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Oct 27, 2017
They really need to increase the amount of drops of rain. There's, like, currenly one or two missions that give a little bit of them at once. I'd rather smaller amounts were given from EVERY mission, in addition to the big 4x drops of rain & 2x 60 limited time drops of rain type rewards from top level Twine Peaks quests. Or incentivize "Play With Others" & helping others with their storm shields by giving 10-20 drops of rain for every PWO & SSD you help others get through.

It's been such a huge pain in the ass to try to level survivor squads when you either have to do insane 4-player missions that drain all your resources or play lower level quests that give you such meager amounts of them that you have to play 4 quests just to level up a couple of characters from 3-star to 4-star.

Shit, I took advantage of that Frostnite exploit and I don't think I'll have enough evo mats to level all my favorites up. I went from over 2500 to a little over 1K since yesterday.

I get why perk ups are difficult to get, but evo mats should be a bit easier to collect


Oct 27, 2017
Shit, I took advantage of that Frostnite exploit and I don't think I'll have enough evo mats to level all my favorites up. I went from over 2500 to a little over 1K since yesterday.

I get why perk ups are difficult to get, but evo mats should be a bit easier to collect
I was dumb and even though I knew about the exploit I didn't take advantage of it because up to that point (2-star & 3-star stuff) I hadn't been all that starving for evolution materials. And now I'm paying for it. -_-


Oct 27, 2017
I was dumb and even though I knew about the exploit I didn't take advantage of it because up to that point (2-star & 3-star stuff) I hadn't been all that starving for evolution materials. And now I'm paying for it. -_-

I have 15 - 20 weapon schematics and over 50 heroes I want to evolve up to 5 stars. Both cost 80 rain drops to evolve from 4 to 5 ... I have 1K lmao. And I'm not even considering survivors
Paleo Luna is absolutely bonkers. Shame you have to waste a spot with the Jonesy to get that health perk going though.

Survivalist Jonesy is well worth the slot, no matter what load out you go with.

False Witness

Oct 25, 2017
I have 15 - 20 weapon schematics and over 50 heroes I want to evolve up to 5 stars. Both cost 80 rain drops to evolve from 4 to 5 ... I have 1K lmao. And I'm not even considering survivors

Survivalist Jonesy is well worth the slot, no matter what load out you go with.
I'm talking about the dinosaur Jonesy you need to get the 200% team perk right now. Adds nothing to the melee build, unlike the lovely a survivalist. Hope the outlander Dino is useful.


Oct 27, 2017
I have 15 - 20 weapon schematics and over 50 heroes I want to evolve up to 5 stars. Both cost 80 rain drops to evolve from 4 to 5 ... I have 1K lmao. And I'm not even considering survivors

Survivalist Jonesy is well worth the slot, no matter what load out you go with.
I only have two heroes at 4 star and a few weapons + traps because I've been using all of mine on survivors. I have a mythic lead survivor for 6 out of 8 squads, though I've only currently put mythics on 5 of the squads because I already have three squads with "cooperative" survivors and the 6th mythic lead would be the fourth squad with those types of survivors. I'm fairly close to having all survivors at (current) max lvl but it'll still take some time because I have some fortitude & resistance squads with survivors at lvl 10. :S


Oct 27, 2017
Fuck me, propane husks are a nightmare to deal with solo in STW. They come show up as a horde and just completely wreck my base, and I have no way of dealing with them properly. The occasional propane lobber showing up that I need to watch for would be fine, but they show up at a very specific point in the defense and are impossible to keep at bay unless you overbuild like crazy, and by the time they're done you have to deal with the rest of the husks while desperately trying to fix up your traps and shit.

Seriously, Lobbers and Propane Husks are fucking bullshit.


Oct 25, 2017
Got a 6 kill solo win in ranked mode (275 points) and didn't use ballers or any vehicles at all for that matter. Felt really good!


