
Oct 25, 2017
I asked in the WW thread...But has their been any discussion on what the endgame will look like? Genshin's Spiral Abyss or PGR's Pain Cage? Or something totally different?


Feb 4, 2020
I asked in the WW thread...But has their been any discussion on what the endgame will look like? Genshin's Spiral Abyss or PGR's Pain Cage? Or something totally different?
From what I gathered, currently, there are 2+1 end game modes. Genshin's Abyss equivalent (but with 3 teams) and Honkai 3rd's Elysium Realm equivalent (single character rogue-like).

There's also a super hard mode for bosses but the reward is for the first clear only.


Dec 1, 2017
Is Reverse 1999 "dying"? Not saying it will eos soon but it seems very quiet down.
If I had to hazard a guess, the poor translation put a lot of people off. It was completely amateur hour Google translate tier.

It's a shame because I think the story they're trying to tell is very different than what we normally see and quite a few of their character designs are a breath of fresh air.
Jun 17, 2023
the Elysian Realm
Since it's not released, I think it's still qualified here:


Quite a few games as of late have it but most if not all of them are quite shallow. I have still yet to find a gacha game with a rogue like mode equivalent to Binding of Isaac, Risk of Rain, etc.
I think it's still pretty rare but it's definitely something that more and more devs are interested in adding to their games since it's essentially unlimited content.
Thanks, I was wondering. Because the amount of them having it seems to be increasing as of late.


Oct 25, 2017
Is ZZZ going to have it's own OT? Also I forget, when it is supposed to be coming out? Did the devs give us a release date yet?

Dandy Crocodile

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Tales of the Rays JP shitting down is SO gutting.
At least they're giving us an offline version with limited functionality.


Oct 30, 2017
Thinking about it, does every gacha has this? Like a permanent one. Please do not mention Genshin.

Quite a few games as of late have it but most if not all of them are quite shallow. I have still yet to find a gacha game with a rogue like mode equivalent to Binding of Isaac, Risk of Rain, etc.

I think quite a lot of the newer games have a rogue-like mode, but sometimes its a lot less than what you'd expect from a rogue-lite. Feels like a lot of devs just think rogue-lite mode = the base game + random buffs, which while technically not wrong, isn't really that satisfying in the end, because all the runs end up being rather samey. For me at least, you have to at least change up the gameplay somewhat.

Ranking of Rogue-like modes in gacha's I've played

  1. Arknights (Integrated Strategies). I'm biased towards AK, but its the only one that truly feels like a real rogue-like. Will explain more later.
  2. Honkai Impact 3rd (Elysian Realm). It has Ego signets which change up the gameplay for your character. You also only use only one character, which lets support units that usually just rotate in and out of combat have a chance to shine. Issues is the difficulty levels mostly just makes the enemies more of a damage sponge and success mainly depends on how well geared your character is in the regular game outside of the roguelike cos you'll just time out in the highest difficulty level without rolling for gear. There are random buffs, but its mostly to suit the latest gacha character. But the gameplay is fun, which counts for a lot.
  3. Alchemy Stars (Secret Territory). If we are strictly talking rogue-like modes, this would be number 2 or number 1. All characters are at fixed levels, which help newbies get into the mode, your selections of stages and buffs feel meaningful and change the gameplay decently. Downsides is its a bit too easy, you can easily clear it in auto just by picking good buffs.
  4. Honkai Star Rail (Sim Universe). Its a bit too scripted for me. The team you chose for the mode pretty much determines the Path you are going to take, and you have to pick the Path before the run even starts. You can't see the Elation buff that makes Ultimates count as a followup attack and then jump into that path by picking more Elation buffs. Instead, its more "Seele is my best built char and she works well with Hunt", so I'll pick the Hunt path and keep picking Hunt buffs if they appear. It also depends a lot on how well built your team is outside of the game. If you are really well geared, again you can just steamroll by picking good buffs and just auto your way through. That said, I've heard there has been patches where its been updated, so maybe its better than when I played it.
  5. Aether Gazer. Doesn't change the gameplay too much. Pick buffs and fight normally. There are some buffs that change CDR and skills, but it doesn't change the gameplay enough other than you cast your ideal rotation faster.
  6. Project Neural Cloud. Its an auto-battler, so again its mostly pick buffs and auto.
I think a lot of the issues with a gacha roguelike boils down to the underlying game. if the base game has some kind of stat check, the roguelike often boils down to picking the right buffs and hoping you meet the stat check. Not a knock on the mode, many gacha gamers want Auto-battle because they are busy people. And because theres' usually a weekly monthly reward, its rare that you can fail these modes once you have experienced.

