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Oct 25, 2017
Update: After Nancy Pelosi and other Dem leadership issued a statement in which they condemned anti-Semitism but also made reference to the "shared values and strategic interests" with Israel, Ilhan Omar apologized for any hurt she caused with her statements, but reiterated that all lobbying, including by AIPAC, is a threat to Democracy. Max Rose, the Representative who initially took issue with her tweets and a retweet that was deleted by Omar, accepted the apology and called for us to move on to the larger issue: the hypocrisy of inflated media coverage on this compared to the antisemitism by Kevin McCarthy who in turn has been pushing to label both Omar and Rep. Rashida Tlaib as anti-Semites. His antisemitism, posted after a bomb was sent to Soros' house in 2018, is below:


Original OP below:

To be clear, a "controversy" borne out of accurate statements.

Summary from Politico.
Freshman Minnesota Democrat Ilhan Omar ignited a new controversy on Sunday night when she suggested GOP support for Israel is driven by campaign donations from a prominent pro-Israel group.

Omar singled out AIPAC, one of the most influential lobbying groups in Washington, as the source of those donations.

Omar's comments touched upon a long-running, and particularly ugly, thread of the anti-Semitic movement — that Jewish money fuels backing for Israel in the United States and elsewhere. A freshman Democrat, Max Rose of New York, said, "Congresswoman Omar's statements are deeply hurtful to Jews, including myself."

And the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee is a non-profit that doesn't donate directly to candidates. AIPAC, however, does relentlessly push a pro-Israeli message on Capitol Hill and inside the executive branch, and its members donate to pro-Israel lawmakers and candidates while seeking to defeat those it considers a threat to U.S.-Israeli relations.
On Sunday night, Omar was responding to a tweet from prominent journalist Glenn Greenwald, who said, "Equating [Omar and Tlaib's] criticism of Israel to Steve King's long defense of white supremacy is obscene (McCarthy said it's worse). In the US, we're allowed to criticize our own government: certainly foreign governments. The GOP House Leader's priorities are warped."

In response to Greewald's post, Omar tweeted, "It's all about the Benjamins baby," followed by a music emoji, which suggested that money was calling the tune for McCarthy.

When asked to explain where the money she was referring to came from, Omar tweeted: "AIPAC."

An Omar spokesman said the tweets "speak for themselves."
Some choice reactions.

accurately describing how the Israel lobby works is not anti-semitism

AIPAC wants "AIPAC" to be synonymous with "Jews" and "pro-Israel" to be synonymous with "pro-Netanyahu." Neither are true.

Please learn how to not try to tear down Black Muslim women for having the courage to take on the Israel lobby and defy hegemony in this country. Please learn to not speak for all American Jews. Sincerely, an American Jew who loves and supports @IlhanMN.

Whatever you views on Ilhan Omar or Israel, the idea that a senior pro-Trump Republican congressional leader, who has covered for Steve King for years, gives a damn about bigotry of any kind is just absurd, sorry. Come on, these are not good faith attacks on Omar or Rashida Tlaib

AIPAC doesn't speak for all American Jews, and criticizing them does not make you anti-Semitic. Cut out this nonsense.
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Oct 25, 2017
I think her intention would have been much more clear if she hadn't retweeted the guy who accused her of antisemitism. She subsequently deleted it, so it seems like that was an error.

In any event, I'll repost what I said in PoliERA:

"Implying that Americans support Israel because of money alone is offensive enough."

I agree. She should go further and say that many Americans (Republicans, specifically) support Israel because of imperial geopolitical interest, Islamophobia, and insane religious apocalypticism.
Oct 30, 2017
It's just become beyond frustrating trying to drive this point home.
Criticizing the Israeli government and the influences that drive our support for that government is not an attack on Jews. Much in the same way critiquing the governments of Arab nations is not an attack on Islam.

Picture everything you'd expect to hear regarding a young Muslim woman in Congress and you've got it. Absurd attacks on her character and religion, accusations of being an inevitable terrorist, etc.

