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What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
If the MAGA part ends up being incorrect, I'll have a mod edit the title/use a new source. Considering Harvey Levin's relationship with Trump in the past, I wouldn't think TMZ would just make that up out of whole cloth. There's no reason to believe anything else regarding this story is inaccurate. Local WLS in Chicago is reporting it as read in the OP (minus the MAGA part) in news breaks during Rush Limbaugh's show.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
Horrible story. No one deserves that shit. Hope they somehow get these guys.

I'm pretty skeptical of everything as well and I don't think you were trying to do anything sketchy as you've always seem like good people. That said, I don't think your point was worded as well as it could have been given the circumstances.
Thanks but you're right, I should've worded my original post better.


Oct 25, 2017
Republicans: We claim we aren't racists, but all of the racists are on our side™

Hope these people are found and go to jail for a very very long time.
Dec 24, 2017
So, allegedly, this assault happened at 300 N Lower Water, which is where the NBC building here in the Loop. Right off Mag Mile, and not really where anyone lives, I guess if you are going to find MAGA loving white folks in the neighborhood, I would say during the weekends, and they are from out of town visiting. Streeterville isn't sketchy.

I dunno, the location feels weird for that kinda thing. It reminds me of those two people who claimed to have been jacked while wandering around Lower Wacker.

But, maybe he was targeted. Makes the ski mask thing make more sense, he's an outspoken Trump critic. I don't think I've seen anyone around here wear a ski mask. Unless he means a balaclava, in which case, yeah, all over the place.

The physical location/surroundings throw me off, but not the behavior of the alleged attackers.
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Spirit Tamer
Jan 2, 2018
Jesus fucking christ.

Is this a true story? I don't know man. This sounds like another universe. The worst one.


Oct 26, 2017
What the fuck?! I hope he makes a full recovery.

He's so funny and great in this interview. I hope he doesn't lose that in all of this.



Oct 25, 2017
Jesus fucking christ.

Is this a true story? I don't know man. This sounds like another universe. The worst one.

I really, really, really don't want it to be true.

But I don't see why he would make it up. And I don't see this hideousness being out of the realm of possibility in today's age.


Oct 25, 2017
so he either hired these guys to do this to him, himself for the publicity.
or it was a prank gone bad.
or he actually has gambling debts and they were just two people trying to collect and pretending to be racists to hide the fact that they work for the mob
or it was mistaken identity.

but what it certainly is not, is racism.
there's no proof.

Quantum locked.
Oct 27, 2017
What the fuck?! I hope he makes a full recovery.

He's so funny and great in this interview. I hope he doesn't lose that in all of this.

One of my favorite D&M interviewees. His Terrence Howard impression is just AMAZING

so he either hired these guys to do this to him, himself for the publicity.
or it was a prank gone bad.
or he actually has gambling debts and they were just two people trying to collect and pretending to be racists to hide the fact that they work for the mob
or it was mistaken identity.

but what it certainly is not, is racism.
there's no proof.



Deleted member 28461

User requested account closure
Oct 31, 2017
I feel like it should be easy to find these guys if they did this on the street and also sent that threatening letter.

Etrian Oddity

Oct 26, 2017
People forget that Martin Luther King's marches saw their most horrifying treatment and assaults not in the south, but the north.

Racism is not a geographically-isolated trait.


Oct 27, 2017
so he either hired these guys to do this to him, himself for the publicity.
or it was a prank gone bad.
or he actually has gambling debts and they were just two people trying to collect and pretending to be racists to hide the fact that they work for the mob
or it was mistaken identity.

but what it certainly is not, is racism.
there's no proof.
satire right... RIGHT?


Oct 27, 2017
Let's see how comfortable Trump supporters are when this keeps happening.

Trust me you get what's coming to you.

ps3ud0 8)


Oct 29, 2017
That is one fucked up story.
So were those assholes just walking around with ski masks and carrying bleach at 2am on a Monday looking for a random victim, or did they target Smollett specifically? And they doubled down on this madness by sending a letter, "possible hate crime" indeed.


User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Let's see how comfortable Trump supporters are when this keeps happening.

Trust me you get what's coming to you.

ps3ud0 8)

Oh wait, you think there are Trump supporters that actually care about this or don't cheer it on at least silently?

Are people even paying attention?


Oct 25, 2017
That is one fucked up story.
So were those assholes just walking around with ski masks and carrying bleach at 2am on a Monday looking for a random victim, or did they target Smollett specifically? And they doubled down on this madness by sending a letter, "possible hate crime" indeed.

They sent the letter before. So if it happened the way Smolett described, then they were stalking him and must have been planning it - or it's a weird coincidence and it's two separate things in the same timeframe - it's not outlandish to think there's more than once racist hater in the world.


Oct 27, 2017
What the fuck. Horrible. Sounds like the two guys were planning to do it to someone with all the shit they had on them. Hopefully they get arrested. Chicago jail would remedy their racist attitudes real quick.


Layout Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Bothell WA

*IMPORTANT* @thedailybeast's article is outdated re Jussie Smollett attackers.

From the Chicago PD re "This is MAGA country":

"No statement was made to the initial responding officers but detectives followed up and he did indicate to us that the offenders made that statement."


Oct 26, 2017
The FBI is taking over the case due to the threatening letters in the mail.


Sweeney Swift

User Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
I guess I'm a little suspicious? It seems so incredibly cartoonish (especially with the letter) that I can't help think it's like in 2008 when that woman said that Obama people attacked her and drew a B on her face (but she did it herself and drew it backwards because of the mirror lol), or when that black church in Mississippi said that Trump people burned down their building and wrote VOTE TRUMP on the side but it was actually a parishioner.

It was -1 degrees. These guys were waiting outside of a subway station in the freezing cold on the off chance that Jussie showed up? That seems unrealistic? And I'm confused -- it doesn't appear in the police report that anyone said "this is MAGA country"? It also doesn't say in the police report that Jussie broke his rib? I guess I'm just very confused -- this has to be premeditated if it happened as described, but it also seems extremely unlikely they'd be able just to come upon Jussie at the time described.
When you're done apologizing for being completely obviously in the wrong, make time to read up on how to be a better ally


Dec 18, 2017
They sent the letter before. So if it happened the way Smolett described, then they were stalking him and must have been planning it - or it's a weird coincidence and it's two separate things in the same timeframe - it's not outlandish to think there's more than once racist hater in the world.

It had to be planned. Especially given the letters.

I work in that area, literally a couple of blocks over. As others have said, that isn't MAGA country. There have been no MAGA displays or protests or gatherings. I haven't seen a single MAGA hat.

That area is a trendy upscale shopping and medical research district in one of the best parts of downtown Chicago. Nothing else like this has happened in the area ever, just run-of-the-mill robberies. It's where you go to shop at fancy shops, have fancy meals, or visit Northwestern University's hospital and/or research buildings.


Nov 16, 2017
Watching an ABC report about the incident, they mentioned the "MAGA Country" comment.

Police are coming surveillance around the block. Good to hear FBI will help out.


Oct 27, 2017
Watching an ABC report about the incident, they mentioned the "MAGA Country" comment.

Police are coming surveillance around the block. Good to hear FBI will help out.

I have no idea how America will respond if these people are caught and one or both of their parents hire a PR firm to spin it so that Smollett was the aggressor, and they were just trying to defuse the situation with awkward smirks... oh, and a noose... Boys will be boys, and all that...
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