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Oct 25, 2017
All of the homophobes and homophobe apologists are coming out of the woodwork aren't they? Like moths to a flame.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I do agree with TLZ that wishing for someone to die is.. weird.

I'd rather have this man just disappearing from public life and living his life in his own narrowminded bubble not bothering anyone with his awful opinions.


Oct 27, 2017
Not gonna agree with the "opinion" part but even if we were to say let's not "abuse" him, why is it that, that's the only thing you really have to say coming in here? Why don't you also show some compassion towards the people he would rather have dead instead of telling people that they shouldn't abuse him?
Because you don't stoop low. In my case I'm better off ignoring ignorant people. I go meh whatever. I've seen enough to not be surprised and just ignore. Why give such people any importance? Not worth my time. I still wouldn't go over the top and wish death on people. That's just as bad.

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
His thought? His mentality? Whatever. Doesn't justify people go all barbaric. Hate on the guy, but some of the comments here are over the top. Death and heart stop? Wtf?
This depends on how barbaric his thoughts or mentality is. There are people that make life hell for millions of others based on things that really shouldn't matter.

I say it's fair to judge people based on dangerous mentalities. The world would be a better place is many of them went away (or changed their way of thinking).


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I do agree with TLZ that wishing for someone to die is.. weird.

I'd rather have this man just disappearing from public life and living his life in his own narrowminded bubble not bothering anyone with his awful opinions.


Oct 25, 2017
When you make it your life's mission to deny shit like the Rape of Nanking, openly mock LGBTQ+ deaths, and use your power and money to push for Hate and Inequality for your whole life - you get to be shit on for being a horrible person that doesn't deserve the air you breathe.

The sooner he's gone the better.

And for anyone saying "Just ignore him" - that doesn't work and will never work. Especially since this piece of utter trash uses his money, power, and influence to hurt people.


Oct 26, 2017
Homophobia is not an opinion you motherfuckers, stop this. If you think "homophobia" is an opinion bail the shit out of this place, please. This is a place that is proud to welcome everyone, no matter who they are , and homophobia goes against this basic principle.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
His thought? His mentality? Whatever. Doesn't justify people go all barbaric. Hate on the guy, but some of the comments here are over the top. Death and heart stop? Wtf?

Sugiyama is literally laughing at the suicide of LGBT people in the audience of a renowned anti-LGBT politician who could feasibly have the power to make thousands of people's lives hellish. A bunch of people venting about that fact on a video game forum with some, let's face it, relatively benign remarks, is hardly equivalent or over the top.
Oct 25, 2017
Because you don't stoop low. In my case I'm better off ignoring ignorant people. I go meh whatever. I've seen enough to not be surprised and just ignore. Why give such people any importance? Not worth my time. I still wouldn't go over the top and wish death on people. That's just as bad.

We give them attention to call them out for their shit and make one thing clear.

It's not okay to be a bigot.

Death Penalty

Oct 27, 2017
Because you don't stoop low. In my case I'm better off ignoring ignorant people. I go meh whatever. I've seen enough to not be surprised and just ignore. Why give such people any importance? Not worth my time. I still wouldn't go over the top and wish death on people. That's just as bad.
This "ignorant person" is a massive influencer with the resources to spread his shit. You can't and should not ignore that.

Your "just as bad" rhetoric is ridiculous by the way, as one guy is promoting heinous views and self-harm among a maligned demographic actively, where as far as I can tell no one here is doing anything but rooting for nature to take its course.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I do agree with TLZ that wishing for someone to die is.. weird.

I'd rather have this man just disappearing from public life and living his life in his own narrowminded bubble not bothering anyone with his awful opinions.

He has a fucking ton of money, and, he uses it to spread his garbage around Japan, and he has tried to spread them around the world.
This is not just a dude giving papers in the streets, this is a dude who has the money and power.


Oct 27, 2017
Tell us how you really feel.

Hopefully mods can see through your bullshit and do us all a favour.
This is how I really feel.

Because you don't stoop low. In my case I'm better off ignoring ignorant people. I go meh whatever. I've seen enough to not be surprised and just ignore. Why give such people any importance? Not worth my time. I still wouldn't go over the top and wish death on people. That's just as bad.
Thanks for your aggressive behavior.

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
is this not a big deal in japan to be openly anti-lgbt? SE should definitely cut ties with him and stop their working relationship. this is unacceptable.


