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Oct 27, 2017
Mushoku Tensei, man this show....

Like yeah it tells you that what the MC is doing is wrong and the whole medieval world he reincarnates into is seriously fucked up. His father is a womanizer so bad even a sex-loving nymphomaniac character hates him, and the world has nobles sexually abusing the lower class up the wazoo. Some of the characters that are supposedly on the good side are some of the worst in this regard. If there's something to admire in this show it's the fact that no one is clear-cut good and everyone is a scumbag of some sort.

I guess it could be taken as a lesson that even someone as wretched as the MC can change into a better person and it's true, the MC does gradually change into a more mature person.

But this series suffers the same problem that shows like Kobayashi Maid Dragon, Bakemonogatari, and Sword Art Online experience. It's that the creator has some great ideas but sabotages their own story with their fetishes.

Like Maid Dragon is a warm, fluffy story of a multi-species family but then suddenly you've got Saikawa, Lucoa molesting a boy, and Iruru. The author of the original manga also draws hentai and they all feature a very specific fetish.

Bakemonogatari is intriguing and you've got complicated characters with strange, mythologically-inspired concepts, but then all of a sudden the MC's rampant pedophilia suddenly rams its face into the scene all of a sudden. Those Hachikuji scenes, sheesh.

And Sword Art Online could've been a fascinating dive into virtual reality, transhumanism, all that jazz but then has to go out of its way to treat its female characters as trophies for the main male lead.

Like if Mushoku wanted to tell the story as a redemption and maturation story for the MC they could've avoided him still worshiping panties, having sex with two of the girls before they're well into adulthood, and eventually turning it all into a male fantasy ending with him marrying all three of them.

I agree with everything you said. Mushoku Tensei is filled with both wondrous magic and stupid fetishes that just ruin the mood. I felt such a weird mix of awe for the incredible animation and sense of wonder and then moments of looking at the screen as if it was that odd uncle that tells very inappropriate jokes at family gatherings.

I've read that the fetishization becomes less of an issue as the story progresses and I hope that's true because I think that despite the very awkward scenes, the show and the story do some things incredibly well, particularly in the world building and in the development of some characters, and I hope that's true because there's only so much one can stomach and I imagine that many curious people have already turned away from the anime because of what we've already seen.

For me, Mushoku Tensei is a show that is good despite of its weird fetishes, not because of them and it's one of those rare occasions where I wish the adaptation moved a bit further away from the source material.


Aug 25, 2018
That list is kinda boring considering the only anime I watched last year were Re:Zero and Jujutsu Kaisen, and I didn't bother with the whole medium beyond thost two, and yet I still knew of every single one of those picks. I'd rather hear about more niche stuff that's good than all the stuff that was talked about so much that I knew about it just from having a twitter account lol

Edit: Holy shit, Jobless Reincarnation sounds horrible.
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Oct 25, 2017
Oh hey, why didn't saci give us a disclaimer of what the issue is with big anime Youtubers (Anitubers) like Mother's Basement, The Anime Man, Gigguk, or Digibro and why they're not allowed any discussion in the Anime OT?

Anime |OT| Winter 2022 - Attack on Backlog Season Anime/Manga - OT

My friend got me back to watching anime the other week with 86. Was extremely good, we finished up a couple of days ago. Unfortunately the last 2 episodes wont be out till March, which sucks big time.
I think posting this vid is against the thread guidelines.
-DONT POST ANITUBER VIDEOS (In Particular the big name ones Gigg, Mother's Basement, Digi etc..(Those three in particular endorsed the scams of Flying Colors and/or Otakucoin), Baka-Bishie's post found​
explains the rationale of why this rule was put into place and links resources to more details on what occurred during one of these scams. Smaller Youtube channel videos can be posted, but please only post them if you think it if you think it will cause actual discussion or gives non-low hanging fruit knowledge.​

Anime |OT| Spring 2019 - Kappas and Stray Dogs and Fox Girls, Ara Ara~

Man, I'm glad I already did the heavy lifting by making this exact post last fall. So here's the reason I don't endorse a lot of the biggest Anituber channels. The crypto-currency controversy you mentioned also happened around this same time involving Tokyo Otaku Mode's ill-fated "Otaku Coin"...

