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Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
The best thing that can happen is China bans them anyway. Cowards fucked from both ends.


Oct 28, 2017
I agree that the punishment was overboard, no doubt. But I think it's unfair to conclude for certain that Blizzard is taking sides. While it could be true, we dont know that for certain, it could very well be them sending a message that such political statements are not welcome on their platform regardless of what the statement is.
Everyone else is already (rightfully) jumping on you for this, but if Blizzard was "not taking a side," then they would have done nothing.

They're absolutely taking sides.


Oct 25, 2017
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
This is just sad to see. This company is unrecognizable from the legends who created these characters decades ago.


Oct 27, 2017
I agree that the punishment was overboard, no doubt. But I think it's unfair to conclude for certain that Blizzard is taking sides. While it could be true, we dont know that for certain, it could very well be them sending a message that such political statements are not welcome on their platform regardless of what the statement is.
It's not the obligation of people to give Blizzard the Benefit of the Doubt. If Blizzard wanted us to think they weren't going to choose sides they wouldn't have done this in the first place.


Oct 27, 2017
There is no "not choosing sides" either you are siding with a brutal authoritarian regime over the Chinese people or you are on the right side of history


Oct 13, 2018
Uninstalled all of my games and from Blizzard, asking for a refund on my 3 month sub. (i dont keep subscriptions active in the first place)


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
This is a fucking terrible look and I hope they get some serious blowback.

Apparently this is happening, good to see that even the Blizzard employees are unhappy about it:



Oct 26, 2017
This is a fucking terrible look and I hope they get some serious blowback.

Apparently this is happening, good to see that even the Blizzard employees are unhappy about it:

that is actually really cool. Blizzcon is going to be a (deserved) shitshow just when it looked like it could be fantastic (well fantastic compared to last year).

Finale Fireworker

Love each other or die trying.
Oct 25, 2017
United States
I really hope other competitive players of Blizzard games take a stand in solidarity. Anyone with a stream or a camera or a platform could use it to decry these actions in a way that could not be ignored. Also interested to see what happens at Blizzcon.

Really disheartening and bizarrely totalitarian actions taken by Blizzard here. Feels like something they did impulsively out of fear of some kind of consequence without consideration for what the consequences for this would be. I don't know. This kind of thing really sucks to see.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
Really curious if anything happens at Blizzcon this year.

The sad thing is the people making these decisions probably won't be there and it'll be staff and artists facing the blowback.
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Oct 26, 2017

that fucking Blizzard Response at the end tho, I havent seen that anyware, why isnt that all over the place? that shit is creepy as fuck, it reads like a ransom note lol. Fuck me Blizz...


Oct 25, 2017
In case you needed more proof that companies saying things like "diversity matters" is just a way to get into your wallet.
A useful reminder that corporate "wokeness" is a ploy to separate you from your cash.

As soon as it is tested for real, it crumbles.
I have no doubt that the original founders of the company believed it... but they're all gone, forced out by profit-maximizing suits. Those are simply relics now and glad to see current employees voicing their dissatisfaction in any way they can.

For my part, I've deleted the launcher and all of the games from my PC... I started with Blizz with the original Orcs and Humans on dos and these last few years were heartbreaking... this final step though? Real easy by comparison.


Oct 25, 2017
This ain't Blizzard being somehow uniquely greedy or spineless. This is capitalism. No corporation is actually interested in doing the right thing for society or correcting injustices. No matter how friendly a face they put on or how many calculated symbolic gestures they make, they're headed by soulless suits and shareholders only interested in enriching themselves.
Oct 25, 2017
Las Vegas
Checking things on twitter and reddit, you know as a company you done fucked up when both gamers on the left and right of the isle are pissed off about this.


Nov 14, 2018
Costa Rica
China is like the most insecure kid ever that doesn't want its people looking at the controversial thing because they know for a fact that it will make a good point and sway people.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
China is like the most insecure kid ever that doesn't want its people looking at the controversial thing because they know for a fact that it will make a good point and sway people.

imagine if your friend said "haha you kinda look like winnie the pooh" and you banned pooh in your household because of it


Oct 30, 2017

its crazy to see something so blatant in real time, people who have dealings with the man will knock you down if you speak out against the man


Oct 26, 2017
They are idiots, this is causing way more press than a single tweet or a single hearthstone player ever could
Yep. I don't know anything about Hearthstone and have never heard of this e-sports member. I barely know of anyone from any e-sports scene anymore, outside of the FGC. I can't say I really follow the news or community of any Acti-Blizzard games.
Had Acti-Blizz taken no actions against blitzchung, and in that scenario had their been no repercussions from China afterward that could have made the news, then I would have never known that a Hearthstone player made a pro-HK statement on stream. They reacted to it though and now it's not only news here but a poster linked to where it was being discussed in mainstream German news? Seems like a majorly bad play on Acti-Blizzard's part and shows how rediculously dumb China's whole "Say something we don't like and we ban you" policies can be where they end up exposing that message they didn't like to more people and bringing more attention to it.


Nov 20, 2017
Moral values are important until they negatively impact our EPS.

This is the truth of the matter. It comes down to money. And you will have some corporate boot lickers who will say, "But the purpose of a corporation is to make the most money for their investors - DUH!" And the sad thing is, they are right. They are despicable to apologize for it, but they are correct. Their 'morality' is contingent to the way the financial wind is going. They will do anything to increase their value including supporting a fascist regime to chase that money. Fuck Blizzard. I am out.
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