Oct 27, 2017
I only have two heroes at 4 star and a few weapons + traps because I've been using all of mine on survivors. I have a mythic lead survivor for 6 out of 8 squads, though I've only currently put mythics on 5 of the squads because I already have three squads with "cooperative" survivors and the 6th mythic lead would be the fourth squad with those types of survivors. I'm fairly close to having all survivors at (current) max lvl but it'll still take some time because I have some fortitude & resistance squads with survivors at lvl 10. :S

Yeah, finding the best Survivor matches can be really tedious. I think I've spent more time overall arranging survivor squads than anything else and that's even after the Hero re-vamp.


Oct 28, 2017
Fuck me, propane husks are a nightmare to deal with solo in STW. They come show up as a horde and just completely wreck my base, and I have no way of dealing with them properly. The occasional propane lobber showing up that I need to watch for would be fine, but they show up at a very specific point in the defense and are impossible to keep at bay unless you overbuild like crazy, and by the time they're done you have to deal with the rest of the husks while desperately trying to fix up your traps and shit.

Seriously, Lobbers and Propane Husks are fucking bullshit.

Propane husks won't throw their tanks if they can't see or hear you. So as a solo player you have to build good trap tunnels and then stand way back and let them do the job... husks always like to take the path of least resistance to the amplifier, so give that to them and build traps around that path. For lobbers and flingers you have to put down a lobber shield... basically pave above the spawn point with floor tiles and extend it out and beyond where they spawn. It looks dumb and is a silly mechanic but such is life playing solo. Instead of paving with floor tiles depending on the terrain, you can also use stair or ramp pieces and build a massive stair or ramp wall that extends out and up above the spawn point so that the lobber or flinger can't throw over it... they can eventually punch holes through both options though, just something to watch for.

What will also most likely happen is some lobbers or flingers will start wandering away, often farther than you might think, from the spawn point trying to find an opening so they can out flank you. But when that happens they are isolated and alone away from the spawn point so then you can just pop them with an Obliterator or something, for those lucky enough to have it!!!!!! :( and you won't disturb the propane husks by your presence since you will be way off to the side.

Be sure and level and perk up your traps as much as you can, but don't take them to level 130 if you don't have extra excessive amounts of level 130 materials!

Gas traps are your friends!!


Oct 27, 2017
That new Dino Outlander pretty much gives you unlimited energy if you have the blast from the past team perk activated. So near unlimited AMC for farming

False Witness

Oct 25, 2017
What a freaking night I've had. 8 Solo Wins and placed second/third in nearly every other match I played. Up to 54 wins for the season. Season 9 is 100% my jam. I think I've only touched Team Rumble for weekly challenges so far.
Jul 18, 2018
What a freaking night I've had. 8 Solo Wins and placed second/third in nearly every other match I played. Up to 54 wins for the season. Season 9 is 100% my jam. I think I've only touched Team Rumble for weekly challenges so far.
I swear after they got rid of that Shotgun, i have just gotten better wins. Even the new shotgun isn't as OP as the old one but everything just seems balanced enough for me this season

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
Still really enjoying the season - got a daily quest to play with friends.

Anyone free this morning to help me out with it?


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
Got this season's win last night so now it's just smooth cruising from here on out 😎


Oct 25, 2017
Team Rumbe can be weird, had a game where I got my record of 41 kills, a few games later we lost something like 150 - 62. The other team were only 7, but they were all soccer skins absolutely trashing us.

Just got the black color for the Rox skin. Didn't like the skin at first, but after unlocking more colors and customizing options I think it's one of my favorite "free" skins.


Oct 27, 2017
I know I posted this last year but if Epic put a skin like this in the shop for July 4th I'd buy it instantly, even if it were legendary tier.

They should call it Captain 'Murica



Nov 13, 2018
Funny. So my kids won't play forrnite anymore and they say the kids are school make fun of it and those who play it. Perhaps the forrnite juggernaut is winding down.


Nov 13, 2018
Sorry, didn't mean to appear to troll. I like fortnite a lot. I've spent hundreds on skins and have invested a lot of time with it. It's a cool game.

