
Oct 25, 2017
I am horrified at how things would be going if BC hadn't been found out to be a shitstain. We were a few days away from this site becoming even more hellish with people ignoring critical voices completely.

I was lurking that thread as that whole ordeal unfolded. Can't imagine being the people who went to bat for that poster.

Staff note aside, if people are still vehemently hyped for this shit after all this, I want to avoid speaking to them.
Aug 12, 2019
on the other hand, lgbt people and poc with legitimate concerns abt the game's handling of rep were shat on here as well, told we were overreacting, looking to be offended, just hated neil druckmann etc.

Yeah, I'll back this up as well since we've seen The Last of Us (both the first and second game) be rightly criticized for their handling of minority characters or lack thereof. I think 2020 has been the year of "big hype games or whatever" not dealing with stuff properly, and while Cyberpunk is certainly much more egregious than those titles, we've seen hype culture become a bludgeon to try and shut down criticism of a game for its problematic elements that also then is easily co-opted by the worst of bad faith actors. People just have been too willing to either defend or shut down criticism, and Cyberpunk is just the latest in the trend of the biggest budget games getting vocal supporters who don't care about anything else other than enjoying the game they've hyped themselves into adoring. Hype culture is an issue of its own.


Oct 28, 2017
Interesting that they match this product in particular with this slogan.
Beyond just being vapid and juvenile without the connections to the trans community.


This ad screams "babby's first curse word".

Deleted member 64002

User requested account closure
Feb 19, 2020
As I said, I'm only one voice.

I'm not trans, but I'm non-binary, and this game and the issue surrounding it affect me.

If you are not trans, or another minority or group directly affected by this game, please stop calling for all discussion to be banned.

If the trans community collectively decide that is best, I'll accept it. However, there are more of us who are also affected would like to dicuss the issues surrounding this game somewhere that at least as a degree of comfort and safety.

My personal opinion, as someone who is affected by the issues this game presents, is that this game is not only huge in terms of hype, but the problematic aspects and effects on the industry are too big to ignore.

From the reviews we have seen, this game is potentially something that could accelerate and emboldened a lot of ignorance and hate, and discussion of this and sharing of articles that combat it and highlight just how harmful it is are very important to share.

I think banning all discussion wouldn't be as effective as steering it in the right direction. Remove all standard hype threads, ban all smaller threads purely discussion gameplay, etc.. but allow discussion if the problematic parts.

Should there be an OT? I think this should be decided upon via communication between trans Era themselves.

Again, if it is decided that the trans community cannot tolerate any discussion for their own safety and health, that is the direction we should take and I'll back it 100%.
As a trans person I feel like we genuinely do need to have a place to discuss the problematic parts of the game and to allow discussion of the game in the same place. The OT should stay but be heavily moderated and bans handed out without predjudice. We need to just stop bad faith actors from flooding the OT with shitty post after shitty post.
Oct 25, 2017
on the other hand, lgbt people and poc with legitimate concerns abt the game's handling of rep were shat on here as well, told we were overreacting, looking to be offended, just hated neil druckmann etc.

Yeah. I am not in the groups affected so if they have readings on the narrative they find problematic or offensive I am not going to try to negate their criticisms of the handling of them. Which is why I put a lot of credence in the polygon review of Cyberpunk because the reviewer is a trans woman.


Oct 29, 2017
At the end of the day there are sooooo many games out there that aren't actively hurting and offending minorities of all types.

But people seem to want to cling onto those that do.

There are very very few developers that I think I would trust trying to tackle any real issues. CDPR even though I loved the Witcher 3 is not one of them.


Jan 19, 2018
User Banned (2 Weeks): Dismissing transphobia concerns, ignoring thread rules.
Isn't that the point of the advertisement, though? This is a dystopia we are talking about in the CP2077 universe. The entire point of it is to be corporations completely dehumanizing people, messages, identities, etc, into a product you buy and consume, BAM, slap a label on it, "buy me or fuck off!" It's the current trajectory of the subhuman-level of advertisements and spam we all experience on the daily in 2020 in real life.

