Oct 25, 2017
I'd give you a pass on 16 of those 22 characters. I think the reason the game shipped with only 16 and many through that was OK was the promise of free characters. The launch roster should have reasonably been the base 16+S1. I'd say complaining about only 16 characters at the quality of the SFV ones is a bit unwarranted. Even 16 free is a ton for a fighting game.
Nobody gave the small roster a pass because of FM, it was given a pass by some because it was still one of the larger launch rosters for a SF game (not that it's a good excuse at all). FM was used to give a pass to the costume price jacking more often than not.

Dark Ninja

Oct 27, 2017
I definitely see the skin prices going up. Street Fighter has arguably the cheapest skins on the Games as a Service market currently. Maybe the characters become free and skin prices become insane. A Battle Pass actually makes sense since they want people playing as much of the game as possible and feel rewarded for winning or losing. You can easily make a 100 tiers worth of stuff out of everything Capcom regularly release like the alt colors, titles, profile cards, and skins.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Nobody gave the small roster a pass because of FM, it was given a pass by some because it was still one of the larger launch rosters for a SF game (not that it's a good excuse at all). FM was used to give a pass to the costume price jacking more often than not.

The promise of free characters (i.e "What other fighting game lets you get free characters?") was a reason people used to deflect criticism of the business model and other aspects of the game such as the roster size. Probably more so when the cosmetic pricing was criticized, however.

I definitely see the skin prices going up. Street Fighter has arguably the cheapest skins on the Games as a Service market currently. Maybe the characters become free and skin prices become insane. A Battle Pass actually makes sense since they want people playing as much as the game as possible. You can easily make a 100 tiers worth of stuff out of everything Capcom regularly release like the alt colors, titles, profile cards, and skins.

They really don't need to jack up the cosmetic prices further. SFV was already a huge jump in the genre, and other genres are even more egregious. I don't think a fighter should be using mainstream GaaS skin pricing as a comparison, but rather other fighters and SFV jumped way over others.
Last edited:


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
Another example of the fight money system not being above criticism for me, the CE upgrade kit. If I bought it i would get 2 characters and the ~70 thousand fight money i could squeeze out of them for ~23 bucks. Combined with the FM i have left I could only afford one of the five characters coming, maybe 2 if i got back on the weekly train for another year and they brought back enough shadoloo soldier fights. The 3 remaining characters would be $18 so im probably better off just buying the pass, assuming season v gets one, for $20.

Here's the ball kicker, if i just made a new account and bought a fresh 30 dollar copy of championship edition, I would have all of the fight money sources available to me from all 40 characters and easily be able to afford the entirety of season 5. My reward for supporting the game at it's lowest point and engaging with its free currency system in good faith for years is that I would have to spend 13 more dollars to make my existing account at feature parity with a fresh copy of the game, minus a couple veteran titles no one gives the slightest shit about. I could get just the season 5 pass and use those 5 characters to retroactively earn seth and gill, but without the stages, costumes, colors, and surplus of fight money i could go on to spend on things like fighting chance costumes, i still wouldn't be on equal footing with the fresh CE copy.


Oct 28, 2017
I mostly didn't like how they went about costumes in SFV. I much prefer how in MK everyone gets more or less the same amount of costumes, as opposed to SF very strongly favoring popular characters / pandering costumes.


Apr 25, 2019
I hope they forgo a cinematic story mode for SFVI. Just give us lore and rivals during arcade mode.

I still don't understand the backstory of G, he just had challenge duels in his story mode.

when rivals would audibly speak to each other in SFIV in arcade mode I thought that was a nice touch.

I'm really surprised that they didn't allow you to play on the cinematic story backgrounds. I was sure Capcom was going to release a $25 bundle to use them.
Oct 25, 2017
Zeku's animations are terrible. There's definitely such a thing as "overanimating" something. Or at least there is to my personal tastes. In general there are a lot of great animations in SF V, but I think some DLC characters overdo it.

They should have put more of that animation budget into having different animations playing out for moves on block vs hit, and making it more prevalent instead of it being as rare as it is now. That is a super cool animation touch that doesn't become distracting like Zeku is, and I'd also argue Cody.