False Witness

Oct 25, 2017
I get it. Seasons 4/5 are when everyone at the school I work at were talking about Fortnite. Every weekly update and addition to the game were discussed. Now, it seems like everyone still plays it, but they don't actively talk about it.


Oct 27, 2017
I finally got the Wraith from a Llama so my collection of desirable Military weapons is complete. I have far too much shit to level up and not nearly enough evolution materials to do it with, but I suppose that's a good problem to have.


Oct 27, 2017
I swear after they got rid of that Shotgun, i have just gotten better wins. Even the new shotgun isn't as OP as the old one but everything just seems balanced enough for me this season
Lolwut? The new shotgun is much more OP than pump. It's weaker so no one-shots from full health & shields but it's so stable and has insane range & rate of fire for a shotgun that that matters very little. Made even worse because the more common tactical shotgun is total & utter crap in comparison (slightly worse rate of fire, weaker and awful range). Yeah, it's not as one-shot-kill prone as the pump (in solo, duo & squads when people are more likely to have full health & shield than in big team modes, in big team modes with respawns it's far more deadly than a pump) but that doesn't really matter when you can get so many shots in in such a short time and the range is ridiculous. I'm sniping people from the air, like, 50 meters away better than with any other weapon with this thing. Yeah, you need to aim maybe a little better but at this point in Fortnite's life, a vast majority of players (who live beyond the initial slaughter) are people who probably don't have much issue with aiming well enough that a CS is deadly with them. And besides, having to aim well is not that much of a big deal with this thing's rate of fire and it's not like the pump obliterated everything in front of you within a 180-degree cone or anything.

This thing is so much worse than a pump from a balance POV. Pump had a much more balanced risk vs reward thing going on. Yeah, you could get one-shotted (I do agree they shouldn't have put max-damage at over 200), but 1) you needed to get close and 2) you really needed to hit because with its rate of fire, missing or half-missing (meaning: crap damage) would/could put you in serious danger. WIth a combat shotgun they get, like, a half a dozen changes to shoot at you before you can even turn around.

Pump was also much better balanced against a tactical shotgun. Yeah, tactical is weak in comparison but if you didn't hit with a pump, one can get a couple of shots in with a tactical shotgun and if THOSE hit, that can be deadly or at least hurt the opponent so badly they'll be put on the defensive. Before pump was vaulted and combat shotgun introduced, the feeling of finding a tactical instead of pumps was kind of "would have preferred a pump but I can do with a tactical", whereas the difference between (a blue) tactical and combat now (let alone if you don't find any decent shotgun, which is far too common nowadays) is more on the level of "might as well not even try because someone with a combat shotgun (and drum gun) will fuck you up and there's really nothing you can do about it". Like, the tactical is just a horrible version of the combat shotgun whereas in comparison to a pump it offered a weaker but still advantageous, worth-using alternative in some ways.

Pump was also much better balanced against pretty much all other weapons. Now you really can't peak out at any time to get some SMG or assault rifle shots in because going against someone with a combat shotgun is just a constant barrage of bullets in your direction vs. pump that had a much slower rate of fire so if someone shot & missed/the shots were blocked, that gives you a brief-but-still-meaningful window to deal out damage with anything you have. No such luck with the combat shotgun.

They need to vault combat shotgun and bring back pump with even (very slightly) slower rate of fire and max damage that doesn't ever go above 180 or maybe even 170.


Nov 6, 2017
Hi all :)

Clueless parent here again (honestly, when did I get so old...)

8 year old plays Fortnite quite a bit now and has a load of friends who play online as well.

She's now asking for a microphone so she can chat with them. I'm fine with that, but wife not comfortable... So questions (sorry!)

Can you set it up so there's only voice chat with friends? Or is it just case of voice chat on or off?

Rather than a headset with microphone, can you buy a speaker with a mic to plug in instead? Wife said she'd feel happier if she could hear... Or can you plug mic / headphones in, but sound still comes through TV?

