
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
"I'm not not on the side of women getting harassed."

Fuck that garbage stance.


Oct 25, 2017
''It's about ethics tho."

Edit: also, lmao it didn't take long for him to show his true colors. People didn't need to look very far.

isn't it it funny how almost everyone correctly intuited what he was all about when he first relaunched the escapist with the whole dumb "we're leaving politics at the door" thing. it's almost as if dog whistles exist.


Oct 25, 2017
I knew there was a schism between the anti-GG coalition for a while, but didn't know that Russ wanted to throw himself in there. Wow.

Deleted member 15440

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
i mean even if he actually weren't using gamergate dogwhistles (which he is absolutely doing here) the article is still breathtakingly ignorant and self-important.

game outlets are always talking about ethical issues, consumer rights, and everything that GG used as a smokescreen to cover their reactionary ideology. the reason they don't use the phrase "ethics in game journalism" is specifically because that's so deeply tied to GG, which has absolutely nothing to do with real ethical concerns.

so marching in and loudly declaring "IT'S TIME TO TALK ABOUT ETHICS, PEOPLE" while addressing no real ethical concerns that aren't in the conversation is either the most tone-deaf and clumsy faux pas of all time or an extremely transparent call to arms for actual nazis.


Oct 28, 2017
There was never a fundamental problem with games journalism as a whole & GG was always BS. They may have believed in their own BS but it doesn't change the fact that GG were never the reasonable ones or the ones on the right side of history. They were always the army of gross assholes. BTW is Yahtzee still associated with The Escapist? He was one of the only things I ever liked about that site but then I grew up. His repeated use of the r-word (and stuff of that nature) and his angry gamer shtick got really old.

Now if we want to talk about ethics in journalism, lets talk about Fox News...

Deleted member 6215

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
GG revealed that there's a major problem in the ethics within gaming culture (basically, large numbers of gamers have none) - journalism was never a problem worthy of any kind of "movement".


Oct 25, 2017
Seeing Austin Walker retweet his classic "y'all ever see a take so bad" tweet, seemingly in response to all this, heartens me so much.


Oct 25, 2017
You could excuse the initial article of "your a dumbass but at least I can get how you thought this was a good idea", but the doubling and tripling down... my only theory is that he thinks Escapist is going under, and he has seen how well alt-right dipshits have done on crowdfunding (before patreon deplatformed them), and said "man, this could be my financial future" or something
Oct 27, 2017
Just to clarify, Rab wasn't fired from his role, he stepped down because Eurogamer were being threatened with legal action by another games journalist mentioned in the piece.

They couldn't afford it, so amended the article, Rab felt he couldn't support it so stood down.

I was going to link the very same Eurogamer piece you linked but then realised you had already done it but somehow taken a weird view that he was punished by his publication.

Don't mean to have a go but it is important to have clarity on these issues, that's what prevents bad actors re directing these issues for their own gains.

If you check out the blog by Rab I've linked, you'll see the biggest regret is that his original article thesis was lost to a bunch of people misreading it and using it as an excuse to threaten a female games journalist. Because of course it fucking did.
Oh my bad. Didn't realize he voluntarily resigned to shield Eurogamer. Still, that makes the other publication who threatened to sue when Rab's criticism was legit the one to blame.

And since that article's publishing in 2012, that other games journalist has done more than enough to redeem himself.

My point was that legitimate criticism can be turned on its head and used by bad actors with an ulterior motive as Rab himself had later professed.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
How you talk about ethics is you talk about it. Like what happened during the Mucin thing, for instance.
How you don't talk about ethics is you talk about a misogynistic harassment campaign.
Gamergate has zero positive value or redeeming qualities. So when talking about it, suggesting it wasn't all bad, or leaving room for ambiguity, is a failure.

Oh he's now effectively...not exactly doubled down, rather dug down, because he wasn't antagonizing GG targets in the article.
I don't understand why he's doing any of this. He has now pissed off basically everyone. Why?
He quite vigorously told Gamergate to fuck off in the article, and now he's done the same to people they hurt.
I don't know whose side he thinks he's on, but I doubt many are on his.
Like...good luck with your website, dude.

