
Oct 25, 2017
Damn, Byleth / Sylvain B support got dark for a minute there. I'm glad there's more to this guy besides being a player.


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
will address a couple
-battalions are great, and gambits are quite fun, but they're kindve too powerful imo. the fact that there's almost no reason to not give Felix a battalion when his personal skill offers +5 dmg is telling. I do like having the authority and charm skills/stats though, it just overall needs to find a better balance
-i honestly kind of prefer the HP magic/combat arts system from echoes. while the durability system works, there's almost no downside to using your best attacks each map since you know you can just repair everything before the next one. whereas the HP system meant you had to be more careful using them during the battle, and you couldn't just live forever with Nosferatu equipped or something. thankfully the game retains some of the other things I liked about echoes like combat arts and not having a weapon triangle
Hm. Do you think that if the resources were more restrictive - so you still had think seriously about using that Durability - that'd be better? Or would that just be too much of a pain?


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
gambits and batallions rule. I love the bigger sense of war that kinda started to come across in fates right? I don't even mind with the massive indoor maps, they're all in weird palaces or tombs or towers or whatever. They do need to be rebalanced to be... I don't know... more crucial? More useful? I ended up only ever dropping them on final bosses.
Oct 25, 2017
So a replay with no battalions (and offline) is going well and remains interesting. Even regular combat is notably harder because the stat bonuses from battalions is so significant. I'm managing my skill gains so much more effectively, though. Don't sleep on Armor/Horse/Flying, because the abilities they give you can be really great.

I'm loving the Blue Lions. I'm being much more aggressive and streamlined with my classes. Caster Felix is really, really good in the early game.

For a non batallion run, Combat Arts rise massively on importance.
Last edited:


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
i'm actually annoyed review code for something else came in and is distracting me from my BE playthrough... though anything that gets me away from cheating on Claude and the rest of GD is good... just playing the early game again up to pick a house and I was so tempted to go with Claude again just cos of his god dang charisma.


Oct 25, 2017
On Gauntlets:
They're really unbalanced in their current form - not only are they cheap, light weight, incredibly durable brave weapons favored by characters with high strength/low speed, they also get Sol/Strength Nosferatu as a combat art, as well as a free self-heal as a combat art, and have a master class (for men, anyway) that gets crit + 20.

On Combat Arts:
I agree with other posters about how they're pretty useful early on, but their damage output falls off later on in the game. The only ones I use through the whole game are the Gauntlet Self Heal and assorted Bow ones that have a better attack range than your normal attacks.


Oct 30, 2017
-Battalions and Gambits

-Significantly reduced weapon limitations on classes

-Weapon level determining promotion

-Promotions being partially RNG

-Gauntlets as a weapon type

-Durability as a the resource for combat arts, and combat arts more generally

-Legendary weapons being usable by anyone but having additional affects when used with their preferred users - and, corollary, how do you feel about those preferred users being dictated by Crests (which can be on multiple characters)

-Paralogues being side character focused

-Giant enemies

-Tomeless Magic regenerating each map

-Magic being a binary can/can't use, with all magic available to all magic classes, and none to the rest
Not sure how I feel about bataillons. Gambits are highly situational and Bataillons mostly serve as stat boosters. I like the added fluff though (combat animations and stuff).

All classes having access to all weapons is ... I dunno, it's nice to have a Pegasus wielding an axe I guess, but with the weapon triangle gone, yeah, I dunno. Weapons are now mostly variants of strength/hit/weight/durability. So it's both nice to have the choice but also relatively meaningless in the end (you end up using whichever weapon the unit has a boon on).

The whole promotion system feels weird but it's probably just nostalgia talking. Still, how the weapon skills interact with promotions feels ... half-baked, I guess. It's like they wanted to have this newfound flexibility while keeping old classes. It kinda works, but isn't super compelling, special mention to the Master Classes being super weird on multiple levels.

RNG promotion is ... the way it's now, you try it after saving, and reload if it fails to keep the seal. Just make it non-random, or so that you don't lose the seal.

