
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm playing Blue Lions on NG+ Maddening, and Dedue is starting to fall behind as I get closer to the time skip. But I guess I can't do anything to fix it, since he refuses to mount anything.

I'm thinking of my future Crimson Flower NG Maddening/Church run, and I'm curious as to who to make my Dancer, since
I lose Flayn on one of those routes
, and I want to go one route without recruiting Marianne for the easy option. Dorothea is popular, but on the Silver Snow route, I'm already down a powerful magic user. I'm considering just making my "split" save before the Dance competition, instead of the actual split. What would ya'll do?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I thought AI couldn't use Combat Arts?

Edit: Galeforce is another similar skill in other games.

Even on lower difficulties they can. There's an oddly powerful enemy in the Miklan chapter, an armor knight who will use Helmsplitter if you put a knight in his path, which I was dumb enough to do in two runs so far (both Dedue and Edelgard are troopers, though).

The die has been cast for the heresy of Martin (my male Byleth). This prep area for the part 1 finale for BE-E is hilariously barebones. My Hubert's kind of underleveled too, but he's sturdy, it'll be easy to feed him some kills and catch up.


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
Finally finished Crimson Flower. It only took me *checks time* 90.5 hours. I see other people in the thread saying they took 60 hours and wonder where I went wrong. I seriously ended up doing the final battle across two nights because I took probably the least efficient route possible:

head up the left side of the map thinking I can just ambush Rhea without attracting heat from too many Golems, and then having all the named characters rush me at once, and using Divine Pulse to reset back a turn and slowly wipe out everything else on the map until it's just Rhea and some random Golems that never move even if you attack Rhea

Not sure what to do for my second route, but I should probably also start devoting time to some of the other games I've left sit half-finished for too long. (I'M SORRY CONTROL) I do wonder a bit if I should've left Crimson Flower to last, since it seems to be a pretty unique route compared to the others.


Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
Mind spoiler tagging that for me?

I'm liking the game but I'm not a big fan of this monastery stuff.
If you choose the
Crimson Flower route (Edelgard instead of Rhea) when playing Black Eagles certain characters will choose to leave your party, I think these characters are Flayne, Seteth and Catherine. I had made Flayne my dancer, so simply by choosing Edelgard's route, I lost my dancer...


Oct 30, 2017
If you choose the
Crimson Flower route (Edelgard instead of Rhea) when playing Black Eagles certain characters will choose to leave your party, I think these characters are Flayne, Seteth and Catherine. I had made Flayne my dancer, so simply by choosing Edelgard's route, I lost my dancer...

Ah I see thank you


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
Any advice for getting all of my people through the fight with Edelgard alive?

For reference, I tried having Lysithea teleport Byleth to Edelgard, but that ended poorly for him.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The pre-time-skip finale for BE-E was much less challenging than the inverse was for BL (and I imagine it's the same in the other two routes). Though the named characters were vicious.

Cyril took off half of Death Knight's health. Cyril! Though that brought him up far enough that the rest of my team drew him off. Cyril even forced my second involuntary use of Divine Pulse this run because I badly positioned Petra as bait with Shamir right behind her, and he successfully gambitted to make them both sitting ducks, flying carefully out of range and ready to kill Shamir on the next run, while she couldn't get accuracy enough to hit him with her Combat Arts. Had to rerun that so that only Petra was in range of the gambit and then flatten that punk.

Catherine then killed off Death Knight... pretty easily too. But I was able to wipe her out at range between Dorothea's meteor strike and Shamir's ballista got her before she could get to me as I'm sure she would have wiped out anything that tangled with her.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Is it worth picking up the DLC at the moment? (Just about to buy the game)

I think what's out currently is mostly cosmetic stuff and having some extra options to choose from when you're picking optional battles you want to do. The significant parts of the DLC will be in the remaining 2 updates, which IIRC are out by the end of the year and by April respectively.

EDIT: We vaguely know what will be in the remaining two, also. The first of those has a new character (in addition to another one being added at the same time for free), a paralogue for those characters along with some other quests too, and some extra things to do at the monastery (I think this also has a few that are added for free). The last one is a "side story" which has a lot of new content around it, though no specifics on if it is entirely separate from the main story or integrated into it in some way.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I think what's out currently is mostly cosmetic stuff and having some extra options to choose from when you're picking optional battles you want to do. The significant parts of the DLC will be in the remaining 2 updates, which IIRC are out by the end of the year and by April respectively.

EDIT: We vaguely know what will be in the remaining two, also. The first of those has a new character (in addition to another one being added at the same time for free), a paralogue for those characters along with some other quests too, and some extra things to do at the monastery (I think this also has a few that are added for free). The last one is a "side story" which has a lot of new content around it, though no specifics on if it is entirely separate from the main story or integrated into it in some way.

Are they finally going to do something with the Sauna?

Although it's kind of hilarious as-is, labeled when you approach it but nothing you can do with it, in a lower-information age thirsty fans would be struggling to figure out some secret to unlocking it.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Are they finally going to do something with the Sauna?

Although it's kind of hilarious as-is, labeled when you approach it but nothing you can do with it, in a lower-information age thirsty fans would be struggling to figure out some secret to unlocking it.