Deleted member 6730

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Oct 25, 2017
It's just become beyond frustrating trying to drive this point home.
Criticizing the Israeli government and the influences that drive our support for that government is not an attack on Jews. Much in the same way critiquing the governments of Arab nations is not an attack on Islam.

Picture everything you'd expect to hear regarding a young Muslim woman in Congress and you've got it. Absurd attacks on her character and religion, accusations of being an inevitable terrorist, etc.
It's ironic maga bros think that someone is attacking their religion by attacking someone else's religion.


Catch My Drift
Oct 27, 2017
Anti-semitism from the Trump admin is fine, but when this woman points at the obviously evil things AIPAC does, she is the anti-semite?

Good. Good. Fine.


Oct 27, 2017
God, we desperately need more prominent figures fighting this point and not folding when the inevitable media groupthink and backlash kicks in. I'm almost willing to believe that some actual progress could be made.
Oct 25, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
speaking as an American Jew, I'm very glad she said what she said and anyone ostensibly on the left who joins every reactionary pro-Israel org and hack pundit in throwing her under the bus can go fuck themselves.

yes, of course, donor money plays an outsize role in shaping American support for Israel. this isn't some sort of secret Protocols of the Elders of Zion conspiratorial cabal shit; it's pretty much in the open and not all of said donors are even Jewish. you're just not allowed to talk about it

Deleted member 11413

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Oct 27, 2017
Considering that lawmakers are so eager to sign away fundamental American freedoms to appease Israel, I think her comments are pretty spot-on. It's not anti-semetic to criticize Israel's government.


Oct 25, 2017
OP is missing some serious context on what caused this to blow up on the left side of the aisle.

Her first tweet that set off the storm was this:.

Followed by this:

Wait. Joshua's Zeitz's tweet seems to align with Tlaib's (AIPAC) criticism. Is he making a broader attack on her other stuff?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The reaction she's getting from some on the left is making me madder than it should. This country needs to stop supporting the Palestinian Genocide.
Oct 25, 2017
if people in the US are rightfully worried about Russian meddling in their democracy they should know that israel and Saudi Arabia's influence over all branches of your government is way stronger and pervasive

Deleted member 24149

Oct 29, 2017
Meanwhile the right is ready to seize all over this to dunk on the democrats.



Oct 27, 2017
Prop-up israel govs apartheid of Palestinians no one bats an eye, criticize their lobbying and everyone loses their shit.


Oct 27, 2017
I think her intention would have been much more clear if she hadn't retweeted the guy who accused her of antisemitism. She subsequently deleted it, so it seems like that was an error.

In any event, I'll repost what I said in PoliERA:

I know you're mainly targeting the Republican side of things, but you're forgetting one other key aspect: pride in ethnic heritage, bordering on nationalism. And that piece is important because that's where people on the left start falling in this same line.

A freshman Democrat, Max Rose of New York, said, "Congresswoman Omar's statements are deeply hurtful to Jews, including myself."


Dec 26, 2018
The reaction she's getting from some on the left is making me madder than it should. This country needs to stop supporting the Palestinian Genocide.

I agree but you can't just shout things like that on the internet and expect no-one to care. She's not in a vacuum here, and doing this sloppily will not help her cause.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm Jewish and usually pretty sensitive to this kinda stuff....but I'm having a hard time seeing this one. Lobbying groups give money to push causes. Pretty basic concept.
Oct 27, 2017
Admonishing a Jewish lobbying group that pushes for a Netenyahu far-right national agenda in Israel and its counterpart in the US should be everyone's job. Seems like there are already plenty of liberal Jewish Americans backing her up. Can't stand these fuckers trying to speak on behalf of all Jewish people.


Oct 25, 2017
Wait. Joshua's Zeitz's tweet seems to align with Tlaib's (AIPAC) criticism. Is he making a broader attack on her other stuff?

