Deleted member 29676

User Requested Account Closure
Nov 1, 2017
I worry more about any other video streaming services that aren't giants like Netflix or Google or Amazon and the like.

I agree. Net neutrality really won't hurt F.A.A.N.G. They are too big at this point and ISPs need them too much. Can you imagine the outrage if Amazon decided it wasn't to go work on Comcast? People would instantly side with Amazon.


Oct 30, 2017
was on /pol/ to see how they were defending Daddy Trump's decision.

They literally want net neutrality dead because Reddit wants to preserve it.
/pol/ isn't representative of 4chan, the same way The Donald isn't representative of reddit. The majority of 4chan supports net neutrality.


Oct 27, 2017
Yep, I saw it myself, tons of comments in favor of Ajit Pai's idiot proposal, all identical, all made in the names of folks who didn't even know the ISPs (or whoever it was) were doing it.

In 2021, after we enshrine net neutrality, ban broadband caps, and force ISPs to justify any rate increase with the FCC, we need to investigate this and jail as many folks as we can.

Bribery laws have a statue of limitation of 5 or 7 years I think. 2021 would be too late to start investigations.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Looked at it a little more. They sided with verizon in '10 when it was on the hush. then against in '15(when there was a huge public outcry).

So who knows anymore.

It just doesn't make sense. The logical outcome is that many won't be able to have full internet like before. Therefore, their revenue will indeed lower overall. The internet will be a luxury..

Why support such a terrible move?


Oct 25, 2017
It's time to remind my dad that invested in a fledgling 4K streaming service that the end of Net Neutrality will virtually fuck their chance to ever compete with bigger services.


Oct 30, 2017
Democracy hard at work. It's pretty amazing we have zero say in what the government does.

I mean, your say is through your representative, and whomever you voted for as President. That is democracy at hand.

Because no government in any world is gonna ever function if it has to cater to EVERY SINGLE interest

Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Is there anything Obama hasn't ruined? We should all be cheering from our rooftops that our beloved ISPs will have the opportunity to increase value for their shareholders.
At the expense of HUMANITY'S PROGRESS.

Oh cosmic forces, please disintegrate these money-whoring monkey men(is there anything more base and instinct than hoarding value at the cost of the greater good?)off of the fucking planet so we can actually move humanity forward.

History will not remember these men well. People a thousand years from now will see these types as rabid animals incapable of grasping basic morality.
Oct 25, 2017
It just doesn't make sense. The logical outcome is that many won't be able to have full internet like before. Therefore, their revenue will indeed lower overall. The internet will be a luxury..

Why support such a terrible move?
Because Google is a pretty shitty company who is expanding into being an ISP and could use that as levity to keep people on Google Platforms and charge more to use others?
Oct 25, 2017
It just doesn't make sense. The logical outcome is that many won't be able to have full internet like before. Therefore, their revenue will indeed lower overall. The internet will be a luxury..

Why support such a terrible move?

Because Facebook and google hold a metric shit ton of valuable data that could be sold to these companies as leverage to be zero rated?


Oct 27, 2017
So many Americans are oblivious to what is about to happen.

This is what will destroy the United States. There are simply far too many people who either don't know what's happening, don't care what's happening because their side is "winning", or are actively distorting what's happening to ensure that their side stays "winning".

The course we're on is unsustainable and only ends in ruination.


Oct 27, 2017
I hate Comcast and any NBC owned company. They are a shit internet provider.

Then NBC also owns The Golf Channel (and GolfNow) and they made a lot of predatory shitty moves in the golf industry that destroyed a lot of revenue for smaller golf courses and operators. They fucked a lot of businesses over so they could make more money for doing almost nothing.

They are the most predatory company I have ever dealt with in my life. They don't give a shit about the customers or the markets they shit all over.