That is one of the things we know it adds, yup. Honestly I don't think I noticed/remembered it was a thing as is, hah.

The Kidd

Oct 27, 2017
Oh lordy lordy, that final BL map on Maddening is utter BS. Fourth time trying it, able to clear every enemy without entering actual final room besides boss (pulled the enemies originally in room) and still had 8 pulses.

But 4 Mages with meteor have to not only come out when you enter the big room, they have to attack on that turn too. I'm now down to 1 pulse and I refuse to play this map again.

Edit: figured a strategy and after cleaning up mages had strong characters put chokeholds where reinforcement were funneling. Have Dmitri attack boss, gets crit'd and dies. Last pulse. Game over
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Forced an outright restart on the first post-skip chapter for BE-E.

I still haven't figured out what triggers her to start retreating, but the boss will start to run away after you kill enough enemies or enough time passes, and if she reaches the exit point, you lose. Well, the first time I ran into that I was playing normally, a frontal crawl turtling forward to draw out and kill off their stronger folks (a certain named character in there with a brave weapon that needed a cautious approach). Well, she started running and was in between me and the goal, and had a rapier to prevent me from chasing her with Ferdinand. No-win situation.

Second try I went around through the top of the map so that I had several people between her and the escape point, although that made the chapter more lopsided in terms of who got EXP out of it.


Looking for a better cartoon show.
Oct 25, 2017
Forced an outright restart on the first post-skip chapter for BE-E.

I still haven't figured out what triggers her to start retreating, but the boss will start to run away after you kill enough enemies or enough time passes, and if she reaches the exit point, you lose. Well, the first time I ran into that I was playing normally, a frontal crawl turtling forward to draw out and kill off their stronger folks (a certain named character in there with a brave weapon that needed a cautious approach). Well, she started running and was in between me and the goal, and had a rapier to prevent me from chasing her with Ferdinand. No-win situation.

Second try I went around through the top of the map so that I had several people between her and the escape point, although that made the chapter more lopsided in terms of who got EXP out of it.
I just used stride + raging storm to chase her down lol


Oct 25, 2017
Trucking along through the Blue Lions post time-skip now, and I think my main problem with this route is that I just don't like Dimitri at all.

He goes on and on about how close he was to
his stepmom, and how important his relationship with Edelgard was, but he's so eager to pin the blame on his ex that he never for a moment stops to consider that Edelgard might also be sad/upset about her mom dying during the Tragedy of Duscur.

He figures out Edelgard is the Flame Emperor right as he overhears her promising to make Thales pay for Duscur, but even though that should obviously make them allies and Thales his main enemy, he treats Edelgard as his sole target from there on out and hasn't mentioned the Slitherers at all in the dozens of hours since. It's obnoxious.
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Oct 30, 2017
Trucking along through the Blue Lions post time-skip now, and I think my main problem with this route is that I just don't like Dimitri at all.

He goes on and on about how close he was to
his stepmom, and how important his relationship with Edelgard was, but he's so eager to pin the blame on his ex that he never for a moment stops to consider that Edelgard might also be sad/upset about her mom dying during the Tragedy of Duscur.

He figures out Edelgard is the Flame Emperor right as he overhears her promising to make Thales pay for Duscur, but even though that should obviously make them allies and Thales his main enemy, he treats Edelgard as his sole target from there on out and hasn't mentioned the Slitherers at all in the dozens of hours since. It's obnoxious.
Dimitri's poorly written yes. It's a shame cause he definitely had potential to be a great character.


Nov 20, 2017
I'm trying to train up my lower level folks to get some parity before the jump and am I just doing something wrong or is Flayn absolute trash? Her and Leone are liabilities every time I bring them on the battlefield and I find myself using DP to rescue them so often that I just sorta leave them in the back of the pack.


Oct 26, 2017
New Jersey
I'm trying to train up my lower level folks to get some parity before the jump and am I just doing something wrong or is Flayn absolute trash? Her and Leone are liabilities every time I bring them on the battlefield and I find myself using DP to rescue them so often that I just sorta leave them in the back of the pack.
Flayn's a support character that shouldn't be on the frontlines. Unfortunately she doesn't get physic, so she's just not very useful of a unit. But Leonie's one of the better units in the game, she shouldn't be struggling.


Oct 25, 2017
Ooof, Mercedes and Caspar's paralogue is pretty tough on Maddening if you haven't been using Caspar. Poor dude gets instantly sniped by same-turn reinforcements if the rest of your army gets too close to the Death Knight, so Stride+Warp shenanigans don't trivialize things like they usually do, and Mercedes just doesn't have enough damage throughput on her own to handle the demonic beasts that flank her to either side. Finally solved it by using Lure to pull the right demonic beast out of range of Mercedes, but it definitely took a few tries!

Also, my Bernadetta has been super blessed this run and almost ended up on par with Leonie somehow. Bow Knights are more competitive with Wyvern Lords on Maddening because they can one-shot fliers and secure safe kills with Killer Bow crits, so it's been really nice to have two solid bow users.


