Oct 25, 2017
This would be amazing, ressurect PGR under Forza brand.
We were rumoring about this when a Turn 10 guy was asked about the FH series and shared assets with FH3 in March 2016 or so and instead of saying "I can't comment about unannounced projects" he said "What is Forza Horizon 3??".
Rumor back then was that maybe we were getting a PGR 2016, FH 2017 and FM 2018.

I have one quest(ion) for all arm chair analysts:
Rate the sense of speed in both games!
same car, same track, same speed. Compare it and rate it, I dare you.
both are 60 frames per second, aren't they? so go do it!
Sorry for following this off-topic thing again but:
FM feels the fastest by a mile. But why? FOV! Forza has a ridiculously wide FOV, for that FOV to be mathematically correct FOV, you would need to be sitting a foot away from a 80" curved TV. It's just speed cheating and bad for judging distances, which is important in a racing game.
GTS - for a game that is usually played with a controller on a couch >5 feet away from a ~50" TV - also has a fairly wide FOV and this time they took out the option to make it narrower which existed in GT5 and GT6.
Also, most people play Forza with the racing line on and with the strong contrast tightly packed racing line arrows right in the middle of the screen, where the distance distortion is the greatest, it makes the game look even faster.

All sim racing games should have FOV options and a build-in calculator next to the FOV number, where you just type in distance and TV size and the game sets the most correct FOV automatically.


Nov 8, 2017
The numbers from GT Sport must be very high because I've never seen a simulator with an online mode so populated and active.

Since launch I've never seen a single race that suffered from lack of players. Any day at any time I try to race the room is always crowded, and 100% full most of the time.

And as an indicator as how active the player base is, I looked for liveries for a DLC car that was released only for a few hours, and I found hundreds of amazing liveries already available. That was insane.

My biggest fear with the online focus of GT Sport was if, like in other online games, the online races would become a ghost town. But so far the Sport mode is a big success. So fun, so addictive, and mostly important, so populated.
Oct 25, 2017
I've been wanting a setting/tool like this since I got my first wheel.

that's the one I usually recommend since it knows what game uses what kind of FOV-value calculation. Won't help you with Forza or GT though.

And before anyone says "but the processing resources...": In 95% of all cases(yes, I pulled that number out of my ass, but you get what I mean) even GTS's FoV is too wide, and only making it wider should be more resource intensive, narrower shouldn't be a problem.


Oct 29, 2017
Sorry for following this off-topic thing again but:
FM feels the fastest by a mile. But why? FOV! Forza has a ridiculously wide FOV, for that FOV to be mathematically correct FOV, you would need to be sitting a foot away from a 80" curved TV. It's just speed cheating and bad for judging distances, which is important in a racing game.
GTS also has a fairly wide FOV and this time they took out the option to make it narrower which existed in GT5 and GT6.
Also, most people play Forza with the racing line on and with the strong contrast tightly packed racing line arrows right in the middle of the screen, where the distance distortion is the greatest, it makes the game look even faster.

All sim racing games should have FOV options and a build-in calculator next to the FOV number, where you just type in distance and TV size and the game sets the most correct FOV automatically.
ok, so you say its due to fov, but then you say gts also has wide fov.

to me they look same-ish

Forza 7 though spends more computing cycles for stuff like quality motion blur or screen shakes or even little item animations, and while these may go "unnoticed" for the majority because not shiny enough like for example the over-the-top sunshine on cars of gts, they do all add up and it is really appreciated by those who do notice.

and your point about driving line, since its togglable ...?
do a video without driving line, still forza gives the speedier impression.

about FOV in general, we have to keep in mind that what the vast majority of players will judge against for authenticity, is their ..experience, aka in-car camera videos.
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Oct 25, 2017
ok, so you say its due to fov, but then you say gts also has wide fov.

to me they look same-ish

Forza 7 though spends more computing cycles for stuff like quality motion blur or screen shakes or even little item animations, and while these may go "unnoticed" for the majority because not shiny enough,they all add up and it is really appreciated by those who do notice.

and your point about driving line, since its togglable ...?
do a video without driving line, still forza gives the speedier impression.
Man, common, I know for sure that Forza's is quite a bit wider than GTS's(but both are not good for my setup). Don't make ME dig up the evidence now.
Your screenshot is no good for judging FOV at all. You need a picture of a long straight of an accurate track, car in the same position, than compare track width far at the end of the straight at a marker (for example where a curb starts). The game with the narrower straight at at the end has the wider FOV (and the end will also look further away).

