Deleted member 4353

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I am just so glad i am not into any of these AAA games that pull stuff like this. Just started Breath of the wild in Master Mode and I'm having the time of my life because the game is so freaking hard. Also hoping to get back into Horizon after a 10 month hiatus.


Oct 27, 2017
The Netherlands
Man, not liking this at all. And not going to spend a single bit of cash on that nonsense. Destiny used to be my daily grind, but I quit a few weeks back because the endgame is just boring (and now I'm actually started finishing up some backlog, woop). I did buy the season pass so I`ll just play the story stuff and do some occassional milestones when I feel like it. Maybe even fire up D1 every know and then for the feels. Leveling up and grinding doesnt make sense if the loot isnt worth it and you`ll just get there whenever a new DLC drop.

With this, locking content behind DLC, the XP debacle, and the full on regression in many QoL and features D2 is becoming quite the shitshow.

Deleted member 1041

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
loot boxes/bright engrams would be ok if it was like overwatch and you know, it funded the future content. Bright Engrams are pretty non intrusive except for the fact that all the good cosmetic stuff is locked behind them. But they should absolutely fund future content and make them free for the players

as it is

bungie wants both the pie and the cake.


Oct 25, 2017
loot boxes/bright engrams would be ok if it was like overwatch and you know, it funded the future content. Bright Engrams are pretty non intrusive except for the fact that all the good cosmetic stuff is locked behind them. But they should absolutely fund future content and make them free for the players

as it is

bungie wants both the pie and the cake.

Exactly, this is the biggest issue imo. Paid DLC +++AND+++ Lootboxes. It's incredibly greedy.

At the least the DLC should be partially funded by the lootboxes, if it were half the current price I think most people would be fine with it.

Deleted member 1041

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Exactly, this is the biggest issue imo. Paid DLC +++AND+++ Lootboxes. It's incredibly greedy.

At the least the DLC should be partially funded by the lootboxes, if it were half the current price I think most people would be fine with it.


20 bucks for what the Osiris DLC's ridiculous? Like, that's a 3rd of a game right there. It's actually insane to think about. And they want to hire people to make Bright Engrams MORE engaged by players by utilizing data to make players want to buy them more? Like what the fuck

They want the whole cake factory at this point.


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Oct 27, 2017
Rip City
Only upset because they said they added the eververse to fund extra content, well, i don't see any extra content in fact content has effectively been stripped by going to Destiny 2 and we payed them to take it away. Don't play yourselfs anymore.
Oct 28, 2017
Use data and design sensibilities to define strategies for maintaining ideal engagement patterns and maximizing player satisfaction

This totally isn't manipulating human psychology for financial gains.

There's a special place in hell awaiting anyone that engages in this.


"This guy are sick" says the Prophet of Truth
Oct 28, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Good thing the Destiny games were never that great then, otherwise this shit might have been something I would have to deal with in some way


Oct 31, 2017
I mean, I like Destiny 2 and will keep playing it but I wish they just used the bright engrams stuff as rewards for activities. The game could use more rewards instead of funnelling people to grind for Engrams.

If they had tons of loot this would be fine but that's not the case. Give the engram stuff as rewards and that would be cool.

They have the DLCs to support this already and given how CoO could use more content this would help. Sucks.


Oct 30, 2017
Yup... It's not Activision, it's Bungie. What is it they say? That influence is spread from above or something? It's amazing how, consistently, once companies grow too big they just become shitty to consumers.
Oct 26, 2017
This is modern AAA game design. Why make a game fun on its own merits when you can manipulate people into addiction to rip them off constantly.


Self Requested Ban
Nov 12, 2017
What the fuck is wrong with this company? I want to shake them or something.

Just make Halo that's Borderlands and don't fuck people, how fucking hard is that?


Oct 27, 2017
And people staid it was all slippery slope conspiracies when I told them that if you keep buying games with microtransactions,this is the future that awaits this industry.

There's a difference between being blind and choosing not to see


Oct 26, 2017
Good to see finally people seeing what AAA gaming REALLY is.
Hopefully more REAL and GOOD games gets more population now when AAA gamers leave the AAA cycle.

Dick Justice

Oct 25, 2017
Don't forget, children. It always starts with "B-but it's just cosmetics! Micotransactions don't and never will affect me in any way, shape or form! Surely these generous publishers will just call it a day when it comes to sticking their fingers in my wallet, right?"
Oct 25, 2017
I'm so happy Nintendo released two retro consoles because I don't care about modern games anymore. They can do what they want, I'm not buying their shit.


Oct 25, 2017
I hope all the people mad about this will stay mad and won't buy Destiny 3 or any of the future expansions.

I don't know what happened over at Bungie to make them love microtransactions so much, but it's really frustrating to see a developer I once loved cave to greed.


Oct 25, 2017
Fuck shareholders who are only after profits and are like locusts
Fuck Bungies managment.