Of course, I could be wrong. But I'm guessing this is the message it goes for, which is an interesting point to engage and debate about whether that message is conveyed "well". It's a tricky subject to engage with I think.


Oct 25, 2017
With TLOU, I feel people needed to read the room because while I do have my criticisms with pacing of the game as well as the crunch needed to make it, so much of the criticism of the game had been poisoned by misogeny, transphobia, etc.

True for the last of us 2 (even though I think sexist and transphobic assholes poisoning the discussion should not stop people from talking about legit criticims and those people should not be attacked for it/lumped into the same group as the manbabies crying about muscles on a woman), but you saw fanboys lashing out against any naughty dog critisism in their previous games too, like the infamous uncharted 3 review thread. People just get way to attached to companies and can't handle any critisism.


Oct 28, 2017
Interesting that they match this product in particular with this slogan.
Beyond just being vapid and juvenile without the connections to the trans community.

Can we make a new thread on that? This seems pretty big. That seems like it deserves attention even from people who probably just ignores this thread


Oct 25, 2017
Props to Polygon for letting Carolyn Petite handle their review.
don't forget "anna cheated on her husband and aborted his child while he was a physically abusive drunk... really they're as bad as each other"
Ugh, I keep forgetting about that quest because It was so bad I eventually stopped paying attention. There wasn't an ounce of tactful writing in that game.


Oct 25, 2017
Isn't that the point of the advertisement, though? This is a dystopia we are talking about in the CP2077 universe. The entire point of it is to be corporations completely dehumanizing people, messages, identities, etc, into a product you buy and consume, BAM, slap a label on it, "buy me or fuck off!" It's the current trajectory of the subhuman-level of advertisements and spam we all experience on the daily in 2020 in real life.

Of course, I could be wrong. But I'm guessing this is the message it goes for, which is an interesting point to engage and debate about whether that message is conveyed "well". It's a tricky subject to engage with I think.
Please read the OP and this thread from the start, this point has been discussed and dissected.

Please do not take this as a dismissal, but the OP covers this very well as do some of the in-depth discussions ITT.


Oct 29, 2017
Isn't that the point of the advertisement, though? This is a dystopia we are talking about in the CP2077 universe. The entire point of it is to be corporations completely dehumanizing people, messages, identities, etc, into a product you buy and consume, BAM, slap a label on it, "buy me or fuck off!" It's the current trajectory of the subhuman-level of advertisements and spam we all experience on the daily in 2020 in real life.

Of course, I could be wrong. But I'm guessing this is the message it goes for, which is an interesting point to engage and debate about whether that message is conveyed "well". It's a tricky subject to engage with I think.
The issue is, from the sounds of it, it's played as humor, not as something bad or wrong.


Feb 20, 2019
Yeah I gotta cancel my preorder. Other games that don't actively hurt marginalized groups are much more deserving of my time.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account.
Oct 31, 2017
I missed that. Did they mention anything of interest for this thread, or was it all games and fun and pretty graphics? I kinda hope it was the former, but also I'm not sure if the GB crew cares as much in its current set of cast.

Not especially. Lots of comments on how the game has a lot of poorly made edginess for edginess sake and it feels amateur.
Any of the reviews already highlighted here are far more substantive on those issues.


Nov 14, 2017
If the discourse on this site (And all gaming sites for that matter) were at the level it should be, I would see no reason to stop of a review thread. People would be discussing representation, writing, and myriad other narrative and aesthetic points about the game, because those things matter more than anything else about this product at this point. And you'd be able to look at their commentary from reviewers on these topics and discuss it.

But that's not the reality of the discourse. Instead, you'd get the first reply being "How's the performance on PS5?", and "So excited for this! I'm playing this in my Xbox Series X console!", and "How is the shooting?" And "PC master race checking in, can't wait to flex my dual 3090s" and "I can't believe they gave it a 72! This sounds like an 85 at least." Those things would dominate the conversation because every game review thread is built on marketing hype, and tribalism, and senseless number comparisons. The strands of actual discussion worth having about a review are so few and far between.

