
Oct 27, 2017
Right so Mark Cerny travelled around the work and met with a hundred or so developers and based on their feedback decided to design this 5.5GB/s SSD. And no one is going to really use that outside first party? Bullshit.

Maybe it needs to be repeated until the thread is locked but the claim in the OP is debunked by DF's recent PS5 analysis.


Oct 25, 2017
the major shift with SSDs will be towards streaming engines. Meaning the field of view and a little bit of space around it will fill a lot of the Ram. When you turn outside of the loaded fov area, the game will load the new assets in dynamically from the SSD just before you see it.

With 2x the Ssd speed there can be more Ram resources (assets, textures etc) placed in the FOV and less of those things in pre-loaded into the Ram as a buffer in case they are needed. A faster SSD gives more allowance for how much can be streamed into the game on demand.

In short, the game world can be more dense and you can move faster through it even with the same amount of Ram.
This. It doesn't only have to be used to finish the same job faster than the slower one, you could also load more within a set amount of time allowing for more density especially with that much more speed. The DF video also talked heavily about the potential of this.
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Oct 27, 2017
The other thing is the decision to go for a variable CPU speed might mean cooling concerns. Either they're going with a small form factor like the OG PS4 out of the gate, or the cooling isn't so great.


Oct 30, 2017
Right so Mark Cerny travelled around the work and met with a hundred or so developers and based on their feedback decided to design this 5.5GB/s SSD. And no one is going to really use that outside first party? Bullshit.

You make it sound like Jesus traveled the Earth...

Don't you think that MS did the same thing?

MS gave the devs a fast SSD.

SONY gave the devs a super fast SSD.

MS also gave the devs a faster GPU, CPU, and RAM. Perhaps some devs asked for that also.

Who knows? I can't wait to see what games Sony and MS give us


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Los Angeles
You make it sound like Jesus traveled the Earth...

Don't you think that MS did the same thing?

MS gave the devs a fast SSD.

SONY gave the devs a super fast SSD.

MS also gave the devs a faster GPU, CPU, and RAM. Perhaps some devs asked for that also.

Who knows? I can't wait to see what games Sony and MS give us
Faster by 10% or less depending on the component

Deleted member 30365

User requested account closure
Nov 3, 2017
The pivoting that everyone is doing on this SSD is very entertaining, there literally is no one excited about a SDD in the gaming world bar a few developers and fanbois that are propping this up like its going to power the whole generation. I guess this is the consoles only saving grace so you got to shill for something, but my god is it niche and minuscule, we are literally talking about shaving of SECONDS in loading and assets loading's which are already insanely fast on NVME drives.

I'm getting into this topic console warz going on, but just quoting what you said, I would pay top dollar if that would work on Windows PCs. Even with a powerful rig (e.g.: I have a 3900x, DDR4 at 3200, nvm pci-3), you would still struggle with loading speeds.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't like the design for variability in the "power". Not saying it's not "fine" for developers but it does put more work on them that I would rather not be me, it's not a good design decision when thinking long term into the following generation with backwards compatibility. They can still design around it...but that's what I don't like from a design point of view, consistency in performance is always better but I understand that they have their reasoning for designing it the way that they do.

Everything else shows that it's a good console, which is what I expected.

Deleted member 41502

User requested account closure
Mar 28, 2018
Can someone explain how a faster hard drive will help with anything besides loading times?

Will the relatively slow speed of the series x hard drive be some bif bottleneck compared to the PS5?
I mean, in some situations (open world games basically) those "loading times" basically mean you can move faster through more complex worlds. Maybe that means devs don't have to work nearly as hard to optimize the games, so maybe you'll see smaller shops making some open world games?

But... they're both really fast. I doubt the Sony drive will seem much different outside some random essentially tech demo games. We'll probably see lots of "Yeah, it doesn't run at 4k60, but this game starts 10 seconds faster on the PS5" reviews.

Garrett 2U

Oct 25, 2017
The pivoting that everyone is doing on this SSD is very entertaining, there literally is no one excited about a SDD in the gaming world bar a few developers and fanbois that are propping this up like its going to power the whole generation. I guess this is the consoles only saving grace so you got to shill for something, but my god is it niche and minuscule, we are literally talking about shaving of SECONDS in loading and assets loading's which are already insanely fast on NVME drives.