Cause this is what I found out why they aren't allowed discussion in the OT, which sounds like maybe why they probably don't deserve threads or at least have a warning in the OP, on top of platforming anime with pedophilia content.

Swiggins said:
I still don't know why. Something about a crypto-currency that didn't take off?
Man, I'm glad I already did the heavy lifting by making this exact post last fall. So here's the reason I don't endorse a lot of the biggest Anituber channels.
Oh boy, here we go. So, a little over a year ago, Anituber "The Anime Man" posted this video asking both his fans to fill out and share a poll he had created in conjunction with a company called the Flying Colors Foundation with the aim of giving international anime fans a voice to the kinds of shows they favored (in comparison to similar polls that focused only on the domestic audience in Japan).

Thing is, this poll wasn't simply a survey of the tastes of the international anime community. The poll also included questions about the participants themselves, including a number of... pertinent questions about the user's mental health. The stated goal of the poll according to The Anime Man in this video was to compile data from around the globe for a non-profit company called the Flying Colors Foundation, who would parse the data and present it to production committees so they had a better idea of international tastes. That didn't happen, though.

Despite being pushed in various means by a number of different Anitubers like Mother's Basement, Gigguk, and Digibro (who admitted being paid for a consultation after making a video shilling for the non-profit), shortly after the poll was closed, the Flying Colors Foundation started to go dark. Their Internet presence practically disappeared.

After some digging by press through legal documentation regarding the company's creation, it was revealed that the software used for the poll had violated HIPPA regulation regarding privacy for collecting personal medical information. The software used in the poll also tracked and retained the IP addresses of people who filled out the poll without any prior consent to do so.

And once this was revealed, did any of the Anitubers involved in shilling FCF apologize for being involved with a company that took and tracked sensitive data of the people who filled out that poll? Of course they didn't. The whole affair has been buried as much as possible, and those involved have simply done their best to ignore any fallout hoping any controversy would go away. And lucky them, it did.

This is why I don't watch the Anitubers I mentioned. Because anyone who looks at this, especially after taking money from that company, and turns a blind eye at the expense of their audience, does not deserve views in my book.

The crypto-currency controversy you mentioned also happened around this same time involving Tokyo Otaku Mode's ill-fated "Otaku Coin" (sponsored by Palmer Lucky) which was launched with the help of Anituber "akidearest," who is the partner of The Anime Man, I believe, and to a lesser extent Kizuna AI. The original pitch was that paying for products with Otaku Coin would help generate revenue that would help various programs supporting animators stuggling to get by in Japan, with TOM getting a small (read: 40%) cut for "operating costs." If you actually want to get a better impression of why people thought this was a scam, Alicia Haddick wrote an extensive blog post about her concerns that will be better than any summary I can post here.

I don't have a lot of sympathy for Anitubers who've promoted stuff like the FCF and Otaku Coin and when called out for their involvement have neither apologized or acknowledged any grievances by fans. It exposes them as the greedy, shallow corporate shills the average person thinks the majority of YouTubers are anyway, without any kind of moral scrupals you expect from someone in a media position should have. We should demand better, but as long as no one brings things like this up, people will just watch their funny videos and think those that don't are just snooty.

It's not jealousy: we have standards for the people who claim to represent us, and the folks in this post do not live up to those so we don't feature them here. It's as simple as that.


Oct 25, 2017
I love Bookworm but the whole
"yaaaaaay orphan child labor is great!!!!!" thing didn't taste that good

Their situation before Myne got involved was forced prostitution and starving/freezing to death because the people on whose charity they were meant to live on didn't give a damn about them. "But she could've just given them the money!" Yes, she could've, but the workshop will outlast her association with them, keeping them fed and warm even after she's gone.


Oct 27, 2017
Mushoku Tensei, man this show....

Like yeah it tells you that what the MC is doing is wrong and the whole medieval world he reincarnates into is seriously fucked up. His father is a womanizer so bad even a sex-loving nymphomaniac character hates him, and the world has nobles sexually abusing the lower class up the wazoo. Some of the characters that are supposedly on the good side are some of the worst in this regard. If there's something to admire in this show it's the fact that no one is clear-cut good and everyone is a scumbag of some sort.

