where do you stand?

  • some republican views (pro life, for EXAMPLE ONLY but mostly liberal = im ok with)

    Votes: 100 16.6%
  • Mostly republican, but strong hate for trump and did not vote for him=im ok with

    Votes: 71 11.8%
  • just hate trump, dont really care about left/right either way, but fuck trump

    Votes: 63 10.4%
  • hate em all without question doesnt matter who they are in my life

    Votes: 409 67.7%

  • Total voters
Oct 25, 2017
Would you break up just because of that? Or would if she had some republican views, but hated trump and everything he had done and wanted him out etc, would you be ok with that?

Do you have a republican partner that you keep the peace with?

curious to know of any examples like this

It reminds me a little bit of people who have strong opposing religious views and love each other but this aspects makes them split


Oct 25, 2017
In this time and age, after all the fuckery we've seen. Fuck every single one of them so I'd personally break up if she had any views that coincide with Republicans. Republicans ain't worth my time and effort. Ever.


Oct 27, 2017
I wouldn't have gotten that serious with a person without knowing.

But yes it would be entirely a deal breaker.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I would never be with a republican. Ever. They are hypocrites and racists.


Dec 4, 2017
Why is it only she in the title? I wouldn't date a republican anyway.

I haven't talked to my brother in years. Arguably we didn't have a good relationship before but what a Trump presidency revealed? It wasn't worth dealing with. Both of us child of immigrants and minorities, it fucking confuses the hell out of me and we grew up in NYC, a melting pot of cultures. I don't get it.

Post Reply

Aug 1, 2018
I wouldn't be dating them or in any kind of serious relationship with them in the first place.


Oct 27, 2017
The moment I figured out that my potential partner would like to deny basic human rights to poor people and brown people, my interest in this person is gone.
Nov 18, 2020
My parents are classic Northeast moderate Republicans. They hate Trump and both voted for Biden, but they're also fantastically wealthy and prefer the economic policies of the GOP because it helps them more with tax breaks (IE they voted downballot for Republicans). I don't mind fraternizing with them.
Oct 25, 2017
Why is it only she in the title? I wouldn't date a republican anyway.

I haven't talked to my brother in years. Arguably we didn't have a good relationship before but what a Trump presidency revealed? It wasn't worth dealing with. Both of us child of immigrants and minorities, it fucking confuses the hell out of me and we grew up in NYC, a melting pot of cultures. I don't get it.

youre right. if someone can edit the title to "they/them" please

Transistor sorry to tag you, i just recognise your name the most
Oct 30, 2017
my in-laws are all staunch republicans. my FIL is in denial of currently having COVID and recently showed me his 30-something gun collection while stating he needed to make sure he was prepared in case shit went bad because of the election.

i've had to have multiple discussions about it with my wife and it's even brought up during my therapy sessions. cause i got to find a way to swallow the bullshit and not cause drama.
Oct 25, 2017
My parents are classic Northeast moderate Republicans. They hate Trump and both voted for Biden, but they're also fantastically wealthy and prefer the economic policies of the GOP because it helps them more with tax breaks. I don't mind fraternizing with them.

this is the kind of example i mean yeah. was curious to see how far it could break you away from a family and/or loved one


Oct 28, 2017
I will never forgive any of them at this point (Trump voters). Those that I had any association with are now forever removed from my life.

There is no forgiveness for this.

Republicans that didn't vote for Trump (maybe simply leaving Pres slot blank thinking Clinton would win anyways) I'm a bit more lenient with.
Eg wife's friend's dad is a pretty old school moneyed republican, but absolutely loathes Trump and always has.
Last edited:


May 9, 2018
I mean, it's not really the same as a partner, but I have family who support Trump and hate BLM, etc.

More than anything it's just depressing. I still care about them, and I miss when I was able to have a conversation with them without it devolving into some conspiracy theory or repetition of what they heard on fox news/saw on facebook.

