subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
Of course people are entitled to react like that, I never said they should or shouldn't. My point was that these stories do not say "let's learn from this" but rather "here's another target for our anger."
Because you don't just point to examples of harassment and go, "This is bad, we should not do this", and then let the harasser off scott free.

Deleted member 9241

Oct 26, 2017
If you think it's hard being ugly, try being gorgeous. It's nothing but dodging harassment and minefields all day, every day.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
I don't know the point you're trying to make -- that if they don't own their mistakes, they shouldn't come out of this situation? And why wouldn't you consider the show or the era, or, if the case warranted it, another party's behavior (which, to be clear, I don't think is super present here)? You think everything should be analyzed void of any of the circumstances around it? Does that sound reasonable in any scenario?
The video speaks for itself. It's creepy as shit.


Oct 29, 2017
Chicago, IL United States
He threatened before, but I didn't know he did again. Disappointing that he's still on that shit. Vince Staples the hero we deserve.

Please don't spread misinformation about Kendrick. He is not defending R. Kelly, he is calling out Spotify's b.s. His main point was for Spotify to keep that same energy with all artists instead of just black ones. He'd be perfectly fine with them removing R. Kelly's works if they also removed others who led controversial lives.

Surface of Me

Oct 25, 2017
Please don't spread misinformation about Kendrick. He is not defending R. Kelly, he is calling out Spotify's b.s. His main point was for Spotify to keep that same energy with all artists instead of just black ones. He'd be perfectly fine with them removing R. Kelly's works if they also removed others who led controversial lives.

What other artists have had sex cults in their homes?

Cokie Bear

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
An injustice doesn't become just just because of the passage of time.

We don't go around convicting people of crimes they committed before a law was put in place. Obviously his behaviour is unacceptable by today's standards but standards were different back then. We shouldn't start retroactively punishing people for the ways they acted years ago just because standards are different today. I don't know what positive change people think it's going to bring. No "justice" is being served.


User Requested Self-Ban
Nov 1, 2017
What is wrong with holding people accountable to things they did? Do you think if you travel back 10 years that women found this behavior to be OK?
I don't think it's wrong to hold people accountable for their past, but I do think it's pretty unreasonable to assume there is an incident here without comment from Sofia, and I think it's highly problematic and sexist that E! reached out to Leno and Gordon for comment, but not Sofia.


Oct 25, 2017
Cringy jokes, even the audience reacted poorly multiple times. I dunno how she feels about it but overall that's just gross behavior. There's a difference between joking with someone and making them feel uncomfortable. Lenno's "no no go back to the hot pic" was cringy too. Luckily this shit would never fly today
Sofia just has the shittiest luck on late night tv shows huh

And I do mean the shittiest the luck

Fucking christ.


Oct 27, 2017
Why do these incidents that people already knew about keep popping up? I mean I get it when it's uncovered tweets or leaked videos, but this was on live TV. This isn't new.

Somebody at my work explained this for me. And I'm pretty sure she wasn't joking either.

Okay, so apparently there's a thing called 'shame culture' in which you gain 'status' by alerting the tribe of something someone said or did that's presently incorrect. It doesn't matter if the incorrect thing wasn't seen as being incorrect when it actually happened - it only matters that it's seen as being incorrect now.

Apparently, you 'score points' if you come down hard on the person's behaviour (it's a way of signalling to the tribe that you're one of 'the good guys'). If you're the one highlighting the bad behaviour then apparently you score major points, or at least get 'a lift' from seeing so many people agreeing with you.

The person who told me about this, btw, has happily led me down the garden path about five thousand times now, but like I said above, in this case I think she was being serious. .

Dynamite Cop

Oct 25, 2017
You mean the guy who calls women cunts on Hell's Kitchen isn't a nice guy?
Seriously? I don't think Ramsay went so far as to be removed from the stage. He definitely did come off as a creep, though. I have only seen a few interviews with Sofia Vergara, but I thought she also has a similar sense of humor. Also, late night tv as someone already mentioned Craig Fergusen made jokes like this regularly.


Oct 29, 2017
Chicago, IL United States
What other artists have had sex cults in their homes?

You're misunderstanding the point. Look at this quote:

RKelly and X are trash but I think the public is jumping the gun on going after Kendrick. The first 3 artists Spotify targeted after learning Woke-Fu were Black artists, when the rock industry is littered with abusers. It was disingenuous on Spotify's part. You know damn well all they would have done was remove criminal or crass rappers and left all these rock legends alone. They're not removing John Lennon with a gun to their head. Either remove all abusers or fall back.