I guess it could be taken as a lesson that even someone as wretched as the MC can change into a better person and it's true, the MC does gradually change into a more mature person.

But this series suffers the same problem that shows like Kobayashi Maid Dragon, Bakemonogatari, and Sword Art Online experience. It's that the creator has some great ideas but sabotages their own story with their fetishes.

Like Maid Dragon is a warm, fluffy story of a multi-species family but then suddenly you've got Saikawa, Lucoa molesting a boy, and Iruru. The author of the original manga also draws hentai and they all feature a very specific fetish.

Bakemonogatari is intriguing and you've got complicated characters with strange, mythologically-inspired concepts, but then all of a sudden the MC's rampant pedophilia suddenly rams its face into the scene all of a sudden. Those Hachikuji scenes, sheesh.

And Sword Art Online could've been a fascinating dive into virtual reality, transhumanism, all that jazz but then has to go out of its way to treat its female characters as trophies for the main male lead.

Like if Mushoku wanted to tell the story as a redemption and maturation story for the MC they could've avoided him still worshiping panties, having sex with two of the girls before they're well into adulthood, and eventually turning it all into a male fantasy ending with him marrying all three of them.

Everything you said is spot on (add made in abyss) and this vid by FD Signifier encapsulates how I feel though I still watch anime but with a higher guard:

One thing he nails is how awful the community is and me being a huge nerd criticizing a lot of series. Over the years I learned a lot of anime fans are super defensive and are allergic to actual discussion and critique if anything is said in a negative light.

It's crazy how like with say a marvel property my biggest fear is that I'll come out bored but with a new anime my fear is that if something is really good there's gonna be something creepy around the corner that just ruins it so it's like I'm watching on eggshells.

Most people I talk to irl think I also make my own problems just to have something to criticize. Like when I explain clear issues with shield hero for example and they don't see how I could watch it and come to that conclusion. "Don't you wanna see that bitch get her comeuppance!" No cuz Myne has no weight, she's not a well written villain hell she's barely a character at all. " squirrel girl is OK being a slave to shield guy so it's fine" but yall don't get that the author could have just not? I can't believe people say she is one of the best anime female characters granted I know what they actually mean by best girl.

This is also not a case to box the community in one bubble but it's rampant. Also to add on to the "best girl" shit these anime dudes will shill their waifus but when they do make there up to like top 20 manga/anime characters list theres almost never a female character on said list because these dudes don't actually see them as...ok I'm just rambling now but I really liked your post.

Gunny T Highway

Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Mushoku Tensei, man this show....

Like yeah it tells you that what the MC is doing is wrong and the whole medieval world he reincarnates into is seriously fucked up. His father is a womanizer so bad even a sex-loving nymphomaniac character hates him, and the world has nobles sexually abusing the lower class up the wazoo. Some of the characters that are supposedly on the good side are some of the worst in this regard. If there's something to admire in this show it's the fact that no one is clear-cut good and everyone is a scumbag of some sort.

I guess it could be taken as a lesson that even someone as wretched as the MC can change into a better person and it's true, the MC does gradually change into a more mature person.

But this series suffers the same problem that shows like Kobayashi Maid Dragon, Bakemonogatari, and Sword Art Online experience. It's that the creator has some great ideas but sabotages their own story with their fetishes.

Like Maid Dragon is a warm, fluffy story of a multi-species family but then suddenly you've got Saikawa, Lucoa molesting a boy, and Iruru. The author of the original manga also draws hentai and they all feature a very specific fetish.

Bakemonogatari is intriguing and you've got complicated characters with strange, mythologically-inspired concepts, but then all of a sudden the MC's rampant pedophilia suddenly rams its face into the scene all of a sudden. Those Hachikuji scenes, sheesh.

And Sword Art Online could've been a fascinating dive into virtual reality, transhumanism, all that jazz but then has to go out of its way to treat its female characters as trophies for the main male lead.