Deleted member 34788

User requested account closure
Nov 29, 2017
Yes I would spilt, no matter how long has it been. Those views can and have resulted in the breakdown of societies in the past and the deaths if an untold amount of people.

I have already dumped close friends over abhorrent and nation breaking views, a partner would not be too much of a jump.

Not caring or being indifferent is one thing, supporting evil and agreeing with it is another.

I cannot and will not be with someone who harbours views that would mean likely almost certain death of someone of my skin colour, or have a hand in making my children no good scum of society. It would be a living hell and a road down crippling depression and failure, fuck that.

Thankfully, my wife and I share largely the same views on a large number of topics and vote for liberal or left parties for years now. disagreements come up but what healthy relationship does not have a number of disagreements.


Nov 30, 2018
No I don't hate all Republicans. I'll take each person as is and judge them after getting to know them.

If someone stans trump then it's over. I don't have the energy or will to get into a relationship with someone like that. Luckily I'm already married so I don't have this issue but I would instantly dismiss a potential partner over this.

Going out of your way to advertise you're republican today is insane. You should be filled with shame for what happened yesterday and the last 30 years at least.
Sep 14, 2019
My last ex boyfriend is a MAGA loving, racist, Latino gay republican.

In my defense... I didn't know this until after we got together, and I was dealing with depression after a previous abusive relationship, so I let a lot of things go during that time.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
If you're willing to vote for the Republican party (and dare I say most countries' relative equivalent) you are at least willing to overlook basic human rights, for some sort of personal gain, if not outright in agreement with some of their more heinous views, and that willingness would be a huge deal breaker for me.

Just Great

Oct 25, 2017
All of them.

Trump/Trumpism is a symptom that American Conservative machine has been trying to create for decades. This shit isn't new, it's just no longer hiding the intentions. To vote/support Republicans is to support racism, bigotry, homophobia, misogyny, et al. and has been since the 60s.


Lead Designer, Iridium Studios
Oct 25, 2017
I had a mild debate yesterday with the definition of "Republican". My father is still registered as one from awhile ago, generally doesn't give a shit about changing it, but thinks Trump is a buffoon and gladly voted for Biden.

I will clarify that anyone who voted for Trump is an instant deal breaker, and a non-Trump voting conservative is still a probable no, though I'd likely talk to them about it.


Shinra Employee
Oct 28, 2017
San Francisco
My soon-to-be ex in-laws are about seventy-five percent staunch conservatives. Just the worst people too - from the aunt that re-shares every Facebook conspiracy theory, to the father-in-law who tried to mock my ex and I for our liberal views.

The girl I'm dating now - she said her dad and stepmom are both staunch conservatives, but her mom's side is all clear. She seems liberal and is frankly disgusted by what happened yesterday. Still, I'm terrified to find out if she shares any political views with her dad because I don't know how or if I'd be able to reconcile with that.
Oct 26, 2017
My grandma is brainwashed but she still loves our family and is kind to us. Her beliefs don't inspire hate in me toward her, but anger toward those who have manipulated a vulnerable mind. We can't let these traitors get away with this.

Deleted member 49482

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2018
"Trump Supporter" is an automatic disqualifier for someone I'd want to date. In another time and place, I could theoretically date a more moderate conservative, but the portion of the Venn diagram where you identify as Republican and don't implicitly/explicitly support Trump is so small that, in all practicality, it might as well not exist.


Oct 27, 2017


Weight Loss Champion 2018: Biggest Change
Oct 25, 2017
If someone considers themself conservative but doesn't like and didn't vote for Trump, fine.

Anyone who supports or voted for Trump in 2020, though, is someone I have no respect for and have no interest in being friendly with.


May 20, 2019
My sister and her husband are republicans, but they are also are essentially single issue voters: taxes. Both of them are highly paid physicians and they absolutely hate paying taxes every quarter so they'll vote for whomever promises lower taxes. That being said, both of them voted for Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. They both hate Trump.


