Which is better

  • Home Alone

    Votes: 831 76.3%
  • Home Alone 2

    Votes: 258 23.7%

  • Total voters

Deleted member 11637

Oct 27, 2017
Home Alone 2 is derivative garbage compared to Home Alone 1. Home Alone 2 is a nice adventure, on it's own it's a pleasant little Christmas caper movie, but everything is a callback to Home Alone 1. Even being an 8 year old seeing Home Alone 2 in the theater, I thought, "Oh... so the pigeon lady is old man..."

Oh, absolutely.

Seriously McCallisters, losing your child twice should be grounds for Child Services taking him away. At least the first time he was safe at home, and not stranded in gross '90s NYC.


Oct 27, 2017
I literally pissed my pants as a kid laughing at Marv be electrocuted into a skeleton.

I did not piss myself during home alone 1.

2 wins by a score of 1 pair of piss pants to none.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Ever since I was little (like 5 years old) I've always said 2 was my favorite (yes, my family got into this debate). I still stand by it 20 years later! I remember watching them on recorded VHS tapes with my family and the quality was horrible. Later got it on DVD and holy crap, it's like getting glasses, well, except I've never had glasses. Now I got 3 of the movies on Blu-Ray :D

1 is still really good though and I don't blame anyone for picking it as it's a pure classic. Tbh I hold both movies almost the same. 3 is a little further down as not as good, but still damn fun to watch. 4 was shit. 5 was better, but nowhere near even 3.


Oct 27, 2017
The fact that almost a quarter of people have voted Home Alone 2 just goes to show how held hostage some people are by nostalgia.

There is no comparison. Home Alone is a fun and clever film with awesome characters, a solid moral, great music and wonderful production design. HA2 on the other hand is a rushed out the door, soulless, empty rehash. Even Tim Curry couldn't save that shit.
But both films benefit from nostalgia. Lol.


Oct 25, 2017
2. As a kid seeing 2 made me wanna be THAT DUDE out in elementary. Kevin was doing the most. Who didn't wanna be him?

Jack Frost

Oct 25, 2017
Two made me laugh more. But the first one is a higher quality and better written movie with a more believable premise.

Run Goku

Oct 25, 2017
Home Alone 2.

It helps that I removed the Trump scene from my digital copy for future viewings.


Nov 25, 2017
as a kid i loved home alone because of all the violence.

as an adult, I love it because of the soundtrack by John Williams. One of my favorites of his.

oh and the violence too.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Even as child the second one shocked me at how derivative it was. One of my first bitter experience at the theater.
So definitily the first one.

The weird thing about my childhood was that my family mostly rented only sequels and not the first movie. So I only watched Home Alone 2, Aliens, Terminator 2 and Ghost Busters 2(among other films) and never watched their predecessors until I was a teenager or adult.


Oct 25, 2017
As far as "person turning into a skeleton" gags go, this one is only matched by the one in Planes, Trains, and Automobiles


Oct 25, 2017
Home Alone is the anti-Persona of movies; it stopped after 2 (and even 2 is tainted by the presence of that orange bigot).
You have to look at it from another point of view: he had to put restrictions to the location in order to get into the movie, else not even Hollywood would have wanted him.


Oct 29, 2017
I just re-watched home alone. It was decent. Gotta re-watch the sequel but I voted ha1.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
2 has more memorable highs (Tim Curry, the brick and generally the more savage, sustained gauntlet of the new house, the nosy little pervert bit) but 1 is the better package deal. 2 has that tendency of 80s and 90s movie sequels to be "exactly the same but up to 11" so chunks of it feel forced, particularly pigeon woman after the delightfully touching old neighbor.

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Home Alone 2 is way more quotable.


"Wow... What a hole!"

and my favorite:

"That was the sound of a tool chest... falling down the stairs"

just classic stuff

the comedic timing on the tool chest bit is hilarious. the pause after the delivery and then they bring their arms up in unison to crack their noses back in place.


Oct 25, 2017
The toolchest rattling down the stairs like it's possessed by a poltergeist with shit falling out of it the whole way is fucking hysterical.