Overall, I think I prefer the way SF IV looks over V. I'd also say that, overall, SF V has much smoother animations. I hope it's ok to say that without turning the strawman machine on. I've never seen "defense trolling" for any game being as strong as with SF V in this forum. Hopefully I won't get multiple people quoting each other patting themselves on the back because you can cancel out of animations, or whatever.


Oct 28, 2017
I hope they forgo a cinematic story mode for SFVI. Just give us lore and rivals during arcade mode.
I'd prefer this too. Something like Tour Mode? in SFA3 is so, SO much better as single player content and not nearly as expensive to produce. I only played through the story mode for the free FM, and thought it was terrible. You never see people online raving about it, and it clearly didn't make SFV a big seller anyways.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Pretty sure almost every normal attack in the game, especially heavies, does that already.
I don't... think so? There's definitely members of the original cast that do this. Nash's st.hp comes to mind. But if they've done it since the base cast, it's very little because I can't remember any instances of that.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Zeku's animations are terrible. There's definitely such a thing as "overanimating" something.
I don't see how they're terrible? If you merely dislike how some characters have post recovery flairs on everything, Zeku actually doesn't have any on his normals. He only has them for his throws and special moves and they fit super well with who he is as a character, unlike some season 3 characters where it feels like random additions.
I don't... think so? There's definitely members of the original cast that do this. Nash's st.hp comes to mind. But if they've done it since the base cast, it's very little because I can't remember any instances of that.
Sakura has one of these special blocked animations on her st.HK. I think she's the last character that got one of those.


Oct 25, 2017
Albuquerque, NM
As someone what bought the game full price at launch and did my weeklies without ever splurging on colors, fighting chance, stages, or costumes for damn near 4 years, i still ran out of fight money at 22 characters.

To be fair, you earned over $100 worth of DLC characters with your $60 purchase. And that's if you bought them in the season pass bundle. 22 characters at full price is $132.


Oct 25, 2017
To be fair, you earned over $100 worth of DLC characters with your $60 purchase. And that's if you bought them in the season pass bundle. 22 characters at full price is $132.
yeah lol
i fail to see how this is a bad thing
sf5 messed up a lot of stuff, but honestly, being able to earn fight money to unlock shit that costs money is great. the problem was always the stuff you had to do was boring and tedious


Oct 25, 2017
regarding sfv animations, I love how the early characters have separate animations for big meaty moves that get blocked. Feels like they dropped that concept later on


Mar 7, 2019
Zeku's animations are terrible.

Unbelievable take. So bad I almost respect it. Well, I'm a Zeku main so it hits close to home lol. His animations have so much character and style, I don't know how anyone could possibly think this. I'm shook.

I do think some of the DLC characters like Sakura have less than stellar animations but Zeku is one of the absolute best imo. Menat too.


May 14, 2018
A lot of you need to stop reading clickbait eventhubs articles and actually sit down and play fighting games


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
To be fair, you earned over $100 worth of DLC characters with your $60 purchase. And that's if you bought them in the season pass bundle. 22 characters at full price is $132.

That's an arbitrary measure of what it would have been possible to pay maximum, capcom today considers 40 characters with more stages and a plethora of costumes to be worth 30 dollars all combined, not $60 for 16 plus $144 for 24 dlc. If the goal of fight money was to eliminate the need for buying new versions then by even the most generous measures of invested effort it does not entirely do that, in fact it seems like it was specifically retuned several times along its life to make that impossible. I'm not saying a system like fight money can't be done well or that supporting a game for 4 years does not entitle a developer to a little something extra for their effort but in the case of sfv it has waffled between poorly communicated to predatory.


Oct 25, 2017
Albuquerque, NM
That's an arbitrary measure of what it would have been possible to pay maximum, capcom today considers 40 characters with more stages and a plethora of costumes to be worth 30 dollars all combined, not $60 for 16 plus $144 for 24 dlc. If the goal of fight money was to eliminate the need for buying new versions then by even the most generous measures of invested effort it does not entirely do that, in fact it seems like it was specifically retuned several times along its life to make that impossible. I'm not saying a system like fight money can't be done well or that supporting a game for 4 years does not entitle a developer to a little something extra for their effort but in the case of sfv it has waffled between poorly communicated to predatory.