Again, I don't understand what the fuck he's doing. I am slightly more flabbergasted than anything else.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
The whole idea of it being about 'criticism' and 'ethics' was always bullshit because there's always been issues about the cosy relationship between critics/journalists have had with subjects; this isn't suddenly magically new to gaming of all fucking places a world that as far as consumed entertainment and art is concerned is barely a zygote.

You've had developers/distributors and even console manufacturers punishing critics and all that shit barely makes it out of insider circles, perks of good reviews where we just joke about intentionally sabotaged reviews about editors now, etc. It's even morphed since GG with the popularity of paid streamer shills and you know what they do?


But throw in even a fucking SNIFF of something that deviates from the bro norm and suddenly its 'THEY ARE TAKING OVER OUR GAMES'.

Im all for journalistic integrity; imho its a basic of a fundamental society. But lets not fool ourselves that this has anything to do with it; its the absolute ANTITHESIS of journalistic integrity which is why honest journos were the first ones to catch sniper bullets when GG started.

And what's disgusting is now we've gone a full 360 where purveyors of such disingenuous bigotry trying to come back around and try to sell us on supposed real integrity for fucking clicks (when they happily played in the bigoted muck for those same clicks before). Worst human beings, scum of the earth.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
There's a lot of bad stuff in this article, but this part really stuck out to me as being particularly incendiary and unsubstantiated:

One of the industry practices that doesn't get much attention — or is written off as journalist entitlement when it does — is how publishers hand out pre-release video game codes for review. There are a lot of ways, large and small, that a publisher may influence press through access, but providing codes only to outlets who promise to give a positive score on Metacritic is one of the most obnoxious. Ultimately, the publishers' relation to the press is an extension of marketing and games journalism is at its core "product journalism." Publishers want people to know about their games so that people will buy more of their games, and the press wants people to learn about those games through their content so that they can get readers, subscriptions, or ad revenue. A lot of times, it's easy to lose sight of how the press and publishers coexist in this way, and how the press can sometimes be complicit in enabling worst practices — like "code for scores."

Is this actually a thing that's ever been shown to happen with a legitimate publication? I can't think of anything. The Gerstmann thing wasn't even that, since that was "ad campaign money" instead of "for a code". This seems like a pretty incendiary accusation, caked in a "well maybe it happens I dunnnoooooo",and then he specifically calls out anyone that got a Kingdom Hearts 3 early code as being possibly guilty of this.

I think it's certainly possible that early codes get strategically given to outlets that are more likely to review something well over ones that have shown no interest, but that's just the publisher doing its research. Suggesting that they're specifically getting clandestine assurances from reviewers about scores before handing a code over is an entirely different thing. And would actually be an ethical/legal issue, but also despite GG shit heads doing their damnedest to find any possible hint of this, I don't remember it ever coming up.


Oct 24, 2018
I thought this was an excellent article by Russ Pitts, once and again Editor-in-Chief at the Escapist (and one of the founders of Polygon).

Yes, it addresses the elephant in the room up front: GamerGate

Beyond that, it posits that there really is a set of very important conversations that need to be had not just about ethics in game journalism, but in game development as well, and that all parties involved (consumers, developers, and journalists) deserve that conversation be had in order to create better environment for all involved.

For Consumers:

For Journalists:

For Developers:

So, if these are actually important conversations to have, and given that merely approaching the topic itself has its own baggage and history of paint and problems, how do we have those conversations without letting the past repeat itself?