Didn't use gauntlets. Seems like a crap weapon. But why not. New weapons can't hurt (pun intended).

Tying durability to combat arts are nice, but combat arts making you lose follow-up opportunities basically render them highly situational, making this niceness rather irrelevant in the end.

Just make Legendary weapons tied to a character. Or a class. At some point too much flexibility simply increases complexity while adding little depth.

Paralogues are great. Don't care how they frame them. Being character focused was more or less the case in recent entries anyway.

I was super skeptical beforehand, but "beast" enemies are great. If anything the game could use more setup variations using them (even if the latest chapters do mix it up quite a bit).

Magic not being a "weapon" is cool. I'm not a huge fan of weapon durability anyway so that's cool for me. That being said after some point you have so many magic charges and spells that their durability hardly matter anymore, except for some super powerful/useful spells.

It's nice to have multi-purpose magic casters, but just like I'd have preferred to have classes limit weapon wielding, I'd have preferred if, say, Pegasi could heal but not attack (magically), or have dark mages unable to heal. Or have some "combat" classes being able to use some magic. There could be various schools of magic too, not just "black and white", to help with that (so some classes could use elementary magic but not dark magic, etc).

And ... I think I covered all the topics.

Sumio Mondo

Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
They did a lot to make the game as accessible in the main but they can definitely implement a lot of QoL changes with the next game such as nerfing gambits and battalions for a start. I do appreciate them making the series more like Langrisser and all but they can add in some sort of mini army that act on your behalf that you can see fight rather than be just background noise and act for gambits. And I'm glad I don't have Switch Online since the game would be even easier with that ability. Do the amiibos make the game easier on top?

I'll be playing on hard next play through with no gambits, online or upgrades/smithing on my weapons. Will be interesting to see how it goes.


Sep 2, 2018
Hm. Do you think that if the resources were more restrictive - so you still had think seriously about using that Durability - that'd be better? Or would that just be too much of a pain?
the problem would be the same as that of old fire emblem games where you become too hesitant to use the better items and just stick with whatever's cheap. I do think the current system works, it's just not optimal since there's no pressure during actual battle, except for legendary weapons which are significantly more difficult to repair


Oct 26, 2017
In the ending I got for him, he left Fodland and returned as King of Almyra, but there was never any big revelation scene about him being Almyran.
I don't recall any big scene about it, but his supports almost outright say it (like the Cyril one for instance).
Yeah I got those, just figured it would be brought up in story considering
how some characters feel about Almyrans, but I guess it makes sense to keep it a secret from Claude's perspective. If Claude's heritage had been known I doubt the Alliance Nobles would have let him lead, thus preventing him from getting the power he needed to achieve his goals

Gotta say, I love Claude. Hands down my new favorite Fire Emblem protagonist.


May 31, 2018
So is it worth spending all possible Renown on the statues in my first playthrough? Or am I better off keeping it for my next one?


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
One of the things about combat arts that is weird is that there is that in almost every encounter the optimal strat is always to 1-hit kill, so unless your combat art will OHKO there's almost never any point to using them, except the range ones to soften up the enemy. It's not like you had AOE debuffers or anything.

It's the problem with turn-based games: the turn is the most valuable resource you have, so anything that uses up a turn and doesn't destroy an enemy's unit/turn is suboptimal.


Oct 25, 2017
So is it worth spending all possible Renown on the statues in my first playthrough? Or am I better off keeping it for my next one?

statue progress carries over between playthroughs, but i would maybe hold off on spending renown on the experience +10% tiers because that makes it way too easy to overlevel.

you can also spend money on the ng+ renown catalog anytime you're in the monastery, so all the renown you get from all the side quests during the white clouds portion will start to add up and you'll be able to purchase anything you could possibly want


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
The opening to the Leonie/Linhardt paralogue is much more contemporary than I expected, lol.