Why is Arknights Integrated Strategies (IS) is a good (imo) roguelike? Because limitations breed creativity, and IS has a lot of them
  • Ticket mechanic limits your roster. Each ticket you get lets you recruit one unit of a particular class. Really need a healer? Better hope that a Medic ticket drops soon. The starting squads (3 units strong) are fairly well-balanced, but you could also hope for more randomness for a bonus. Just don't complain if you end up with 2 medics and a tank and lose on the very first map.
  • Hope mechanic limits your starting roster and your roster throughout the mode. Basically you start with a limited resource called Hope, and it costs Hope to recruit them. You might have a giant roster of broken units, but you can only bring 1 at the start of the mode, and that entails sacrifices elsewhere. 1 6 star costs the entirety of your starting Hope, so you need to use lower rarity units in the other 2 slots to compensate.
  • Limited Squad Size (units to bring to a map) and Deployment Limit (number you can actually use at one time on the map). Arknights is tower defense, and quantity is a quality too. The starting limit is quite limiting and will affect how you play. But are you willing to pick buffs to that instead of just strengthening your units? A large roster gives you more leeway if you screw up (kill units take some time to return), but deploying units isn't free either
  • Between the 3, you have lot of interesting decisions, especially because 4* and above units need an extra ticket of their class + extra hope to reach full power. Do you save Hope for a better unit, or use it now and regret it when a more needed ticket class shows up? Additionally, you often get offered random units at full power (max level and stats) for no Hope cost, so you often get to use a unit you don't own/never build. Good in the long term, but it does cost you a ticket that you may having been waiting for to boost an existing team member. What if you never get that class ticket again? Then you are stuck with 2 mediocre units instead of 1 good one.
  • Permadeath (kinda). No cheating and restarting a node if you think you are going to fail. Closing the game in the middle of combat is an immediate end of the run.
  • Difficulty. AK is not easy. Even with good units, a lot depends on the player's own strategies. Victory is a lot sweeter when its earned. Even a good player will fail a lot. At the same time, pulling out a miracle victory when you think you'd lose makes for a great story.
  • Story! There are multiple seasons of IS, each with its own story, with multiple endings and bosses. Want a certain ending? You got to find certain story nodes, pick up certain item buffs/debuffs, etc. Each month also has a story featuring a unit / set of units, And you get to use them at max level with an item buffs that suit them plus 3 story chapters that unlock as you progress into the mode.
My favourite non-gacha roguelike is Faster Than Light, and IS hits all the right spots. The main downside of IS is that it does require a fairly well built roster to have the most fun.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Is ZZZ going to have it's own OT? Also I forget, when it is supposed to be coming out? Did the devs give us a release date yet?
Someone is surely going to make one.
There is no officially announced release-date yet, but app store listings have it at July 3rd/4th depending on your timezone, which also lines up perfectly with the Genshin/Star Rail update cycles, so it's as good as confirmed imo.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd be more annoyed that only I and one other person in my union (but mostly I) have bothered clearing any raid bosses in Nikke, but I was carried back when I was first starting out as it is. And I need those Yan shop points that are all too hard to come by, so if more work after being too helpful is the price to pay for that, then so be it.


Oct 27, 2017
I'd be more annoyed that only I and one other person in my union (but mostly I) have bothered clearing any raid bosses in Nikke, but I was carried back when I was first starting out as it is. And I need those Yan shop points that are all too hard to come by, so if more work after being too helpful is the price to pay for that, then so be it.

You can definitely join some random union off the list and you'll find people who can clear the entire UR.


Oct 27, 2017
Aether Gazer's anniversary event is ridiculously generous. Very impressed with it. May be my favorite current Gacha game.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly just hit up the official discord. You can probably find a semi competitive Union that can probably clear it on the first or second day.


Oct 25, 2017
I know Wuwa is the latest hotness, but this game is actually really cute:

HACK & SLASH Kingdom - Apps on Google Play

Hack-and-slash RPG with lots of dot characters on the rampage!

Old-school looking semi-idle game. The only monetization are three $2 packs (ad removal, 2x speed, and 2x EXP). You can technically spend on pulls but you earn pull currency by simply running stages, which can be repeated. The in-game, non-premium currency is used for pulls.

I'm enjoying it a lot!