We could even try to find out each game's FOV by recreating the same track width shot in a game with fully adjustable FOV. I currently don't have the energy, sorry. Maybe some other day as a post for the graphics comparison thread (it's almost a physics thread thing).

Edit: I'll take a guess (in vertical FoV angle):
Forza Motorsport 5-7= 80°
GT Sport = 63°
Correct FOV for my setup (65cm from a 37" TV): 39°

about FOV in general, we have to keep in mind that what the vast majority of players will judge against for authenticity, is their ..experience, aka in-car camera videos.
that vast majority of players doesn't understand why a correct FOV can be important.
Those in-car videos also use wide-angle cameras to make it look faster. The actual reference should be the guessed distance if you were actually standing IRL on the real track looking to the next corner.
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Oct 29, 2017
Man, common, I know for sure that Forza's is quite a bit wider than GTS's(but both are not good for my setup). Don't make ME dig up the evidence now.
Your screenshot is no good for judging FOV at all. You need a picture of a long straight of an accurate track, car in the same position, than compare track width far at the end of the straight at a marker (for example where a curb starts). The game with the narrower straight at at the end has the wider FOV (and the end will also look further away).

ok, here's is a pic from same comparo, the big straight on Brands Hatch

what do you think?

that vast majority of players doesn't understand why a correct FOV can be important.
that's why I chose the specific wording. BUT since neither you or I are forking out the dough for the vast majority of gamers to buy them the game(s), its their prerogative to judge.
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Oct 25, 2017
ok, here's is a pic from same comparo, the big straight on Brands Hatch
[...]what do you think?
I actually tried to measure it in Photoshop, but the track outline is just too blurry in that video and there is no marker to make sure you actually hit the same point in the distance (like I said, the start of a curb for example). It's clear that Forza's is narrower even from a vague guess with PS, but not by as much as I thought. Still... that picture is just not good enough.


that's why I chose the specific wording. BUT since neither you or I are forking out the dough for the vast majority of gamers to buy them the game, its their prerogative to judge.
I don't know what makes you think that people choose to be uneducated and actively choose the speedier view that makes them worse at the game and driving in real life. In my opinion they just don't know about it.
I made a thread about FOV options in the GT Sport closed beta forum (asking the devs to put it in the game), explaining in detail why it's important and it got a ton of likes by other posters, many people thanked me saying they never knew FOV was a thing (even though you'd think the closed beta guys would be more "hardcore" than the average player.

Maybe Döttinger Höhe would be good to judge. Position the car under the first billboard bridge and measure the track width at the point marked by the second billboard bidge. Or at Monza, car parked at the end of the curb at the straight leading to Ascari and take the second billboard bridge as the marker.

Yea, I think I'm gonna do that later this week and post it on the graphics comparison thread. Then we can get back on topic here.
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Oct 29, 2017
I actually tried to measure it in Photoshop, but the track outline is just too blurry in that video and there is no marker to make sure you actually hit the same point in the distance (like I said, the start of a curb for example). It's clear that Forza's is narrower even from a vague guess with PS, but not by as much as I thought. Still... that picture is just not good enough.
well, I think that if you cant measure a difference in photoshop because the above pic is not too clean to measure a difference, then the difference is no way 25% in fov like you wrote above. is it?
I mean, I believe even a 10% difference should be easily visible even if not the clearest of sources. again, in my opinion they look similar, yet one conveys more speed sensation than the other, not due to huge fov tricks between the two.

Maybe Döttinger Höhe would be good to judge. Position the car under the first billboard bridge and measure the track width at the point marked by the second billboard bidge. Or at Monza, car parked at the end of the curb at the straight leading to Ascari and take the second billboard bridge as the marker.
hold on... are you describing these because you'll have me again running around doing measurements in forza 7 for your tests?
:D ok, I'm game :D

here's another video I just found, supposedly comparing the acceleration of the same car in the same spot in the two games.
It is rather suitable to show both the points I made earlier, a) the speed sensation (although not 1st person, where its more evident) and b) the render methodology

about a) no need to comment.
about b) take notice how forza 7 on the big straight looks like a still painting, a frame, while gts starts drawing the forest at the end of straight as you approach (24th second of video), and it even adds detail as you continue to approach up until 31st second, thats more than 5 seconds.other times its the shadows, the flicker, whatever...

oh, and about the purpose of the video itself, its worth noticing the hillarious 0-200ft that that mclaren has on GTS with full throttle.
just watch the speedo and you can literally count the miles one by one from 0 to 30 as car accelerates at ...full throttle.
I'd say the gts car has done a hell of a good job catching up to the forza car given its launch.
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