Thanos. I think Dr Strange has a plan that's a tad more complicated.
Was thinking about this. Open the movie with Glenn Close witnessing the destruction and sending one final beacon or something.
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