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Oct 25, 2017
I really like how Nick Fury's "OH SHIT" button is Brie Larson. My only exposure to Carol is the first volume of the KSD run in 2014, which I thought was fine so I'm excited to see her come in and wreck some shit.

I have a theory that he's not actually paging Carol, but he's paging Mar-Vell. They're fellow spies traditionally and SHIELD might have had a past alliance with the Kree.


Oct 27, 2017
Instead of debating why the bad guy chose the less good path, can we talk about how Rubberband Man was the perfect music choice to introduce the Guardians? That scene, from the Space location card to Gamora singing along, was just absolutely perfect.
Oct 27, 2017
I'm not clear how any of these issues are worse than "yeah but Thanos, you only wiped out half of people at random, and on average it takes planet 20-25 years to double it's population, so you're just going to keep having the same problem recurring, forever."
Hook up the gauntlet to a computer and set up a cron task that triggers every 25 years. You don't even need Tony Stark to implement this

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Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
Omaha, NE
Instead of debating why the bad guy chose the less good path, can we talk about how Rubberband Man was the perfect music choice to introduce the Guardians? That scene, from the Space location card to Gamora singing along, was just absolutely perfect.

James Gunn gave the Russo brothers 3 songs to pick from and they chose from that. Rubberband Man was a perfect song for the moment.

Deleted member 2145

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Oct 25, 2017
it's a credit to Feige and the MCU that they have so successfully translated all that comic book goodness to the big screen that instead of discussing the strengths and weaknesses of the movie we're talking about power levels and what if scenarios involving the characters and situations

not only have they translated comics to the big screen they've now brought comic book discourse to the movie side of things as well


Nov 3, 2017
He didn't use the power stone on tbe hulk. Someone mentioned that you see the purple flash of energy every time he used it. Didn't see that with the Hulk.

He just laid him the fuck out. Hulk finally just met something that could counter him

He had the space stone. Loki gave him the power stone before the Hulk jumped on him and knocked it out of his hand.

Wow. Now I'm disappointed. I thought he had the Power stone at that point.
Nov 30, 2017
Thanos killing half the population is him trying to teach everyone that sustainablity requires sacrifice.

The whole movie is about sacrifice.

The species have to learn on their own that they need to sacrifice giving birth, sacrifice their materialistic desires, sacrifice greed to create a sustainable environment for life to thrive.

If he just used the gauntlet to create unlimited resources, all the species would not understand what needs to be done to survive.

He is not trying to play god, and give everyone their wants. He believes, which has been hinted at in both Guardians movies, that you need to earn your right to live.

He is the father that doesn't spoil his children. He teaches them to handle their own.
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Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
The mention of planned parenthood was obviously facetious.

I'm not clear how any of these issues are worse than "yeah but Thanos, you only wiped out half of people at random, and on average it takes planet 20-25 years to double it's population, so you're just going to keep having the same problem recurring, forever." If doing this once burned out his gauntlet, he's going to need to build up a pretty big stockpile of them for his eternal "problem solving" which is actually just a momentary band-aid.

The long term solution is clear - planets manage their populations. Since any planet which fails to do this (according to the movie) destroys itself, then I'm not clear why he needs to do any work at all. The problem planets will wipe themselves out, the planets that have their shit under control will not. He could have been using his army the whole time to enforce this, he doesn't need the infinity stones for that. Planets will keep themselves in line, or they will face the wrath of Thanos.

Of course, the reason he doesn't do any of this is because the screenwriters work backwards - they need Thanos to be a threat, so they need Thanos to be after the Infinity Stones, so they need Thanos to have a motivation to use the Infinity Stones. The motivation they chose doesn't stand up to any real scrutiny, and therefore people are certainly within their rights to criticize that aspect of the writing.
Those solutions may be better than Thanos' solutions but they don't solve the problems, hence they aren't effective solutions.