I tried to pick out interesting parts from each point, but the article really is worth a full read and can be found here:
Is this sudden heel turn about Ethics because TheQuartering broke the news about Apex Legends and the entire gaming media ignored TheQuartering while Pitts complained on twitter about how they were outscooped. Cause that was funny


Oct 25, 2017
So from all the heavily reactionary takes on this, should I assume that we also think Bob Chipman is a GGer, too, since he was heavily involved in this Escapist revamp? Cuz it seems like we're tar-and-feathering the whole lot of them ITT because of a single bad take.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Well I thought the article had an interesting take and could foster some good discussion, but the turn Russ's have taken this morning are not a good look. :-/


Oct 25, 2017
Man, just imagine if he wrote an article about actual unethical practices instead of weirdly drumming up a sympathetic notion for Gamergate.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
He apologizes (sort of) here:

Still don't trust him though. He's really one of the last people who should be writing about "ethics in journalism".


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Real hard to find there.

Holy shit this fucking dude!

Some folks are trying obsessively, inconceivably hard to find a collection . of words or phrases or even an anagram that points to my being on the side of gamergate. Spoiler: It's not there.
Spoiler: It's not there.




tag reference no one gets
Oct 25, 2017
Let's stop giving games review scores. Not because of some hokey "paid reviews" conspiracy theory, but because they're pointless and get people riled up for no reason.

I agree with you 100% but wanted to add that the kind of people who get riled up by a review score not being to their liking are generally idiots with nothing worthwhile to say anyway

It's not like it's reasonable people getting upset because of a number. You have to come from a place of being unreasonable to be emotionally invested in a products aggregate score


Oct 27, 2017
So from all the heavily reactionary takes on this, should I assume that we also think Bob Chipman is a GGer, too, since he was heavily involved in this Escapist revamp? Cuz it seems like we're tar-and-feathering the whole lot of them ITT because of a single bad take.
it's not a single bad take. it's a pattern of behavior. and his tantrum this morning has removed all doubt.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
He apologizes (sort of) here:

Still don't trust him though. He's really one of the last people who should be writing about "ethics in journalism".

Apparently he wrote a book that had some gross stuff? Sadly the links are dead, but they're described. Even the old place had a thread that talked about how terrible it was.


Deleted member 18021

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017

I would think a normal person would just apologize, but this guy just keeps digging.

The article read like it was written by some sophomore student up at 3AM writing an essay on a novel they skimmed a week ago, honestly.


Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
My bad, so we're tar-and-feathering all involved with the Escapist redux because of one person involved in it is going off on a predictable tangent. Fairer assessment?
Russ Pitts is owner and editor-in-chief of the Escapist relaunch. Every stupid thing he says and does in relation to his work on the site reflects poorly on everyone associated with it.


Oct 30, 2017
I thought this was an excellent article by Russ Pitts, once and again Editor-in-Chief at the Escapist (and one of the founders of Polygon).

Yes, it addresses the elephant in the room up front: GamerGate

Since that was never about ethics it's not really an elephant in the room.

Beyond that, it posits that there really is a set of very important conversations that need to be had not just about ethics in game journalism, but in game development as well, and that all parties involved (consumers, developers, and journalists) deserve that conversation be had in order to create better environment for all involved.

For Consumers:

Star Wars Battlefront 2 is a really great example honestly about how video game media reported on the microtransactions to the future consumers to the point where the publisher changed their mind prior to release due to the negative response.

Unsupported anecdotes and insinuations, odd ones without examples of when these things supposedly happened, and it also sounds like a self correcting problem given that as he mentions it breaks the trust of the audience. In fact when it does it's called out like that one IGN Dead Cells review which was highly reported on! And pissed off other IGN employees because it made them look bad by mere association. I gotta say it look real bad when an Editor In Chief makes it seem normal that those things happen when it's the EIC's job to try to make sure those things don't happen.

Man, it's almost like those things he mentions in the article have been reported on and followed by video game journalists for years, like when Kotaku put up an article exposing the sexist practices at a major developer which caused them to actually institute changes.

So, if these are actually important conversations to have, and given that merely approaching the topic itself has its own baggage and history of paint and problems, how do we have those conversations without letting the past repeat itself?

Like just about every video game website out there you can just talk about them. It turns out that other journalists have managed to actually discuss problems with the industry over the last 5 years.

Seems weird that the article is complaining about not being able to discuss a topic that others in his field are able to do. Maybe it's a personal flaw.