Sorry, can't believe I've got to this stage in my life where I'm fast becoming a Clueless parent when it comes to tech :(


Oct 27, 2017
Hi all :)

Clueless parent here again (honestly, when did I get so old...)

8 year old plays Fortnite quite a bit now and has a load of friends who play online as well.

She's now asking for a microphone so she can chat with them. I'm fine with that, but wife not comfortable... So questions (sorry!)

Can you set it up so there's only voice chat with friends? Or is it just case of voice chat on or off?

Rather than a headset with microphone, can you buy a speaker with a mic to plug in instead? Wife said she'd feel happier if she could hear... Or can you plug mic / headphones in, but sound still comes through TV?

Sorry, can't believe I've got to this stage in my life where I'm fast becoming a Clueless parent when it comes to tech :(
You could setup a Discord and have them voice chat that way & include yourself in the Discord chat and listen in on a separate device (phone, laptop, tablet)

Though I'm not sure why you'd want to listen in on the friends. Can't you just listen to what your daughter is saying and if that gets out of line, cut in on that. I'd imagine you can figure out what they are talking about perfectly fine from just hearing what she's talking. Like, maybe demand that you want to know everyone who she's chatting with (who they are in real life), but otherwise I don't see the need to be so overly controlling.


Oct 28, 2017
Brittany, France
Can you set it up so there's only voice chat with friends? Or is it just case of voice chat on or off?

Rather than a headset with microphone, can you buy a speaker with a mic to plug in instead? Wife said she'd feel happier if she could hear... Or can you plug mic / headphones in, but sound still comes through TV?
Afaik it's on or off and no in between, but unless she sets it up to "squad fill" she'll only hear her friends anyway.
If you wanna listen in/be sure who she's talking to, I'll join the poster above with the Discord suggestion.


Nov 6, 2017
You could setup a Discord and have them voice chat that way & include yourself in the Discord chat and listen in on a separate device (phone, laptop, tablet)

Though I'm not sure why you'd want to listen in on the friends. Can't you just listen to what your daughter is saying and if that gets out of line, cut in on that. I'd imagine you can figure out what they are talking about perfectly fine from just hearing what she's talking. Like, maybe demand that you want to know everyone who she's chatting with (who they are in real life), but otherwise I don't see the need to be so overly controlling.

It's more about the fact if strangers are saying stuff, rather the listening into conversations she's having with friends.

Never heard of discord?


Oct 27, 2017
It's more about the fact if strangers are saying stuff, rather the listening into conversations she's having with friends.

Never heard of discord?
Discord is a fairly versatile app/program that is available on pretty much everything except home consoles. You can create your own "server" where people who belong to that server (everyone needs to be invited, random people can't get into them unless sent an invitation/link) can chat with each other (text & voice, don't remember if it has video).

Do your daughter & friends play with random people? That can be blocked by turning the party fill off, so they'll never interact with anyone but friends who are in their party, not even if they are playing the big team modes like Team Rumble. They'll only hear the people who are in their own duo/squad.


Apr 6, 2018
Lolwut? The new shotgun is much more OP than pump. It's weaker so no one-shots from full health & shields but it's so stable and has insane range & rate of fire for a shotgun that that matters very little. Made even worse because the more common tactical shotgun is total & utter crap in comparison (slightly worse rate of fire, weaker and awful range). Yeah, it's not as one-shot-kill prone as the pump (in solo, duo & squads when people are more likely to have full health & shield than in big team modes, in big team modes with respawns it's far more deadly than a pump) but that doesn't really matter when you can get so many shots in in such a short time and the range is ridiculous. I'm sniping people from the air, like, 50 meters away better than with any other weapon with this thing. Yeah, you need to aim maybe a little better but at this point in Fortnite's life, a vast majority of players (who live beyond the initial slaughter) are people who probably don't have much issue with aiming well enough that a CS is deadly with them. And besides, having to aim well is not that much of a big deal with this thing's rate of fire and it's not like the pump obliterated everything in front of you within a 180-degree cone or anything.