Oct 27, 2017
I like how in 2 his dad is still super pissed about the room service bill (despite being super rich anyway) even though at that point his kid had had to endure 2 separate times where he was left alone and had adults try to murder him

I get that it's supposed to be funny, but Kevin's parents are useless assholes


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Syracuse, NY
I like how in 2 his dad is still super pissed about the room service bill (despite being super rich anyway) even though at that point his kid had had to endure 2 separate times where he was left alone and had adults try to murder him

I get that it's supposed to be funny, but Kevin's parents are useless assholes

I mean Kevin picked the most expensive hotel in NYC. Sure he went through a lot and his dad has money but goddamn look at all the shit that kid ordered.


Oct 28, 2017
I love both, but 2 is ridiculous. The entire story with the bird lady is completely nonsensical.

"Hey, let's get out of this cold. I know! Let's somehow get into the roof of this famous building where we could stay warm and watch every amazing performer for free!"


Oct 26, 2017
1st is better than the 2nd, neither hold up very well

3rd is my nostalgic fav because it's the one I had on VHS, and it's funny to think back on now because of the plot being about missle launch codes hidden in an RC car, scarlet Johansson being the older sister, and the extremely 90s no-hit-wonder alt rock of Cartoon Boyfriend

You say this, but a friend showed her kids (who I think are 8 and 10) the original for the first time a few weeks back and they both loved it.


Dec 3, 2018
Piece of cake answer, Home Alone 3, has the fast start direct plot and closes out on a good note. Home alone 3.


Oct 27, 2017
Both are mandatory sit down and watch through if either are on TV, but 2 will always be my favorite.

That brick scene and pigeon attack scene are still hysterical.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
what was that weird goo

you know, that monster goo kevin buys from the toy store

he uses it to slime the fire exit and a floor

it seems like its singular purpose is to make surfaces slippery

how is that a toy

its got a monster head on the can, tho

so thats cool


Oct 25, 2017
what was that weird goo

you know, that monster goo kevin buys from the toy store

he uses it to slime the fire exit and a floor

it seems like its singular purpose is to make surfaces slippery

how is that a toy

its got a monster head on the can, tho

so thats cool
I forgot about that. Monster Sap, apparently they made a soap based on it


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
I vote Home Alone 1 because it doesn't have Trump. Also I remember thinking 2 was kinda meh when I was a kid.
I'll rewatch 2 when they CG replace Trump with Jar Jar or somebody else more tolerable.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean Kevin picked the most expensive hotel in NYC. Sure he went through a lot and his dad has money but goddamn look at all the shit that kid ordered.
Kevin saved their house from being flooded by the wet bandits the year before so I think he earned some goddamn cake and ice cream. His parents are still way ahead.

Also always pissed me off that all the old homeless lady got out of saving his life was a Christmas ornament for a tree she doesn't have


Nov 21, 2017
One is much better than two. The problem with two is that it doesn't tap into the same vein of fun as the first one did, and it doesn't have the same stakes.

One of the pleasures of the first movie is that it does a really good job of capturing how a young kid would feel about being home alone. They'd watch adult movies and binge on junk food, they'd mess the house up, raid their siblings bedrooms, jump on the bed and generally have a ball until they realised, eventually, that they missed having structure and parents. So the first movie has a nice arc to it where Kevin demonstrates emotional growth and maturity as the movie progresses.

The problem with the second movie is that it is founded on a flawed premise - no kid wants to be left alone in a big scary city with no parents. What wish fulfillment is there for a kid in that situation? Shopping? Museums? Snore. They try to make the best of it with the toy shop and ice skating I guess, but it all rings hollow. Any normal kid would be bored after a few hours alone in the city, and that's if they weren't terrified first. They even end up repeating the whole junk food/adult movie situation but in a hotel room instead just so they can not make being holed up in a hotel seem utterly boring.

So that's one major problem. The second is the stakes involved. The first movie has Kevin's home as the battleground so it makes sense he wants to protect it. He has to protect it, he has no choice. And because he knows it so well, he can use his existing knowledge to his advantage which is another great little bit of wish fulfillment.

In the second movie Kevin is defending...well initially a toy store and then I dunno... some empty run down apartment owned by some family? I dunno, I've seen the movie tons of times and Kevin's motivations always seemed really weak and flimsy. Watching the wet bandits get hurt in a dark empty random apartment is just way less fun than seeing it happen in Kevin's own warm, decorated family home, and there's always the overriding sense that Kevin really doesn't need to get involved with this.

Add in that the second movie has a much weaker underlying sentiment (the importance of families being home together at Christmas is largely lost in the second movie) and it's ultimately just a half-baked, ill-conceived drab rehash without the heart or fun.