Kendrick is fine with Spotify removing them all. But Spotify has to remove them all. Burn it all down and don't be selective about it.


Oct 26, 2017
What is wrong with holding people accountable to things they did? Do you think if you travel back 10 years that women found this behavior to be OK?

You may have intended this as a rhetorical question but it's actually a good one. There's not a topic about this incident on Neogaf. This isn't a hidden interview from some obscure British talk show. This is the #1 rated late night show in 2010.

Whether it was ever okay to do this, it was okay with us at one point. Pretending that isn't the case serves no one.


Oct 27, 2017
RKelly and X are trash but I think the public is jumping the gun on going after Kendrick. The first 3 artists Spotify targeted after learning Woke-Fu were Black artists, when the rock industry is littered with abusers. It was disingenuous on Spotify's part. You know damn well all they would have done was remove criminal or crass rappers and left all these rock legends alone. They're not removing John Lennon with a gun to their head. Either remove all abusers or fall back.
Please don't spread misinformation about Kendrick. He is not defending R. Kelly, he is calling out Spotify's b.s. His main point was for Spotify to keep that same energy with all artists instead of just black ones. He'd be perfectly fine with them removing R. Kelly's works if they also removed others who led controversial lives.
Okay I got you guys. I should have completed the entire article. Some of the twitter responses framed it as Kendrick supporting RKelly and X and getting their music back on there. Others pointed out what you mentioned, which I would have come across if I completed it. Sorry about that.


Oct 29, 2017
What is wrong with holding people accountable to things they did? Do you think if you travel back 10 years that women found this behavior to be OK?
You may have intended this as a rhetorical question but it's actually a good one. There's not a topic about this incident on Neogaf. This isn't a hidden interview from some obscure British talk show. This is the #1 rated late night show in 2010.

Whether it was ever okay to do this, it was okay with us at one point. Pretending that isn't the case serves no one.
Really? Now that is interesting! We're ppl outraged eight years ago? I'd be curious if there were any articles back then about this.


Oct 25, 2017
The dude refused to leave the kitchen of his restaurant when they were up for the Michelin review while his wife was in labor.

I have no strong feelings about Gordon Ramsay, other than his face is not appetizing, and this isn't in any way a defense of his behavior in that clip or elsewhere - but that "staying at work" phenomenon is quite common and has to be contextualized by the couples involved - soccer players have played the world cup, olympians have competed for gold, husbands have gone to sign house closing contracts and so on and so on. It can be a very reasonable - and perhaps the right thing to do.

A Michelin Star is going to have a gigantic effect on their long term income and life and the legacy they're building for their child - and if the parents are agreed that it's in the best interests of the way they live their lives - then it should be up to them, but it's not at all (on its face) indicative of any moral failing. If he'd stayed in the kitchen because they had some lame celebrity guest, or because truffles had arrived unexpectedly, then sure, but in this specific case, a Michelin star is not a trivial thing - and I'd be surprised if his wife hadn't told him to stay.

I wasn't there, so I have no idea, but I can tell you that if I were in a similar suituation, I don't know what I would do, but I do know what my wife would say, because she'd think about it holistically and rationally and realize that the better thing for her and the child, would be the long-tewrm benefit. Again, I'm not sure what I'd do but inn a world where we did agree to it, she'd have family and friends and I'd Facetime in if I could and so on.


Oct 26, 2017
The Hell's Kitchen/Kitchen Nightmares/Fuck Your Kitchen Gordon Ramsay is playing a character. He's mean to the people because they're starring on a reality show. I would imagine he goes over this with them when they first sign the contract, like any reality show.


Oct 25, 2017
What is wrong with holding people accountable to things they did? Do you think if you travel back 10 years that women found this behavior to be OK?

i'm not going to defend gordon's bad horny jokes... they're bad and embarrassing and you can tell she wasn't into it at all. but this thing is none of the public's concern. a lot of these weekly witch hunts resetera loves aren't. especially because this is a decade old, you don't know if its already water under the bridge for them or not.


Oct 27, 2017
Gordon was such an awkward fuck back then... had no idea what to do with his hands... and it's pretty clear he was super attracted to her. It's a bit, or it's not.. but none of us know what it was.

People spend so much time trying to dredge up past shit on people these days... it's kind of embarrassing.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
No, but what's the point other than to drag people for shit that was acceptable nearly a decade ago? Why wasn't an issue then?
Because there wasn't a big enough movement to hold harassment and sexism accountable? Women at that time were being used by Weinstein and people knew. It wasn't an issue because no one was able to be called out for their behavior in such a way that they can be now. This is what happens when people who never had a voice finally have a voice: people get called out.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Somebody at my work explained this for me. And I'm pretty sure she wasn't joking either.