This thing is so much worse than a pump from a balance POV. Pump had a much more balanced risk vs reward thing going on. Yeah, you could get one-shotted (I do agree they shouldn't have put max-damage at over 200), but 1) you needed to get close and 2) you really needed to hit because with its rate of fire, missing or half-missing (meaning: crap damage) would/could put you in serious danger. WIth a combat shotgun they get, like, a half a dozen changes to shoot at you before you can even turn around.

Pump was also much better balanced against a tactical shotgun. Yeah, tactical is weak in comparison but if you didn't hit with a pump, one can get a couple of shots in with a tactical shotgun and if THOSE hit, that can be deadly or at least hurt the opponent so badly they'll be put on the defensive. Before pump was vaulted and combat shotgun introduced, the feeling of finding a tactical instead of pumps was kind of "would have preferred a pump but I can do with a tactical", whereas the difference between (a blue) tactical and combat now (let alone if you don't find any decent shotgun, which is far too common nowadays) is more on the level of "might as well not even try because someone with a combat shotgun (and drum gun) will fuck you up and there's really nothing you can do about it". Like, the tactical is just a horrible version of the combat shotgun whereas in comparison to a pump it offered a weaker but still advantageous, worth-using alternative in some ways.

Pump was also much better balanced against pretty much all other weapons. Now you really can't peak out at any time to get some SMG or assault rifle shots in because going against someone with a combat shotgun is just a constant barrage of bullets in your direction vs. pump that had a much slower rate of fire so if someone shot & missed/the shots were blocked, that gives you a brief-but-still-meaningful window to deal out damage with anything you have. No such luck with the combat shotgun.

They need to vault combat shotgun and bring back pump with even (very slightly) slower rate of fire and max damage that doesn't ever go above 180 or maybe even 170.

Yup I love the new pump even more than the old one. More predictable and with its high rate of fire and range I don't need an SMG any more.

I wouldn't say it's worse from a balance POV though. With the lack of one-shotting it will be easier for Epic to balance it later.

I disagree with you on the tac shotgun thing. I think the tac shotgun compares more favourably with the new shotgun than the old pump, since both shotguns are now spam weapons, whereas before you had no chance against a one-shot pump.


Oct 25, 2017
Doing 180 damage with a pump because you got a bit unlucky with the spread to have them pump you for 250 was one of the worst experiences in the game. I still stand by what I said originally - vaulting the pump was one of the best things they could have done.


Oct 27, 2017
It's a damn joke that a convicted cheater is now getting a guaranteed 50k check from Epic with a decent chance of getting more in the World Cup.


Traded his Bone Marrow for Pizza
Oct 25, 2017
It's a damn joke that a convicted cheater is now getting a guaranteed 50k check from Epic with a decent chance of getting more in the World Cup.

Can we get a tl;dr? I see some Twitter popping off but don't know what's up. There's an "analysis" video of a game where the person claims he was "fed a kill"? Is there more?


Oct 28, 2017
So is the infantry rifle any good? I never use it.

I kinda like it in the BR modes when things are slower. It seems to have the same zoom as the hunting rifle and, with eight rounds, you can be a bit more generous with ammo.

But it's not great in TR with the close quartered chaos and people all running and jumping and all.


Oct 27, 2017
People who come into your SSDs only to leave after (or during) the first wave are the fucking worst. At that point you're invested in seeing things through and you're left without any help.

Oh well, got Twine Peaks SSD4 done. Alone again because as much as I whine about this, I'm too lazy to go looking for people to help me. :P The last wave was pretty brutal due to all the big brutes just wrecking the walls around the shield but luckily my trap tunnel otherwise was so golden that regular enemies didn't have a chance getting through.