Deleted member 46922

User requested account closure
Aug 21, 2018
People really shouldn't use a Twitter account when they're passionate about something, it always turns to garbage.
Don't voice your opinion within a limited number of characters on a very superficial platform if you really care about one of your standpoints.

(But I have to side with the person using Buffy in their name, that shows taste, understanding of the importance of certain media, and foresight. And I'm only half kidding.)


Oct 27, 2017
People really shouldn't use a Twitter account when they're passionate about something, it always turns to garbage.
Don't voice your opinion within a limited number of characters on a very superficial platform if you really care about one of your standpoints.

(But I have to side with the person using Buffy in their name, that shows taste, understanding of the importance of certain media, and foresight. And I'm only half kidding.)
what? he wrote an entire article expressing his garbage opinion. on a the site he runs.


Oct 27, 2017
like I said his article was transparent. you can talk about specific problems in game journalism without mentioning gamergate....

I doubt that in the context presented. It was literally their calling card. "It's about ethics in game journalism" is a phrase now where any permutation imaginable calls back to the very existence of GG and would, with or without a disclaimer of GG itself, be subject to doubt as a dog whistle.

This feels like the only way to win is not to play kind of thing. People are more concerned about harassment than a conversation about the conversation surrounding ethics. That said, bringing up specific issues without invoking GG does work and has been working, just not addressing them in a general sense. "Gamers rise up" and all that.


Oct 27, 2017
Alright, so Moviebob is a dirtbag at best and a GGer at worst, according to this thread. Now I know.
the escapist was an explicitly pro-gamergate site. then Russ takes over with a transparent "no politics" strategy. it doesn't take a genius to see that dogwhistle for what it is. I have no sympathy for anyone who willingly signed up for that nonsense.

Deleted member 46922

User requested account closure
Aug 21, 2018
what? he wrote an entire article expressing his garbage opinion. on a the site he runs.

Yeah, and after that he starts being completely stupid on Twitter, so now I can't take him seriously anymore.
I don't think his take was complete garbage, maybe it was questionable, or ripe for discussion, but now it's a joke.
Bad move, and unnessesary.
Oct 25, 2017
When do we actually fail as a community to call out ethical issues?

We're talking about crunch.

We're talking about IGN fails.

We're talking about Epic.

We never fail to call shit out. Ever. There are too many of us. But we can do it without bringing GG back, or shitting on women.

edit: I would go further -- the community actually talks about things even the "journalist" community doesn't. Case in point: Remember what happened with Good Old Games and CDPR? Remember the transphobia? Remember how we had people here shedding their accounts, and calling it out, and spreading that news? Remember how almost nobody in the journalism side said anything because they were worried about their Cyberpunk coverage?

Yeah, I remember that.

In case I am not being clear with what I'm saying: acting like ethics wasn't being handled before GG, and that is isn't being discussed now, is an attempt to drum up support for what GG is by bringing it up. Jason is 100% right: this is nothing more than a dog whistle.
Last edited:


Oct 31, 2017
I have to admit, I really don't understand Gamer Gate. I only became interested in the 'industry' and not just games in 2013 and it's still super difficult to find solid (non-biased) info on the subject.


Oct 27, 2017
I have to admit, I really don't understand Gamer Gate. I only became interested in the 'industry' and not just games in 2013 and it's still super difficult to find solid (non-biased) info on the subject.

it's dead fucking simple. Zoe Quinn's ex was mad about their breakup so he started a harassment campaign to hurt her.


Oct 25, 2017
I have to admit, I really don't understand Gamer Gate. I only became interested in the 'industry' and not just games in 2013 and it's still super difficult to find solid (non-biased) info on the subject.

No, it's really really not. Also, a note: the appearance of bias =/= bias. It's rather difficult to look at a group that engaged in a harassment campaign against women and LGBT industry figures with cold objectivity, so perhaps don't discount what you've read and heard because people react appropriately to what GG is.

No one here is saying that he is.
Proven wrong by the post directly beneath you. That's gotta suck.