Like if Mushoku wanted to tell the story as a redemption and maturation story for the MC they could've avoided him still worshiping panties, having sex with two of the girls before they're well into adulthood, and eventually turning it all into a male fantasy ending with him marrying all three of them.
Well written post. This is just a problem with the entire anime genre as a whole, but it rears its head more with Isekai's. Generally a lot of anime have decent to great stories, but whether it is the author, editor or producer adding fanservice that is shoved in to satisfy their own fetish or the otaku crowd, it tends to just bring down the whole work. 99% of the time it really adds nothing and I wish writers were not pressured to add such content.


Oct 25, 2017

Let's put it this way.

I hope we don't get Usagi Drop'd, but we may be getting Usagi Drop'd. I haven't read the LN for Bookworm but...I've been told the manga covers are....indications of the future.

Wait, wat? Nooooooooo.

Mein's (as far as I can recall) gone out of her way to avoid that sort of thinking, both due to acknowledging the age/maturity gap, as well as the associated risk her technological knowledge/changes could bring.

Getting Usag Drop'd (with....I assume either blonde kid friend, and/or worse, the head priest) would be just...blargh.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 2, 2017
Looking through it, I didn't actually watch much anime last year, especially if I limit it to anime that came out in 2021.
  • Vivy
  • To Your Eternity
  • Iruma-kun
  • Odd Taxi
  • Evangelion 3.0+1.0
  • So I'm a Spider, So What?
  • The World Ends with You
Funnily enough, the only show I didn't like here was Odd Taxi. I get why it's praised, but I just found it boring.

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017
Wait, wat? Nooooooooo.

Mein's (as far as I can recall) gone out of her way to avoid that sort of thinking, both due to acknowledging the age/maturity gap, as well as the associated risk her technological knowledge/changes could bring.

Getting Usag Drop'd (with....I assume either blonde kid friend, and/or worse, the head priest) would be just...blargh.
It is fucked up all way around. If she falls in love with Lutz, physically they are close to age, but mentally, Myne/Urano is way older.

And if she goes with Ferdinand, it is the other way around since Urano had almost the same age as him.

This is why I dislike isekais so much. Especially when the protagonist who was much more older in our world gets into a younger body with their memories intact.


Oct 25, 2017
It is fucked up all way around. If she falls in love with Lutz, physically they are close to age, but mentally, Myne/Urano is way older.

And if she goes with Ferdinand, it is the other way around since Urano had almost the same age as him.

This is why I dislike isekais so much. Especially when the protagonist who was much more older in our world gets into a younger body with their memories intact.

Yeah, Isekais have, far too often, introduced some super sketchy aspect specifically for romance as it relates to the overall plot, which, often (but not always) is compounded by the mental age/maturity gap.

There's Shield Hero with slavery as an 'excuse' for trust issues/betrayal while justifying it vis-a-vis the other heroes being pieces of shit), Rudy with the highlights of how 'funny' the age gap/pedo angle is and the lack of consequences, SAO and its tokenization/damsel-in-distress aspect towards women...

Or even when it's not 'as' prevalent in something like Reincarnated Assassin, which manages to, in one episode, dip juuuust explicitly enough into the rape-y culture of the noble/serf inequality to make you remember that, 'oh yeah, this was the same guy who did redo of healer'.....and then immediately has all of the MC's women want to bone the MC super hard in the next mini-time-skip episode.

...Or heck, just look at older stuff like No Game No Life and it's at-times suuuuuper creepy shots/portrayal of Shiro.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Everything you said is spot on (add made in abyss) and this vid by FD Signifier encapsulates how I feel though I still watch anime but with a higher guard:

One thing he nails is how awful the community is and me being a huge nerd criticizing a lot of series. Over the years I learned a lot of anime fans are super defensive and are allergic to actual discussion and critique if anything is said in a negative light.

It's crazy how like with say a marvel property my biggest fear is that I'll come out bored but with a new anime my fear is that if something is really good there's gonna be something creepy around the corner that just ruins it so it's like I'm watching on eggshells.

Most people I talk to irl think I also make my own problems just to have something to criticize. Like when I explain clear issues with shield hero for example and they don't see how I could watch it and come to that conclusion. "Don't you wanna see that bitch get her comeuppance!" No cuz Myne has no weight, she's not a well written villain hell she's barely a character at all. " squirrel girl is OK being a slave to shield guy so it's fine" but yall don't get that the author could have just not? I can't believe people say she is one of the best anime female characters granted I know what they actually mean by best girl.