Okay, so apparently there's a thing called 'shame culture' in which you gain 'status' by alerting the tribe of something someone said or did that's presently incorrect. It doesn't matter if the incorrect thing wasn't seen as being incorrect when it actually happened - it only matters that it's seen as being incorrect now.

Apparently, you 'score points' if you come down hard on the person's behaviour (it's a way of signalling to the tribe that you're one of 'the good guys'). If you're the one highlighting the bad behaviour then apparently you score major points, or at least get 'a lift' from seeing so many people agreeing with you.

The person who told me about this, btw, has happily led me down the garden path about five thousand times now, but like I said above, in this case I think she was being serious. .

Kind of sounds like Resetera at times...


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Wanna explain why he shouldn't be held accountable for it?

And note, by being held accountable, I mean at the very least just explain how the hell he thought it was okay?
I don't have any issue with your second sentence. I originally replied to you because you seemed to take issue with another poster who said this was in apology territory (which I agree with), because it "shouldn't" have been okay. I'm saying "shouldn't" doesn't mean it wasn't, despite how badly you might want it to be.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
i'm not going to defend gordon's bad horny jokes... they're bad and embarrassing and you can tell she wasn't into it at all. but this thing is none of the public's concern. a lot of these weekly witch hunts resetera loves aren't. especially because this is a decade old, you don't know if its already water under the bridge for them or not.
Why is not the public's concern? This is a man with considerable influence and reach and he goes on talk shows and harasses a woman? How is it not in the public's interest to not call him out?


Nov 22, 2017


Oct 26, 2017
Why is not the public's concern? This is a man with considerable influence and reach and he goes on talk shows and harasses a woman? How is it not in the public's interest to not call him out?

We should definitely call such behavior out. We should also call ourselves out for not calling it out when it happened.


Oct 29, 2017
Why is not the public's concern? This is a man with considerable influence and reach and he goes on talk shows and harasses a woman? How is it not in the public's interest to not call him out?
Can I see your vlog from eight years ago where you called him out? Or you waited until 2019? If it's the public's concern why did you not speak out against this?


Oct 25, 2017
Because there wasn't a big enough movement to hold harassment and sexism accountable? Women at that time were being used by Weinstein and people knew. It wasn't an issue because no one was able to be called out for their behavior in such a way that they can be now. This is what happens when people who never had a voice finally have a voice: people get called out.

There's plenty of examples in the current day without some bored random on the internet trying to make shit happen by acting disgusted at an act the general public didn't bat a lash at nearly a decade ago. It's not productive, and doesn't allow for any potential growth that person may have made since then.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
i'm not going to defend gordon's bad horny jokes... they're bad and embarrassing and you can tell she wasn't into it at all. but this thing is none of the public's concern. a lot of these weekly witch hunts resetera loves aren't. especially because this is a decade old, you don't know if its already water under the bridge for them or not.
It's on a publicly broadcast talk show. It reflects the public and its open harassment of women. It is literally in the face of the public.

How is it none of the public's concern?

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
Not like he's reading a videogame forum, though.
Oh yeah, it's definitely just the vidyeo gaem forumz that are talking about this even thought fucking E! is the one the OP cites.


There's plenty of examples in the current day without some bored random on the internet trying to make shit happen by acting disgusted at an act the general public didn't bat a lash at nearly a decade ago. It's not productive, and doesn't allow for any potential growth that person may have made since then.

If he's made growth then it's not hard for him to acknowledge that growth and apologize.

Like, how does him being called out for this make any changes -- if any -- damaged or null?


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
I don't have any issue with your second sentence. I originally replied to you because you seemed to take issue with another poster who said this was in apology territory (which I agree with), because it "shouldn't" have been okay. I'm saying "shouldn't" doesn't mean it wasn't, despite how badly you might want it to be.
A lot of things were considered okay. It doesn't mean they aren't fucking shitty or above criticism.


Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco, CA, USA
I'd support Sofia if she commented that she felt violated. Is that happening, or is E! muckraking a bit here? Hard to say. IIRC, this is kind of within the realm of what most Sofia interviews are like - lots of for-the-camera flirting and dumb innuendo. It's sad to think it has all bothered her.

I don't think Gordon is "canceled" over this unless Sofia has more to say about it and there's more off-camera stuff and a pattern that contextualizes this more. As far as crass jokes go, that was all pretty low on the scale.


Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (2 weeks): Trolling and dismissing concerns of sexual harassment as outrage culture.
Scene from James Bond Goldfinger resurfaces where James slaps a girls behind, internet is outraged!