Oct 29, 2017
I would never date someone that remained Republican and have broken up with a few girls that I figured out were 1.) Republicans and 2.) after attempting to appeal to them dug in, but a few, including my current girlfriend, grew up raised Republican but when they actually sat down with me and others and started challenging their own views and being politely challenged on their views/shown a different angle, they are now very active liberals.

Sort of the consequence of growing up for a large part of my life in the south and in the late 90's/00's. Lots of people that grow up raised one way, sometimes not even sharing most of those views or values, but have the privilege to never think about it so they don't.


RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
If they're still a republican after Trump/COVID there's no redeeming them. Hell, it was still really hard to trust any of them *before* this shit.


Dec 16, 2018
My brothers and their families are Republicans. I've told them many times I don't want to have anything to do with them anymore (unless it's an emergency). I have no tolerance for their shit.


Oct 26, 2017
I know a few conservatives who have denounced the GOP and feel like they have no place in the party anymore. I disagree with them politically, but at least they're willing to call out the party for what it is.

In 2021 though, if you still have the audacity to call yourself a Republican (and be proud of that fact), than yeah, you're a piece of shit.

I don't hate all conservatives, but I do hate all republicans.


Oct 30, 2017
There's no possible way it would work. I don't care what they believe as far as religion goes as long as it doesn't actively hurt people, but at this point support of the GOP isn't something I could tolerate. That goes for family as well if they push it to the extremes some did back during the summer and the run up to the election.


Oct 27, 2017
Ive cut ties with many and at this point Im not sure who I have left to do that with but fuck those traitors. My life will be better off without them in it.


Oct 27, 2017
Whew boy, this sounds like a complicated question.

I wanna have faith that there are still decent ppl that are Republican. And after yesterday and losing the House and Senate they need to do some real soul searching. For whatever reason some R's voted against the objections to the election.

But too many voted Yea.

Trump? That goes without saying I hate that man. With a passion.

I honestly cant say if I hate all the GOP or all R's.

I will say I cant actually date someone who is R. That would be too much. If I have family members that are R? Oh well. I can cut ppl out my life if I have to. I have already over smaller reasons. And give no fucks about it.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I like how the most generous argument is "they're not Trumpers, they just don't want to pay taxes" which means they're only antisocial assholes.

Honestly, after being married for over a decade, I don't see how it works long term.


Nov 18, 2018
I dunno. I feel supporting a white nationalist terrorist death cult is kinda a dealbreaker for me.

Like, maybe if I was dating a person with some conservative views, but they did the right thing and voted against them every time it might work. But, even then, I think the fundamental core differences in values would be too large for it to work long term.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't know any republicans without major character flaws. They're either racist, in denial of being racist, or super fucking selfish.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I tend not to judge someone based on their political representation, economy, trade and geopolitics are complicated things that not a lot of people really fully understand (myself included) but are required to vote on people that do.

Having said that their are a lot of traits that conservatives have (especially the far right extremists) that are gross and disturbing including being stupid, racist, selfish, greedy, loud and ignorant and lacking any common sense whatsoever plus a lot of them are devoted Christians which always makes me roll my eyes.

So I mostly tend to avoid them because of that


Oct 25, 2017
It hasn't been something I could even respectfully disagree with for a long time. You could be more conservative, sure but I don't see how anybody would want to be associated with whatever the fuck the party is supposed to represent today without either being incredibly ignorant or just selfish.


Oct 27, 2017
The Republican party was problematic LONG before Trump entered the picture.

So someone saying they're a Republican but they don't agree with Trump prompts me to think "ok that accounts for the last 4 years but what about all the other crap the GOP was pulling before that?"


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
havent spoken with my racist ass mother for two and half years. i'm more than happy with my decision.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
There's only one person I've known and considered a friend beyond high school who wasn't left leaning, and that relationship didn't last. While it's theoretically possible I doubt I could be in a sustainable relationship, whether platonic or romantic, with an open racist.