This is also not a case to box the community in one bubble but it's rampant. Also to add on to the "best girl" shit these anime dudes will shill their waifus but when they do make there up to like top 20 manga/anime characters list theres almost never a female character on said list because these dudes don't actually see them as...ok I'm just rambling now but I really liked your post.

Well written post. This is just a problem with the entire anime genre as a whole, but it rears its head more with Isekai's. Generally a lot of anime have decent to great stories, but whether it is the author, editor or producer adding fanservice that is shoved in to satisfy their own fetish or the otaku crowd, it tends to just bring down the whole work. 99% of the time it really adds nothing and I wish writers were not pressured to add such content.

Something that gets lost in Miyazaki's "Anime was a Mistake" meme, is that what he really was criticizing was the growing trend of anime becoming swamped with series created primarily by Otaku for Otaku. And this is doubly apparent with so many of these Light Novel series that get chosen to get adapted into anime.

I felt this way about Shield Hero for the longest time. Even ignoring the obvious stuff like how his party, totally not a harem, is comprised of girls who willing choose to wear a slave collar for him, the main character is a misanthrope who's only really an asshole because the society he got isekai'd into immediately victimized him and made him an outcast. So that excuses him being a massive asshole to everyone going forward. Oh and don't forget he's now the most competent of all the characters, so he's also the smartest guy in the room even though the common people won't fully appreciate his brilliance. lol

And as WereSalamander outlined, there are some actual good elements to Jobless Reincarnation and there's an interesting story there. But these authors are unable to help themselves


Oct 25, 2017
Well written post. This is just a problem with the entire anime genre as a whole, but it rears its head more with Isekai's. Generally a lot of anime have decent to great stories, but whether it is the author, editor or producer adding fanservice that is shoved in to satisfy their own fetish or the otaku crowd, it tends to just bring down the whole work. 99% of the time it really adds nothing and I wish writers were not pressured to add such content.

It's really baffling how they consider being a creep a good/interesting character trait... Or that somehow being bullied gives the character a free pass to be a fucking degenerate.

And by they I mean both the producers/authors and the Otaku crowd.

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, Isekais have, far too often, introduced some super sketchy aspect specifically for romance as it relates to the overall plot, which, often (but not always) is compounded by the mental age/maturity gap.

There's Shield Hero with slavery as an 'excuse' for trust issues/betrayal while justifying it vis-a-vis the other heroes being pieces of shit), Rudy with the highlights of how 'funny' the age gap/pedo angle is and the lack of consequences, SAO and its tokenization/damsel-in-distress aspect towards women...

Or even when it's not 'as' prevalent in something like Reincarnated Assassin, which manages to, in one episode, dip juuuust explicitly enough into the rape-y culture of the noble/serf inequality to make you remember that, 'oh yeah, this was the same guy who did redo of healer'.....and then immediately has all of the MC's women want to bone the MC super hard in the next mini-time-skip episode.

...Or heck, just look at older stuff like No Game No Life and it's at-times suuuuuper creepy shots/portrayal of Shiro.
By now I don't know any isekai that doesn't have any bullshit. Even Bookworm managed to fuck it up with the Usagi Drop.


Oct 25, 2017
My threshold to recommend is this if said person frequents 4Chan. And at that point, they already know they embrace a trash can.
Well my wife and I don't go on 4chan and it was recommended to us. We've watched up to ep 9 so far but the perverted stuff isn't dying down.

It's weird. We want to watch it but we're tired of Paul and Rudy… animation is on another level though. If it gets worse I may just drop it.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
By now I don't know any isekai that doesn't have any bullshit. Even Bookworm managed to fuck it up with the Usagi Drop.

Re:Zero is this weird beast of wanting to have it's cake and eat it too in the sense that Subaru's main traits do actually get lambasted within the story itself, but it still can't help but lean in on the power fantasy side of Subaru getting two love interests. You definitely feel it the literal second Emilia starts to return Subaru's feelings.