She noted the money that's tossed to both sides to lobby for Israel and while he agrees with the AIPAC criticism the money part seems to have triggered him wich makes no sense because she was on the money on that too.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm Jewish and usually pretty sensitive to this kinda stuff....but I'm having a hard time seeing this one. Lobbying groups give money to push causes. Pretty basic concept.
Check my first post. There's a specific post and an RT that brought out that statement from Max Rose.


Oct 25, 2017
Quoting myself:

If she isn't being anti-semitic she's being super sloppy. Assuming she's doing it in good faith, there's valid criticisms she could be making of Israel but her choices have been counterproductive. If instead she's trying to use her platform to make anti-semitism more acceptable then this sloppiness makes sense and is also vile. I hope she's better than that.
I assume a lot of us would agree that republicans and organizations like AIPAC construe any critique of Israel as anti-semitic in a bad faith effort to squash criticism. But that doesn't mean it's smart to hand them a gun they can shoot you with by being sloppy. Be specific, consider how your words could be spun — and not just because they'll call you anti-semitic and derail your efforts, but because, perhaps more importantly, you also don't want to give actual anti-semites the wrong idea about you.


Oct 28, 2017
Just read this.

People lose their damn mind if you say something close to negative about Israel. There was nothing antisemitic about what she said. She was talking about the money that goes into politics.

Maybe i don't give a shit about this because people don't give a damn when the president blatantly tweets about Native American genocide.

Get the fuck out of here with this bs.


Oct 25, 2017
Just read this.

People lose their damn mind if you say something close to negative about Israel. There was nothing antisemitic about what she said. She was talking about the money that goes into politics.

Maybe i don't give a shit about this because people don't give a damn when the president blatantly tweets about Native American genocide.

Get the fuck out of here with this bs.

You see Native Americans don't have a country being attacked by Muslims so it's not the same at all.
Oct 25, 2017
Admonishing a Jewish lobbying group that pushes for a Netenyahu far-right national agenda in Israel and its counterpart in the US should be everyone's job. Seems like there are already plenty of liberal Jewish Americans backing her up. Can't stand these fuckers trying to speak on behalf of all Jewish people.

AIPAC is not a Jewish lobbying group, they are an Israel lobbying group

Deleted member 1589

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Oct 25, 2017
She's right

It's so tough to talk about the Israel lobby here before too here before.

For everything I hate about the internet, it really helps in exposing how the Israel government uses positive criticism people throw their way by deeming each and everyone of them anti-semite.
Oct 25, 2017
That your mocking me rather than acknowledging how complicated this subject is culturally and politically for a politician of all things is not a sign you know what you're talking about.

edit: I agree with JustinP.
AIPAC exists and engages in intense and incredibly successful lobbying to maintain the bipartisan consensus on unconditional support for Israel.


Oct 25, 2017
So, when y'all criticize leftists for "using the same talking points as the alt-right" when they point out centrist flaws, I can only assume you're arguing in bad faith, because you seem completely fine doing it here.


Dec 26, 2018
But is she right or wrong
If she is right

Then why do we give AOC a cheer to say the truth about finances so blatantly but not Omar about this ?

Because the world is not simply 1's and 0's. There's a lot more to this than being right, including how to say that without coming off as being antisemitic. You can't just say things like that in our complicated world on complicated subjects on top of which she's a female Muslim congresswoman, who is already at a disadvantage in the system. Giving ammunition so the GOP can paint her as antisemitic won't help anyone, which is why politicians need to be skilled at not giving soundbites that will be used against them.


Dec 26, 2018
AIPAC exists and engages in intense and incredibly successful lobbying to maintain the bipartisan consensus on unconditional support for Israel.

Yes? That wasn't what I was disagreeing with you about.

Nothing complicated. If she is right then she has the right to say it and cheered for it not suspected.

Had that been true this wouldn't be a shitstorm to start with. Being right counts for nothing when her enemies will use her words against her, try not giving them ammunition.
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