Your longer term solution of "letting things be" isn't something that Thanos is interested in. He doesn't want planets to wipe themselves out..clearly because that's what happened to his OWN homeland! Also his own army is finite, he can't be on multiple planets at a time... this just leads to them being overthrown at some point like the British colonization. And we are talking about a whole universe here.

Of course this is not the best motivation or reasoning to do what he did but it is A motive and to him it makes sense based on his past experiences. And it's not like the movie isn't aware of this, they have characters in the movie who question Thanos on it including her own daughter.
Oct 29, 2017
I'm sure this was probably asked at some point in the past 300 pages but....why didn't Thanos just snap his fingers and cut everyone's fertility rate in half? Make half the universe infertile, or something?

His plan is garbage because it's a band-aid. Overpopulation is gong to happen again and again, and he's basically going to have to do the "snap" whenever the population needs culling again.

Not to mention not every population has to be culled at once. In Thanos' home planet it was at critical mass. In the Asgard Carnival Cruise it most definitely wasn't.

Thanos is a jackass with an ill-conceived plan who's really just power hungry and wants ultimate control over all life. The "cull half the population because I'm genuinely concerned about the universe" is just a front.
Oct 28, 2017
Thanos killing half the population is him trying to teach everyone that sustainablity requires sacrifice.

The whole movie is about sacrifice.

The species have to learn on their own that they need to sacrifice giving birth, sacrifice their materialistic desires, sacrifice greed to create a sustainable environment for life to thrive.

If he just used the gauntlet to create unlimited resources, all the species would not understand what needs to be done to survive.

He is not trying to play god, and give everyone their wants. He believes, which has been hinted at in both Guardians movies, that to you need to earn your right to live.

Best explanation I've seen so far.
Oct 27, 2017
From Polygon:

Avengers: Infinity War suffers from a huge plot hole

Thanos has a definite plan, and it makes no sense

In Infinity War, Thanos is on a mission to scour the galaxy and destroy half of all life to make sure no one has to go without. He's done so by traveling from planet to planet with his army and the Children of Thanos ... but he could save a lot of time and energy by collecting the Infinity Stones and literally snapping his fingers to get the work done for him. It's a solution to a problem only he sees — or, as he points out, one only he has the will to take responsibility for.

The Infinity Stones make Thanos more or less omnipotent. He's in control of everything by the end of Infinity War, including time itself. Yet he spends the most part lamenting the choice he has to make, and the heavy toll it's exacting on his soul.

But he does it anyway. Thanos snaps his fingers, and half of all life in the universe is snuffed out. The film ends with Thanos watching the sunrise, a peaceful smile on his lips. But why?

If he's in control of each aspect of existence at this point, why not spare everyone and just double the amount of food in the universe? Why not increase the amount of natural resources so that everyone can have enough water and shelter? Why kill trillions of life forms to save the rest, when you can just snap your fingers and save everyone?

The movie would go pretty differently if Thanos had just told Iron Man that his goal was to use his power and wealth to provide for all of creation, because that's pretty much what Iron Man is trying to do on Earth anyway. The Avengers would still likely try to stop him; I don't think Captain America and the rest would be comfortable with one being having unlimited power.

It's not that Thanos' motivation doesn't make sense, but his solution is completely nonsensical. Why kill everyone when you can just as easily provide for them? This would even give him a reason to collect the Infinity Stones, because he can't create food or resources that don't exist in the universe, he can only kill people to relieve the tension. But he could provide by bending reality to his will with the infinity gauntlet and making more of anything. Getting the stones together would allow him to stop killing, and save everyone.

Why take the path of most resistance and kill so many people?

But Thanos' goal in Infinity War, to provide for the world's starved population, doesn't really match up with his desire to collect the Infinity Stones and kill half the universe, outside of the script's need to make sure he's a supervillain.