I audbily said "fuck off" the moment this scene played.


Oct 25, 2017
By now I don't know any isekai that doesn't have any bullshit. Even Bookworm managed to fuck it up with the Usagi Drop.

Spider's okay (even if it likely doesn't even count, because IIRC there's zero romance even really implied aside from White's devotion to the demon lord....maaaaaybe the issue with Shun and his gender-swapped bestie is a bit of fuckery, but it's not at all a focus), and IIRC Faraway Paladin doesn't even really have any fucky-ness outside of one scene with the MC having a wet dream of his adopted mom-figure....Welp.

The SoL stuff like 300 slime killing years is usually pretty tame by definition, tho.

But anything approaching the 'standard' 'guy-gets-truck-kun'd and is suddenly has OP powers' tends to head that way, for sure.

but it still can't help but lean in on the power fantasy side of Subaru getting two love interests.

Rem also gets fridged super-hardcore as a method to get to this point as well.

Sander VF

The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Tbilisi, Georgia
You know how there's people who don't touch anything anime?

I'm like that, but with Isekai in particular (as well Isekai-adacent LN/webnovel adaptations). So far it has served me well.

The only ones I don't side-eye are those that only technically qualify as Isekai and predate the codification of the genre. Stuff that is Isekai the same way Narnia is Isekai - stuff like Twelve Kingdoms, in other words.

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017
I think they mean Ram, but she's not even into Subaru!
Always have liked Ram. Glad she is not interested into Barusu.

Re:Zero is this weird beast of wanting to have it's cake and eat it too in the sense that Subaru's main traits do actually get lambasted within the story itself, but it still can't help but lean in on the power fantasy side of Subaru getting two love interests. You definitely feel it the literal second Emilia starts to return Subaru's feelings.


I audbily said "fuck off" the moment this scene played.
I did watch Re;Zero S1. Found amusing all the different ways Barusu was killed. But the anime never really grabbed my attention. Especially when many people just mention: watch it for Rem. She is cute. She is best girl.

Like dude, if that's the main reason for me to watch an anime, then it isn't worth my time.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Always have liked Ram. Glad she is not interested into Barusu.

I did watch Re;Zero S1. Found amusing all the different ways Barusu was killed. But the anime never really grabbed my attention. Especially when many people just mention: watch it for Rem. She is cute. She is best girl.

Like dude, if that's the main reason for me to watch an anime, then it isn't worth my time.
Honestly season 2 I enjoyed much more, but I still would not necessarily recommend it to anyone, because it is a perfect example where I found so much, yet so little actually happens.


Oct 25, 2017
Re:Zero is this weird beast of wanting to have it's cake and eat it too in the sense that Subaru's main traits do actually get lambasted within the story itself, but it still can't help but lean in on the power fantasy side of Subaru getting two love interests. You definitely feel it the literal second Emilia starts to return Subaru's feelings.


I audbily said "fuck off" the moment this scene played.

What kind of take is this? You're mad that a character is returning feelings to another character over the course of a relationship that grows as the plot advances?

I'm not even a fan of Re:Zero but kind of take is absolutely wild. Yes, every story ever made where a character has more than one love interest should be criticized on the basis that that kind of writing is "leaning into the power fantasy."

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017
It's definitely not the main reason, Rem just has a big fanbase I guess
Never have understood why the fanbase love her so much; she was so boring. All I remember about her was being a battle maid that sometimes goes crazy while fighting and her loyalty and love to Barusu.

Talking about our main lead, dude is an insufferable piece of shit. That's why his deaths were entertaining. And Emilia wasn't an engaging character. I do hope both improve in the second season.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
What kind of take is this? You're mad that a character is returning feelings to another character over the course of a relationship that grows as the plot advances?

I'm not even a fan of Re:Zero but kind of take is absolutely wild. Yes, every story ever made where a character has more than one love interest should be criticized on the basis that that kind of writing is "leaning into the power fantasy."

Geez, it's almost like I take issue with how it is written. lol

The change of the relationship comes as a result of Subaru effectively loving bombing her while she's at her lowest point. And despite the first season drilling it in that Subaru needs to stop putting her on a pedestal and treating her like a person, he still effectively acts the same way towards her throughout the second season.

