Are you buying Death Stranding, after seeing all the trailers, and gameplay footage so far?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1,923 53.5%
  • No

    Votes: 905 25.2%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 814 22.6%
  • Waiting for the PC version

    Votes: 67 1.9%

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Oct 25, 2017
yooo trailer got me so hype

100% me reading into it, but lot's of teases towards the characters being analogous to mgs characters, troy baker's character vs. ocelote showing off his weapon and talking shit, stefanie joosten was quiet in the trailer lmao and also would not be surprised at some sort of "i'm not a package I can fight" dynamic
Apr 27, 2018
Thought this was interesting to share from the DS subreddit!

...Egyptian Gods. Or at least based on them.

Consider everything beyond this point a MAJOR reach and a possible MAJOR spoiler.

Mads is Ra: fused with osiris, hence the silence gesture, also has a sun disk, partial god of the underworld. Gave birth to man through his tears and sweat. NOT evil.

Lindsay is Hathor: red dress, nursing a king (horus) with a sun disk behind her head, The menat necklace, made up of many strands of beads. Hathor was one of several interrelated goddesses who were believed to assist deceased souls in the afterlife

Troy is Osiris: God of the undead, flooding, cycle of time, growth of crops and lord of silence, decoy villain of the game. Rightful king of egypt, killed and betrayed by Set and banished to the underworld which he began to rule. True leader of Bridges, wants revenge for Sets betrayal.

Lea Seydoux is Isis: Mourner, guides the dead to the afterlife, wife of osiris, mother of horus. There are texts in which Isis travels in the wider world. She moves among ordinary humans who are unaware of her identity, and she even appeals to these people for help(sam). This is another unusual circumstance, for in Egyptian myth, gods and humans are normally separate. As in the first phase of the myth, she often has the aid of other deities, who protect her son in her absence(sam?).

Bridges Leader is Set: Killer of Osiris and rival to Horus, not too sure about this one but it puts him in direct competition with Osiris, which makes sense. The actual villain of the game. Possibly kidnaps young Horus.

Guillermo Del Toro: is Thoth, a counselor of horus and mediator to the Gods, helps restore horus' left eye. Could be a traitor to Bridges which is secretly a dirty organization.

The baby is Horus: Son of isis and Osiris, lost his left eye in a fight with Set(the baby doll is missing its left eye), Horus was occasionally shown in art as a naked boy with a finger in his mouth, Horus is a vulnerable child beset by dangers.

The giant chiral sea beast is Apophis...maybe. Born of the Umbilical Cords of Ra, giver of life. However, it is an also an enemy of Ra.

Sam is a human who has got wrapped up in a dispute of Gods/ or an Amnesiac Horus the Elder. Born with his mothers DOOMS, which could be genetic. In this form he represented the god of light and the husband of Hathor.


The Blinking Shoulder mount is "the left eye of Horus" it was built and designed by Thoth. Also known as the "All Seeing Eye."
Apr 27, 2018
What do you guys think about the black goo people that were in the third trailer and the fifth trailer with Troy Baker?
Apr 27, 2018
Today at Tokyo Game Show 2018, Hideo Kojima appeared on stage, sharing tons of new information on his upcoming PS4 exclusive game Death Stranding.

Kojima-san revealed two new characters during the event and showed a brand new video of the game.

I had a blast watching the event and it went by in a flash, so I'd love to watch some bits of it again. Sadly, Sony completely removed the stream from Youtube right as it ended. Luckily, we've got a full summary of the event ready for you. The video should be made available again later today.

The event started up with Kojima-san getting on stage, answering a few questions from the event's MC, Yuki Iwai. He mentioned it's been two years since Kojima-san's last time on a Tokyo Game Show stage, to which he answered he was very busy these past years, with building up Kojima Productions and working on the game.

Kojima-san and Iwai-san mentioned that this Stage Event was decided as they're in Tokyo Game Show, they should do a Japanese-like event with the game's Japanese voice actors. They add how you rarely get to see so many veteran seiyuu together, and usually, people would be very happy with even one of them at their event.

Kojima-san and Iwai-san then moved on to introducing each seiyuu as they got on the stage, starting with Kenjiro Tsuda, the Japanese voice of Norman Reedus' character Sam. Kojima-san searched for a whole two years for a Japanese actor which would fit Norman Reedus' "peculiar and very sexy" voice. He watched the Japanese dubbed versions of many different movies and series, until finally deciding on Kenjiro Tsuda. He's really happy he was able to get him for Sam.

As Kenjiro Tsuda got on stage, he greeted everyone in the audience and every one of us watching the stream. He was surprised by the incredible amount of people in the audience. Apparently, the crowd was so big it reached other booths. Tsuda-san mentioned it's his first time voicing a character on a Kojima-san related work, and he's really happy to be there.