Oct 30, 2017
Also, my Bernadetta has been super blessed this run and almost ended up on par with Leonie somehow.
Bernie has always been Hannibal Lecter's level of insanity in all of my playthroughs. Not sure why people hate her, she's a monster sniper.

Really? I actually thought that the 3 main Lords of this game are among the best written characters of the FE series, although I never liked Byleth.
Dimitri's arc makes a ton of sense but is poorly written with facepalm level of contrivances.


Oct 26, 2017
New Jersey
Dimitri's character arc is great on paper, but the actual execution on it is poor. They didn't have the writing chops to pull of his silly swings of extremes, his post time skip dialogue is all rather bad.

Claude suffers in his route from being so disconnected and detached from everything that it never really feels like he even has an arc. He works better as a character outside of Verdant Wind in some ways.


Aug 28, 2019
Bernie has always been Hannibal Lecter's level of insanity in all of my playthroughs. Not sure why people hate her, she's a monster sniper.

Dimitri's arc makes a ton of sense but is poorly written with facepalm level of contrivances.
I think most of the contrivances of the game's story are because of the jarring change of pace around the time-skip, which is something that every character suffers for, although I guess Dimitri stands out because he's the one that changes the most (he and the Blue Lions will always be my favorites though :P). But I think the characters themselves are freaking great. This game has also some of my favorite supports in the entire series.


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Easily my favorite support writing across the series, but yeah, the timeskip really did toss a wrench in things. The fact that even taking that into account, it still beat the hell out of Awakening is crazy. Just so much more depth.

Going forward, I think they need to simplify the story structure a little bit if they want to avoid the kinda jarring transitions and omissions without needing hugely increased amounts of writing and VA work.


Looking for a better cartoon show.
Oct 25, 2017
Bernie has always been Hannibal Lecter's level of insanity in all of my playthroughs. Not sure why people hate her, she's a monster sniper.

Dimitri's arc makes a ton of sense but is poorly written with facepalm level of contrivances.
yeah my bernie is was able to one round any flier and any mage with Hunter's volley and bring pretty much anything else really low


Oct 26, 2017
New Jersey
I mean Bernie is pretty much just good for vengeance on higher difficulties. Her strength and speed are awful. Pass is useless. She doesn't get point blank volley. Deadeye's accuracy is so low on Maddening that it's no longer very good. Other than Ignatz, she's pretty much the worst character with bow strength unless you're abusing vengeance.


Looking for a better cartoon show.
Oct 25, 2017
I mean Bernie is pretty much just good for vengeance on higher difficulties. Her strength and speed are awful. Pass is useless. She doesn't get point blank volley. Deadeye's accuracy is so low on Maddening that it's no longer very good. Other than Ignatz, she's pretty much the worst character with bow strength unless you're abusing vengeance.
dunno maybe my bernie got lucky on strength but she was putting in work the entire time as a sniper


Oct 27, 2017
Heh, first day the calendar starts in-game happened to be my birthday. If there's any gift item you're supposed to get I don't think I got it though. Oh well, got a kick out of that coincidence regardless.


Jan 26, 2019
anyone not honestly not feeling the character designs for this game? somehow, not as striking as the FEA series nor Hidari's art... here's hoping the next game has a different character designer


Oct 30, 2017
anyone not honestly not feeling the character designs for this game? somehow, not as striking as the FEA series nor Hidari's art... here's hoping the next game has a different character designer
I'm not a huge fan but they're not bad. The most jarring I guess is Anna. Dunno why but she has a weird face here. Other than that it's pretty cool.


Jun 27, 2019
Mexico City
anyone not honestly not feeling the character designs for this game? somehow, not as striking as the FEA series nor Hidari's art... here's hoping the next game has a different character designer

Part 2 designs are much better in general. I was really not feeling the part 1 designs pretty much right up to release, but they've grown on me. Out of the newer games, SoV has the best character designs imo, followed by 3H post skip, Fates, 3H pre skip, and Awakening. I don't really like most of the Awakening designs.


Oct 25, 2017
Bernie has always been Hannibal Lecter's level of insanity in all of my playthroughs. Not sure why people hate her, she's a monster sniper.

Yeah, Bernie's not on Petra/Felix/Leonie's level or anything, but she's consistently decent I think. Her great personal skill mostly compensates for her low strength, she never misses, and Encloser is a handy get out of jail free card that only she and Claude get.

anyone not honestly not feeling the character designs for this game? somehow, not as striking as the FEA series nor Hidari's art... here's hoping the next game has a different character designer

They definitely lack in personality a bit compared to Hidari's, but for me that shortfall was more than made up for by the fantastic voice acting and solid support writing. Three Houses has far and away my favorite cast of any Fire Emblem, even with the ho-hum art.

Princess Bubblegum

I'll be the one who puts you in the ground.
On Break
Oct 25, 2017
A Cavern Shaped Like Home
In my playthrough Bernie was outclassed by both Shamir and Petra. Shamir is a beast in my file, especially as a Bow Knight.

Speaking of the timeskip, I was really disappointed with how they handled it. So much happens offscreen and the reintegration of Byleth is hella clunky.