L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017

There's also this random dude who claims to know Andre and says he's good. And I have no reason not to believe Joey. Which begs the possibly even worse question... Was Andre only selectively being a horrible boss to Jon/Ash/Derrick/etc? Does he really treat different people that much differently? It's almost more comforting to believe that he's bad to all of them, but reading Joey's thing makes it seem like, no, Andre is only that bad to his longest-running colleagues. Selective dickishness.
It's weird. It makes it sound like Andre learned and is trying to do better going forward, which would have been a fantastic thing to describe when you're making an statement on the matter. Like, if there were actually specifics he could go into that showed that he understood the problem and had made any sort of effort whatsoever to fix it, that would be so, so, so much better than "learning about this has caused me pain".


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
"those independent contractors"

"my true friends"

I don't care if it's done for legal reasons, it looks like shit. A non apology and if I was those guys I'd be pretty upset that it took him 5 days for that garbage. Expected much better.


Dec 3, 2018
For legal reasons this is excellent because he is not admitting fault to anything. Which shows you exactly where his priorities lie.

Thankfully GVG is popping off, definitely check out Derrick's analysis and their Age of Calamity Spoiler Discussion, great content


Oct 27, 2017
Did he spend the last few days frantically hiring a budget lawyer to write that up? That is a sanitized and emotionless response if I've seen one. No apology and no accountability. Based on the ex-crew's statements, it didn't seem like he made full-time employment all that desirable to get out of being an "independent contractor".

I wish the best to the new GX crew and hope they're treated and compensated fairly. Joey's response shared above is good to hear, but that's information Andre could have mentioned that he's making strides to be better, but then that discord thread doesn't help either.


Oct 25, 2017
"Independent contractors" is the go-to line anytime WWE does something awful regarding their talent. This is the second Vince McMahon analogy made in this thread and that's never a good thing.


Oct 25, 2017
Why is it so hard, in the face of this overwhelming evidence against you, to just admit that you fucked up, apologise and promise to be better going forwards?

That's all he had to do. Next level hubris on display here. It's shocking.


Dec 18, 2017
That's not an apology, it's a legal statement.

Clearly he had some legal advice on what to write, what to not write.


Oct 27, 2017
All's he had to say was I fucked up and will work on making a better work environment for my employees.

I respect people who own up to their mistakes, he didn't own up to shit here.


Dec 18, 2017
Why is it so hard, in the face of this overwhelming evidence against you, to just admit that you fucked up, apologise and promise to be better going forwards?

That's all he had to do. Next level hubris on display here. It's shocking.
Because that would absolutely lead to grounds for legal action from past employees/contractors. It's shitty but understandable from a business perspective. Still shitty though


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Joey (new GX member) has made a statement: https://twitter.com/FerrisWheelPro/status/1349520459956678660?s=20

I can only hope this means that the new members are indeed being treated better.

I really hope this is true, but as I said before, I doubt the new staff would ever be like "yeah Andre pays us like shit and makes us work like dogs" while he is paying them, especially if their contracts have non compete clauses that makes them feel chained to GX.


Feb 3, 2020
Andre is garbage. We know it. There's nothing left for us to really do. It's all a waste of time now.

For me, I'm going to support decent people. As long as Andre is a part of GX, I can't support them even if I think the employees are good. At the end of the day any consumption of their content rewards Andre and I'm not about to do that anymore lol. I'll give my energy to GVG and Nintendo Life.


Oct 27, 2017
I really hope this is true, but as I said before, I doubt the new staff would ever be like "yeah Andre pays us like shit and makes us work like dogs" while he is paying them, especially if their contracts have non compete clauses that makes them feel chained to GX.

Yes exactly

Best thing to do is simply unsub if you need to, never watch the channel again and sub to GVG & Nintendolife

Seafoam Gaming

One Winged Slayer
Nov 3, 2017
The other GX members, currently on staff now, made statements in the GX discord all indicating they're fine with their current positions and that they are on good terms with andre. I'm honestly not sure what to believe and while I don't blame the new staff in any way, I still feel that Andre is handling this pretty terribly and threw them under the bus by making them the public face of GX during all this. :| Really concerning tbh. Even if he is paying them better than his old crew, that doesn't mean him paying his old crew badly didn't happen... because it did, and still needs to be called out. The fact he didn't just go "I feel like shit for what I did back then but I pledge to not do that again with the new crew" and made that awful statement just reeks to me that he doesn't care and only wants to save public face in any way possible.


Oct 30, 2017
I don't know what kind of response people are expecting. This has been going on for years. Very doubtful that he feels sorry about his actions or are oblivious of the consequences of his actions towards his "contractors". Imagine being called a "contractor" after pouring out your heart and soul to a "company" for this many years. It's really insulting.


Oct 28, 2017
I really hope this is true, but as I said before, I doubt the new staff would ever be like "yeah Andre pays us like shit and makes us work like dogs" while he is paying them, especially if their contracts have non compete clauses that makes them feel chained to GX.

It doesn't really matter what new staff have to say on a situation that occurred before they worked there. Commenting on a situation you were never a part of is pointless.


Oct 11, 2020
I just hope the new staff is not being forced to make those statements as a form of damage control, it's hard to believe their are being treated well, but that is also a possibility.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
How trashy. I guess Andre is another in a long line of liberals who refuse to practice what they preach.


Jan 15, 2018
Joey's statement gives me vibes of like being held at gunpoint by Andre. I really hope i'm wrong and he's doing well. It's just from what we've seen of Andre, especially with that extremely half-assed apol- uhh, "statement", I have trouble trusting he's a good boss.