It is a unnecessary overkill that will only cost consumers money as those SSD's are going to be stupid expensive when they release on PC to meet the requirements Sony's has set. All that mocking and moaning about the XSX proprietary memory card and how it will be very expensive, yet not a single peep from anyone here about the issue PS5 is going to run in.

More powerful unit with more RT ability or saving 3/4 seconds on loading this seems like a hard decision.

Yeah... we are coming from storage devices that capped out at like 30MB/s and look at the games we achieved. Now even XSX has 1000x that speed. We'll see.
Nov 20, 2019
Right so Mark Cerny travelled around the world and met with a hundred or so developers and based on their feedback decided to design this 5.5GB/s SSD. And no one is going to really use that outside first party? Bullshit.

The whole console is designed with developer input, variable frequencies and all. The one thing he mentioned was a Sony leap was the 3D audio.
lol true.


Oct 25, 2017
You make it sound like Jesus traveled the Earth...

Don't you think that MS did the same thing?

MS gave the devs a fast SSD.

SONY gave the devs a super fast SSD.

MS also gave the devs a faster GPU, CPU, and RAM. Perhaps some devs asked for that also.

Who knows? I can't wait to see what games Sony and MS give us
What? When did I ever bring up MS or XSX in my comment? What a strange response.


Jun 6, 2018
I'm getting into this topic console warz going on, but just quoting what you said, I would pay top dollar if that would work on Windows PCs. Even with a powerful rig (e.g.: I have a 3900x, DDR4 at 3200, nvm pci-3), you would still struggle with loading speeds.

They will be available at the end of the year and start of next year, but be prepared to pay for them as they will be very expensive.

Also not to call you out, but there are plenty of videos comparing loading times for games on maxed settings with all different drives and most the games load in the mid teens seconds wise with your occasional games loading in at 30 seconds so a theoretical improvement of 40% on that cuts loading by about 6-12 seconds and that just doesn't seem that mind blowing when I could load the game in 15-30 seconds. You are getting pretty close to the point of diminishing returns.


Jun 6, 2018
Yeah... we are coming from storage devices that capped out at like 30MB/s and look at the games we achieved. Now even XSX has 1000x that speed. We'll see.

Yeah people don't seem to be understating that just jumping from 5400RPM HDD's to NVME SSD's is huge generational leap to the forefront of storage drives and taking it half a step further diminished wow factor since NVME is already absurdly fast. But each to their own, we will see real life results once it releases.


God help us the mods are making weekend threads
Jul 30, 2018
United States
So first party will do some amazing stuff but that's to he expected. As for third party I bet there won't be too much different, just like this gen.


Jan 28, 2020
A problem with Sony's SSD drive is that it's going to be very expensive which will add to the BOM and it maybe hard to get because of what is going on in the world today for obvious reasons.

So, it could either delay the launch of the PS5 or make it extremely limited to buy. Remember the Blu-ray problems with the PS3 which made it scarce at first?

This could happen again.


The Fallen
Jan 11, 2018
I think it's pretty obvious that static performance is better than variable performance. My understanding was the variable speeds were mostly going to be capped out or pretty close. Is that wrong? If the PS5 is running at 90-95% is the much of a choice for developers?

Maybe I just have an entirely wrong conception of the system.


Oct 27, 2017
I think it's pretty obvious that static performance is better than variable performance. My understanding was the variable speeds were mostly going to be capped out or pretty close. Is that wrong? If the PS5 is running at 90-95% is the much of a choice for developers?

Maybe I just have an entirely wrong conception of the system.
If they could run capped out most of the time they may as well have capped it. Personally I wouldn't bet on that being true and it's probably variable due to heat issues. It's sort of a moot point anyway, we're going to run into issues just from being clocked lower overall for multi platform games.


Oct 26, 2017
Ummm, the SSD stuff is transparent to the dev, they don't need to explicitly use it, it's done for free for them.


The Fallen
Jan 11, 2018
If they could run capped out most of the time they may as well have capped it. Personally I wouldn't bet on that being true and it's probably variable due to heat issues. It's sort of a moot point anyway, we're going to run into issues just from being clocked lower overall for multi platform games.

I get what you're saying, I'm just going by what Cerny said. There is the normal idea of boosting/overclocking where as long as it doesn't overheat you can increase the frequency. The PS5 seems to be working backwards which is a paradigm shift where the max setting accounts for an acceptable "boost" and that would be the norm but at times it would need to slight reduction. But if it really is 2-3% as has been posited I'm not sure how much of a concession or alteration in design strategy devs will have to make.