And it all culminates with the "lol, she's a total dunce and has no experience with love, isn't she a wholesome waifu" moment.

And on the other end, you have Rem, who the single second she falls in love with Subaru her entire character trait boils down to loving Subaru. And then she gets fridged for someone for Subaru to angst over.

I'm not saying Re:Zero is a bad series or saying people are wrong for liking it, but the actual romance is still some otaku-pandering garbage.
Last edited:


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
All I remember about her was being a battle maid that sometimes goes crazy while fighting and her loyalty and love to Barusu.

So you do get it 😏

Fans, especially those that like to unironically say stuff like waifu and "best girl", love an unconditionally loyal badass like Rem lol

As for me, I like her too, but her love for him can definitely be grating at times


Oct 27, 2017
I never got into Re:Zero and don't really have a real reason. Didn't really hear anything that bad but I had friends cry to me about the subs liking Emilia for no reason over Rem who I guess has a really good episode that people tell you "If you don't like it wait til the Rem ep It'll blow your mind!".

Without watching the show I would defend Subarus choice to pursue Emilia just because I've been that dude that developed crushs and couldn't give you a solid reason why besides she was cute to the point I've ignored potential girls that were into me because I was chasing someone that wasn't inro me. Basically I felt so yall are just mad because he's just not into ram? It be like that sometimes idk I like couples with chemistry and idk if Subaru has that with anyone.


Nov 16, 2017
By now I don't know any isekai that doesn't have any bullshit. Even Bookworm managed to fuck it up with the Usagi Drop.
Ok I spoilt myself on the series by going through the wiki of the light novels and there is no indication of romance at all between these characters in Bookworm. There seems to be affection and such but Main hasn't looked at anyone romantically since she's all about the books.

I think some of you are jumping to a conclusion that hasn't and might not even happen.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Ok I spoilt myself on the series by going through the wiki of the light novels and there is no indication of romance at all between these characters in Bookworm. There seems to be affection and such but Main hasn't looked at anyone romantically since she's all about the books.

I think some of you are jumping to a conclusion that hasn't and might not even happen.

Sander VF

There's still hope


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, someone is just going to have to post what happens in Bookworm, because I've heard nothing really bad about where its going.

Deleted member 2840

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Huge Spoiler for the Webnovel(I think) for Bookworm. Pretty probably the LNs will follow that
Myne and Ferdinand marry.


Oct 25, 2017
People who are going on about Bookworm should look up the web novel not the light novel if they really want to know what happens just saying.

Huge Spoiler for the (I think still untranslated novels) for Bookworm
Myne and Ferdinand marry.

That's not actually true?
this is a weird thing to talk about with no context because they get engaged for convience and there's no real weird shit between them

Deleted member 2840

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
People who are going on about Bookworm should look up the web novel not the light novel if they really want to know what happens just saying.

That's not actually true?
this is a weird thing to talk about with no context because they get engaged for convience and there's no real weird shit between them
Come on, it's the oldest thing in the book.
Starts as a "political" marriage, then they slowly start to love each other and yadda yadda. It's a fucking japanese light novel, it's obvious what the author intended there. Ferdinand's relationship with Myne is pure fucking grooming let's be honest here.

Also googling around, found this passage from the novel:
I couldn't take my eyes off Ferdinand's pale golden eyes as he watched me intently for my reaction, and I choked up. I don't want to be forced to make a choice like that. At this point in time, I don't understand the feeling of love. I understand that Ferdinand wants me. But I can't return the same amount of emotion.

Yeah... pure platonic.


Oct 25, 2017
Come on, it's the oldest thing in the book.
Starts as a "political" marriage, then they slowly start to love each other and yadda yadda. It's a fucking japanese light novel, it's obvious what the author intended there. Ferdinand's relationship with Myne is pure fucking grooming let's be honest here.

I'm only saying what the actual ending is lol what happens after that is up to anyone to infer. You'll notice I didn't say what my opinion on it is because i don't even like the series.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
JoJo, Odd Taxi, & AoT made the list. But I ultimately skipped Jobless due to its problematic elements.
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