With SSD4 done, I unlocked 5* things. I'm not excited about the prospect of having to level up everything to 5*. Not only have I started being short on PDORs, now I need to farm Lightning in a Bottles as well. -_- They really need to rethink the evolution material system. Unless a mission gives 4x evolution mats, the amounts of materials are too small, and to make things worse, they are rewarded in too few missions. Like, yesterday there was a grand total of TWO Twine Peaks missions (unlocked for me) that gave Pure Drops of Rain. One gave a one-time batch of 72 of them and the other probably a little less (it was a higher level quest but it was repeatable and only had one PDOR icon). This is also a problem because they only ever seem to give PDORs for 4-player missions that require a ton of materials & a good full team to see through (or even more materials if you have a bad/not full team). Made even worse that the balancing seems to be a bit off. I'm almost at Power Level 98 with fully upgraded weapons, traps, good offensive squads and a pretty decent amount of research spent on the offensive, and I still feel pretty weak against enemies in 82 level quests. You just have to spend thousands of building materials and 100-200 trap crafting materials if you want to have anywhere near an adequate protection against the huge masses of resistent enemies.

I feel like every mission on Twine Peaks' should give something like 15-20 pure drops of rain, 10 lightnings in a bottle, 5 Eyes of the storms and a couple of storm shards, in addition to the extra rewards & "4x evo mats" rewards that occasionally pop up. Or reward those to people who do & assist with storm shields or do Play With Others missions, to encourage people to do those things. As it is, this is starting to feel too little for too much grinding, when you have to do four missions that can take 20+ minutes to get through to level up one survivor.

Anyhoo, as some kind of milestone in this game, I now have a mythic lead survivor for every survivor squad, though I'm currently only slotting one for 6/8 squads because I don't have a lot of the types of regular survivors that they require. Like, at one point I had FOUR Cooperative squads, three of them mythic. -_- Luckily the one non-mythic one I got a mythic lead survivor for that wasn't cooperative, lol. But I've still got one squad (Training Team) that is nothing but purple cooperatives, so I'm delaying slotting the mythic lead survivor for Think Thank that is also cooperative. Oh well, ss a stroke of luck, the last mythic I got for Close Assault Squad yesterday was the same Adventurous type that my previous legendary lead survivor & squad were, which I had Adventurous legendary survivors for all but 1 or 2 spots. Now I just need, like, 15 cooperative legendary survivors and 7 or 8 curious ones and some singular other types to fill all spots with legendaries.


Oct 27, 2017
Well, now I've reached Twine Peaks, but I also spent the remainder of my duct tape in order to build trap tunnels to defend the rocket. And now I gotta farm a lot of the stuff to get ready for the first storm shield defense. Juuuusssssttt great.


Oct 28, 2017
Well, now I've reached Twine Peaks, but I also spent the remainder of my duct tape in order to build trap tunnels to defend the rocket. And now I gotta farm a lot of the stuff to get ready for the first storm shield defense. Juuuusssssttt great.

If you see rubber ducks floating in ponds or often bunched at the bottom of a mine where the river goes into the ground, smash them with your pick as they give "duck" tape! :)

Green Marine

Oct 25, 2017
El Paso
Has there been any indication if his bizarre mess of a mode that is the current LTM will get extended? Getting consecutive matches where other players lag out, cannot collect a single coin, let alone jump through hoops or collect letters. Pulse grenades don't even register. QA on this game is gradually descending into PUBG levels of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Oct 25, 2017
Has there been any indication if his bizarre mess of a mode that is the current LTM will get extended? Getting consecutive matches where other players lag out, cannot collect a single coin, let alone jump through hoops or collect letters. Pulse grenades don't even register. QA on this game is gradually descending into PUBG levels of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Only issues I have had with dropdown is during the lobby portion where its really buggy but as soon as the games start it works perfectly.


Oct 26, 2017
Arena is way less competitive than just regular duos. Only in tier 5, as I only just tried it yesterday, so big factor I assume, but it's not even close to as hard as the last 20 or so of any normal duo game is, which is just kinda sad honestly, but hey at least I now get to play with 50 health/shield on kills again.
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