That's just as arbitrary. The big, big difference here is that Champion Edition is a collection of content for a 4-year old game. The price for games drops dramatically the farther from release you get so I don't see why that principle wouldn't apply to Street Fighter V. With FM, you were able to buy new content as soon as it was released when it was sold for full price.

To your second point, Fight Money wasn't designed to eliminate the need for buying new versions. You didn't need to buy anything but a copy of Street Fighter V to do that. You get all new features and balance updates for free and anything that impacts gameplay aside from that can be purchased with FM. And by your own admission it sounds like you were able to purchase nearly all of the DLC characters just by playing the game, something other fighting games can't boast.


Nov 27, 2017
I mostly didn't like how they went about costumes in SFV. I much prefer how in MK everyone gets more or less the same amount of costumes, as opposed to SF very strongly favoring popular characters / pandering costumes.

I don't like how MK11 basically makes a different color scheme on the same outfit a separate costume. They even name them, haha.

We should give a name to each color for each costume.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
That's just as arbitrary. The big, big difference here is that Champion Edition is a collection of content for a 4-year old game. The price for games drops dramatically the farther from release you get so I don't see why that principle wouldn't apply to Street Fighter V. With FM, you were able to buy new content as soon as it was released when it was sold for full price.

To your second point, Fight Money wasn't designed to eliminate the need for buying new versions. You didn't need to buy anything but a copy of Street Fighter V to do that. You get all new features and balance updates for free and anything that impacts gameplay aside from that can be purchased with FM. And by your own admission it sounds like you were able to purchase nearly all of the DLC characters just by playing the game, something other fighting games can't boast.

I'm not going to hunt down specific quotes from interviews about what exact wording was in regards to how you could earn characters for free or if the version elimination wording was specifically from capcom or some article related to the sfv launch or what but for certain all modern fighting games give you new features and balance updates just to keep from splitting the player base and lower budget fighting games have much cleaner f2p models, nor do fighting games get to claim to be unique or incomparable to every other genre of video game and how those implement f2p or gaas systems. What people had to do to get fight money was not 'just play the game' either.


Oct 25, 2017
Albuquerque, NM
I'm not going to hunt down specific quotes from interviews about what exact wording was in regards to how you could earn characters for free or if the version elimination wording was specifically from capcom or some article related to the sfv launch or what but for certain all modern fighting games give you new features and balance updates just to keep from splitting the player base and lower budget fighting games have much cleaner f2p models, nor do fighting games get to claim to be unique or incomparable to every other genre of video game and how those implement f2p or gaas systems.

SFV isn't F2P so I'm not going to compare the two. Compared to Dragon Ball FighterZ, Guilty Gear Xrd, KOF14, MK11, and numerous other fighting games with full-priced editions and a GaaS-style DLC system: Street Fighter V's business model is better. All it was is providing similar content at a similar price point as its competitors while also giving you the option to buy DLC for free. That option doesn't exist in those other games and it's not like SFV jacked up the prices of characters from $6 to $10 to compensate.

Also, you could and still can get DLC characters for relatively little time and effort. Can you easily get all four years of DLC characters for free? No. Can you buy a copy of Champion Edition and earn enough FM in a few hours to buy all the upcoming characters in Season 5? Yes. Could you spend a few hours with the game at launch and buy two DLC characters? Yes.

What people had to do to get fight money was not 'just play the game' either.

I disagree with this. You can definitely just "play the game" and earn enough Fight Money to buy multiple DLC characters regardless of your skill level with minimal time and effort invested. SFV was never a F2P game so I'm not sure why there ever was this expectation that you could get all the DLC the game offers for free easily.