Obviously the XSX not even having these questions or concerns is a boon, I just don't know to what extent these questions are overstated for the PS5 or if it will turn out to be a fundamental flaw in the console at some point during the next generation.


Oct 27, 2017
It is a unnecessary overkill that will only cost consumers money as those SSD's are going to be stupid expensive when they release on PC to meet the requirements Sony's has set. All that mocking and moaning about the XSX proprietary memory card and how it will be very expensive, yet not a single peep from anyone here about the issue PS5 is going to run in.

See, this is what concerns me. I was initially concerned with the pricing for the Series X SSD cards.

Now, I'm terrified at what some of the prices will look like for the PCIE NVME SSDs that will work with the PS5 that won't even be out until later this year. We're going to be looking at $~300 for a 1 TB drive. And it doesn't sound like these are easily swappable like the Series X SSDs.

Extra storage would certainly be my concern right now on the PS5. It may not matter in 2025 when a 3 TB drive will be $150 or so. But I worry about the prices for the next few years. It could be a problem for a lot of people.


Nov 15, 2017
North Bay, CA
what is the duty cycle of 'boost clocks'? Anyone have a rule of thumb? I've only had overcompensated cooling solutions on my PC to run boost clock all the time but PS4 is known for this ... what Cerny calls 'balance between cost and performance' (a cheap cooling solution just that's just enough).

So I don't know what the anticipated uptime is for boost clocks because AFAIK its usually been based on cooling overhead and the company usually design that into the system


Oct 27, 2017
for third party I can see it both being often just an advantage in load times (and performance, in the sense of reducing stutters or pop in/streaming issues)
but I can see them also using it to push higher detail than PC/Xbox, but not in a drastic way, think of some settings on PC on ultra as opposed to high (or medium), it costs a lot of hardware to get it but it's not always obvious for the player.

I do think that, this advantage for the PS5 could make a larger impact than the "20%" (not really, it's complicated) faster CPU/GPU ram speed advantage of the Xbox.

but with the apparent lack of Sony focus in RT, maybe the Xbox has much better ray tracing performance/solution? that could be a even more significant thing!!?

for the PC, I think it's safe to assume people playing the next gen games in 2021 should have an SSD, the problem is, a much slower one, even the 2.4GB/s of the Xbox is not a safe to assume speed on the PC at all...

but then we still have many games at the same time targeting the old consoles with their 5400RPM drive as multiplatforms, so who knows...
it sure could lead to some bad experiences, like 5 minutes of load times in those and instant load transitions on the new boxes, with much higher quality.


Oct 27, 2017
I keep seeing people make this comment, but I'd like to know how. How does having a fast SSD change anything outside of speed for programs? I do not believe its a magic sauce, unless someone can give me an idea.

My understsnding of the cerny vid is this:

consoles are constantly loadig information about the game world, to hide this loading, devs disguise it using level design. so a game might put a wall infront of yiu to walk around, loasing whats behind the wall as you walk.

the sdd means the loading is so fast, devs dont need to do this. no walls.


Definitely not shooting blanks
Jan 5, 2020
The gloom in here vs the tangible praise and excitement from developers who are actually using the thing couldn't be farther apart 😄

It's weird. I mentioned in another thread that when we got away from "bits" it all became over my head and I stopped caring to try to truly understand it all. I enjoy reading the stuff and these threads but the arguments over some of the details make me scratch my head a bit. To me none of it truly matters.

Gaming has always been about what developers can do. And we simply don't know what they can do with the PS5 and the Series yet. And the system that has the best games are always going to be the ones the most people want. While I cannot wait to dive into a next gen console (leaning PS5 because of exclusives but will continue to read more before the time comes) all this stuff is great but to me none of it really matters.

Most people buy a console (at least I do) to play the best games. All the talk about which one will be "better" from all the theory standpoint of number crunching miss that point. The strongest console out now is the Xbox One. The second is the PS4 pro. Then the Nintendo Switch. And lately the best sales have been the opposite. Ultimately my decision isn't going to come down to who convinces me they have the strongest possible performance under the right scenario.

To me I'm thrilled in the sense that it seems like we're getting two new consoles that can pack a wallop! And now I really want a switch "pro" upgrade!