It's Happening
Oct 25, 2017
Just pointing out how his behavior and treatment toward his former employees runs counter to many of the values he's expressed on Twitter in the past.
For some reason youtube channel TYT run by Cenk Uygur comes to mind. Lots of parallels with what he preached vs. how he treated his staff when they wanted to unionize for fair pay.


One Winged Slayer
Mar 27, 2020
Joey's statement gives me vibes of like being held at gunpoint by Andre. I really hope i'm wrong and he's doing well. It's just from what we've seen of Andre, especially with that extremely half-assed apol- uhh, "statement", I have trouble trusting he's a good boss.

Nah. Andre is trying to play this super carefully. If he did that, he'd certainly be outed by Joey one day, and we'd go through all this again.

Soul Skater

Oct 25, 2017
A talented group of independent contractors



Oct 27, 2017
I'm not sure what people expected. An apology leans towards admitting guilt. Sure it's a garbage response, but based on the story so far I wasn't expecting more.

Deleted member 5127

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not sure what people expected. An apology leans towards admitting guilt. Sure it's a garbage response, but based on the story so far I wasn't expecting more.

Pretty much, once you find out about narcissism you can't unsee it, that was exactly what I expected from him and it only confirmed my suspicions. Lots of CEO's get away with this behaviour but this being public is going to make it difficult for him, for a while. He might marginally improve things for the new staff but that will be to cover his butt instead of caring for his team. He'll most likely never be a good boss.

Deleted member 5127

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Just pointing out how his behavior and treatment toward his former employees runs counter to many of the values he's expressed on Twitter in the past.

Happens all the time, you can be a horrible person regardless of politics, and leftist or liberal politics also doesn't automatically make you a good person.


Sep 2, 2020
Really disappointed in Andre as I have been a fan of GX for years (just unsubbed), but glad to see GVG doing well, Ash, Jon and Derrick were my favourites for so long on GX and Steve is growing on me the more I get to know him.


Oct 25, 2017
Joey (new GX member) has made a statement: https://twitter.com/FerrisWheelPro/status/1349520459956678660?s=20

I can only hope this means that the new members are indeed being treated better.
It's kind of pointless taking the word of people who stilly rely on Andre to pay the bills on this because they have the strong incentive of wanting to keep a source of income and so it's much harder for them to make statements that might get them fired (and for all we know they could even be being pressured to give positive statements). It'd be nice if this was true but it feels extremely suspicious when everyone who no longer relies on Andre for income is telling a very different story


Aug 20, 2020
I really hope GVG continues to grow well. Ash, Derrick and Steve deserve all the support that is coming their way.
For GameXplain... i really, really hope what Tris, Joey and Tom are saying is true. But i cannot sympathize with Andre anymore. He fucked up way too bad.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017

I'm not even mad, just disappointed. From that first sentence where he says "independent contractors" I knew this was going to be a shit response. Dammit Andre. You didn't even apologize and say you'll treat the current GX people well!

It's done y'all. Subscribe to Good Vibes Gaming.


Oct 25, 2017
That statement was the final nail in the coffin for me. It only takes basic human decency to apologize for your wrongdoings and lay out a plan to do better.

Subscribe to Good Vibes Gaming.


Oct 25, 2017
The other GX members, currently on staff now, made statements in the GX discord all indicating they're fine with their current positions and that they are on good terms with andre. I'm honestly not sure what to believe and while I don't blame the new staff in any way, I still feel that Andre is handling this pretty terribly and threw them under the bus by making them the public face of GX during all this. :| Really concerning tbh. Even if he is paying them better than his old crew, that doesn't mean him paying his old crew badly didn't happen... because it did, and still needs to be called out. The fact he didn't just go "I feel like shit for what I did back then but I pledge to not do that again with the new crew" and made that awful statement just reeks to me that he doesn't care and only wants to save public face in any way possible.
I mean, pretty much nobody is going to publicly badmouth their boss in a place they know their boss might see it unless they already have another job locked up that they're already planning to go to. It's unfortunately impossible to trust any positive statement by current staff because we have no way of knowing if they're being coerced or pressured into making such statements. They could be telling the truth, they could just as easily be saying nice things because they're worried they'll lose their means of supporting themselves if they don't


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I was about to say... The thing that really gets me about this apology is the use of "independent contractors."

They're not introduced as friends, people, colleagues... Just "independent contractors."

It always bothered me back when I first started watching GX that Andre would refer to any work done as the analysis machine. Things like oh boy the analysis machine is working overtime for this one. It always felt cold and dismissive to whoever actually did the work. I just ended up figuring it was just a me problem and stopped letting it bother me. Clearly I underestimated how much he undervalues people.


Dec 22, 2019
Related to the crunch, and I know it's way less important than people's lives, jobs, and well-being, but one of the things that I hate about GX's implosion is what happened to Gameclub. I REALLY enjoyed seeing them play through Danganronpa with Jon, Derrick, Tom and Andre. I watched some of the streams, and the discussions were really cool and they all seemed to be really enjoying the game and the discussion in general.

Cut to the latest Gameclub after the big staffing changes, Zelda: Oracle of Ages and Seasons, now with Andre, Tom, Joey, and Tris: Tris, and maybe Tom, seem to be the only ones who are enjoying anything about it at all. Joey and Andre are being super negative almost constantly, and it's not just because of the games themselves; pretty much everyone involved is constantly saying things like "I couldn't figure this out, and I was playing super late into the night to get it done for Gameclub, so I looked up a guide". Practically every week someone on the panel didn't finish due to running out of time, and they all seemed to be super rushed and not enjoying the experience at all. It just wasn't much fun to watch or listen to them discuss it, you could tell that most of them weren't really feeling it.

Again, I don't mind good criticism and discussion about games at all. But most of the negativity felt due to lacking the proper amount of time to play the games and figure things out naturally, and had little to do with the games themselves.