I also don't know why people would expect that as it seems like a big misunderstanding of how game development works. I don't know why Capcom would offer four years of support and provide massive amounts of content for free. It's definitely not something their competitors are doing.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017

I'm not here to debate the finer distinctions of f2p vs gaas or what the lines between a AAA fighting game and a AAA game of another genre and a indy fighting game and all of their monetization systems are, or how big a roster or how many costumes in what version is equivalent to what price, or what constitutes 'play' when it's made to not be fun. The original version of the game is still available for 7 dollars right next to champion edition, and there's a reason no one would ever talk about that version of the game as something anyone should buy when they talk about street fighter 5 being in a pretty good place today and that's largely because you can't use fight money to get from that version to this one. Every person i see talking about how great fight money is and how dumb the people that complain are for getting free stuff, it's always exactly the players who bought season passes and were swimming in fight money anyway. The 'have not' experience is very different from that one and it was not pleasant for me, I do not want to have that repeated in SF6.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not here to debate the finer distinctions of f2p vs gaas or what the lines between a AAA fighting game and a AAA game of another genre and a indy fighting game and all of their monetization systems are, or how big a roster or how many costumes in what version is equivalent to what price, or what constitutes 'play' when it's made to not be fun. The original version of the game is still available for 7 dollars right next to champion edition, and there's a reason no one would ever talk about that version of the game as something anyone should buy when they talk about street fighter 5 being in a pretty good place today and that's largely because you can't use fight money to get from that version to this one. Every person i see talking about how great fight money is and how dumb the people that complain are for getting free stuff, it's always exactly the players who bought season passes and were swimming in fight money anyway. The 'have not' experience is very different from that one and it was not pleasant for me, I do not want to have that repeated in SF6.

You could have just bought them then. Just like every single other fighting game. You're complaining about an option to get shit for free.

It's just so ridiculously stupid that people are literally complaining about an OPTION to earn CHARACTERS in a fighting game for free.

It's just so fucking stupid. I do not understand how one can open get on the internet and say something so asinine.

I wouldn't recommend buying SF5 for 7 bucks because for 20 dollars more you get 4 years of content including costumes that cost real money at the time of release. It would be just as stupid to buy SF5 for 7 bucks as it is to complain about an option to unlock characters for free in a fighting game. Street Fighter 5 is in a good place now after years of support that has bridged the gap in modes, characters and content from the anemic launch we had.

So no, you will not have the option to get characters for free in SF6 because there are tons of people out here saying the same stupid shit you are. So you can just buy everything without an option otherwise.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 30, 2017
Trinidad, West Indies
I have to admit: Unless it 's designed on purpose to have drastically different block stun than hit stun, I'm not a fan of the "moves have different recovery animations when blocked" thing. Especially when they're abritrarily done like in SFV.

On that note, I'm also not a fan of moves (well, most grounded normals anyway) that have considerably different hit stun and block stun values, again, with the exception of moves that are designed specifically as such. Something like Ryu's s.HK in Third Strike turning a grounded opponent around on hit but not on block, so hit stun is way longer than block stun is fine by me. BUt having, say, your hard attacks cause 6 more frames of hit stun than block stun as a general rule I find irritating. It reeks of bad kludgy design, since it means developers are free to randomly tweak hit/block stun on a any given normal that is seen as "too good/weak", rather than design the move properly in the first place to fit their overall system

Bring back SF2's universal hit/block stun for (most) normals, please! I'll even take a CvS2-style 1F difference, but no more.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
That was the whole pitch of the system! That's why you buy the game in the first place, it's part of that price, it's why they include the system at all, to sell more! I don't lose anything if SF6 has no fight money, I get to make direct purchasing decisions around what content i'm getting exactly and not get a full priced early access(hyperbole) game that reduces the scope of what content you can earn without warning 4 times or get left in the lurch if i earn some of the content but still have to pay for all of the remaining content as if i'd never earned anything, and in fact earning some of the content makes my purchasing all of it later less valuable because i can now earn less than someone who never earned anything at all. All that nonsense is infuriating, I'm not just inventing a grievance with the system to fuck with people who feel like they got a lot of value out of it.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
That Ono guy, amirite guys?
Oct 25, 2017
Unbelievable take. So bad I almost respect it. Well, I'm a Zeku main so it hits close to home lol. His animations have so much character and style, I don't know how anyone could possibly think this. I'm shook.