May 31, 2018
statue progress carries over between playthroughs, but i would maybe hold off on spending renown on the experience +10% tiers because that makes it way too easy to overlevel.

you can also spend money on the ng+ renown catalog anytime you're in the monastery, so all the renown you get from all the side quests during the white clouds portion will start to add up and you'll be able to purchase anything you could possibly want

Thanks! I've already purchased one of the +10%XP but that shouldn't make too much of a difference (and I'll be bumping things up to hard so it might be needed for me). Think I'll just start saving now so I can get more stuff in NG+.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I got those, just figured it would be brought up in story considering
how some characters feel about Almyrans, but I guess it makes sense to keep it a secret from Claude's perspective. If Claude's heritage had been known I doubt the Alliance Nobles would have let him lead, thus preventing him from getting the power he needed to achieve his goals

Gotta say, I love Claude. Hands down my new favorite Fire Emblem protagonist.
It's not supposed to be a mystery at all

Claude looks 100% Almyran and he mentions that he grew up there multiple times in the Golden Deer Path and during his supports. That's why a couple other lines suggest that people question Claude's inheritance since this Almyran kid suddenly popped up claiming to be the leader's secret grandson, right after the first heir died.

That's also why Hilda and Lorenz hang around Claude in Part 1. Their fathers didn't trust him since he's Almyran, so they wanted their kids to watch him and report back (Lorenz especially). But Claude's charisma and his grandfather's full support helped him win over the other nobles during the timeskip.

Even Claude's entire goal is that he grew up Almyran so he got to see both Almyran and Fodlan be racist about each other so he wants to destroy Fodlan's Gate to force the two populations to interact.


Oct 30, 2017
It may just be RNG playing with me, but out of all recruitable characters, BE definitely seems to be the most powerful (gameplay-wise).

There are some monster units in other houses of course, such as Felix, Lys, or Leonie from what I see. But every one in BE is pretty much a monster. There's no weak link.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
I mean it's one of those 'they never outright say it but it's obvious' things.

My real question is
is it revealed somewhere that Claude is Almayran royalty as well? Why was his 'vassal'... 'combat instructor' literally Almyra's greatest fiercest dragonknight just fuckin' hanging around in House Riegan that Claude just up and installed in the timeskip?

What a weirdo.


May 17, 2019
Things can get very silly in your second NG+ run.

Playing the GD route now with like 6 extra students + Cyril, just beat Chapter 6 on Hard/Classic and my lowest level unit is 16 lol. Will probably play through this one again in a few months after all the DLC is out and not on NG+, but I'm having fun at the moment just making an army of superheroes.


Oct 25, 2017
It may just be RNG playing with me, but out of all recruitable characters, BE definitely seems to be the most powerful (gameplay-wise).

There are some monster units in other houses of course, such as Felix, Lys, or Leonie from what I see. But every one in BE is pretty much a monster. There's no weak link.
There's no weak link in the entire game. Because of the change in growths and the vast customization, every character ranges from great to utterly broken (assuming you didn't intentionally mess them up). Instead, it's better to talk about the characters that are utterly broken like Hilda & every ranged unit (magic and/or bow).


Oct 30, 2017
Just started my second playthrough (using NG+ from my first). Choosing Golden Deer this time.

Just got the scene where I'm introduced to the class. I can't stand Lorenz already.


Oct 25, 2017
Just started my second playthrough (using NG+ from my first). Choosing Golden Deer this time.

Just got the scene where I'm introduced to the class. I can't stand Lorenz already.
Lorenz is secretly one of the best characters in the game.

Though he's intentionally made to seem horrible at first, which is why everyone of his supports is someone thinking he's terrible and then realizing they were wrong lol


Oct 25, 2017
So I just beat GD and I have a question
Is it ever mentioned explicitly that Claude is Almyran, I mean i figured it out but I don't remember if it was ever clearly stated. Did I miss something?
Anyway, game was amazing, gonna take a break to play Ultimate and Astral Chain when it comes out before tackling the other routes.
In particular there is one that mentions his mother, that whole chain of supports mentioned it im sure. But he never mentions he is the son of the king of almayra haha. that damn schemer


Oct 25, 2017
I mean it's one of those 'they never outright say it but it's obvious' things.