Oct 25, 2017
Snowbreak and random gacha thoughts I had on my way to work this morning

Last night, I decided to T2 Tess's sig weapon. Ended up getting a dupe Lava Bones, so now my Fritia has her T2 sig. And then I proceeded to T2 Tess's sig anyways.

But in doing so, I spent some money. No big deal...I'm fortunate to be able spend on gacha games when and how I want. But for some reason, spending on gacha games is REALLY looked down on. There's always the, "Whey are you spending money on this shit?" And, "You spent HOW much on ONE game?!" I've been playing gacha games since pre-Egyptian Puzzle and Dragons, so since late 2012/early 2013 (shoutout to GrOdin/Ama cheese). And since then, I've spent easily into the thousands across all the games I've played over the past 10+ years.

My wife and I are going to Vegas soon. I've been thinking about how much money we'll cap what little gambling we'll do. She wants to play some slots, I'll probably play a little craps or roulette. Nothing crazy, maybe a couple hundred bucks between the 3 days we're there. MOST people tend to look at gambling at the casino as, "It's fine, just set a limit and have fun!" You read about people who spend thousands of dollars, but it's fine because they "had fun" and "had the means to do so."

So why are gacha gamers so ostracized? We spend money on a game we enjoy, have fun playing it, set a limit, have the means...Same thing. Sure, there are those who overspend on gacha games, but those same people exist re: casinos. Our first response to going to Vegas to gamble isn't, "I can't believe you're throwing money away at the casino." More often, I've found when someone says, "I'm going to go play some blackjack," the response is typically, "Have fun/win some money/good luck!"

But like, you can spend thousands of dollars in seconds at a casino with NOTHING to show for it. And people respond with, "Oh man, that's rough. But that's Vegas!" I've spent a decent amount on Snowbreak, and my current Steam playtime is over 100 hours. My mobile playtime is probably close to that. But God forbid you throw money at the game when a patch drops. "I can't imagine being the type of person to spend $100 on digital waifus/gacha games/gambling." It's so strange. My money isn't really "wasted". Worst case, I don't get the pull I want, but I've got other stuff to show for it. And beyond that, I can keep playing.

I get that EOS can and does happen (RIP Dragalia). But is that any different than dropping $50 on red and hitting black?

I used to think people who played shit like Raid Shadow Legends were the worst. Or that the game was just a garbage money grab. I've never played it, but the more I think about it, it's not much different than any other game. You CAN play for free, but you'll probably have a better time if you spend some money. And yes, there are mechanics designed to "encourage" spending, but you ultimately can still play the game for free. I know some casinos will sometimes give you "free slot plays" or whatever, which is equivalent to free pulls in a gacha game. Same hooks, right?

I don't know...Maybe I'm overthinking it. But I get a lot fun out of gacha games. Some of it's the dopamine rush of a good pull, but the games I stick with tend to actually be fun to me and worth my money.

Wuthering Waves thoughts

Not for me. It is absolutely flying it's Genshin inspiration loud and proud. The map even looks like it was pulled from Genshin. I loved my time with PGR - still one of my top 5 gacha games ever. Genshin was fun for a while, but the endgame was boring. WuWa is just more Genshin? I know there's some differences, but the intro fights were click, click hold, skill, switch, etc. I'm far from a Genshin-stan (haven't booted it up in a very long time), but if someone is bored with GI, I'm wondering what will get someone into or excited about WuWa.
Jun 17, 2023
the Elysian Realm
You'll be doing a great deal of reading during the story however, as the overwhelming majority of that content is not voice acted.
The majority of gachas are either only voiced in Chinese/Japanese, so one's gotta be prepare for reading anyways. On the other hand, there seems to be an increase in English dubbing, successful or cancelled, over the past years and such is always welcomed. I'm still going with either CN/JP dub though.


Oct 25, 2017
Wuthering Waves thoughts

Not for me. It is absolutely flying it's Genshin inspiration loud and proud. The map even looks like it was pulled from Genshin. I loved my time with PGR - still one of my top 5 gacha games ever. Genshin was fun for a while, but the endgame was boring. WuWa is just more Genshin? I know there's some differences, but the intro fights were click, click hold, skill, switch, etc. I'm far from a Genshin-stan (haven't booted it up in a very long time), but if someone is bored with GI, I'm wondering what will get someone into or excited about WuWa.
That's where i'm at as well. I finally quit Genshin about two months ago and i'm just completely burnt out on open world games that I don't know if i'll even stick with it. It feels like i'm doing this rodeo all over again and asking myself why lol

I'm hoping ZZZ actually takes some more feedback from CBT3 into account because that's the action game I really want to pick up. I just want to jump in and get my dose of action then jump out and it feels like ZZZ will offer me that more than Wuthering Waves.