I do think some of the DLC characters like Sakura have less than stellar animations but Zeku is one of the absolute best imo. Menat too.
Menat is fucking amazing, I'll definitely agree on that. Superb character design and character animations, just GOD TIER stuff.

Made sure to buy her even though I knew for sure I would never enjoy playing as her.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
You could have just bought them then. Just like every single other fighting game. You're complaining about an option to get shit for free.

It's just so ridiculously stupid that people are literally complaining about an OPTION to earn CHARACTERS in a fighting game for free.

It's just so fucking stupid. I do not understand how one can open get on the internet and say something so asinine.

I wouldn't recommend buying SF5 for 7 bucks because for 20 dollars more you get 4 years of content including costumes that cost real money at the time of release. It would be just as stupid to buy SF5 for 7 bucks as it is to complain about an option to unlock characters for free in a fighting game. Street Fighter 5 is in a good place now after years of support that has bridged the gap in modes, characters and content from the anemic launch we had.

So no, you will not have the option to get characters for free in SF6 because there are tons of people out here saying the same stupid shit you are. So you can just buy everything without an option otherwise.
All that needs to be said.

Some people are just goddamn infuriating.


May 14, 2020
People complaining about FM lol

This is like seeing the Siege community complaining because instead of paying 5-10 bucks for every new operator they can unlock them for free by simply playing the god damn game, it's by far the best solution a publisher can come up with you don't want to spend money.

Do you have time to dedicated to the game and you don't want to spend money? Just play the game and unlock the fighters
You don't have time and you want to spend money? Buy characters DLCs
Do you have time and you want to spend money? You have both options
You don't have time and you don't want to spend money? Stop playing the game.

It's simple.


Oct 27, 2017
Speaking of stuff I don't want to see in SFVI:

I haven't started up SFV in a while now, but for shits and giggles, I launched it recently to play some arcade mode and WTF... the loading screens are advertisements now????

Do not like. I hope the new lead doesn't go this route on SFVI.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Speaking of stuff I don't want to see in SFVI:

I haven't started up SFV in a while now, but for shits and giggles, I launched it recently to play some arcade mode and WTF... the loading screens are advertisements now????

Do not like. I hope the new lead doesn't go this route on SFVI.
You can disable those in the options at least. It's pretty tacky yeah.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Max talked about Ono on his stream last night but didn't say anything new.

I guess we'll find out more in the future after some more time has past. Until then I hope we hear about SFVI somewhere down the line. Regardless, it is exciting to be a Street Fighter fan right now. The upcoming characters look great, we got a real roadmap from Capcom Japan finally (and not Capcom USA which had to retract there post-launch roadma in 2016), and the improved communication has been great. Even the SF Twitter account has been better lately; in the past when there was no news Andy Wong would just about character birthdays but Dan Louie is doing more stuff like tweeting links to maintenance notes on the Shadaloo CRI [CFN] site after each maintenance, tweeting links to the monthly stats, and engaging more with the community.

For years I've criticized Capcom for running the worst communication for a company with an ongoing GaaS game. Haunts even acknowledged my criticisms on r/StreetFighter before he nuked his Reddit account (and Matt Edwards never jumped onto Reddit despite tweeting he was told to do so).

They're now finally really improving.


Oct 26, 2017
How is it possible to unlock characters with FM? I got SFV at launch and the only thing I've managed to unlock is a pallette or two.
blazing thru the character stories only took about an hour and was so easy they basically gave it to you for free
combo trials were a big help especially as they added more and more characters
the only problem is survival which is for people who hate themselves

Deleted member 1102

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
How is it possible to unlock characters with FM? I got SFV at launch and the only thing I've managed to unlock is a pallette or two.

They changed how you got it with Arcade Edition, but originally you got it by literally just playing the game. Character stories, trials, demonstrations, survival, online matches and cinematic story all gave you a decent amount of fight money. Then you had weekly trials that gave you a shit ton. I was a very casual singleplayer guy back then (only did character stories and vs CPU stuff) and just off that and the trials I was able to buy two or three characters and a few stages just through FM.