My real question is
is it revealed somewhere that Claude is Almayran royalty as well? Why was his 'vassal'... 'combat instructor' literally Almyra's greatest fiercest dragonknight just fuckin' hanging around in House Riegan that Claude just up and installed in the timeskip?

What a weirdo.
Now that's the hidden part. Claude hides his father's royalty lineage until the very end. There's some hints, like the weird way his retainer acts toward him or Judith's suspicions about the retainer, but otherwise it's supposed to be a big surprise. In fact, Claude goes out of his way to portray himself as someone who grew up outside of royalty, which turns out to be a big lie.


Oct 25, 2017
Now that's the hidden part. Claude hides his father's royalty lineage until the very end. There's some hints, like the weird way his retainer acts toward him or Judith's suspicions about the retainer, but otherwise it's supposed to be a big surprise. In fact, Claude goes out of his way to portray himself as someone who grew up outside of royalty, which turns out to be a big lie.

There is also Cyril / Claude C rank conversation
Claude: So cold! Think about who you're talking to
Cyril: Huh? What are you to me?
Claude: You...don't know who I am?
Cyril: Course I do. You're Claude. House leader of the Golder Deer
Claude: That's not what I mean.. Well, nevermind then


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Now that's the hidden part. Claude hides his father's royalty lineage until the very end. There's some hints, like the weird way his retainer acts toward him or Judith's suspicions about the retainer, but otherwise it's supposed to be a big surprise. In fact, Claude goes out of his way to portray himself as someone who grew up outside of royalty, which turns out to be a big lie.

street rat!
take that!


Oct 27, 2017
So how are you guys building your Byleth? My first playthrough I stuck mainly to sword classes and their unique promotion, I am on my second run and Im going for Mortal Savant but I am sorta starting to regret it, Byleth's magic growth doesn't seem that good, then again I am still kinda early.

I feel rather limited with what Byleth can do compared to say...Robin for Awakening.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Anyone know where I can see the Claude/Hilda epilogue? Has a wiki compiled all the endings yet? I'm... a little annoyed that somehow I let Claude/Lorenz bro it up and Hilda went off to go make fashion accessories (which is still legit you do you hilda)


Oct 27, 2017
It looks like I can't spare and recruit Ashe if I didn't recruit him pre-timeskip? I engaged him with Byleth and he just died...


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Do all routes use "Apex of the World" for the last map? Because that track slaps.


Oct 26, 2017
It's not supposed to be a mystery at all

Claude looks 100% Almyran and he mentions that he grew up there multiple times in the Golden Deer Path and during his supports. That's why a couple other lines suggest that people question Claude's inheritance since this Almyran kid suddenly popped up claiming to be the leader's secret grandson, right after the first heir died.

That's also why Hilda and Lorenz hang around Claude in Part 1. Their fathers didn't trust him since he's Almyran, so they wanted their kids to watch him and report back (Lorenz especially). But Claude's charisma and his grandfather's full support helped him win over the other nobles during the timeskip.

Even Claude's entire goal is that he grew up Almyran so he got to see both Almyran and Fodlan be racist about each other so he wants to destroy Fodlan's Gate to force the two populations to interact.
Did they know? I always assumed it was because Claude showed up out of nowhere with a claim to House Riegan, thus making him the next in line to lead the alliance, that made everyone suspicious of him. From what we gather of Count Gloucester, I can't see him being too keen on his House's chance to be in charge be taken by some random person he never heard of before, which I figured is why he told Lorenz to keep an eye on him. While it is obvious that Claude is Almyran, I don't feel like anyone else knew, everyone is always wondering where he came from and they keep asking him about it.

Again, while it is obvious, I was hoping to see some character reactions to it, specifically Hilda's, Lorenz's, and Cyril's.


Oct 27, 2017
Anyone know where I can see the Claude/Hilda epilogue? Has a wiki compiled all the endings yet? I'm... a little annoyed that somehow I let Claude/Lorenz bro it up and Hilda went off to go make fashion accessories (which is still legit you do you hilda)


For the similarly named Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War character, see Claud. Claude is a playable character and one of the main protagonists in Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. He possesses a minor Crest of Riegan, and is the presumptive heir to the noble...