I feel sorry for the people who actually did an amazing job with the game.
It must be depressing going into any forum and only read shit about your game...
Nov 1, 2017
Bungie being tone-deaf and out of step with actual people is probably the least shocking thing I'll read today. That said, this is uniquely tone-deaf given the current controversies and dialogue around loot boxes and MTs. This is the time where you need to just know better.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I knew it was coming eventually. They been setting up the framework for a while, but wanted to let the game coast for a bit, Garner good reviews etc. Before rolling it out. I honestly thought COO would be where they rolled out a massive eververse store update. This one is pretty tame. Hur considering it makes up like most the intersting new content, it's dissapointing.

I have the season pass for the special edition, so I'll play content occasionally with friends. But in not throwing a cent more at Bungie. When there's free games like Warframe out there, that are arguably much better in terms of game health, it's hard to recommend Destiny to anyone in it's current state. And after this expansion I've entirely list faith in their ability to not rush the next game out too.

Destiny 2 shouldn't have been made. They should have continued focusing on D1 via expansion.


Nov 4, 2017
Not surprising considering the $80 of game people already bought has a trash progression system. Might as well make it worse.

Deleted member 888

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
But remember your anger has to be aimed at gamers pushing back against this, or hysteria that Donald Trump is going to take away your violent video games.

Activision/Blizzard have been long past the point of no return for a while. It's about time some of their most loyal fans start calling them out on some of their bullshit.


Oct 27, 2017
I find it sad and mind boggling that the people who have an idea at what type of content they're buying, STILL buy it. "2 hours of content, 50%ish recycled, $20"??? Get the fuck outta here.

"The game is fun, leave me alone". You're being GYPPED... Stop supporting these scammers.

After the first two weeks of D1, I couldn't bare boring myself anymore, so I sold the game. Missed out on the first two DLC's, until The Taken King came out. I was nudged into buying that full packaged experience. To my amazement, when I started up that content from the first DLC, my jaw nearly hit the damn floor when the "missions" we're sending me to the same sorry ass locations, but in reverse order. What pathetic excuses for "expansion packs". Learned my lesson right then and there to never buy anything from this franchise again until they turn themselves around. Alas,


User banned at own request
Oct 27, 2017
Thank god for Nintendo, SIE, and some Japanese publishers for saying no to this shit.

But for how long, both Sony and Nintendo already caved on the paying to play online bullshit.

I'm glad/greatful Sony came up with the game giveaway idea to make it seem less of a blow but it's still a bullshit taking advantage of your customer scheme at the end of the day.


Oct 27, 2017
They need to advertise for a Leader who can organise this 700 strong team and get them working to their potential. At the moment it seems like the human equivalent of Bart Simpson is that the helm.


Oct 25, 2017
But for how long, both Sony and Nintendo already caved on the paying to play online bullshit.

I'm glad/greatful Sony came up with the game giveaway idea to make it seem less of a blow but it's still a bullshit taking advantage of your customer scheme at the end of the day.

Plus both services suck ass.

PSN has to have the worst infrastructure I have ever encountered and Nintendo has barely a functioning system where most of basic features are not existing.

And also I'm now officially sad I bought this game.
After D1 I was thinking I know what I'm getting into with the first expansion being rather light on content.
But this whole Eververse focus, XP and now this fiasco makes leaves a very very bad taste in my mouth.

Sadly I bought from 3rd party so I can't refund anything :(


Oct 27, 2017
Destiny without the bullshit. Possibly looking at a record number of reboots for a series when D3 disowns D2.


User banned at own request
Oct 27, 2017
Plus both services suck ass.

PSN has to have the worst infrastructure I have ever encountered and Nintendo has barely a functioning system where most of basic features are not existing.

I agree and matchmaking is a joke.
Lists were 100% better and way faster to get into games.


Oct 28, 2017
First the XP fiasco, now a 2 hour recycled DLC and this lootbox progression shite?

What a great track record, seems like Activision and EA are both tripping in a race about who can be worse for their customers.

We need these practices regulated asap.


Oct 25, 2017
Saw this coming after seeing how dedicated their base was and the silver shit in D1. So glad I dodged this shit-smeared bullet


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Celle, Germany
I miss games where you could just click on a store and buy specific stuff that you want to upgrade your character and stuff and not having to open a loot box to get new stuff completely luck based, of course with very small chances so that you pay extra money for it and if there aren't microtransactions, you still have these shitty loot boxes to stretch out your play time. This is so fucked up these days.....

Latest Need for Speed opened my eyes how much we are getting spit in our faces and most people don't even care about it. Who had the idea, in a racing game, to replace cool, good looking car shops where you could upgrade your cars, the way you want, with ugly, stupid looking cards which you can use to upgrade your cars... f'n CARDS and not only that, when you want the good stuff, you have to get the upgrade cards in a random loot box..... In a racing game..... I can't wait for the next video game crash, it only get's worse and worse and worse these days..... (Yeah with exceptions, but still...)

The worst thing is that most people accept this shit cause they begin to getting used to it, there are small exceptions like BF2, but mostly people can't see, or don't want to see how bad some of these games are designed these days cause "Hey, they are still fun so why complain about it", right?