Following him, Akio Otsuka, Kikuko Inoue, Nana Mizuki, and Satoshi Mikami all got on stage. Otsuka-san hyped the audience with his powerful voice as he got on stage. While he's a veteran of Kojima-produced games, being the Japanese voice of Solid Snake, Otsuka-san mentioned this is his first time participating in a Tokyo Game Show event together with Kojima-san, and he's really happy to see how loved games directed by Kojima-san are.

Kikuko Inoue introduced herself, and did her usual "I'm 17 years old" joke. It was really funny how she even apologized for forcing it so much and how some people watching may not get it.

Nana Mizuki introduced herself as well, saying she'd like to get into the eternal 17 years-old club of Inoue-san.

Lastly, Satoshi Mikami introduced himself, with Iwai-san and Kojima-san teasing the character he voices hasn't been revealed yet, and would be revealed in this event.

Moving on, each seiyuu shared their impressions on their character along with small tidbits on the dubbing and how they were hired. As of now, the Japanese cast only dubbed the trailers, and haven't worked on the actual game's dubbing yet.

Tsuda-san says he got hired in a very unexpected way. One day, while checking his Twitter, he suddenly realized a notification saying "Hideo Kojima has followed you". He was really shocked, double-checking many times if it was indeed the real Hideo Kojima. He followed him back and sent him a business-like DM introducing himself. Kojima-san answered him back, but with a job offer for dubbing Norman Reedus in Death Stranding. This is pretty unusual as normally game companies and the like would first contact the agencies the seiyuu are associated with, rather than the seiyuu themselves.

Kojima-san mentioned how he's a fan Tsuda-san and especially thought he does an amazing job when working on Japanese dubs for non-Japanese productions. He specifically mentioned Tsuda-san's work with Kylo Ren in the Japanese dub of Star Wars and Martin Riggs in the 2016 TV version of Lethal Weapon. Kojima-san mentioned he's also a huge fan of Steve McQueen and Japanese actor Akio Miyabe, who would handle Steve McQueen's Japanese dubs. Kojima-san thinks Steve McQueen and Norman Reedus are very similar actors and that Tsuda Kenjiro has a similar voice to Akio Miyabe, hence why he decided on Tsuda-san to voice Sam.

Tsuda-san mentions the dubbing for the trailer was really fun, they recorded it will all of the seiyuu together(something unusual in Japanese dubbing) except for Mikami-san who recorded alone. He jokingly sulked about it and brought it up multiple times. Otsuka mentioned how most works including Tsuda Kenjiro play it safe and never pushes him to his limits, but Kojima-san did, so you should really look forward to how the Japanese dub will turn out.

Next up is Kikuko Inoue, who dubs the character acted by Lindsay Wagner. She shared how it's been quite a few years since her last appearance in a Hideo Kojima game. She was the Japanese voice of The Boss in Metal Gear Solid 3. Inoue-san really likes The Bionic Woman, which Lindsay Wagner starred in, so this job is an incredible honor for her. Seeing Lindsay Wagner was modeled as younger, Inoue-san felt as if she traveled in time and was able to work with her younger self. In the Japanese dub of The Bionic Woman, Lindsay Wagner was dubbed by Reiko Tajima, an actress Kojima-san considers a goddess. He jokingly said the only person which would fit her is Kikuko Inoue, as a reference to her role as Ah My Goddess' Belldandy.

Léa Seydoux's character is dubbed by Nana Mizuki. She's a huge fan of Hideo Kojima and joked she'd go anywhere for him. Truth is, she actually had a huge concert planned at Tokyo Dome on September 24th, so she should be rehearsing now, but decided she should definitely join this event. When dubbing the trailer, Kojima-san gave them little to no info and they didn't know any more than us about Death Stranding. The script they had only featured the different lines, with no information on the game's world or the personalities of each character. Mizuki-san was especially stressed because her character is the first one speaking in the trailer, but in the end, everything went well.

She was extremely hyped when the trailer released, discovering alongside everyone else how her character looks like. She was a bit shocked by the scene at the end with Léa Seydoux eating the small… thingie and jokingly said Kojima-san always makes her characters end up in gory situations.

Kojima-san mentioned how Léa Seydoux's character has a Mary Poppins vibe, and how she's a woman with a strong heart, a perfect match for Mizuki-san. He added the game will expand on her backstory, so you should look forward to it.