Speaking of Snowbreak, thats one game that has really hooked me. Does T2 make a big difference for her or is currency better spent on her manifestations?


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Snowbreak just released their new event trailer.

Say it with me.

Secretary. Katya. Interactive. Skin.

Definitely buying that one.


Oct 25, 2017
Does that mean she's getting a rerun soon? I need a really good second dps now that i have my Cherno team settled. lol


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
It's currently aether gazer anniversary and has select 5* with everyone besides current and previous banner characters and free S Poseidon.


Oct 25, 2017
The majority of gachas are either only voiced in Chinese/Japanese, so one's gotta be prepare for reading anyways. On the other hand, there seems to be an increase in English dubbing, successful or cancelled, over the past years and such is always welcomed. I'm still going with either CN/JP dub though.
True, plenty of reading in something like Blue Archive as well and that's Japanese voices only. Between BA and PGR though, the amount of text feels more reasonable in the former, I still care about the story in the latter as well but it definitely takes significantly longer to read there.


Feb 4, 2020
Blue Archive feels nice to read because it's not really that wordy compare to other games.

I think I can probably finish reading an entire BA event before I finish reading the first node of some Arknights events lol.


Nov 1, 2017
Squeenix announced EoS for Towatsugai 6 days ago.

Without letting a week go by, they also announce not one, but two DQ games EoS.

One funny thing about Squeenix announcing EoS is that "スクエニのソシャゲ" (S-E's Social Game) trends a bit on X, so it now has this negative aura around it.


Oct 30, 2017
Snowbreak and random gacha thoughts I had on my way to work this morning

Last night, I decided to T2 Tess's sig weapon. Ended up getting a dupe Lava Bones, so now my Fritia has her T2 sig. And then I proceeded to T2 Tess's sig anyways.

But in doing so, I spent some money. No big deal...I'm fortunate to be able spend on gacha games when and how I want. But for some reason, spending on gacha games is REALLY looked down on. There's always the, "Whey are you spending money on this shit?" And, "You spent HOW much on ONE game?!" I've been playing gacha games since pre-Egyptian Puzzle and Dragons, so since late 2012/early 2013 (shoutout to GrOdin/Ama cheese). And since then, I've spent easily into the thousands across all the games I've played over the past 10+ years.

My wife and I are going to Vegas soon. I've been thinking about how much money we'll cap what little gambling we'll do. She wants to play some slots, I'll probably play a little craps or roulette. Nothing crazy, maybe a couple hundred bucks between the 3 days we're there. MOST people tend to look at gambling at the casino as, "It's fine, just set a limit and have fun!" You read about people who spend thousands of dollars, but it's fine because they "had fun" and "had the means to do so."

So why are gacha gamers so ostracized? We spend money on a game we enjoy, have fun playing it, set a limit, have the means...Same thing. Sure, there are those who overspend on gacha games, but those same people exist re: casinos. Our first response to going to Vegas to gamble isn't, "I can't believe you're throwing money away at the casino." More often, I've found when someone says, "I'm going to go play some blackjack," the response is typically, "Have fun/win some money/good luck!"

But like, you can spend thousands of dollars in seconds at a casino with NOTHING to show for it. And people respond with, "Oh man, that's rough. But that's Vegas!" I've spent a decent amount on Snowbreak, and my current Steam playtime is over 100 hours. My mobile playtime is probably close to that. But God forbid you throw money at the game when a patch drops. "I can't imagine being the type of person to spend $100 on digital waifus/gacha games/gambling." It's so strange. My money isn't really "wasted". Worst case, I don't get the pull I want, but I've got other stuff to show for it. And beyond that, I can keep playing.

I get that EOS can and does happen (RIP Dragalia). But is that any different than dropping $50 on red and hitting black?

I used to think people who played shit like Raid Shadow Legends were the worst. Or that the game was just a garbage money grab. I've never played it, but the more I think about it, it's not much different than any other game. You CAN play for free, but you'll probably have a better time if you spend some money. And yes, there are mechanics designed to "encourage" spending, but you ultimately can still play the game for free. I know some casinos will sometimes give you "free slot plays" or whatever, which is equivalent to free pulls in a gacha game. Same hooks, right?

