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Oct 29, 2017
this actually feels like massive spoilers, I'm shocked he was so revealing

I think he was being more direct than people realize, I'm almost positive there will be time travel shenanigans again now

Yeah the "intersecting timelines" thing... Maybe he's been screwing around over and over and over again with how things unfold trying to course-correct.

Imagine if at the end he goes back in time and makes Ned believe the guy who fled from the Night Watch.

"Is it true he saw the white walkers?"
"The white walkers have been gone for thousands of years."
"So he was a liar?"
"A mad man sees what he sees."

I think this basically confirms to me that the Lord of Light and Bran are either the same person or are the same role.

And the Night King is the equivalent of the Great Other.

Can you imagine if we get a scene where Bran meets Varys. And Bran speaks to him. And tells him the same thing Varys heard from the flame. And the Lord of Light tune starts to play?


Oct 27, 2017
Been dead for 8 years, and his stabbing by his fellow brothers was actually justified instead of the nonsense in the show. Jon actually earned his stabbing in the books. He fully broke his vows to the NW and declared treason

It should be noted, that the BIG thing us book watchers want to know is how Jon will change upon being resurrected. In the show, there doesn't seem to be a lick of difference and no one really seems to care despite this guy rising from the dead. I HIGHLY doubt Book Jon being resurrected will be exactly the same as he was before he was stabbed to death.
Also, Jon didn't actually die in the books, his body died, but his mind didn't, so he may change, but I doubt it's super major because they don't have to actually resurrect him, just his body.
"Jon fell to his knees. He found the dagger's hilt and wrenched it free. In the cold night air the wound was smoking. "Ghost," he whispered. Pain washed over him. Stick them with the pointy end. When the third dagger took him between the shoulder blades, he gave a grunt and fell face-first into the snow. He never felt the fourth knife. Only the cold …"
Then you also have the prologue chapter that describes what happens when a warg dies and leaves his body, it is pretty clear that Jon warged into ghost right before he died.

I feel like the show tried to show this with how Ghost was acting, but they never established that he was a warg, so it fell flat.
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Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Also as a reminder all of the Arya/Tywin stuff which is some of the best content on the show - that is from D&D not GRRM
That content wasn't... bad, exactly, but I feel it's overrated because it grossly whitewashes Tywin.

Tywin is a monster, and him being all cool dad with Arya is some nonsense.

In addition to that, Tywin is further whitewashed when they omitted the full context of the story with Tyrion and Tysha:

Tysha wasn't a sex worker who was doing an act; she was a real crofter's daughter who was really in love with Tyrion. The show not only omitted the part where Tywin had Tyrion go last on her after giving her to his guards (and paid her a gold coin because "Lannisters pay in gold") but they omitted the very fact that she was genuinely in love with Tyrion and that she married him willingly, which is the primary motivation for Tyrion to go kill Tywin.

"Wherever whores go." twang

So yeah, I have no fondness for a few scenes that made Tywin so darn likeable. Tywin should be hated and despised.

She was a sex worker on the show. Tysha's not being brought up again so I have no clue why you think it would be otherwise.
See above. The show omitting that part of the story really waters down Tyrion's story and character development.

He's probably the most changed character from book to show.
Especially physically...

I'm rewatching the whole series and damn Osha was so cool.
I did not like show-Osha much either tbh. The show completely squandered and disrespected her character. Gotta love how in the books she convinces Theon that she's on his side by being a badass warrior, but in the show... gotta show them titties (and perfectly trimmed bush despite being a "wildling" because of-fucking-course).


Oct 27, 2017
That content wasn't... bad, exactly, but I feel it's overrated because it grossly whitewashes Tywin.

Tywin is a monster, and him being all cool dad with Arya is some nonsense.

In addition to that, Tywin is further whitewashed when they omitted the full context of the story with Tyrion and Tysha:

Tysha wasn't a sex worker who was doing an act; she was a real crofter's daughter who was really in love with Tyrion. The show not only omitted the part where Tywin had Tyrion go last on her after giving her to his guards (and paid her a gold coin because "Lannisters pay in gold") but they omitted the very fact that she was genuinely in love with Tyrion and that she married him willingly, which is the primary motivation for Tyrion to go kill Tywin.

"Wherever whores go." twang

So yeah, I have no fondness for a few scenes that made Tywin so darn likeable. Tywin should be hated and despised.

See above. The show omitting that part of the story really waters down Tyrion's story and character development.

Especially physically...

I did not like show-Osha much either tbh. The show completely squandered and disrespected her character. Gotta love how in the books she convinces Theon that she's on his side by being a badass warrior, but in the show... gotta show them titties (and perfectly trimmed bush despite being a "wildling" because of-fucking-course).
The show has whitewashed pretty much every character. Tywin is actually pretty mild compared to how they whitewashed Tyrion, Jon, Dany etc.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
That content wasn't... bad, exactly, but I feel it's overrated because it grossly whitewashes Tywin.

Tywin is a monster, and him being all cool dad with Arya is some nonsense.

