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Oct 27, 2017
You people are insane with blaming Sony when they shouldn't have to renegotiate their current deal. Disney got too greedy and now they rather take their ball and go home because Sony wants to stay on terms of the current deal.


Oct 26, 2017

WTF are they thinking

Yeah, what was Disney thinking.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Beaumont, CA
Sheesh this thread is moving fast!

I didn't want to believe it, but I figured this was going to happen after Spider Verse and Venom doing so well for Sony. I imagined a scenario where THEY asked for more and Feige just shrugs and says "Welp, no biggie, I've got X-Men and Fantastic Four to play with now. See ya!"

Let's hope this isn't set in stone and we can at least a proper MCU sendoff with the third movie. I love the MCU, but I feel both companies messed up.

After how badly Disney fucked over Spectacular Spider-Man I hope this shit sticks and ruins the MCU as hard as possible.

Man there's some really bad takes on both sides. This and the "I hope Sony burns to the ground" guy. Geeze...

Finally no more iron man shit in my SPIDER-MAN films

This is such a dumb discredit to the character. It's like watching Civil War and going "No more Avengers crap in my CAPTAIN AMERICA films..."

I bet there's people happy who will be happy about MJ being a white redhead again too.


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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
So does this mean Happy is definitely breaking up with Aunt May?

Dale Copper

Apr 12, 2018
Who knows. I expect the general audience isn't hip to the studio politics, so it'll still make bank, but if there's that quality drop off, I feel like people will smarten up when part 4 rolls around.

At the same time, that Marvel Studios name means everything now. Not having that seal of quality might turn some people off.
With Marvel a lot can be.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 28, 2017
its still under Sony. Might be a different studio, but these entities aren't that far removed from another that they can't learn from the positives others do.

We're talking about the same Sony Pictures, right? With Tom Hardy as Venom and Woody Harrelson as Carnage? You think those people are going to do right by the IP? Their track record doesn't instill any confidence that they'll do good things from here on out, and if anything, they'll try to milk the next to films as quickly as possible, and ram the venomverse into the films, while somehow completely ignoring any of the MCU stuff that has been integral to the development of current Spidey. It's going to be a trainwreck unless it gets yet another reboot (bleh).


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Kevin and co have made Spider-Man a major part of their slate. Sony will sit on this long enough for Disney to realize they're not budging and Disney will move accordingly unless they want to rejigger their future film plans.
There's no next big crossover movie announced for the near future, nor any Spider-man solo movie. It really seems like they've already announced a line up that can move on without Spider-man.
Nov 2, 2018
There's a whole another movie to make before this deal ends right? Both sides walking away from the table is probably just an early power move and they'll come to a deal by the time this is all said and done. If they brought back James Gunn I believe they'll sort this out.

Unless Sony has 0 intention because they are convinced they can make there own Spidey verse...which they will fuck up. Into the Spider Verse was a fluke

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
"Disney asked that future Spider-Man films be a 50/50 co-financing arrangement between the studios, and there were discussions that this might extend to other films in the Spider-Man universe."

Sounds like Disney was willing to help out Sony outside of Spider-Man as well. Probably with their Morbius and Venom films. Is it really that greedy?
Yeah. Sony made those movies and made bank. The only way Sony takes that deal is if the 50/50 cofinance deal works for them. Disney isn't going to offer that just for publicity. My guess is they wanted an amount that made no sense math wise for Sony. Sony would need to see at minimum $400 million from a 60/40 split to make a venom 2 cofinanced perspective. They could do that or fund 100 million for 800 million. The deal doesn't work unless Disney wants a smaller cut, but Disney isn't going to offer 50/50 cofinance for a small amount as their investment must makes sense for a return. Sony sees they can get 700+ million movies, and that is OK for a studio.


Oct 25, 2017
It wasn't a sweetheart deal. Disney got the right to use Spider-Man, which is something it very much wanted. And they have the merchandising rights, so the movies generate huge additional profits for them.