I don't know...Maybe I'm overthinking it. But I get a lot fun out of gacha games. Some of it's the dopamine rush of a good pull, but the games I stick with tend to actually be fun to me and worth my money.

People can definitely spend what they want in gacha, and I don't judge them for it assuming its within their means. But there are people in the gacha threads who were having issues controlling their spending (won't name them for obvious reasons), and the whales encouraging them to spend more by giving them FOMO doesn't help.

I'm F2P myself in games, but thats mainly cos I feel the value from paying in a gacha is just too little. I'll happily spend $10-15 on a character if I had the choice, but even going by stacking the most efficient monthly pass, a character is closer to $50 if you go to pity, and that's way too much for me. I'll just buy some merch to support the company instead.

Since there was a discussion on rogue-like before, the roguelike aspect is also why I stay F2P. My limited roster is my own, and I'll solve it my own way, with my limited resources. Pumping in resources via external means is kind of like a cheat code (granted most gachas resource income is tailored around you buying their battlepass equivalent). I didn't like it when Fire Emblem had paid DLC XP / gear maps, and I dislike it here as well. You get usually get yourself out of any account hole you find yourself in if you are patient enough. The journey is the fun of the game to me, and if the grind is too much and I'm not having fun, I can always drop the game.


Oct 25, 2017
In Nikke, finally got Mary from the last of the ten regular vouchers in the event shop. Managed to get Privaty: Unkind Maid to MLB a few days ago.

Decided to use my advanced vouchers from the 1.5th anniversary event mail and the current one's shop to pull for Trony for the sake of it (though seeing as I still don't have Dorothy, that distributed damage skill would've been nice), didn't get her so onto the wish list with Elegg she'll go.

I was expecting some last minute twist about the Black Ark Ranger secretly being shady, was relieved to see that nothing of the sort happened.

Also, I can't help but think of Astral Chain with the name of this event.

Blue Archive feels nice to read because it's not really that wordy compare to other games.

I think I can probably finish reading an entire BA event before I finish reading the first node of some Arknights events lol.
Indeed. Meanwhile, reading all of a Punishing: Gray Raven event... is typically going to take hours given the word counts in those.


Mar 1, 2021
i will say nikke and blue archive are my top two games of simple to read through events , i would add starrail but thanks to it's presentation it helps get through some of its more wordy moments and the quality is there now unlike some of the past updates...but going through 2.2 sunday rants was like what i'm dealing with in Wuwa but not as bad lol

AG is being very kind with its ani
got my girl yingzhao with the selector and snagged a inzanami in 20 pulls and got her factor since i was 10 away from pity

now if only that PC client was around everytime i think about playing this i got ...i wish this was on PC


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Kinda expected with WW not receiving changes since the previous beta, I encountered way too many issues that can't be fix in 2 months unless they exactly pinpoint fixing.

Also Nikke roadmap also dropped with promising future updates with a new endgame grind introduced. Honestly good because the games is starting to stagnate for me.


Oct 25, 2017
On twitter they are having folks guess who the new Bunny Girls are, curious if they are actually new characters or just outfits?

Although it's so weird, I have never seen it done before, but on the tweets... It like... has images of the characters you can guess and when you click on one, it creates a tweet with your guess? I haven't ever seen a tweet like that before with intractable images. Nor structured where there is one big image and then a bunch of smaller images below it.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
On twitter they are having folks guess who the new Bunny Girls are, curious if they are actually new characters or just outfits?

Although it's so weird, I have never seen it done before, but on the tweets... It like... has images of the characters you can guess and when you click on one, it creates a tweet with your guess? I haven't ever seen a tweet like that before with intractable images. Nor structured where there is one big image and then a bunch of smaller images below it.

I would guess one is the monthly pass, so a skin. Maybe the other being a new unit. Gonna guess we are getting Rouge(?) and a new unit as the pulls.


Oct 27, 2017
i will say nikke and blue archive are my top two games of simple to read through events , i would add starrail but thanks to it's presentation it helps get through some of its more wordy moments and the quality is there now unlike some of the past updates...but going through 2.2 sunday rants was like what i'm dealing with in Wuwa but not as bad lol

Even when Nikke has events that don't hit with me, I'm happy you can read through the story somewhat quickly. HSR they just go on and on and on forever.

Also Nikke roadmap also dropped with promising future updates with a new endgame grind introduced. Honestly good because the games is starting to stagnate for me.

Looking forward to Interception EX, pretty much all the changes they laid out sound really good, although they're going to take months to implement as is the standard for Nikke haha