Mizuki-san shares a particularly funny anecdote. When voicing the part where Léa Seydoux asks Norman Reedus: "won't you come work for me?" and he declines, Kojima-san would always go "If it was me, I'd definitely say yes". All of them mentioned how great of a director Kojima-san is and how he would always crack up jokes to relax the atmosphere. The food he got for them was great too. He mentioned that Norman Reedus and Mads Mikkelsen obviously don't speak Japanese, so while it's extremely fun working with them too, working with the Japanese voices actors is a different kind of fun.

Next, they moved on to Otsuka-san and Mikami-san. Both of them are used to working with Hideo Kojima, with Otsuka-san knowing him for more than 21 years now.

Otsuka-san said as soon as it was decided he would work on Death Stranding, he wanted to announce his role right away, saying it was like "really wanting to take a dump but holding it in for a long time." The character Otsuka-san dubs is revealed for the first time, a masked man who's the boss of Sam's company. Kojima-san said his name is still a secret and he can't explain either why he wears a mask. Kojima mentioned there are many other characters working in the same company as Sam as well. Otsuka-san said he'd like to play the game right away, with Kojima-san reminding him they didn't even start the Japanese voice acting yet.

Moving on, the video revealing the new gold mask-wearing character was shown in both English and Japanese versions. The Japanese track has Satoshi Mikami voicing him.

Iwai-san cracked up a pretty good joke, saying this is the first time Death Stranding actually looked like a game, showing us a typical pre-boss battle scene. The man with the gold mask is played by Troy Baker who also voiced Revolver Ocelot. Mikami-san was Ocelot as well in Japanese, however, it's a pure coincidence according to Kojima-san. He simply thought he was the best fit for the character.

Everyone mentioned how strong the golden masked character seems to be. Otsuka-san remarked how he has the same implement on his shoulder as others like Sam, so he may not be a villain, but simply acting with different interests. According to Kojima-san it's an important detail how even after removing his golden mask, the man was still wearing another mask underneath. He also added that you can either fight the monster or run away. When recording for this video, he asked Mikami-san to use a more villainous sounding voice at first, but Mikami-san is so cool they decided to go with a cool-sounding voice.

Kojima-san mentioned that Mads Mikkelsen has no Japanese voice yet, though he already decided on someone and will see if they're available.

Next, they moved on to Guillermo del Toro's character. Kojima-san mentioned how the character's motion capture and voice actually weren't by del Toro himself, as he was too busy. The Japanese voice of the character is by Akihiko Ishizumi. They all joked how Ishizumi-san is the kind of person who has a really scary face but is actually very nice. Kikuko-san added he can be really scary when voicing fear-inducing characters. Kojima-san said this won't be the case at all in Death Stranding, as Guillermo del Toro's character is quite funny, and may be the character with the most lines in the game, followed by Otsuka's. There are also many other comedic characters they haven't revealed yet.

Kojima-san added that the deciding factor when choosing the Japanese cast was to select people with distinct personalities, so he could "squeeze" them and imbibe their personalities into their characters' voices. This is also why he followed each one of them on social media, to regularly check their everyday lives. He said that when acting as a director and handling the voice work, it's important to work alongside the actors and share ideas with them instead of simply ordering them around.

Otsuka-san furthermore added that Hideo Kojima really has something others don't, which lets him bring out the best out of people he directs. Kikuko-san added that it's incredible how he considers things from his viewpoint as the director, from the players' viewpoint, and from the actors' viewpoint as well. Otsuka-san always found it quite draining to dub a game, but with Hideo Kojima's games, it's always fun. Whenever he sees on his schedule that he'll work with Kojima-san, it makes him look forward to it. Everyone else agreed with Otsuka-san, so Kojima-san ended up joking about how he should add even more dialogues in the game. Mikami-san said he was alone when recording for the video about the man in the gold mask, but as someone who worked with Kojima-san in the past, he definitely relates to their feelings.

Kojima-san also added he constantly tries to "balance" things out when working on the game. For example, Otsuka-san has a leadership-like role for the Japanese cast team, so he should be careful to not give him too much importance. He also mentioned how Norman Reedus is an excellent actor and someone very used to motion-capture work, so as the director he needs to make sure to take it into consideration too.

When asked by Iwaii-san the differences between voice acting in Japan and outside Japan, Kojima-san said the biggest difference is how for big non-Japanese games using motion-capture, they do everything at the same time: they register the actor's voice, along with his facial movement, his gestures, etc.

Lastly, Kojima-san said another seiyuu will join the cast later, and it's someone who's a fan of all the already revealed seiyuu. "Seiyuu" is genderless, so we don't know if he meant a man or woman, but personally I'm betting on Yuichi Nakamura, as right after that, Mizuki-san mentioned how she hoped for Tomokazu Sugita to join the cast. Kojima-san said he really wanted to make him voice a character, but sadly none of them fits him. (Yuichi Nakamura and Tomokazu Sugita are best friends and often appear in the same works together).

