
alt account
Jul 18, 2019
The characters and writing were pretty bad in GTA5. The whole take nothing seriously, everything is a joke is wearing thin. Especially when it's not funny and just juvenile. It was very tiresome. Story and character wise it felt like one of the worst GTAs.


May 28, 2019
I hope so, but RDR2 was a let down after being initially blown away, the open world was great, but most of the missions felt PS2 tier. Mission failed because you didn't do it exactly as the game intended. The lack of parity between world and missions was unbelievable to me.

To be a truly great game GTAVI will have to change the way the "missions are done" it will need to feel organic, almost like you are just living the characters life, instead of "drive to point A to start the mission"


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Wouldn't mind some better driving physics next time. There were some small thing like that which 4 did better, along with damage models too. Though I figure were probably in for some pretty impressive damage states next time.

More modelled interiors for buildings too would be nice. RDR was so close to being the first R* game with all buildings fully modelled. I wouldn't expect all in GTA but more diversity just adds to the emergent gameplay aspects.


Oct 26, 2017
I wonder if it'll be the first game on a modern city scale with fully enterable interiors, and every npc tagged to a building and room. The tech is there now.

It kinda feels like their goal has always been living breathing city. Plus that goes hand in hand with multiplayer by giving you a city to live and play in online. Imagine if every single building in the game had a purchasable room, form the trailers to the highrises.


Jun 6, 2019
I guess because he already made his mind up

What's your point? I don't understand lol 😂


Nov 1, 2017
I have a sudden urge to reinstall V on my PC. What are the best visual tweaks/mods for it these days?


Oct 8, 2018
rockstar's asset streaming tech coupled with a new ultra fast SSD... its going to be pretty ridiculous.


self-requested temp ban
Oct 27, 2017
For GTa online players as a fan of SP experiences and generally RPG/Action games, is GTa compelling without a group of buddies to play with?


Nov 26, 2017
I hope so, but RDR2 was a let down after being initially blown away, the open world was great, but most of the missions felt PS2 tier. Mission failed because you didn't do it exactly as the game intended. The lack of parity between world and missions was unbelievable to me.

To be a truly great game GTAVI will have to change the way the "missions are done" it will need to feel organic, almost like you are just living the characters life, instead of "drive to point A to start the mission"

I completely agree. In RDR2 the side missions where you are free to choose your approach and execution work much better. They need to roll that kind of engaging gameplay into the storyline missions. As much as possible should play out during gameplay rather than cutscenes.

Both RDR2 and GTA V are a lot of fun during the narrative driven stuff but after that you start to notice that there isn't all that much for you to interact with. RDR2's dialogue system is a step in the right direction but for GTA VI to succeed it needs to allow a higher level of NPC and environment interaction. At the very least there should be a lot of shops you can use similar to what you find in Yakuza games. Just that alone adds a lot of life to the game.

Personally I love GTA IV/V and RDR2 when played somewhat non-violently. When you just try to kill everything that moves they are fun for maybe 15 minutes. They work better as role playing experiences. I would really love to see narrative that allows you to play on both sides of the law or required you to hold a job during the daytime while you work for the mob or something.

The online aspect should be its own game so the singleplayer experience does not get tainted by it. I fear that GTA VI will be all about money grabbing online stuff.


Nov 7, 2017
Ugh, the R*/GTA circle jerk, we meet again. It's amazing how different 2 games using a very similar gameplay philosophy can be. RDR2 is probably in my best games ever list despite its shortcomings. GTA couldn't be any less exciting though. For a franchise that's celebrated for "player freedom" outside of its extremely linear missions, what are you doing if you aren't mass killing civilians or driving something fast? I never understand why some people always shit on the minute-to-minute open world gameplay of games like Assassin's Creed etc. when there's tons to do, but don't have a problem with GTA when it comes around.

As long as its set in Tokyo, or a remake of Vice City, sure

Yeah if only they would take it outside of the U.S.


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe this time they will inject a little choice and interactivity into their stifling mission design.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
I absolutely loved both GTA V and RDR2, so I have really high hopes for GTA VI.


Oct 27, 2017
rockstar's asset streaming tech coupled with a new ultra fast SSD... its going to be pretty ridiculous.

This is the big thing for me with the PS5/Scarlett. The extra memory in the PS4/XB1 really opened up open world games this gen, the SSD tech next gen will take it to a whole new level. Not just GTA6 although that's clearly going to be the big show off of the tech. I also wonder what weird and wonderful ways talented devs will use the (basic) ray tracing tech on top of that. Especially first party games that can dig a little deeper into the lower levels of the tech.