
Oct 25, 2017
Played a bit, just got to Markus' second scene. Was surprised that the opening chapter was the demo's hostage negotiation.

I'm trying to role-play it a bit by having Connor and Kara be robotically blunt and objective-focused in their responses at the start

Connor not saving the fish, lying and just saying stuff to Daniel so he can get close to kill him and end the crisis as efficient as possible, Kara being factual in her conversation with Alice, etc)

Being all "give me your personal information" and "where is your mother" probably weren't exactly the most empathetic responses for building a relationship


Oct 25, 2017
Played 5 hours in one sit, up to chapter 15. Absolutely blown away by presentation in this game, the main menu with Chloe is beyond cool. So far I have the 3 characters alive but in two occasions I thought I lost two of them, you really feel like crap, lol. So far my only complain and I don't care is the use of the right stick for camera control and choices, plenty of times I want to do one thing and I do the other.

The amount of things you can do in some chapters is mind blowing, specially loved the point in the game were
Kara and Connor meet and how your choices influence that meeting.

Is really hard to talk about this game without spoilers.

So far Kara is the character I like the most and Markus the least, I don't know if I like his voice, tone and way of speaking to be honest.
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Oct 27, 2017
My theory: both of her parents aren't painted in an exactly positive light, including one who is pretty much a monster. I don't think Cage wanted to draw attention to something like "Oh look, there's a few african american characters in the story... aaaaaand they suck. Yep."

He's already accused to be racist, having what is possibly the most villanous character in the story being african american would have probably been suspect (or rather would have given fuel to his detractors)
If you look at all the concept art there are quite a few caucasian characters in the concept art that ended up being black in the game as well (more than black to white in any case). I'd also chalk it up to casting. I'm really impressed by the amount of black characters in the game.

Due to the setting of the game I can also imagine QD being extra careful around this issue. Having a small african american child in a game where depending on your choices, she could get (brutally) killed and gets slapped around by her father, could become a pr disaster when news outlets run with it without the proper context (I'm thinking of Fox News and their covering of Mass Effect and its sex scenes, though that is of course a different thing).

I assume they also wanted to hide the plot twist around Alice a bit better. And actually, now that I think of it: if Todd was still going to be white and Alice black, the implications of that would be pretty messed up.

Edit: removed wrong statement that the three characters are all white
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The Legend Continues
Oct 25, 2017
Got my copy this morning, only got to spend like 45 minutes playing but definitely looking forward to spending more time with it later this evening, it does look amazing.

Apr 8, 2018
Getting all out outcomes is not required for the platinum. You can make that hunt "easy" for you without replaying everything multiple time. Count something like two playthroughs to plat. Second one being shorter as you know what shortcuts to take.

And if you loved the demo I can guarantee you will be BLOWN AWAY by the game. the demo is like 10% of what the game has to offer.

That's great to hear. Thanks!


Oct 30, 2017
I think I'm in love with Chloe ;)

Can we please get a VR version with an AI?

Really enjoying the game so far, but I also liked all QD games (at least partially, looking at you Fahrenheit ^^). I just wished we would get a real open world like game with gameplay from QD at one point, maybe for PS5? Don't have to be a huge open would, but a bit more open with real gameplay. I like the way QD games work, but still.

Also: Survey is kind of scary and awesome, well I'm back to Chloe ^^


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
Played 5 hours in one sit, up to chapter 15. Absolutely blown away by presentation in this game, the main menu with Chloe is beyond cool. So far I have the 3 characters alive but in two occasions I thought I lost two of them, you really feel like crap, lol. So far my only complain and I don't care is the use of the right stick for camera control and choices, plenty of times I want to do one thing and I do the other.

The amount of things you can do in some chapters is mind blowing, specially loved the [snip]
Is really hard to talk about this game without spoilers.

So far Kara is the character I like the most and Markus the least, I don't know if I like his voice, tone and way of speaking to be honest.

Dude you need to spoiler some of this stuff.


Oct 27, 2017
That's great to hear. Thanks!
Actually for one specific trophy you might potentially have to do an entire extra playthrough. It's not easily obtained "naturally".

Not a story spoiler but I'll tag it anyways:
Trophy: Connor died and returned at every opportunity before reaching the end

Currently on playthrough three and I will have to at least do one extra one after this for the platinum, so 4 in total.