Oct 27, 2017
I am lost for words

Their net revenue will go down with this.. or am I missing the big picture

Not necessarily, I can think of a few ways that the removal of net neutrality will benefit Google:
  • The removal of net neutrality could have an entrenchment effect - it is harder for upstarts to steal market share from large corporations if the large corporations have the resources to barter with ISPs for preferential treatment.

  • Google is also an ISP thanks to Google Fibre


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 28, 2017
I can't wait for the Bill of Rights to be applicable to the people*.

*People as defined by the Republican Monarchy as it pertains to corporations, not individual citizens of the United States.


Oct 27, 2017
I hate Comcast and any NBC owned company. They are a shit internet provider.

Then NBC also owns The Golf Channel (and GolfNow) and they made a lot of predatory shitty moves in the golf industry that destroyed a lot of revenue for smaller golf courses and operators. They fucked a lot of businesses over so they could make more money for doing almost nothing.

They are the most predatory company I have ever dealt with in my life. They don't give a shit about the customers or the markets they shit all over.

I think you have it backwards, Comcast owns NBC. Took over a few years ago.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, your say is through your representative, and whomever you voted for as President. That is democracy at hand.

Because no government in any world is gonna ever function if it has to cater to EVERY SINGLE interest

Right but most people don't want this, but ultimately we have zero choice in the decision other than to be loud about it.


Oct 30, 2017
I can't comprehend how he can lie so blatantly. I mean "Save the Open Internet" is literally the exact opposite of what he is trying to do. I don't understand how news agencies can just run this without calling this shit out.


Oct 27, 2017
I can't comprehend how he can lie so blatantly. I mean "Save the Open Internet" is literally the exact opposite of what he is trying to do. I don't understand how news agencies can just run this without calling this shit out.
They use this strategy all the time. "Obamacare is preventing you from being able to access affordable insurance"... uhhh, not it's not


Oct 30, 2017
Right but most people don't want this, but ultimately we have zero choice in the decision other than to be loud about it.

then most of those people should have voted for someone that wouldn't have put this a-hole in the ftc chair. remember, this guy was confirmed by the senate

Deleted member 2802

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017


Captain of Outer Space

Come Sale Away With Me
Oct 28, 2017
The Internet should be a utility like water, electricity, garbage disposal, etc that is protected from the things that will happen if Net Neutrality is repealed, as the mobile companies do for various media services not counting against their data cap if the service pays for it. It's not hard.

Deleted member 1041

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Part of me wonders the fact that he's making his argument means he has to climb a hill to pass it. He could just be quiet and pass it if he had full support.


Oct 25, 2017
This will not only hurt those in the US. If any of your traffic is routed through the US, you will be affected by this.


Oct 25, 2017
This is why I'm proposing today that my colleagues at the Federal Communications Commission repeal President Obama's heavy-handed internet regulations. Instead the FCC simply would require internet service providers to be transparent so that consumers can buy the plan that's best for them. And entrepreneurs and other small businesses would have the technical information they need to innovate. The Federal Trade Commission would police ISPs, protect consumers and promote competition, just as it did before 2015. Instead of being flyspecked by lawyers and bureaucrats, the internet would once again thrive under engineers and entrepreneurs.


Okay, jerk, if you want to sell people "internet plans" so adamantly, just be sure to research how television turned out before you repeat history.

> TV had ads to pay for costs, people got annoyed with them.
> Cable companies offered customers "premium" payment plans to have channels without ads, in their own little packages.
> The channels weren't making enough money, reinstated commericals (see Disney Channel).
> Ads slowly gained more runtime than the programming that the consumers wanted to watch.
> People dropped their premium subscriptions.
> The companies get pissed and start charging more.
> More people drop TV and/or use piracy as a result. Or they only support services such as Netflix and HBO.
> General TV is dying off, and so the subscription services are becoming the new norm. Commercial break lengths are at an all-time high and shows are putting ads inside of them (such as a character specifically drinking from a Coke can).

How long before the internet sites goes through that same cycle? Don't be lying to people and say "it's good for them".


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Is this guy a civil servant? His argument reads like a politician wrote it.