Oct 27, 2017
So, we can expect wizardry from the usual suspects; i.e. Naughty Dog, Guerilla Games, Santa Monica, etc. and maybe, (maybe) third party developers if they so choose.
Yeah that's my take as well, similar to how Sony 1st party really shined compared to everyone else on PS3.
I'm not worried for the platform, Sony will still dominate, but no doubt will I go with Xbox Series X or PC (or GFN) for multiplatform games.


Oct 25, 2017
the sdd means the loading is so fast, devs dont need to do this. no walls.
That's only true if the SSD is fast enough. That's sort of the issue with Sony's insistence on focusing on SSD performance. A lot of people criticizing the point of view that "only first-party studios will use this" are being overly obtuse. Yes, any dev will benefit from the performance improvements SSDs have over HDDs, but no third-party studio that has to release a game on platforms with slower storage will build a game around this. I think we'll probably see faster loading times on PlayStation 5 in many (if not most) cases compared to Xbox Series X, but the design and layout of the in-game world will ultimately have to be based around the capabilities of the lower-end systems. Keep in mind that we'll probably be seeing a lot of cross-gen games, so we'll still be dealing with games built on technology that's based around having to stream data off of hard drives.


Sep 24, 2018
PS3-alike failure all over again.
They learnt nothing besides despite repeating it again and again.


Dec 15, 2017
PS3-alike failure all over again.
They learnt nothing besides despite repeating it again and again.

Like investing several billion $ to get custom silicon that didn't give them the edge they wanted?
If anything the PS5 is a rather conservative design with a clear focus on SSD and Audio which almost certainly did not take hundreds of millions to develop.

Suicide King

Oct 27, 2017
You make it sound like Jesus traveled the Earth...

Don't you think that MS did the same thing?

MS gave the devs a fast SSD.

SONY gave the devs a super fast SSD.

MS also gave the devs a faster GPU, CPU, and RAM. Perhaps some devs asked for that also.

Who knows? I can't wait to see what games Sony and MS give us
You make it sound like the PS5 is worse than the Wii. Jesus, both consoles are powerful, but the Xbox Series X is more. If we are talking just about teraflops, people still play on a GTX 1080 nowadays and it's not the end of the world.


Nov 1, 2018
This article def deserves a

Who the fuck writes this shit, wait till we see and hear from devs before we talk out our asses


Nov 1, 2018
The other thing is the decision to go for a variable CPU speed might mean cooling concerns. Either they're going with a small form factor like the OG PS4 out of the gate, or the cooling isn't so great.

I have a feeling the new console is going to look sleek like an Apple TV in shape but just a little more of a rectangle and twice the height. Almost GameCube in shape but very simplistic in design like Apple TV or even Xbox series x where you only have the disc slot in front and rest empty


Sep 24, 2018
All this new game conception is pure PR.

All the games except a few exclusives are going to be the same actual games again and again, nothing will change except some visual improvements, resolution/fps.
The vast majority of new games/IPs will be the same thing, even the open world games.

I mean, PS5 has worse weapons for the majority of games. No matter how they try to picture it.
And of course the devs are happy, it's just simply a lot lot better than PS4 and they even can't squeeze PS4 in most of the cases...
Feb 1, 2018
Neither of those statements are true, people should stop opening threads based on speculations.
Yes they are true... how are you trying to spin this?

The faster SSD is great and things will load faster on PS5, but, honestly, I can't image a game use case (ATM) where that faster SSD will make a significant difference. You would have to stream *massive* amounts of data to really notice. Even Star Citizen on PC doesn't come close to that Sony SSD in loads.

Also I am worried about the price difference when buying one of these plug in SSDs. I hope Sony knows what they are doing.

Maybe they did focus too much on that SSD, it is almost a side project by itself. But who knows, maybe if they build their first party stuff around this, they might be able to show some stuff that is not possible on XSX. Then again XSX will easily be able to do the same, having higher specs on most other aspects.
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Deleted member 30987

Account closed at user request
Nov 5, 2017
Isn't it the way PC GPUs work for a long time? my 1070 had variable clocks, so does 2080. I wouldn't know until I was investigating the behavior of a faulty 1070. And I am not talking 0-1 situation with 10% of max rate for 2d desktop amx max for games, , but 5-6 levels of clocks depending how taxing the game was.


Oct 25, 2017
SSD are great but not a great as Sony is marketing it, remember MS at the start of current gen?, MS knew they had inferior spec with the X1 so they used other features to make it for that. Remember the "Power of the Cloud"?