Oct 26, 2017
That whole sequence
with Kara in the house with the dude who claimed to be able to help was stupid. Everything was sooo obviously a trap, you can even comment "yes I don't trust him either" and still there's no option to like...leave the house. Remember in Beyond Two Souls where you could leave the seedy bar within seconds of arriving? Not so here.
Yep, the only annoyance I had so far with the game.
Wish you could leave asap, because I was trying hard and nope. It was very telegraphed and the tracker thing was obviously wrong since Connor had no idea where I was at earlier on

though at the same time the three main characters are all white which is a bit of a missed opportunity.
Markus/Jesse Williams isn't white. He has an African American father and is a big activist and loved by the community


Feb 13, 2018
So I think i've killed Connor in the very first scene from the demo by letting him sacrifice himself and jump down the building. God damnit :(


Oct 25, 2017
Dude you need to spoiler some of this stuff.

Is not a spoiler we knew that something like that was going to happen, not only is common sense in a game with 3 characters but it was confirmed by the developer but just in case I'm going to put it inside the spoiler tag.
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Oct 26, 2017
This is by far Quantic's most diverse game. Not only does it pass stuff like the Bechdel test with flying colours, there are also genuinely good conversations between two black characters not involving a white man. Also quite a few black women too. They are a lot of different minorities represented here. Cage has grown up a lot coming from Heavy Rain with this.
Oct 30, 2017
..... reading the good impressions makes me so jealous and understanding how others felt when I used to receive my copies earlier.

..... and the suffer of waiting for my copy to arrive continues ;_;


Oct 31, 2017
Guys, I need some assistance.

For some reason it won't fully download and install the 11GB update it requires, I have the disc copy, I insert it and it prompts me to download the eleven gig but around 70 procent it just aborts out and when I click on the game to launch it just does nothing and it shows a pause symbol on the progress bar next to the cd picture. I have 100 GB of free space and tried deleting and redownloading it but it keeps doing the same.


Feb 14, 2018
Guys, I need some assistance.

For some reason it won't fully download and install the 11GB update it requires, I have the disc copy, I insert it and it prompts me to download the eleven gig but around 70 procent it just aborts out and when I click on the game to launch it just does nothing and it shows a pause symbol on the progress bar next to the cd picture. I have 100 GB of free space and tried deleting and redownloading it but it keeps doing the same.

did you check the disc?
probably some strach or something.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Got my copy this morning, only got to spend like 45 minutes playing but definitely looking forward to spending more time with it later this evening, it does look amazing.


Oh hell yes, thank you Sun ! I have 0 doubts you'll love the game. It's actually great.

So, the same things we hear in 2018 America?

Yeah some people in the review thread dare to say the game is too on the nose, BUT THEY HAVE BEEN MAKING THIS FOR 5 YEARS........

If anything they nailed it. But you know, gotta hate.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn, this is like a Telltale game, except it's actually engaging and interesting.

Aside from a couple of their games (like Tales from the Borderlands), I honestly don't understand any of the praise, and I feel they are regressing the genre. The games are just about held up by above average writing and voice acting, but they fail in pretty much every other depeartment. They look terrible, none of the decisions and QTEs have any consequences, and they wrestle control away from the player at every opportunity.
Oct 27, 2017
Still thinking about picking this up today. Loved the demo and played it a bunch of times to see different outcomes.

Does anyone know how easy it would be to acquire the platinum though? Like is it just a matter of loading up chapters again and making different choices and/or interacting with different things or is there like a trophy for each ending (which I would assume requires multiple playthroughs and not just loading up x chapter)?
You've shown off Detroit a few times now and have gotten some feedback, and I know some people are really concerned with the difficult subjects and how those blend with gameplay. How do you ground those heavy subjects among the more game-y ones, like the unlock symbol that pops up when you find a certain piece of evidence or information?

We were really careful about this. For example, you can't unlock any trophy with actions that are not [morally] right. That's something that we were really careful about. There's no gain in doing mean things or wrong things. The use of violence also is something we really thought about… If it's a part of life, if it serves a purpose, if it serves the narrative, if it's a part of the context and emotion, then it's fine, but it should never be egregious... And it should never be cool to be violent.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Apr 23, 2018
holy crap. Just finished
Stormy Night
. The amount of different outcomes in this is crazy