After that, the event was reaching its conclusion, each one of them shared a few last words. Tsuda-san said it's rare to see so many popular seiyuu at the same event, so it was a really fun occasion.

Kikuko-san said she always feels like crying when watching the trailer, as it reflects perfectly how harsh life can be, necessitating to carry heavy weights sometimes.

Kojima-san mentioned near the end that the game is still on track to release when planned, which is the year in which Katsuhiro Otomo's Akira is set. If that's the case, it would be 2019. He concluded by bringing up the "links" of Death Stranding and how sometimes people can feel like they're carrying links. He mentioned how important links between people are, like his own links with his studio Kojima Productions and all of the game's staff, his links with all the actors, the Japanese cast and his links with all of us.

If you want to see more about Death Stranding, you can enjoy some great screenshots from E3 2018, and the impressive gameplay trailer that inspired the theme. At the moment the game is coming for PS4. No other platforms have been announced.




Oct 25, 2017
This excerpt from the TGS panel summery made me think about Kojima's treatment of David Hayter, which made sad.

As from i understand. Kojima didn't like when Hayter would suggest changes to the script.
"Otsuka-san furthermore added that Hideo Kojima really has something others don't, which lets him bring out the best out of people he directs. Kikuko-san added that it's incredible how he considers things from his viewpoint as the director, from the players' viewpoint, and from the actors' viewpoint as well."

In my head i had a much more articulate post about this in my mind. But when i came to type it up. I went blank.

Sorry. But i hope you guys know what i'm getting at.


Oct 27, 2017
San Antonio


User requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
This excerpt from the TGS panel summery made me think about Kojima's treatment of David Hayter, which made sad.

As from i understand. Kojima didn't like when Hayter would suggest changes to the script.
"Otsuka-san furthermore added that Hideo Kojima really has something others don't, which lets him bring out the best out of people he directs. Kikuko-san added that it's incredible how he considers things from his viewpoint as the director, from the players' viewpoint, and from the actors' viewpoint as well."

In my head i had a much more articulate post about this in my mind. But when i came to type it up. I went blank.

Sorry. But i hope you guys know what i'm getting at.
Not really. He's personally known Otsuka for over a decade and is a fan of all the voice actors doing the Japanese dub and is in the room while they all record together. Same with the English cast this time. They are actos who he was a fan of and he is with them directing them and hearing their input as they record.
I don't think he had anything to do with the English cast in MGS1 to 4 on the other hand.

Deleted member 11018

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Hmmmmm sooo Guillermo's model has the most lines in the game ? That's great :3 Good revenge for all those games projects engaged and never delivered by the studios.


Oct 27, 2017
Are we going to get a character with a skull mask in every Kojima Productions game from now on?
Like how Gundam series traditionally have a "mask man" in every gundam series.
Oct 26, 2017
"Otsuka-san mentioned this is his first time participating in a Tokyo Game Show event together with Kojima-san, and he's really happy to see how loved games directed by Kojima-san are."
This is weird because he was definitely there with Kojima in 2014 for their big TPP stages.


Oct 25, 2017
I only hope that this time around our main character doesn't have brain damage, that makes him a quasi mute character. Thankfully trailers have shown Sam talks quite a bit.


Oct 25, 2017
Are we going to get a character with a skull mask in every Kojima Productions game from now on?
Like how Gundam series traditionally have a "mask man" in every gundam series.
We're probably getting multiple people with mask in this game. The man woth the golden mask have another black mask underneath it that look similar with Jenkin's character mask, which is also similar with Kojipro Luden mascot's mask.
Apr 27, 2018

Kojima retweeted Ana de Armas from Blade Runner 2049 from Architect's Twitter account.

Maybe Armas is going to be in Death Stranding?


Oct 25, 2017
With all these stars.. I wonder how big of a bankroll Sony gave Kojima..
Well, if that old 4chan leak (i think it was from there) has an truth to it. Then as long as Kojima provides receipts for everything he's spending. Then they gave him a blank check.
Anybody know if the TGS merch will be available elsewhere? I saw a new iPhone case I HAVE to get.
I was wondering the same, as i want those t-shirts and keyring. (wish they did Galaxy cases ;_; )


Oct 29, 2017
I think it's pretty exciting with the way this game is being presented and revealed to the public - don't we get enough 'typical' game reveals and showings anyways?
Apr 27, 2018
Well, if that old 4chan leak (i think it was from there) has an truth to it. Then as long as Kojima provides receipts for everything he's spending. Then they gave him a blank check.

I was wondering the same, as i want those t-shirts and keyring. (wish they did Galaxy cases ;_; )
Is this the leak you're referring to?

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