Jan 3, 2018
Having just finished the game recently, I can say I was surprised at how they treat him, in a good way.
Yes, he talks in an effeminate way, but the game doesn't make a point of it. He's never ridiculed, and he doesn't hit on anyone (so it's not even clear what his sexual preference is).
I was constantly expecting some misplaced attempt at humor at his expense, but it never happened, which is probably about as progressive as a Japanese game can get.

Thanks for adding this. It was my fear that they would make his speech or behavior the punch line of a lot of jokes, or give him a part in the scenario that highlights how different he is.
Oct 25, 2017
Having just finished the game recently, I can say I was surprised at how they treat him, in a good way.
Yes, he talks in an effeminate way, but the game doesn't make a point of it. He's never ridiculed, and he doesn't hit on anyone (so it's not even clear what his sexual preference is).
I was constantly expecting some misplaced attempt at humor at his expense, but it never happened, which is probably about as progressive as a Japanese game can get.

I'm really happy to know this, thanks.


Oct 27, 2017
This "ignorant person" is a massive influencer with the resources to spread his shit. You can't and should not ignore that.

Your "just as bad" rhetoric is ridiculous by the way, as one guy is promoting heinous views and self-harm among a maligned demographic actively, where as far as I can tell no one here is doing anything but rooting for nature to take its course.
Rooting for death though? C'mon. How'd that solve anything?

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
Tell us how you really feel.

Hopefully mods can see through your bullshit and do us all a favour.
I don't think his posts indicates that he agrees with the mentality at all, he just thinks people should be less aggressive about it. I disagree with him but that's not ban worthy.

Rooting for death though? C'mon. How'd that solve anything?

The more bigots that go away the better. This isn't just people having opinions, these people vote and spread hate that impacts lives negatively.


Jan 31, 2018
Bummer, I had no idea that he was such an awful person. I love the music that he's made, although I do think that Dragon Quest needs some updated music desperately. Definitely don't think he deserves to die, even if he is disgusting, but I absolutely think he needs to be replaced (for more reasons than one) . Hopefully he does get replaced soon and we'll get the upgraded DQ soundtracks that the games deserve, and will be able to buy the games and enjoy the music without inadvertently supporting people like him. Sucks because Dragon Quest is my favorite series and it bums me out seeing people say screw Dragon Quest, but I do get it.


Oct 26, 2017
Because you don't stoop low. In my case I'm better off ignoring ignorant people. I go meh whatever. I've seen enough to not be surprised and just ignore. Why give such people any importance? Not worth my time. I still wouldn't go over the top and wish death on people. That's just as bad.

"Meh. Whatever." does nothing to help the people affected and harmed by Sugiyama who uses his resources to spread his bullshit.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think his posts indicates that he agrees with the mentality at all, he just thinks people should be less aggressive about it. I disagree with him but that's not ban worthy.
He is calling Anti-LGBT mentalities and war crimes an opinion. It's a human rights issue and to ignore bigotry under the guise of being an opinion is dismissive and shitty behavior.

He is more concerned about people not giving a shit if he dies than reprimendaning the bigorty. Not only that but he straight up is telling people to just ignore it.

Please stop cheering for people to die that you don't like, thanks!
Why don't you contribute to the threads topic or is wishing death on bigots more offensive than someone wishing death on LGBT and denying rape and murder war crimes?

This is how I really feel.

Thanks for your aggressive behavior.
Nah lets's go deeper. You care more about voicing your distaste at people wishing a bigot's death than actually calling out the bigot who is laughing at the death of LGBT and denying war crimes(rape and murder) committed by Japan. Shows the kind of person you are.

Now if you came into the thread and started off with shitting on him and his views then you would at least have some ground to stand on but as it is your only goal in this thread is to ignore his abhorrent views and instead turn on posters who have every right to hate and wish for his death since you know...his bullshit kind of affects people here?
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Rooting for death though? C'mon. How'd that solve anything?

Well, for starters, he wouldn't be able to use his money and power to continue to actively hurt people. This isn't just some asshole who says bad shit. He's not just some internet troll or celebrity. This is a horrible man who uses his resources to actively do terrible things. His life's work has been about hurting others.

I'll cheer for his death all fucking day.

Death Penalty

Oct 27, 2017
Rooting for death though? C'mon. How'd that solve anything?
His removal from the world will literally stop his hatemongering and funding of hatemongering and war-crime denial. He will go from being a negative influence to no influence at all, a net gain. This would not be the case were he not doing current and active harm, but he is and continues to campaign in that direction.