Oct 25, 2017
Aside from a couple of their games (like Tales from the Borderlands), I honestly don't understand any of the praise, and I feel they are regressing the genre. The games are just about held up by above average writing and voice acting, but they fail in pretty much every other depeartment. They look terrible, none of the decisions and QTEs have any consequences, and they wrestle control away from the player at every opportunity.
Oxenfree and Life Is Strange already took the crown from Telltale years ago. As much as I liked the Walking Dead games and Fable, Telltale's games feel hopelessly formulaic compared to those. Oxenfree's naturalistic dialogue system, Life Is Strange's ability integration and storytelling, now Detroit and its design, and by extension stuff like The Council's RPG-style stats and (hopefully) Vampyr's more open-world interconnected design to narrative and dialogue choices are leaving Telltale in the dust genre-wise
Nov 8, 2017
Btw everyone. You think other devs put so much things into their games most players will never see!? Lol get ready for Quantic Dream. I swear to god I just spend 20 minutes on a busy plaza, which is an area that appears only once. Your objective is literally to walk across it and do something and there is no reason to stop. But oh boi if you do. It just never stops. There was no loop, no repeating NPC animation AT ALL for 20 minutes straight. Like wtf. Literally after 15 minutes a truck arrived and started unpacking things. I assume only 0.1% of players will ever see that. But it's there. All voiced with unique dialogue lmao.

They are crazy and I love it so much

Even more impressive is the amount of NPC interactions you can merely witness. There is a complete traffic simulation, passer-by simulation, you can cross the streets and the cars stop. You can see people entering a bus or the train and leaving after just having had a conversation. Police cars drive around and so on.

Markus introduction scene was especially amazing. The central plaza in that chapter can be crossed in 5 seconds without a second thought, but if you remain for fun there is literally an almost endless stream of new things happening. It's pretty nuts and I have never seen anything like it. After 15 minutes I still hadn't encountered a loop yet and moved on. Things like trucks arriving, being unloaded and so on. All combined with unique dialogue.

That sounds amazing. I love stopping in games and just taking in the little details so I'm definitely going to have to give this a go.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn... i like the game for now, tons of good things...

The devs really take the player for dumb fucks, spelling everything out for you in BIG LETTERS, like you can't figure out how someone feels, lol

it breaks the immersion a bit for me


Alt Account
Apr 2, 2018
First scene (demo bit) looks a bit choppy on ps4 standard... I do not remember it being like that in the demo... :/

Oh by by the way can the ps4 throttle with too much dust on the back? Should i clean it?


Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if there is a continuity problem with one of the chapters.

SPOILERS ending of the domestic abuse chapter

If you kill Todd with the gun, Kara uniform gets covered in blood, in the next chapter when they are inside the bus her uniform is clean. I guess maybe the uniform has an auto cleaning feature because I doubt she could have cleaned it to the point of making it look brand new inside the bus


Oct 26, 2017
The Eden Club
is a great chapter with holy shit visuals. I actually did a mistake and almost ran out of time, had like 10 seconds left lol lol. Great fight scene in this one and I'm pretty sure I recognized Bryan Dechart's wife in one of the characters, which is almost too meta since Connor talks to her. She is also an actress and hinted she was in the game, that's awesome.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
First scene (demo bit) looks a bit choppy on ps4 standard... I do not remember it being like that in the demo... :/

Oh by by the way can the ps4 throttle with too much dust on the back? Should i clean it?

Too much heat can cause issues, on pro I have seen 0 slowdowns so far. Ps4 demo was the same build as final so it shouldn't happen. Make sure you have no downloads going on, hard reboot it and clean it. Hopefully works better.

That being said, it does have a slight "freeze" when it saves, it's usually smartly placed in transitions, but when you try to go fast you can make them more noticeable. Only happened to me in the demo as I was rushing :p .


Feb 13, 2018
First scene (demo bit) looks a bit choppy on ps4 standard... I do not remember it being like that in the demo... :/

Oh by by the way can the ps4 throttle with too much dust on the back? Should i clean it?

Thermal throttling is definitely a thing. The second scene right after the one from the demo is very choppy on standard PS4. First one is not very smooth but oh well, it's a 2013 console and the game looks very good.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Apr 23, 2018
Watching Lets Plays of this is going to be glorious once I beat this


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
So Newegg sent me an extra code for the pre-order dynamic theme and digital OST. First one to quote me and say something nice about David Cage gets it through a PM. This is a USA code.

Edit: Code taken!
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The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Anyone knows what this is ?


Don't tell me they made an animated short just for some random TV interaction.


Oct 25, 2017
"You played till late last night, hope you're not too tired"... Kojima shit in my main menu going on. Awesome touch.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
is Clara character is the same as the lady in the tech demo they did back in 2013 or something?
Oct 27, 2017
The Eden Club
is a great chapter with holy shit visuals. I actually did a mistake and almost ran out of time, had like 10 seconds left lol lol. Great fight scene in this one and I'm pretty sure I recognized Bryan Dechart's wife in one of the characters, which is almost too meta since Connor talks to her. She is also an actress and hinted she was in the game, that's awesome.
[Heavy breathing]


Apr 4, 2018
Almost all impressions are good! Not gonna lie, it's a little shocking.

Can't wait to play it.