However when they did Arcade Edition they realised that newcomers were going to get a shit ton of FM right out the gate (just doing 16 character stories in the early days could get you one character and by this point there was a lot more than 16 characters in the game) so they completely nerfed the entire system. You now got FM based character's levels which you could level up by doing character stories, trials etc but it took a lot more time to earn FM. They completely butchered the trials as well with some to this day only giving you like 500FM which is nothing. They also added in Fighting Chance which was just a complete gacha FM sink for some costumes that should have been available normally.

I despise the system now, but I will always defend Fight Money as being a legitimately great system from 2016-2017 that Capcom absolutely butchered. Hopefully that cleared things up.


Sep 1, 2018
Its just so weird to me to see people shitting constantly on capcom dlc pratice with SFV when Tekken 7 is a thing lol. Remember back in 2017 when people were complaining non stop about capcom doing the silhoutte thing in their season pass yet you dont hear them at all when namco is currently doing the exact same thing with their 3 games. People will legit find anything to complain about with SFV. So I guess I should not be suprise to see people complain about FM. If you compare to every other modern fighting game, SFV has easily the best dlc pratice.


Oct 25, 2017
Albuquerque, NM
blazing thru the character stories only took about an hour and was so easy they basically gave it to you for free
combo trials were a big help especially as they added more and more characters
the only problem is survival which is for people who hate themselves

Did you spend an hour doing Character Stories? Because that alone almost got you 2 DLC characters at launch.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
South Central Los Angeles
Its just so weird to me to see people shitting constantly on capcom dlc pratice with SFV when Tekken 7 is a thing lol. Remember back in 2017 when people were complaining non stop about capcom doing the silhoutte thing in their season pass yet you dont hear them at all when namco is currently doing the exact same thing with their 3 games. People will legit find anything to complain about with SFV. So I guess I should not be suprise to see people complain about FM. If you compare to every other modern fighting game, SFV has easily the best dlc pratice.

It's not even close. SFV makes people very cynical and irrational, though.


Sep 1, 2018
Just imagine if capcom had put any of their game modes behind a paywall. Oh right namco did this exact thing twice with tekken 7. People are just weird sometimes when it comes to SFV.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
How is it possible to unlock characters with FM? I got SFV at launch and the only thing I've managed to unlock is a pallette or two.

Character stories, survival, trial modes, leveling up characters. Survival was the only mode that was a chore (for me), but I'm pretty sure they made some changes to it that made it easier even before the FM nerfs. I'd stopped caring about fight money by then.

They also had weekly FM missions before AE that gave you a nice chunk.

A new player that buys CE and does Character stories, trial modes, and levels up their characters through these modes will probably be able to get every S5 character without spending a penny.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
Max talked about Ono on his stream last night but didn't say anything new.

I guess we'll find out more in the future after some more time has past. Until then I hope we hear about SFVI somewhere down the line. Regardless, it is exciting to be a Street Fighter fan right now. The upcoming characters look great, we got a real roadmap from Capcom Japan finally (and not Capcom USA which had to retract there post-launch roadma in 2016), and the improved communication has been great. Even the SF Twitter account has been better lately; in the past when there was no news Andy Wong would just about character birthdays but Dan Louie is doing more stuff like tweeting links to maintenance notes on the Shadaloo CRI [CFN] site after each maintenance, tweeting links to the monthly stats, and engaging more with the community.

For years I've criticized Capcom for running the worst communication for a company with an ongoing GaaS game. Haunts even acknowledged my criticisms on r/StreetFighter before he nuked his Reddit account (and Matt Edwards never jumped onto Reddit despite tweeting he was told to do so).

They're now finally really improving.
He actually brought up a good point about the art style of SFV. Obviously it's different, but it (for god-knows-what-reason) doesn't look that way to the average Joe. And as stupid as that sounds, we can see the Giant Bomb podcast to see how the casual audience views SFV compared to SFIV visually. I've echoed this as a possible justification Capcom may use to do something radically different with SFVI with regards to its art style.