So while I think my initial reaction to not having a review thread is to chafe at it, I totally get it, because nothing of meaningful consequence will come from it. People won't engage with the important topics at hand and it will at best become a derailed mess, and at worst just become a hype thread.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
I missed that. Did they mention anything of interest for this thread, or was it all games and fun and pretty graphics? I kinda hope it was the former, but also I'm not sure if the GB crew cares as much in its current set of cast.
Gerstmann brings up the transphobia and mentions that the game just does nothing of merit with it; that it's purely there to maintain the juvenile sense of edge that the city has. Bakalar agrees.


Oct 27, 2017
Isn't that the point of the advertisement, though? This is a dystopia we are talking about in the CP2077 universe. The entire point of it is to be corporations completely dehumanizing people, messages, identities, etc, into a product you buy and consume, BAM, slap a label on it, "buy me or fuck off!" It's the current trajectory of the subhuman-level of advertisements and spam we all experience on the daily in 2020 in real life.

Of course, I could be wrong. But I'm guessing this is the message it goes for, which is an interesting point to engage and debate about whether that message is conveyed "well". It's a tricky subject to engage with I think.
The issue is that according to some reviews, they don't do much with it. It's like background decoration.


Jan 19, 2018
Please read the OP and this thread from the start, this point has been discussed and dissected.

Please do not take this as a dismissal, but the OP covers this very well as do some of the in-depth discussions ITT.
I have been following this thread since the beginning. It is strange to me how quickly people are lashing out today about this.

The issue is, from the sounds of it, it's played as humor, not as something bad or wrong.
Yes, that's what I feared. I was hoping for the opposite but it is too easy to just come across as an edgelord instead of a nuanced, authored commentary on the issue. Rob Zacny's Waypoint review was great illustrating this point. Very much looking forward to the podcast this week.


Oct 28, 2020
It's frustrating to see how excited some streamers are for the game on my Twitter TL, and when you try to point out the problems of the game, you get attacked by their fans.


Oct 29, 2017
I wish more companies would actually consult people before tackling subjects they don't know much about? Watching how much care Ninja Theory put into at least trying to represent psychosis right in Hellblade was amazing to me. The fact they actually consulted with people who knew what the hell they were talking about was a breath of fresh air.

Would it of really been hard for CDPR to give a shit and reach out to anyone in the trans community to make sure they were handling it right? Oh wait, they didn't care, they rather just go "haha dildos go burrrr"


Oct 25, 2017
Isn't that the point of the advertisement, though? This is a dystopia we are talking about in the CP2077 universe. The entire point of it is to be corporations completely dehumanizing people, messages, identities, etc, into a product you buy and consume, BAM, slap a label on it, "buy me or fuck off!" It's the current trajectory of the subhuman-level of advertisements and spam we all experience on the daily in 2020 in real life.

Of course, I could be wrong. But I'm guessing this is the message it goes for, which is an interesting point to engage and debate about whether that message is conveyed "well". It's a tricky subject to engage with I think.

That chromanticore drink is the brand that a lot of tranpshobic stuff is centered around, so for them to put an ad for it that says "buy or fuck off" kinda perfectly encapsulates how they feel about the criticisms towards them and I think that was entirely the point; "buy [the game] or fuck off", I don't think CDPR deserve the benefit of the doubt that it's any actual social commentary and not just a jab at people, would not be surprised if that was added in after people started highlighting the games problems too.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
I found the copy of Blade Runner CDPR was copying from


L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Sorry, I was never on Gaf so I'm unsure what this means. Just an extremely hard crackdown on any pro-GG comments? Or something else?
Not sure if it's what they meant, but yes, GAF did aggressively crack down on pro-GG comments. Usually they'd come into the Gamergate thread, say a few words, get torn down, then drop some Breitbart link and get banned.

Era's always had that same policy regarding Gamergaters specifically, but that doesn't mean that the same policy extends to other things.


Oct 29, 2017
I think the issue is that CDPR have used the aesthetic of cyberpunk without any exploration, which ultimately makes them the exact same thing as the fictional forces behind those in-game adverts.
That's exactly what I have been thinking. If you don't explore that your stylized world is actually bad and full of bad shit, you are ignoring the entire Cyberpunk genres reason and theme.