He could have saved everyone and achieved his purpose; he just chose not to, for dramatic reasons.
Full article here


Oct 25, 2017
Saw this on Saturday and I'm still coming down from it lol. Marvel Studios really just released two of the best superhero movies of all time in a little over two months

Don't know what to say that hasn't been said already. The million characters are all fully realized, get their moments, blend together wonderfully and are juggled excellently. The script is tight, the humor is strong, and there's not a single wasted scene. Movie both makes you laugh your ass off and knocks your ass out of the seat with how dark and emotional it gets. Thanos is one of the all-time great villains. It really is a miracle that everything works together as strongly as it does. I wanna hesitate to call it a masterpiece, but I really can't think of how this movie can be any better than it is. As the culmination of the entire MCU thus far, it's pretty much perfect.
Nov 30, 2017

Thanos killing half the population is him trying to teach everyone that sustainablity requires sacrifice.

The whole movie is about sacrifice.

The species have to learn on their own that they need to sacrifice giving birth, sacrifice their materialistic desires, sacrifice greed to create a sustainable environment for life to thrive.

If he just used the gauntlet to create unlimited resources, all the species would not understand what needs to be done to survive.

He is not trying to play god, and give everyone their wants. He believes, which has been hinted at in both Guardians movies, that to you need to earn your right to live.

He is the father that doesn't spoil his children, but teaches them to handle their own.


The Walnut King
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
I remember a day when people could just enjoy movies....

Wtf. So Thanos is just inherently more physically gifted than the Hulk?

The Hulk fights with brute strength, not much in the way of tactics. Not only is Thanos ridiculously powerful, he's a warlord who knows his way around a battle. Thanos fought him like someone who knows how to fight, not just smash
Oct 27, 2017
Thanos killing half the population is him trying to teach everyone that sustainablity requires sacrifice.

The whole movie is about sacrifice.

The species have to learn on their own that they need to sacrifice giving birth, sacrifice their materialistic desires, sacrifice greed to create a sustainable environment for life to thrive.

If he just used the gauntlet to create unlimited resources, all the species would not understand what needs to be done to survive.

He is not trying to play god, and give everyone their wants. He believes, which has been hinted at in both Guardians movies, that to you need to earn your right to live.

He is the father that doesn't spoil his children, but teaches them to handle their own.
He doesn't need to play God because he is already a god. And the Infinity Gauntlet makes it so having shit no longer requires sacrifice
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Oct 30, 2017

They could get scientific with it and say that even though the infinity stones are all powerful, they still can't create more matter and energy. Energy is finite and you can't create more. You can manipulate it but you can't increase overall energy in the universe.

The stones can only work with what they already have in the universe. And to people who say, " but what about the reality Stone, couldn't you just make more with them." I'm pretty sure the movie makes it known that the reality stone is pretty gimped and only works in bending reality for a period of time or as long as the stone is in the vicinity of the reality just altered.


Oct 26, 2017
All the cleansing the Earth to build a better one super villain plans are based on the Bible.

Thanos is just the first one in a movie to do it on a scale hitherto undreamt of.


Oct 27, 2017
Okay I'm jumping right into this thread because I want to know whether I should bother with the MCU at all or just leave it. I've heard great things about this movie and I'm interested in watching it, but my experience with MCU movies has not been great. I've watched the following movies:

-Iron Man: I thought it was okay for a one time watch, but I have no desire to watch the sequels
-The First Avenger: Turned it off after 20 minutes
-Spider Man Homecoming: Also turned it off after about 20 minutes
-The Avengers: I thought this movie was decent and I'd be down to watch more

Now... I haven't watched Age of Ultron to this day for whatever reason, but all these great reviews of Infinity War make me want to watch it. Should I bother?

Also I'm interested in Thor, Guardians of the Galaxy and Black Panther, how do these hold up compared to the ones I've seen? I don't like it when I have to watch other movies to even understand what's going on which was a huge problem for Spider Man Homecoming for me, I had no friggin clue what happened and just turned it off. The Avengers was fine though. Surprisingly, I didn't expect it either.