It's sorta like how it'd be lucky if a dude trying to strangle you suffered a heart attack. Considering we have several LGBT folks on this board, I'm not surprised the sentiment swings that way. Hell, I'm anti-violence but I have to admit this guy kicking the bucket would be a good thing and as long as no one here is condoning violence against him (they don't seem to be) I can't disagree with the sentiment.


Oct 27, 2017
Having just finished the game recently, I can say I was surprised at how they treat him, in a good way.
Yes, he talks in an effeminate way, but the game doesn't make a point of it. He's never ridiculed, and he doesn't hit on anyone (so it's not even clear what his sexual preference is).
I was constantly expecting some misplaced attempt at humor at his expense, but it never happened, which is probably about as progressive as a Japanese game can get.
Yeah, this is why I liked what they did with him. It's very clearly a part of him as a character, but it isn't played at his expense whatsoever.


Oct 25, 2017
Rooting for death though? C'mon. How'd that solve anything?
Practically if Sugiyama is dead, he can no longer spend his money and fame on influencing other people into believing that the Rape of Nanking and the exploitation of comfort women in WW2 are exaggerated events meant to smear Japan's honor. It would also prevent him from co-hosting programs such as this. Without him being an additional draw to such a program, it reduces the legitimacy it has. So, him dying actually does solve a few things. Answering this because you asked.


Jan 16, 2018
"Separate the art from the artist" isn't high-minded neutrality, it's "I don't care and it bothers me that you do so stop."
John Lasseter is one of the greatest minds in animation and I can enjoy his masterpieces perfectly fine despite the fact that we know he is kinda rapey.
Walt Disney was kinda sexist/racist as well wasn't he? Doesn't mean you can't enjoy his work.
Separate art from the artist literally means what it says, don't read into it.
Enjoy art for what it is, not for who made it if it bothers you so much


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
John Lasseter is one of the greatest minds in animation and I can enjoy his masterpieces perfectly fine despite the fact that we know he is kinda rapey.
Walt Disney was kinda sexist/racist as well wasn't he? Doesn't mean you can't enjoy his work.
Separate art from the artist literally means what it says, don't read into it.
Enjoy art for what it is, not for who made it if it bothers you so much

The guy funds entire campaings that causes LGBT people suffering, to the point of suicide and the piece of shit just laughs at them. He also spreads lies about the crimes Japan did during war.

So forgive me if I dont separate the art from this garbage.


Oct 27, 2017
There's this flawed mentality that LGBTQ+ people need to be saintly and perfect and well meaning to everyone. Even those who want them dead.

And no. People are people. They feel things, and feeling anger about someone who's clearly shown to be evil, isn't really as bad as funneling money into evil things.

Someone saying he needs to keel over, isn't going to magically kill the guy or stop his career. In reverse, his money and influence are gonna fuck up a lot of people. Even after he actually croaks.

He's literally an enemy. The kind that wants you dead and will laugh about it while raking in loads of cash to funnel into more evil things. Let's not lose perspective. Random forum posters aren't evil for being angry and vocalizing it.


Oct 26, 2017
Also, if it's not obvious, Sadist and TLZ, nobody would be rooting for his death if he was, say, 40 or 50. They'd be more wishing for his immediate removal from the series and SE in general.

But he's 87. He's there until he's either gone from this earth or too sick to operate on it. Meaning he's there funding war crime denial propaganda and cozying up to nationalistic anti-LGBT politcal figures until, again, he's either gone from this earth or too sick to operate on it.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah... not exactly gonna be bummed when this pos stain on humanity shuffles off this mortal coil.


Jan 16, 2018
He also spreads lies about the crimes Japan did during war.
ah yes, that is actually a legit problem that all of Japan faces. It is rather interesting in a weird way. As in, some schools don't even teach it anymore and they focus on other things and other angles about the war. One of the reasons why South Koreans and Japanese people don't get along is Japan never admitted the war crimes they did to SK. It's oddly fascinating - anyways back to the topic at hand:
The guy funds entire campaings that causes LGBT people suffering, to the point of suicide
did I miss this? Where did it say or show this?
I am not supporting the guy, I most definitely am not. But I just stand by what I said, "we should separate the art from the artist"

Deleted member 2793

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Well, thank you!

I'm glad that as a whole, this forum's pretty LGBT friendly. There's some bad apples here and there, but at least (as we can see in this thread) they get dealt with!
Really like your posts and we have somewhat similar tastes. You're easily one of the coolest users in this site!
Oct 25, 2017
John Lasseter is one of the greatest minds in animation and I can enjoy his masterpieces perfectly fine despite the fact that we know he is kinda rapey.
Walt Disney was kinda sexist/racist as well wasn't he? Doesn't mean you can't enjoy his work.
Separate art from the artist literally means what it says, don't read into it.
Enjoy art for what it is, not for who made it if it bothers you so much

I think it's a tough dilemma that should be taken on a case by case basis, and is also a personal choice.