Sony got their Spider-Man franchise, which was on the decline, repaired and attached to the biggest film franchise of all time. Considering the box office trajectory of their movies and where the Spider-Man films are now I would consider it a sweetheart deal for Sony.


Oct 27, 2017
Love all the "Disney was being greedy!!" replies, as if anyone should just as much give a shit about how much money Sony makes off these movies.

Won't someone think of Tom Rothman!


Nov 6, 2017
Is it really "hilarious"? I mean, are you genuinely sitting at your computer laughing to the brink of madness because fans of Spider-Man are upset that future films will be trash (this is based on Sony's track record with the IP). I'm really trying to see the punchline here. You know, the "hilarious" part.

Because from where I'm sitting, it looks like Sony desperately holding onto an IP that they continue to mismanage time and time again. It's only a matter of time before Spider-Man ends up like Dark Phoenix if it's left exclusively up to Sony.

Brink of madness? I'm saying it's funny watch everybody bitch at sony for not giving up 50% of their most valuable film asset, when they can EASILY make that money putting out trash. As pointed out time and time again, sony made nearly a billion with that trash venom movie and nearly 800 million with those trash TASM movies. a 50/50 cut even at 1.2 billion like far from home made, is 600 million. It's very very basic math. I would assume this also means sony gets merchandising rights back for their future movies, so that's even more profit. This is a no brainer for sony, stop laying it at their feet when disney tried to bend them over.


user requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
The MCU is the most profitable film franchise in history.

So yes, the price to be a part of that is going to be steep. Far From Home is the highest-grossing film to ever come out of Sony studios so you'd think they'd be willing to pay the toll and keep Spidey in the MCU.

And yes, Disney is greedy.

So is Sony.

The difference is one of them makes mega-hit after mega-hit and the other is Sony.

Regardless, I'm bummed. I loved the MCU Spider-Man.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes but only one company has a history of making shitty Spiderman films and has tom rothman and avi Arad in charge.
People can shit on Disney, that's fair. But to think that spidey will be better with sony? Nah son

I don't think the movies will be better off with sony, but I can understand why Sony isn't immediately bowing to Disney's every wish or request. That doesn't make them dumb.

There's no real reasonable discussion to be had here. Which is probably the point of this news getting out. One side is hoping public pressure will force the other's hand.


Oct 25, 2017
Disney fucked up here big time.

This doesn't effect me directly but my condolences to the fans.
Truly, integrating him so hard into the MCU was a bad bad move.

At the same time, Sony is making an even worse move here. They're way underestimating how important those sequels being MCU are. I wonder if Tom Holland and the director are going to try to figure out how to drop out of the movies now, it's pretty fucking shitty for them too.

Doc Holliday

Oct 27, 2017
Spiderverse was good because it had competent people in charge of it and Sony let them do their thing because it was animated, and therefore was not a very big deal in their eyes.

Any live-action Spider-Man movie coming from Sony is going to be complete crap made by morons and filled with executive meddling.

sigh you're probably right :/


Oct 25, 2017
Can you tell me how much you think Disney is asking for the gross? Do you really think that a 50/50 split in cost won't make them ask for a similar split in revenue?

The terms aren't disclosed, but Marvel had an agreement in the past to help produce the Spider-Man movies-and in turn part of that deal was to use Spider-Man in their own movies-and we don't know how many future non-Spidey movies that Marvel Studios wanted to include Spider-Man in. Sony doesn't just let them use Spider-Man and Tom Holland for free in whatever movie they want.

Or are you under the impression that Marvel was able to use Spider-Man in Civil War, Infinity War and Endgame free of charge?

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Let's not act like this entire thread ain't a bunch of people bickering over something none of us have any real context or insight into based mostly on which company they like better. People are shitting on Sony and acting "salty"'just as much as they are with Disney, and in both cases it's probably based on nothing substantial.
Yeah, the only thing I feel comfortable commenting on is the end result and its eventual repercussions.
I'm genuinely surprised this forum has so many contract lawyers and corporate negotiators.


Oct 28, 2017
Well out of the MCU and back to the SCU, get ready for a rushed Spiderman & Venom vs the Sinister Six
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