This post is all kinds of fuckery. First, watching IW without the build up is fucking pointless. It's like starting a book three quarters of a way in. Sure, you might be able to pick up some stuff but you'll be utterly confused as to what is going on. The fact that you watched Avengers 1 having only seen Iron Man just boggles the mind. The movie only works because you've watched Thor, Iron-Man, and Cap 1. Fuck, the main villain of Avengers 1 is introduced in Thor 1 and his whole motivations for doing what he does comes from that movie. So, like I can't recommend you go see IW if you don't give a shit about watching the past movies.

Now, here's the other thing, I'm not trying to sit here and convince you that a majority of the MCU films are amazing. Personally, I'm pretty critical of them and find only a handful to rise above just mediocre or good. But, IW is also so special in just how fucking good it is which is only possible by having sat through a lot of the mediocre ones. Now, do you have to watch every MCU film? No. Here's what you can skip:

Skippable movies:
-Thor 2
-Iron-Man 2
-Dr. Strange (yes, you get introduced to Strange here but the movie is so utterly mediocre that it isn't necessary. IW actually makes you feel like its the first true Dr. Strange movie. Just take Iron-Man 1, put magic in it instead of technology, and that's what Dr. Strange is.)
-All the Hulk movies, not like Marvel even likes to acknowledge they exist.
-Guardians of the Galaxy 2 (I maintain it's a fine film, but it's not important to the overall plot and thus IW).
-Spider-Man Homecoming (I can feel you tapping out of this one if you're already content with Raimi Spider-Man. It's not important to the overall plot and I doubt you need to be introduced to fucking Spider-Man. It's just a solid comedy.)

Essential movies:

-Thor 1
-Cap 1
-Captain America: The Winter Soldier
-Captain America: Civil War
-Avengers 1
-Avengers 2
-Guardians of the Galaxy 1
-Thor: Ragnarok
-Black Panther

(Note: The last list was simply listing those essential without regards to quality, now I'll simply break down those which I feel are mediocre and thus a possible slog to watch eve if essential. And, those that are legit great, even if they aren't essential).

Mediocre Essential Films:

-Avengers 2.
-Thor: Ragnarok (fight me all you want, Ragnarok is inferior in every way to Thor 1. If you just want a fun comedy, Ragnarok is a fine movie. But, if you want emotion and drama and all that good stuff, Thor 1 is your friend. Plus, dude said he ducked out of Homecoming which means he's likely not into just a pure dumb comedy).
-Cap 1 (I actually like the film fine as a WWII buff, but general people might find it mediocre).

Amazing Films, even if not all Essential:
-Black Panther
-Iron-Man 3 (The BEST Iron-Man film, isn't exactly essential but is still just amazing).
-Captain America: The Winter Soldier (Consistently held up as many as the best Marvel film, just all around solid movie).

I hope that sufficiently answers all the questions you can have so you can appropriately judge whether you want to watch the prior MCU films and thus get invested in IW. I can break things further down if you really want depending on your taste in movies.


Mar 5, 2018
Well thanks to all the peeps answering my questions. I have never really gotten into the new Era of superhero hero movies. I mean I loved Batman 89 and even Spawn and The Shadow, but I dunno after Spider-Man 2 in the early 2000s I never got back into it.

Still might check out GotG and Black Panther when I've got nothing else to watch.

Deleted member 2145

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Oct 25, 2017
Thanos killing half the population is him trying to teach everyone that sustainablity requires sacrifice.

The whole movie is about sacrifice.

The species have to learn on their own that they need to sacrifice giving birth, sacrifice their materialistic desires, sacrifice greed to create a sustainable environment for life to thrive.

If he just used the gauntlet to create unlimited resources, all the species would not understand what needs to be done to survive.

He is not trying to play god, and give everyone their wants. He believes, which has been hinted at in both Guardians movies, that to you need to earn your right to live.

He is the father that doesn't spoil his children, but teaches them to handle their own.

this is a big part of it

but it all stems from Titan. the people of Titan decided that not only would they not accept the sacrifice required to sustain their planet they called Thanos a mad man for even suggesting such a thing.
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