In addition to that, Tywin is further whitewashed when they omitted the full context of the story with Tyrion and Tysha:

Tysha wasn't a sex worker who was doing an act; she was a real crofter's daughter who was really in love with Tyrion. The show not only omitted the part where Tywin had Tyrion go last on her after giving her to his guards (and paid her a gold coin because "Lannisters pay in gold") but they omitted the very fact that she was genuinely in love with Tyrion and that she married him willingly, which is the primary motivation for Tyrion to go kill Tywin.

"Wherever whores go." twang
I actually remember this from the show, if memory serves it was one of the scene where Tyrion was in jail. Jamie told him I think.


Oct 27, 2017
I think Ellaria, Stannis and Jaime are the only three characters that are worse people on the show.

I don't know if I'd say Yara is worse, but she's certainly nothing like I imagined her. She's very hard and frankly "manish" In the show, they even make her a lesbian to further make her "one of the guys". I read her as a strong character with charisma and I just think they made her...boring. Haven't read it in a while, so it could've been obvious misinterpretation.

And now that I reread your post, I realize you mean worse in a totally different way. Whoops.

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
Stannis is only worse in the show because of burning Shireen, but didn't GRRM basically say that, that is happening in the books as well?

Nah, that's not why he's worse.

Book Stannis has to be convinced to burn his nephew.

Show Stannis has to be convinced not to burn him.

And then there's how they take Renly's death.

Book Stannis is torn up about it and Show Stannis is pretty casual about it.


Dream Machine

Oct 25, 2017
Maybe Bran going back and failing to change things over an over again is why they've weirdly apparently been stuck at a medieval technology level for thousands of years.


Oct 25, 2017
I think Ellaria, Stannis and Jaime are the only three characters that are worse people on the show.

I'd argue the Tysha situation is the worst thing show or book Jamie has ever done. Why do you think he's a worse person on the show? And you could argue Show Cercei is worse considering she blew up the Sept. Also, show Alister Thorne like Jon Snow.

But yeah, most characters are whitewashed on the show. I think show watchers would be shocked at how monstrous Tyrion has become. He's Tywin writ small.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
No, he didn't. In the books he did, but in the show he told him some stupid made up story about a beetle crusher.
I could have sworn this came up during the show. I don't read the books and I avoid book spoiler stuff like the plague, so where the hell did I hear about it...

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
I'd argue the Tysha situation is the worst thing show or book Jamie has ever done. Why do you think he's a worse person on the show? And you could argue Show Cercei is worse considering she blew up the Sept. Also, show Alister Thorne like Jon Snow.

But yeah, most characters are whitewashed on the show. I think show watchers would be shocked at how monstrous Tyrion has become. He's Tywin writ small.

I mean Show! Jaime killed his cousin and explicitly raped Cersei out of anger. That's why I see him as worse.

Remember that Book Cersei had some noble lady lobotomized and tortured because she was annoying her. She's also the one that had a baby killed. Robert's bastard baby girl.

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
Dany is shown to be completely power hungry in the books, the show, they've tried kinda to show that, but not really. Jon literally betrayed the NW in the books...

Nah, Dany isn't power-hungry. She's entitled, sure, but she would let it all go for love. It's not the crown she wants more than anything else. It's a home and to be happy.

If she had been some ordinary woman, she would gladly have spent her whole life touching Daario, tracing his scars and making him tell her how he'd come by every one. I would give up my crown if he asked it of me, Dany thought … but he had not asked it, and never would. Daario might whisper words of love when the two of them were as one, but she knew it was the dragon queen he loved. If I gave up my crown, he would not want me. Besides, kings who lost their crowns oft lost their heads as well, and she could see no reason why it would be any different for a queen.

"We will have it all back someday, sweet sister," he would promise her. Sometimes his hands shook when he talked about it. "The jewels and the silks, Dragonstone and King's Landing, the Iron Throne and the Seven Kingdoms, all they have taken from us, we will have it back." Viserys lived for that day. All that Daenerys wanted back was the big house with the red door, the lemon tree outside her window, the childhood she had never known.

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
After the dragon pits, she decided to go full fire and blood.

It's always darkest before the dawn.

Yes, I expect her to go darker (as will Tyrion and Jon) in book 6 and the first half of book 7 then pull back after she sees the cost of it all.

Still, she's going to go through a similar arc as Stannis. Prove yourself a true queen by abandoning your quest for the throne and protect the realm.

Tbh, she's one of the more selfless characters in the series. And I'm not even a Dany-Stan.

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Oct 26, 2017
Fuck I forgot how bad they botched this scene. Easily one of the most powerful scene in the series and.... fuck I hate D&D so much


Jul 24, 2018
Stannis is only worse in the show because of burning Shireen, but didn't GRRM basically say that, that is happening in the books as well?

Shireen supposedly gets burned but we have no idea how, and its logistically impossible for it to go down as it did in the show any time soon via the books. GRRM doesn't do fast travel bullshit, Shireen is in Castle Black, and Stannis is about to march on Ramsay.