Near the middle, "Possible Endings", the section's spoiler hidden but contains the text of all of Claude's epilogues.


Oct 27, 2017
So I'm on Chapter 11 with Black Eagles and I have a question related to a particular warning I got

I'm currently in Explore mode on the first Saturday of the month. When I talk to Edelgard it says she wants to go somewhere to meet with someone and then this warning pops up asking if I accept it changes the story? And from how she spoke it sounded like it would skip the rest of the month for me. Would I be able to wait to talk to her until like the last free day of the month before the story mission?


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017


For the similarly named Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War character, see Claud. Claude is a playable character and one of the main protagonists in Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. He possesses a minor Crest of Riegan, and is the presumptive heir to the noble...

Near the middle, "Possible Endings", the section's spoiler hidden but contains the text of all of Claude's epilogues.
ta mate


Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
Huh, I was given the chance to romance Sothis at the end..there seems to be very little info on what would happen. I picked Petra as I'd planned but what would happen otherwise?


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Huh, I was given the chance to romance Sothis at the end..there seems to be very little info on what would happen. I picked Petra as I'd planned but what would happen otherwise?

it's great but out of left field

Sothis pops back into existence and you get a fun little scene and some fairly meh art


Oct 25, 2017
So I'm on Chapter 11 with Black Eagles and I have a question related to a particular warning I got

I'm currently in Explore mode on the first Saturday of the month. When I talk to Edelgard it says she wants to go somewhere to meet with someone and then this warning pops up asking if I accept it changes the story? And from how she spoke it sounded like it would skip the rest of the month for me. Would I be able to wait to talk to her until like the last free day of the month before the story mission?
You can go on your last free day.


Dec 10, 2017
So how are you guys building your Byleth? My first playthrough I stuck mainly to sword classes and their unique promotion, I am on my second run and Im going for Mortal Savant but I am sorta starting to regret it, Byleth's magic growth doesn't seem that good, then again I am still kinda early.

I feel rather limited with what Byleth can do compared to say...Robin for Awakening.

That's because Robin was just stupidly broken. So is Byleth, but they're more reasonable compared to Robin since they're magic is always mediocre (while Robin has great physical and magical stats) and only the White magic is useful for quick heals (Black magic would be useful if you couldn't stick a bow anyone). You would think Black Magic would be good against armored units, but my Byleth hits so hard that armored enemies might as well be made of cheese. So in that sense, Byleth as a physical units craps on Robin, but Robin doesn't need as that physical power since they can used their magic to kill from a distance and against high defense units.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Oh also

Recruiting additional characters sidelines them so hard in the cutscenes of the story unfortunately. I know integrating them properly would be a goddamn nightmare, but still, I basically never saw Petra or Annette again after I recruited them.


Oct 25, 2017
30 hours in and I'm totally getting Red Dead 2 vibes of when the fuck is this gonna pick up

Just a grueling, awful story


Oct 27, 2017
So how are you guys building your Byleth? My first playthrough I stuck mainly to sword classes and their unique promotion, I am on my second run and Im going for Mortal Savant but I am sorta starting to regret it, Byleth's magic growth doesn't seem that good, then again I am still kinda early.

I feel rather limited with what Byleth can do compared to say...Robin for Awakening.
I went full Magic via Monk->Mage->Bishop->Holy Knight and she's pretty swell. Can't use the Sword of the Creator, but I never use legendaries, and the +20 Avo is pretty nice, plus I've always wanted to put Nosferatu on someone who can tank halfway decently.

If I were going to play again I'm thinking I might do Falcon Knight, because flying is fun.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Will do. I was thinking about taking a break from it otherwise. Good game, just feels like it's going nowhere or taking way too long to get wherever it's going.

tbh the early half pacing is a real fuckin slow burn because it needs to set up all three/four routes at the same time and make the monastary stuff worthwhile. The second half for all paths is much better paced at the expense of basically jettisoning making the monastary interesting at all