Yes, enjoying their work can potentially directly fund their awful agenda. Their warped, biggoted views can also inform how characters/plot/etc play out or act in something. I totally understand and support the stance to cut such creators off.

But, I also selfishly feel like I'll be missing on a lot of amazing stuff that I find inspiring, engaging, etc despite the creators' warped and maicious stances.

I feel like there's no easy answer. I sometimes justify myself enjoying such works, by also getting involved/helping the causes I care about.


Oct 25, 2017
I am not supporting the guy, I most definitely am not. But I just stand by what I said, "we should separate the art from the artist"
Why use the word "should" instead of "can"? Why tell other people how they must react to something? Is it important that an artists gets recognition and support for their work regardless of their actions? No. Society is such that no one is entitled to that. If you're a piece of shit and people reject you for it, you asked for it. If you're a piece of shit but you're so good that some people can't not recognize the talent, well, that's also possible, but it's not something that has to happen.

Death Penalty

Oct 27, 2017
I think it's a tough dilemma that should be taken on a case by case basis, and is also a personal choice.

Yes, enjoying their work can potentially directly fund their awful agenda. Their warped, biggoted views can also inform how characters/plot/etc play out or act in something. I totally understand and support the stance to cut such creators off.

But, I also selfishly feel like I'll be missing on a lot of amazing stuff that I find inspiring, engaging, etc despite the creators' warped and maicious stances.

I feel like there's no easy answer. I sometimes justify myself enjoying such works, by also getting involved/helping the causes I care about.
Morally speaking, the answer is quite easy. Video games, books, movies, these entertainment products should not be more important than your fellow man.

Practically speaking though, I know how difficult this is and try not to judge.


Jan 16, 2018
I feel like there's no easy answer. I sometimes justify myself enjoying such works, by also getting involved/helping the causes I care about.
yeah, also that would mean throwing the work of a very talented and passionate team for only one pos person in the dev team which is basically the only reason why I am insisting so much on people separating art from artist here.


Oct 25, 2017
yeah, also that would mean throwing the work of a very talented and passionate team for only one pos person in the dev team which is basically the only reason why I am insisting so much on people separating art from artist here.
Sounds like the solution for them is to remove the toxic element from their jobs then? If they're really concerned about that.

Deleted member 5535

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Bummer, I had no idea that he was such an awful person. I love the music that he's made, although I do think that Dragon Quest needs some updated music desperately. Definitely don't think he deserves to die, even if he is disgusting, but I absolutely think he needs to be replaced (for more reasons than one) . Hopefully he does get replaced soon and we'll get the upgraded DQ soundtracks that the games deserve, and will be able to buy the games and enjoy the music without inadvertently supporting people like him. Sucks because Dragon Quest is my favorite series and it bums me out seeing people say screw Dragon Quest, but I do get it.

He's not going out anytime soon. Only when he dies or for some miracle he withdraws, which I doubt he will since DQ is a huge cashcow.

is this not a big deal in japan to be openly anti-lgbt? SE should definitely cut ties with him and stop their working relationship. this is unacceptable.

No, there's no such thing as that in Japan. Or Asia in general for that matter. You can be sure that this is not going to make a noise in the country.

But Japan is the country in Asia with more chances to accept LGBT people for a bit of reasons, which someday it'll happen.


Jan 16, 2018
Sounds like the solution for them is to remove the toxic element from their jobs then? If they're really concerned about that.
a person's opinion is their own and theirs alone, doesn't represent the company's opinion. I am just having a hard time understanding why people find it so hard. But feels like an uphill battle if I keep this up and feels like I am rooting for someone that actually kind of disgusts me


Oct 28, 2017
a person's opinion is their own and theirs alone, doesn't represent the company's opinion. I am just having a hard time understanding why people find it so hard. But feels like an uphill battle if I keep this up and feels like I am rooting for someone that actually kind of disgusts me

I'm having a hard time understanding why you keep thinking being homophobic is an "opinion"


Oct 25, 2017
yeah, also that would mean throwing the work of a very talented and passionate team for only one pos person in the dev team which is basically the only reason why I am insisting so much on people separating art from artist here.
They're not owed success, this isn't a meritocracy. They got paid salaries for working on the game already, anyway.
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