But if it actually is for sure that Shireen dies like that in the books it wouldn't make any sense for Stannis to die in the battle coming up, and there's no way he waits long enough for Melisandre to come down from Winterfell with Shireen while all of his men starve in that camp. The battle should be one of the very first things that happen in TWoW.
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Oct 29, 2017
In the books, it's possible that while Jon is dead, Selyse Baratheon believes that Stannis is defeated (the letter they get from Ramsay), and takes it upon her to do something about it, so she gets Shireen burned to "awaken the dragon out of stone". Selyse has grayscale, so she might think it ties in. But then it would be Jon who comes back to life.
There is of course the warnings form Val about Shireen, and Melisandre about Patchface. I suspect her greyscale reactivates when she freaks out or something and Patchface spreads it.
When Jon comes back to life, the place will have likely turned to shirt, with infighting with wildlings and grayscale on the loose.

Plus I wonder how Stannis would react to Shireen having been burned by his wife in his absence, and Jon being brought back to life by Melisandre who might now prefer Jon to Stannis.


Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Shireen supposedly gets burned but we have no idea how, and its logistically impossible for it to go down as it did in the show any time soon via the books. GRRM doesn't do fast travel bullshit, Shireen is in Winterfell, and Stannis is about to march on Ramsay.

But if it actually is for sure that Shireen dies like that in the books it wouldn't make any sense for Stannis to die in the battle coming up, and there's no way he waits long enough for Melisandre to come down from Winterfell with Shireen while all of his men starve in that camp. The battle should be one of the very first things that happen in TWoW.

What's the outlook on Stannis vs Ramsay in the books?

He gonna job to Ramsay?


Jul 24, 2018
What's the outlook on Stannis vs Ramsay in the books?

He gonna job to Ramsay?

Stannis probably beats him but his downfall comes as a result of everything he had to go through to win. The way its been built up especially with the recent excerpts of him finding out about the Karstark's is that he's going to outsmart Ramsay.

If Ramsay runs over him like he did in the show I'll eat my own hat. No way it resembles that in the slightest.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Dany is shown to be completely power hungry in the books, the show, they've tried kinda to show that, but not really. Jon literally betrayed the NW in the books...
I don't think I agree with this. Jon arguably just defends the NW against Ramsay's threats (Ramsay threatened the NW and the LC first). I know it can be also argued he broke his oath (that's the motivation for the mutiny, not just the wildling thing), but it's hardly some dark sin that makes Jon a darker or nastier character. The motivations behind the mutiny are different, but it's not because Jon is a morally worse character in the books.
GRRM doesn't do fast travel bullshit, Shireen is in Winterfell, and Stannis is about to march on Ramsay.
Huh? Shireen is at Castle Black, not Winterfell.


Jul 24, 2018
I don't think I agree with this. Jon arguably just defends the NW against Ramsay's threats (Ramsay threatened the NW and the LC first). I know it can be also argued he broke his oath (that's the motivation for the mutiny, not just the wildling thing), but it's hardly some dark sin that makes Jon a darker or nastier character. The motivations behind the mutiny are different, but it's not because Jon is a morally worse character in the books.

Huh? Shireen is at Castle Black, not Winterfell.

You're right, my bad. I was thinking Castle Black but my dumb mind said Winterfell lol.


Jul 24, 2018
Back when ADwD came out I always liked reading people's long ass military theories about the Stannis/Ramsay confrontation. Goes to show how much detail GRRM puts into his work that people would write huge essays boiling down the details of exactly what Stannis was doing from a medieval history context. It's kind of incredible.


Oct 25, 2017
The show's biggest sin was getting rid of Stannis' sense of humor

Renly: "You'll be pleased to know she came to me a maid."
Stannis: "In your bed she's like to die that way."

Asha (Yara): "Your Grace's royal brother was renowned for turning fallen foes into friend. Make me your man."
Stannis: "The gods did not make you a man. How can I?"

Stannis talking about Gilly: "Her own father got this child on her? We are well rid of her, then. I will not suffer such abominations here. This is not King's Landing."

And my favorite: "Half my army is made up of unbelievers. I will have no burnings. Pray harder."


Jul 24, 2018
The show's biggest sin was getting rid of Stannis' sense of humor

Renly: "You'll be pleased to know she came to me a maid."
Stannis: "In your bed she's like to die that way."

Asha (Yara): "Your Grace's royal brother was renowned for turning fallen foes into friend. Make me your man."
Stannis: "The gods did not make you a man. How can I?"

Stannis talking about Gilly: "Her own father got this child on her? We are well rid of her, then. I will not suffer such abominations here. This is not King's Landing."

And my favorite: "Half my army is made up of unbelievers. I will have no burnings. Pray harder."

lol the last one is one of my favorite lines the entire series too


Oct 29, 2017
Doesn't make much sense for Isaac to say Bran probably doesn't care about Jaime's arrival when he said he was waiting for an old friend...


Oct 25, 2017
What's the outlook on Stannis vs Ramsay in the books?

He gonna job to Ramsay?

I think Stannis wins that batrle but will ultimately lose somewhere else, with how many players there are in the books, I think it may be to Aegon.

I think they sort of rolled Stannis into Jon on the show, how Jon built his army is similar what Stannis does-in that he has to convince northern lords and tribes.
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