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Navidson REC

Oct 31, 2017
Fucking seriously

Tonight was a repudiation of the "secret socialists are waiting for the right candidate" nonsense
I still believe that the US would be better off with more viable parties and the need to form coalitions. Both parties seem to be extremely resilient to meaningful progressive change. The GOP went off the deep end a while ago but I don't think the Democrats are able to bring the kind of radical change the world needs right now, not with such a strong moderate force.

My main, short-term hope is that Trump gets destroyed in November (I have doubts that Biden is capable of this). But I think there are broader issues that need to be addressed.


Oct 27, 2017
So, do we have to act like Joe isn't a piece of shit for the next 8 months? Because that's going to be a tall task tbh


Oct 29, 2017
Throwing everything and the kitchen sink behind one candidate and nothing behind the other will tend to have that effect. Manufactured consent.

Might I point out that no such shenanigans could happen if every state voted on the same day. Or at least the results came out on the same day, with no polls in between. Like a normal democratic country.

Outspent BIden 2:1 and lost in states BIden didn't even set foot in. Problem isn't some boogeyman, it's Bernie.

Deleted member 38573

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Jan 17, 2018


ugh how establishment


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Philly ❤️
My mother, as a child, had to drink from the "colored" water fountains and sit upstairs in theaters. This was North Carolina, in the '50s, during real Jim Crow. Her grandmother, who lived in North and South Carolina, and New York City, saw a history that spanned from the invention of flight to the election of Barack Obama. Her grandmother was born a slave.

It's rather easy to dismiss the experiences of older black voters against a backdrop of a desire for revolution and radical change. However, I think you might learn something by sitting with any of them for a day and listening. Perhaps you'll learn something. Or not, who knows?
What does this post even mean I literally said I agree with you, I understand why they are voting for Biden? Joe Biden isn't Barack Obama tho. What am I dismissing? What do I need to learn, because you can help me learn.


Oct 28, 2017

gee, what could be holding sanders back in florida i wonder?

Bernie would have been fucked in Florida anyway as it's a terrible state for him regardless, but the Castro stuff was a complete self-own at a moment in time that he could have won over some moderate support if he hadn't doubled down on his left-wing ideologue rhetoric. But Bernie gonna Bernie


Oct 27, 2017
I'll vote for Joe if he ultimately is the nominee, but shit that dude ran only by taking responsibility for Obama policies, being incoherent at times during debates, among other things. Sanders has been Consistent in his message, his standing by his statements, and genuinely wanting to improve the lives of everyone (besides the very rich) even more than what Obama has done.


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Kinda hard to vote when you're working two jobs to cover your student loan debt and to heaven forbid you get sick. The youth vote can't come out because the system is designed to be as inconvenient as possible.
I know not all states have this, but in my state(AZ) we have mail in voting month in advance and it's super easy and none of my friends give a crap. :/ Like at some point we got to look at the mirror and self reflect or else none of this is ever going.l to change because the boomers sure as hell aren't going to do it for us.


Oct 25, 2017
What does this post even mean I literally said I agree with you? Joe Biden isn't Barack Obama. What am I dismissing? What do I need to learn, because you can help me learn.
Just talk to some old black folks (should be a bunch in PA originally from the South) and listen to what they have to say. Tonight's results may be less shocking after that happens. That's all.

Rosé Fighter

Alt Account
Aug 23, 2019
There is no way Biden wins against Trump.
Wasn't there a lesson learned with Hillary?



Bidens history is clearly marked and signed. He was for more prisons and cops, he is against sanctuary cities, he was chosen by Obama because he was the ultimate white moderate VP to soothe white moderates fears of a black president.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
It's nice when you don't have to work because you're retired and have everything paid off. As long as that generation exists, Dems will forever be known as the loser "vote because Republicans will make it worse" party.
Before you go with the tried-and-failed "Wait for the old people to die and then everything will be okay" approach to people voting against Bernie, maybe you could start by... Talking to them? Convincing them Bernie's policies would benefit them? Maybe even making concessions to them?

His Majesty

Oct 25, 2017
I think the biggest news of the day is that Warren got 50 delegates. The Liz surge is real! Bernie should drop out and stop splitting the progressive vote.


Oct 25, 2017
East Lansing, MI


Bidens history is clearly marked and signed. He was for more prisons and cops, he is against sanctuary cities, he was chosen by Obama because he was the ultimate white moderate VP to soothe white moderates fears of a black president.

The man voted to prevent student loans from being applicable to bankruptcy and to allow pharmaceutical companies to engage in price fixing.


Nov 1, 2017
Sonoma County, California.
No one gives a shit about Burisma. Literally no one. He's been whining about it forever and no one cares.

I don't think you're right at all. But I hope you are.

Easier to believe in the thing that sounds good rather than acknowledge reality. It'll always work next time.

"It'd be great if we could roll back a woman's right to her own body", "wouldn't it be swell if we could prevent non-white and/or poor people from immigrating here?", "it would be awesome if corporations got massive tax cuts and social safety nets got gutted simultaneously!"...

This is all trash that conservatives got hard over, but they seemed like pipe dreams... until they actually decided to come out and vote for people to implement it.

So I don't understand your comment about it being " Easier to believe in the thing that sounds good rather than acknowledge reality."... If there's a policy or structural change you think would benefit the community as a whole, vote for it! Support candidates that will implement it. The Right understands this but the moderate Left is busy wringing its hands over who the better foil to lose against Trump will be.

After tonight I think Sanders should concede. He has no viable path forward.

Biden absolutely needs to pick a progressive VP. If he doesn't that will be a huge snub to a big and growing segment of the party.

Bernie won't and shouldn't concede and Biden will not pick a progressive. He'll pick a establishment Moderate, maybe even someone of color, but someone still towing that centrist ideology.


Oct 25, 2017
East Lansing, MI
Before you go with the tried-and-failed "Wait for the old people to die and then everything will be okay" approach to people voting against Bernie, maybe you could start by... Talking to them? Convincing them Bernie's policies would benefit them? Maybe even making concessions to them?

lol this are the same people who write articles on how Millennials are lazy and are broke because they love avocado toast. They sold out our futures during the Reagan era and will continue to do so. I know, I've tried talking to and convincing old people. They don't want to hear from a generation they don't respect.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Wait for old people to die and all the racism and capitalism and corruption will be gone.

Oh shit there's still old people.

Where do all the old people keep coming from.


Oct 27, 2017
I'll vote for Joe if he ultimately is the nominee, but shit that dude ran only by taking responsibility for Obama policies

he did have an active role, ACA was largely a biden/reid production for example. love him or hate him he wasn't just a guy to stand in for the president at funerals
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